
Chapter 2

Jul 31st, 2020
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  1. By the time the late bell for homeroom rang, the classroom had gone silent, as the teacher had started her lesson. "There will be no tardies on my watch. If anyone dares step in my classroom even a second late, they will stand out in the hall for the rest of the class." Everyone stared at the teacher's "Buckets of Discipline" laying on the floor, knowing that there was no fucking around, and the mere concept of holding those all morning made me gulp in fear instinctively. She continues, "Now, if all of you will open up the textbooks I have laid on each of your desks to page 10..."
  3. Sometime later, homeroom had ended, and it was time for PE. It was track as the activity. We did our stretches, and as we lined up at the start, I noticed the red boy was shaking with quite a grin that wouldn't look out of place in a horror film, and as the teacher gave us the signal to start, I discovered why.
  5. Needless to say, he lapped everyone. Twice. As I crossed the finish line for the first time, I noticed the president was bringing up the rear. I guess you can't have it all, it seems. As he crossed the finish, panting heavily, he asked the teacher what his record was, and she says "You have improved by 3.8 seconds since last time. Keep it up." "Hai! Arigatou.", he responds.
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