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  1. UNIX User's Manual 3.0 vs 4.1 vs 5.0 Manual Differences
  3. General:
  4. Release 4.1 sees the beginning of a trend of splitting documents
  5. up into multiple volumes. The Release 3.0 User's Manual consists
  6. of all 8 sections of the manual, but the 4.1 manual instead only
  7. contains sections 1-6, excluding the 1M maintenance commands.
  8. Additionally, section 4, 5, and 6 are resorted from their original
  9. positions in 3.0 as 5, 6, and 7 respectively, meaning that Release 3.0's
  10. section 4 (special files) likely becomes section 7 (special files) in 4.1.
  11. The only documentation I have of this nature is the Release 5.0
  12. Administrator's Manual which indeed lists special files as section 7.
  14. Based on this, there likely is also a 3B20S Administrator's Manual featuring:
  16. 1. System Maintenance Commands and Application Programs
  17. 7. Special Files.
  18. 8. System Maintenance Procedures.
  20. This leads to the movement of a few sections to a separate manual starting around
  21. 4.1. This might even render the addition of System to the name the only
  22. development in 5.0 in the beginning of the manual.
  24. Typographically, general spacing and overall typesetting is more congruent
  25. between 4.1 and 5.0 with regards to spacing of characters on individual lines.
  27. Given the lack of a present 4.1 Administrator's Manual, many 5.0 additions may
  28. actually reflect those from 4.1, these will be noted where obvious
  30. The HONEYWELL print commands dpd and dpr drop out in 4.1, is it 3B20-incompatible?
  31. Likewise no fget, fsend
  33. No Fortran or SNOBOL on the 3B20 as of 4.1 it seems
  35. No factor command in 4.1, back in 5.0 so probably no 3B20 algorithm yet
  37. 4.1 adds the LP print system, and that is the only one supported on 3B20 at the time
  38. 5.0 seems to support both, perhaps some systems use lpr and others LP
  40. No support for scc (stand-alone C compiler) on 3B20 as of 4.1
  42. Virtual protocol machine compiler becomes 1M tool
  44. Title Page and Intro:
  45. Release 4.1:
  46. - removes the names of the editors
  47. - removes Laboratory 364 address
  48. - moves UNIX trademark notification from back to front
  49. - adds non-disclosure notice
  51. - adds back page number collating with introduction
  53. - removes acknowledgements section
  55. - replaces intro note on platform specifics
  56. - 3.0 uses yacc missing on PDP-11/23 as an example
  57. - 4.1 replaces this with noting hardware caveats in mast
  58. - adds intro note on "Obsolescent" note in top mast for deprecated features
  59. - manual division reflects the drop to 6 sections and shuffle as explained in General
  60. - 1C examples converted from dpr and fget to send and uucp
  61. - makes notes on processor features limiting applications more explicit
  62. - drops note about 1M commands per spinoff of Administrator's Manual
  63. - adds a "may" to render may have a directory called /usr/lbin for locals
  64. - UNIX supervisor -> UNIX kernel
  66. - drops note about getty's role in logging in as it's for admins now
  67. - drops mention of BASIC interpreter/compiler bs, perhaps not supported on 3B20
  68. - replaces basic mention of adb with sdb, drops, VAX-11/780 sdb note
  70. Release 5.0:
  71. - adds "System" to UNIX, rendering UNIX "System" User's Manual
  72. - 1M section in Administrator's Manual mention 1M is for "cross referencing reasons"
  73. - 1M section drops note on commands not being intended for regular use (could be 4.1)
  74. - 7 special files section in Administrator's Manual drops DEC mention (could be 4.1)
  75. - adds facilitiy descriptions to section 8 in Administrator's Manual
  76. - drops section 8 mention of being not interesting (both could be 4.1)
  78. TOC Differences (Added and Dropped Pages):
  79. - Note, any (1M), (7), or (8) could come from 4.1 or 5.0
  80. - Some programs drop out on 4.1 since it is 3B20 specific
  82. Release 4.1 Added:
  83. cflow - generate C flow graph
  84. cprs - compress an IS25 object file
  85. cxref - generate C program cross reference (replaces cref and xref)
  86. dis - 3B20 disassembler
  87. dump - becomes an object file component dumper, replaces a filesystem dumper
  88. enable - enable/disable LP printers
  89. hpio - HP 2645A terminal tape file archiver
  90. ipcs - report inter process communication facilities status
  91. list - produce C souce listing from 3B20 object file
  92. lp - send/cancel requests to an LP line printer
  93. lpstat - print LP status information
