Guest User


a guest
Apr 26th, 2018
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
text 16.28 KB | None | 0 0
  1. $(document).ready(function() {
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  12. startBots: false
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  88. })
  89. });
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  95. });
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  97. swal({
  98. "title": "Buy plan free done!",
  99. "text": "You can start your bots!",
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  101. "button": "Ok"
  102. })
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  104. $("#descbots").text("15");
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  109. "text": "You can start your bots!",
  110. "icon": "success",
  111. "button": "Ok"
  112. })
  113. $("#desctime").text("6:0:0:0");
  114. $("#descbots").text("100");
  115. });
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  118. "title": "Buy plan gold done!",
  119. "text": "You can start your bots!",
  120. "icon": "success",
  121. "button": "Ok"
  122. })
  123. $("#desctime").text("6:0:0:0");
  124. $("#descbots").text("75");
  125. });
  126. ws.on("acceptbuymediumplan", function() {
  127. swal({
  128. "title": "Buy plan medium done!",
  129. "text": "You can start your bots!",
  130. "icon": "success",
  131. "button": "Ok"
  132. })
  133. $("#desctime").text("6:0:0:0");
  134. $("#descbots").text("50");
  135. });
  136. ws.on("loginfailed", function() {
  137. swal({
  138. "title": "Login failed!",
  139. "text": "try again!",
  140. "icon": "warning",
  141. "button": "Ok"
  142. })
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  154. username: $("#login_io").val(),
  155. password: $("#password_io").val()
  156. });
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  177. mail: $("#email").val()
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  250. $("#startbots").click(function() {
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  266. ws.emit("DataServer", {
  267. server: window._IOplayer.ip,
  268. origin: window._IOplayer.origin
  269. });
  270. if (window._IOplayer.MoveInt == null) {
  271. window._IOplayer.MoveInt = setInterval(function() {
  272. ws.emit("DataPosition", {
  273. x: window._IOplayer.x - window._IOplayer.offX,
  274. y: window._IOplayer.y - window._IOplayer.offY,
  275. mode: bots_mode
  276. });
  277. }, 100);
  278. }
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  283. }
  284. }
  285. });
  286. setInterval(function() {
  287. if (ws.json.connected == false) {
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  289. $("#startbots").removeClass('optionsCB-disabled').addClass("optionsCB").text("Start Bots");
  290. }
  291. ws.emit("getUserInfo");
  292. }, 1000);
  294. var bots_mode = "Mouse";
  296. window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
  297. switch (e.keyCode) {
  298. case 88:
  299. {
  300. ws.emit("splitbots");
  301. $("#split").removeClass("disabled").addClass("enabled").text("Enable");
  302. }
  303. break;
  304. case 67:
  305. {
  306. ws.emit("ejectbots");
  307. $("#eject").removeClass("disabled").addClass("enabled").text("Enable");
  308. }
  309. break;
  310. case 90:
  311. {
  312. if (bots_mode == "Mouse") {
  313. $("#mode").text("AI");
  314. bots_mode = "Collect";
  315. } else if (bots_mode == "Collect") {
  316. $("#mode").text("Default");
  317. bots_mode = "Mouse";
  318. }
  319. }
  320. break;
  321. }
  322. });
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  324. switch (e.keyCode) {
  325. case 88:
  326. {
  327. $("#split").removeClass("enabled").addClass("disabled").text("Disable");
  328. }
  329. break;
  330. case 67:
  331. {
  332. $("#eject").removeClass("enabled").addClass("disabled").text("Disable");
  333. }
  334. break;
  335. }
  336. });
  337. connectToIO_Helper();
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  339. window.WebSocket.prototype.prototype._FakeSend = window.WebSocket.prototype.prototype.send;
  340. window.WebSocket.prototype.prototype.send = function() {
  341. this._FakeSend.apply(this, arguments);
  342. var data = new DataView(arguments[0]);
  343. if (data.getInt8(0, true) !== 16 || data.getUint8(0, true) !== 16) return;
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  345. window._IOplayer.x = data.getFloat64(1, true);
  346. window._IOplayer.y = data.getFloat64(9, true);
  347. } else if (data.byteLength == 13) {
  348. window._IOplayer.x = data.getInt32(1, true);
  349. window._IOplayer.y = data.getInt32(5, true);
  350. } else {
  351. window._IOplayer.x = data.getInt16(1, true);
  352. window._IOplayer.y = data.getInt16(5, true);
  353. }
  354. if (this.url.match('localhost') || this.url.match('')) return;
  355. window._IOplayer.ip = this.url;
  356. }
  357. } else {
  358. window.WebSocket.prototype._FakeSend = window.WebSocket.prototype.send;
  359. window.WebSocket.prototype.send = function() {
  360. this._FakeSend.apply(this, arguments);
  361. var data;
  362. if (window.location.origin == "") {
  363. var data = new DataView(arguments[0].buffer);
  364. } else {
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  366. }
  367. if ((data.byteLength > 0) && (data.getUint8(0) != 16)) {
  368. var f = "";
  369. for (var i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++) {
  370. var a = data.getUint8(i);
  371. f = f + a + " ";
  372. }
  373. var realbuffers = f.split(' ');
  374. var minusrealbuffermassiv = realbuffers.length;
  375. var drr = realbuffers.splice(i, minusrealbuffermassiv);
  376. console.log("Detected new package: " + realbuffers);
  377. }
  378. this.addEventListener("message", function() {
  379. var buffer = new DataView(arguments[0].data);
  380. if(window.location.origin == "" || window.location.origin == "") {
  381. if(buffer.getUint8(0, true) == 64) {
  382. window._IOplayer.offX = (buffer.getFloat64(1, true) + buffer.getFloat64(17, true)) / 2;
  383. window._IOplayer.offY = (buffer.getFloat64(9, true) + buffer.getFloat64(25, true)) / 2;
  384. }
  385. }
  386. });
  387. if (data.getInt8(0, true) !== 16 || data.getUint8(0, true) !== 16) return;
  388. if (data.byteLength == 21) {
  389. window._IOplayer.x = data.getFloat64(1, true);
  390. window._IOplayer.y = data.getFloat64(9, true);
  391. } else if (data.byteLength == 13) {
  392. window._IOplayer.x = data.getInt32(1, true);
  393. window._IOplayer.y = data.getInt32(5, true);
  394. } else {
  395. window._IOplayer.x = data.getInt16(1, true);
  396. window._IOplayer.y = data.getInt16(5, true);
  397. }
  398. if (this.url.match('localhost') || this.url.match('')) return;
  399. window._IOplayer.ip = this.url;
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }, 1000);
  403. });
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