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Feb 2nd, 2024
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  1. Thread OC questions
  3. For Rouka
  4. "What fascinating clothing! And that Pokemon, I recognize it but I have quite seen one with such a distinct look! Even if the individual items are as inexpensive as you say, the arrangement is a result of your own efforts, is it not? That's priceless, don't you think? Perhaps I should try it myself."
  6. For Rita
  7. "Ah, to think that this style would end up popular in later eras... Oh? I have a friend who wears something similar. A witch!
  8. Yes, a 'literal' one.
  9. Yes, the 'casts hexes and the like' kind.
  10. No, I don't think we have enough time to arrange a meeting. "
  12. Vega glances at her notes, in a hurry to change topics.
  14. "Psychic bond, séances, fortune telling... In some respects you share qualities with the people of this era. Riveting! Say, how do you tell fortunes? Can you tell mine?"
  16. For Oriko
  17. "I'm sure I'd love a fight too, but you aren't going to be here for very long. I recommend you enjoy the coffee instead. I don't recommend the tea. It's meant for me, and while I don't mind sharing I must inform you that it's poisoned. Builds up resistance, you see. I heard a story of man who did such a thing once, and decided to try it out. As a practice, I'd say it's only worthwhile when you're around many people you can't trust. The taste is awful. It's not necessary in such a peaceful er— cuffs? Surely it's just to match your Pokemon, right?
  18. ...
  19. Right?"
  21. For Bibi
  22. "What a story... Pokemon from the ancient past? I'm not familiar with them myself, however I have a... friend. A friend whose Pokemon also seems to be displaced from time. It certainly matches the description of having otherworldly power and a distinct impression. My apologies, child. My knowledge is simply too limited.
  24. I must ask. What lies at the end of the strength you chase? What do you hope to protect, with that blade you have honed thus far?"
  26. Vega holds her chin between her thumb and forefinger. Time stands still for a moment before she breathes a sigh.
  28. "Forgive me. Seeing you, I'm reminded of the old days."
  30. She takes off her glove, and reaches towards Bibi. She gently ruffles her hair.
  32. "You'll grow strong. I guarantee it."
  34. For Alto
  35. "No. No, thank you. I've heard quite enough."
  37. Vega rubs her eyes, shooing away the guards who had barged into the room a moment ago. The guards skitter away, sheathing their weapons and whispering amongst themselves as they do so.
  39. "By the look on your face, you know what I know. I will acknowledge your tenacity, if not much else. The conviction to stick your dreams is admirable. I must ask: what drives that mighty will? Perhaps you can attribute it to the arrogance of a child, but when I look into your eyes I see a fire that not many carry. So I ask once more, why?"
  41. For Phos
  42. "In every era, it seems that there are folks, perhaps too short of sight, that work outside of the light to change the world. Someone I once knew said that: 'Such is the fate of those who believe themselves visionaries.' Are our kind the same, I wonder? After all, we slither in those same dark corners. Maybe it's us who lack sight?"
  44. Vega chuckles to herself, and offers an radiant smile at the woman with cherry-red hair.
  46. "Whatever. There's only the choices we all make. Coffee?"
  48. For Tweny
  49. Vega's face curls slightly as she scans her notes.
  51. "A request. As this city's sovereign, do me a favor and keep away from the Meowscarada. It'll save you some trouble. As for that young lady, Iono. What does that woman mean to you?"
  53. "The tea? Hm. Yes, it should be fine. Go ahead and enjoy."
  55. For Koa
  56. "Child, what comes after you reach the age limit for a Trial Captain? Do you intend to stay home, perhaps aim to become a Kahuna? Or will you go out and take a journey of your own?"
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