  94. newform - change the format of a text file
  95. sadp - disk access profiler
  96. sar - system activity reporter
  97. trouble - log a trouble report
  98. vpmsave - save and print VPM traces
  99. vpmset - connect/load VPM drivers and UN53s
  100. x25pvc - install, remove, or get status for a PVC or BX.25 link
  102. msgctl - message control operations
  103. msgget - get message queue
  104. msgop - message operations
  105. plock - lock process, text, or data in memory
  106. semctl - semaphore control operations
  107. semget - get set of semaphores
  108. semop - semaphore operations
  109. shmctl - shared memory control operations
  110. shmget - get shared memory segment
  111. shmop - shared memory operations
  112. sys3b - 3B20 specific system calls
  114. drand48 - uniform random number generators
  115. getcwd - get path-name of current working directory
  116. hsearch - manage hash search tables
  117. ldahread, ldclose, ldfhread, ldlread, ldlseek, ldohseek, ldopen, ldrseek, ldshread, ldsseek, ldtbindex, ldtbread, ldtbseek - object file functions
  118. regcmp - regular expression compile/execute
  119. stdipc - standard interprocess communication package
  120. strtol - convert ascii to long integer, specify base
  121. tsearch - manage binary search trees
  123. system - format of 3B20 system description file
  124. termio - general terminal interface
  126. mosd - the OSDD adapter macro package for formatting documents
  127. mptx - the macro package for formatting a permuted index
  129. jotto - secret word game
  131. Release 4.1 Removed:
  132. cref - make cross-reference listing
  133. kas - assembler for the KMC11 microprocessor
  134. kun - un-assembler for the KMC11/DMC11 microprocessor
  135. mmcheck - check usage of mm macros and eqn delimiters
  136. orjestat - RJE status and enquiries
  137. typo - find possible typographical errors
  138. vpmstart - load the KMC11-B; print VPM traces
  139. vpr - Versatec printer spooler
  140. xref - corss reference for C programs
  142. regex - regular expression compile/execute
  144. dump - incremental dump tape format
  145. tp - magnetic tape format
  147. Release 5.0 Added:
  148. ar - general ar with pdp outlier
  149. - PDP-11 seems to become the outlier system somewhere between 4.1 and 5.0
  150. as - common assembler (replaces system-specific assemblers except pdp)
  151. - could have been put in 4.1 w/ common assembler targeting VAX & 3B20
  152. asa - interpret ASA carriage control characters
  153. convert - convert object and archive files to common formats
  154. cpp - the C language preprocessor
  155. ipcrm - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
  156. kasb - assembler/un-assembler for the KMC11B microprocessor
  157. ld - common assembler (replaces system-specific assemblers except pdp)
  158. machid - provide truth value about your processor type
  159. makekey - generate encryption key (moved from 8)
  160. nroff - separate manpage due to ditroff developments
  161. se - screen editor for video terminals
  162. size - common size (replaces system-specific sizes except pdp)
  163. strip - common strip (replaces system-specific strips except pdp)
  164. ststat - report synchronous terminal facilities status
  166. clock - Report CPU time used
  167. erf - error function and complementary error function
  168. ftw - walk a file tree
  169. getut - access utmp file entry
  170. matherr - error-handling function
  171. memory - memory operations
  172. sputl - access long numeric data in a machine independent fashion
  173. ttyslot - find the slot in the utmp file of the current user
  174. x25alnk, x25clnk, x25hlnk, x25ipvc - BX.25 link management
  176. a.out - common binary format with pdp exception
  177. ar - common archive format with pdp exception
  178. filehdr - file header for common object files
  179. gettydefs - speed and terminal settings used by getty
  180. issue - issue identification file
  181. ldfcn - common object file access routines
  182. linenum - line number entries in a common object file
  184. 1M:
  185. abt - abort on-line diagnostics
  186. acuset - connect ACUs and communication lines
  187. atb - attach to an Address Translation Buffer
  188. brc - system initialization shell scripts (moved from 8, rc)
  189. checkall - faster file system checking procedure
  190. chmap - change the diagnostic spooler map file
  191. config - separate configs for DEC and 3B20
  192. dcopy - copy file systems for optimal access time
  193. dgn - initiate on-line diagnostics
