
Dargoo vs Ame Tad Judgement

Dec 13th, 2021
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  1. **Dargoo 1:**
  2. - Jace's pokemon exist and bust stone/metal bigly.
  3. - They also scale > crossbow timing.
  4. - Drake heat res implicit because it breathes hot steam.
  5. - Sphinx has crossbow speed blades bounce off, piercing res.
  6. - Crossbow speed tendril feats esp. relevant because both opponents use tendrils/whip weapons.
  7. - Jace also has crossbow reactions and decent dura.
  8. - Mace is here and he is cool.
  9. - Lightsaber melts metal good, scaling to powerful blasters.
  10. - Neither GR or Jackie actually have good heat res. Get melted.
  11. - Mace fast. Fast move speed. Agile.
  12. - Dura: Nah. Lol king shit.
  13. - Jace poofs into invis the minute the fight starts. His stealth fools all senses.
  14. - Opponents' senses aren't good enough to counter Jace stealth.
  15. - Jace ranged strong af. Mysterio shit is busted.
  17. Ame 1:
  18. - GR statposting. I remember this from vs Wolf.
  19. - GR has piercing res scaling to Wolverine - counters Sphinx claws.
  20. - Jackie statposting. I remember this too.
  21. - Jackie also has decent piercing res.
  22. - Mace has no relevant dura.
  23. And uncontested too!
  24. - Heat res vs lightsaber for Jackie + GR.
  25. - Team Ame have mid ranged superiority via tendrils and chain.
  26. - GR can also command his bike to go fight for him.
  27. - Team Ame use GR's fast bike to go get ranged first. This gives ranged fire to GR and guns to Jackie---either oneshot Mace.
  28. - Also Jackie spawns an army of darklings who have good piercing. He uses these IC and can replinish them faster than they can be killed.
  29. - Mace goes down to anything in one shot, Jace gets stuck in 2v1 with his summons dying to ranged tendrils or just getting punched hard.
  30. - Ranged pickups turn this into a slaughter.
  32. Dargoo 2:
  33. - *Crickets*
  35. Ame 2:
  36. - Jackie has a soul. Mace probably has something that's like a soul. Penance stare works.
  37. - Penance stare is more painful the more people have killed. Excruciating to petty crooks, Jace is a mass murderer.
  38. - Penance stare should also work on summons because they work on zombies (?)
  39. Big leap from "this works on clearly sapient undead" to "this works on dumb animals" but alright
  40. - Sphinx lacks heat res. Drake lacks piercing res.
  41. - Physics disputing fast blades are good.
  42. - Anyway Jackie cuts better and targets weakpoints.
  43. - Jackie uses tendrils sneakily.
  44. - Jackie also has claws for piercing.
  45. - GR's flaming chain will burn Sphinx.
  46. - Also grappling is a thing nobody here has lifting str better than Team Ame.
  47. - Sphinx wall busting feat is vague, no thickness.
  48. - Even taking Darg's interp for Granted, GR's dura is probably bigger.
  49. - Bronze is similar to concrete, and again thickness unspecified.
  50. - GR's similar concrete dura is in human form. He's even tougher in GR form + amp he's stipped with.
  51. - Reiterating Jackie tough.
  52. - Mace's striking is weaksauce compared to Team Ame dura.
  53. - Reiterating heat res.
  54. - Preemptive defense of Human Torch scaling for GR. Hellfire is hot, only Ketch's burns cold.
  55. - Stabbing GR does nothing - no organs. Doesn't even need a head.
  56. - GR also regens dismemberment.
  57. - Jackie sense Jace in darkness. GR smells him.
  58. - Hellfire cleanses illusions from peoples' minds so no Jace Mysterio stuff.
  59. - GRs inherent magic res.
  60. - Even if Jace is invisible Jackie can spam so many Darklings they fill the map and trample him to death lmao.
  62. Result:
  64. Ame wins.
  66. Dargoo had a strong opening, so it's a shame he didn't have a chance to defend himself with a second post. I broadly buy many of his arguments, but Ame defended enough of his points and got to make even more uncontested. Mace has no relevant dura and dies. Jackie can pierce everyone here and will abuse his tendrils. GR and Jackie are tanky enough to survive anything Team Dargoo can throw at them, except maybe the lightsaber because I still don't buy the Jackie "miniature sun" argument. The nail in the coffin here is Ame's convincing evidence GR can simply dismiss Jace's illusions altogether and expose him. Team Dargoo might've won if he argued their busted ranged options other than that, but since he didn't, ranged goes to Team Ame as well since GR's bike gives them a valid means of getting there really fast and then just shooting up the whole subway.
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