  194. don - device logically on, logically off or display status
  195. dskfmt - format and verify disk packs
  196. dstart - start, stop and find status of on-line diagnostics
  197. emulcntrl - perform 3270 emulation control functions
  198. emulload - load and start 3270 emulation script
  199. emulstat - get 3270 emulation controller/terminal status
  200. ff - list file names and statistics for a file system
  201. filesave - daily/weekly UNIX file system backup (moved from 8)
  202. finc - fast incremental backup
  203. format - format and/or check RP06 and RM05 disk packs (moved from 8, rp6fmt)
  204. frec - recover files from a backup tape
  205. fts - Field Test Set interface
  206. fuser - identify processes using a file or file structure
  207. getty - moved to 1M from 8
  208. init - moved to 1M from 8
  209. ipb - read the EAI Input Parameter Buffer
  210. killall - kill all active processes
  211. lpadmin - configure the LP spooling system
  212. lpsched - start/stop the LP request scheduler and move requests
  213. mkboot - convert a.out file to boot image
  214. msi - memory system diagnostic interface
  215. newboot - load VTOC, prom patch, or lboot
  216. nscloop - perform the NSC local network loopback functions
  217. nscmon - operationally control the NSC local network
  218. pcldaemon - PCL link monitor
  219. prm - send a Processor Recover Message
  220. reboot - reboot the system
  221. rmv - remove unit from service before on-line diagnostics
  222. rst - restore unit to service after on-line diagnostics
  223. setmrf - override system MRF action
  224. ssr - print or modify the System Status Register
  225. sta - find status of pending on-line diagnostic requests
  226. stgetty - wait on synchronous login line for use
  227. vcf - VAX-11/780 configuration verification program
  228. vpmc - dec and u3b versions become 1M from 1
  229. vpmtest - test KMC lines
  230. x25pvc - install, remove, or get status for a BX.25 minor device or link, 1M from 1
  232. 7:
  233. acu - Automatic Call Unit (ACU) interface
  234. dgn - on-line diagnostic interface
  235. dmk - DM11-BA modem control multiplexor
  236. dsk - 3B20S moving-head disk
  237. emulio - 3270 emulation interface
  238. gd - general driver for moving-head disks
  239. gt - general driver for tape drives
  240. hm - RM05 moving-head disk
  241. ml11 - ML11 solid-state disk
  242. nc - network control
  243. nsc - NSC adapter interface specification
  244. osm - interface to UNIX system messages
  245. rm80 - RM80 moving-head disk
  246. rp07 - RP07 non-removable medium moving-head disk
  247. stermio - general synchronous terminal interface
  248. termio - general terminal interface
  249. tn4 - eight line asynchronous interface
  250. tn74 - two line asynchronous interface
  251. tn83 - console/printer interface
  252. tn85 - medium speed line printer controller
  253. ts11 - TS11 magnetic tape interface
  254. tu78 - TU78 magnetic tape interface
  255. un32 - magnetic tape interface
  256. un52 - magnetic tape interface
  257. un53 - UN53/TN82 synchronous device interface
  258. x25 - BX.25 network interface
  260. 8:
  261. 3B20boot - 3B20 bootstrap procedures
  262. 3B20ops - 3B20 console operations
  263. 750ops - VAX-11/750 console operations
  264. 780ops - VAX-11/780 console operations
  265. eai - 3B20 emergency action interface
  266. prm - 3B20 Processor Recovery Messages
  268. Release 5.0 Removed:
  269. fptrap - floating point interpreter
  271. dj - DJ-11 asynchronous multiplexor
  272. dn - DN-11 ACU interface
  273. dqs - DQS-11 interface for two-point BSC
  275. termio - general terminal interface
  277. etp - Equipment Test Package
  278. hasp - RJE to IBM
  279. sar - system activity report package
  280. uvac - RJE to UNIVAC
  282. Intros:
  283. 1 - Commands and Application Programs
  284. 4.1:
  285. - Removes mention of 1M
  286. 2 - System Calls and Error Numbers
  287. 4.1:
  288. - Adds ENOMSG (35) and EIDRM (36)
  289. - Adds Message Queue Identifier description
  290. - Adds Message Operation Permissions
  291. - Adds Semaphore Identifier
  292. - Adds Semaphore Operation Permissions
  293. - Adds Shared Memory Identifier
  294. - Adds Shared Memory Operation Permissions
  295. 3 - Subroutines and Libraries
  296. 5.0:
  297. - Fortran intrinsics added, unsure whether this was omitted in 4.1 or 3B20 specifically
  298. 4 - File Formats
  299. 4.1:
  300. - Mentions 1M being moved to Administrator's Manual
  301. 6 - Games
  302. 4.1:
  303. - Remove mention of using cron to block access
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