
AWS NAT-RDS-Provisioning-Template

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  3. "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template that creates a NAT jumpbox to expose a VPC only Databases or service",
  4. "Parameters": {
  5. "KeyName": {
  6. "Description": "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance",
  7. "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName",
  8. "MinLength": "1",
  9. "ConstraintDescription": "Can contain only ASCII characters."
  10. },
  11. "InstanceType": {
  12. "Description": "The EC2 instance class",
  13. "Type": "String",
  14. "Default": "t2.micro",
  15. "AllowedValues": [
  16. "t2.micro",
  17. "t2.small",
  18. "t2.medium",
  19. "m3.medium",
  20. "m3.large",
  21. "m3.xlarge",
  22. "m3.2xlarge",
  23. "c3.large",
  24. "c3.xlarge",
  25. "c3.2xlarge",
  26. "c3.4xlarge",
  27. "c3.8xlarge",
  28. "r3.large",
  29. "r3.xlarge",
  30. "r3.2xlarge",
  31. "r3.4xlarge",
  32. "r3.8xlarge",
  33. "i2.xlarge",
  34. "i2.2xlarge",
  35. "i2.4xlarge",
  36. "i2.8xlarge",
  37. "hi1.4xlarge",
  38. "hs1.8xlarge",
  39. "cr1.8xlarge",
  40. "cc2.8xlarge"
  41. ],
  42. "ConstraintDescription": "Must be a valid EC2 instance type"
  43. },
  44. "Subnet": {
  45. "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id",
  46. "Description": "Subnet that has access to your Database"
  47. },
  48. "SourceAddress": {
  49. "Description": "The source range you want to allow access from: example",
  50. "Type": "String",
  51. "MinLength": "9",
  52. "MaxLength": "18",
  53. "Default": "",
  54. "AllowedPattern": "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})",
  55. "ConstraintDescription": "Must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x"
  56. },
  57. "DestinationAddress": {
  58. "Description": "Internal service/ Database destination IP address: example",
  59. "Type": "String",
  60. "MinLength": "6",
  61. "MaxLength": "100",
  62. "Default": "",
  63. "ConstraintDescription": "Must be a valid /32 IP or DNS address"
  64. },
  65. "SourcePort": {
  66. "Description": "The port the service must listen on: example 3306",
  67. "Type": "String",
  68. "MinLength": "1",
  69. "MaxLength": "6",
  70. "Default": "3306",
  71. "AllowedPattern": "(\\d{0,9})",
  72. "ConstraintDescription": "Must be a valid port: example 3306"
  73. },
  74. "DestinationPort": {
  75. "Description": "The remote port the service is listening on: example 3306",
  76. "Type": "String",
  77. "MinLength": "1",
  78. "MaxLength": "6",
  79. "Default": "3306",
  80. "AllowedPattern": "(\\d{0,9})",
  81. "ConstraintDescription": "Must be a valid port: example 3306"
  82. }
  83. },
  84. "Mappings": {
  85. "AWSInstanceType2Arch": {
  86. "t2.micro": {
  87. "Arch": "HVM64"
  88. },
  89. "t2.small": {
  90. "Arch": "HVM64"
  91. },
  92. "t2.medium": {
  93. "Arch": "HVM64"
  94. },
  95. "m3.medium": {
  96. "Arch": "HVM64"
  97. },
  98. "m3.large": {
  99. "Arch": "HVM64"
  100. },
  101. "m3.xlarge": {
  102. "Arch": "HVM64"
  103. },
  104. "m3.2xlarge": {
  105. "Arch": "HVM64"
  106. },
  107. "c3.large": {
  108. "Arch": "HVM64"
  109. },
  110. "c3.xlarge": {
  111. "Arch": "HVM64"
  112. },
  113. "c3.2xlarge": {
  114. "Arch": "HVM64"
  115. },
  116. "c3.4xlarge": {
  117. "Arch": "HVM64"
  118. },
  119. "c3.8xlarge": {
  120. "Arch": "HVM64"
  121. },
  122. "r3.large": {
  123. "Arch": "HVM64"
  124. },
  125. "r3.xlarge": {
  126. "Arch": "HVM64"
  127. },
  128. "r3.2xlarge": {
  129. "Arch": "HVM64"
  130. },
  131. "r3.4xlarge": {
  132. "Arch": "HVM64"
  133. },
  134. "r3.8xlarge": {
  135. "Arch": "HVM64"
  136. },
  137. "i2.xlarge": {
  138. "Arch": "HVM64"
  139. },
  140. "i2.2xlarge": {
  141. "Arch": "HVM64"
  142. },
  143. "i2.4xlarge": {
  144. "Arch": "HVM64"
  145. },
  146. "i2.8xlarge": {
  147. "Arch": "HVM64"
  148. },
  149. "hi1.4xlarge": {
  150. "Arch": "HVM64"
  151. },
  152. "hs1.8xlarge": {
  153. "Arch": "HVM64"
  154. },
  155. "cr1.8xlarge": {
  156. "Arch": "HVM64"
  157. },
  158. "cc2.8xlarge": {
  159. "Arch": "HVM64"
  160. }
  161. },
  162. "AWSRegionArch2AMI": {
  163. "us-east-1": {
  164. "HVM64": "ami-22ce4934"
  165. },
  166. "us-east-2": {
  167. "HVM64": "ami-7bfcd81e"
  168. },
  169. "us-west-1": {
  170. "HVM64": "ami-9e247efe"
  171. },
  172. "us-west-2": {
  173. "HVM64": "ami-8ca83fec"
  174. },
  175. "ca-central-1": {
  176. "HVM64": "ami-8601bce2"
  177. },
  178. "eu-west-1": {
  179. "HVM64": "ami-e5083683"
  180. },
  181. "eu-west-2": {
  182. "HVM64": "ami-11130775"
  183. },
  184. "eu-central-1": {
  185. "HVM64": "ami-5b06d634"
  186. },
  187. "ap-southeast-1": {
  188. "HVM64": "ami-a2bc03c1"
  189. },
  190. "ap-southeast-2": {
  191. "HVM64": "ami-8bf2fde8"
  192. },
  193. "ap-northeast-2": {
  194. "HVM64": "ami-8369baed"
  195. },
  196. "ap-northeast-1": {
  197. "HVM64": "ami-859bbfe2"
  198. },
  199. "ap-south-1": {
  200. "HVM64": "ami-815625ee"
  201. },
  202. "sa-east-1": {
  203. "HVM64": "ami-a97013c5"
  204. }
  205. }
  206. },
  207. "Resources": {
  208. "NatVPCHost": {
  209. "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
  210. "Metadata": {
  211. "AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
  212. "config": {
  213. "packages": {
  214. "yum": {
  215. "compat-iptables": [],
  216. "httpd": [],
  217. "tcping": [],
  218. "joe": []
  219. }
  220. },
  221. "files": {
  222. "/var/spool/cron/root": {
  223. "content": {
  224. "Fn::Join": [
  225. "",
  226. [
  227. "* * * * * /root/\n"
  228. ]
  229. ]
  230. },
  231. "mode": "000600",
  232. "owner": "root",
  233. "group": "root"
  234. },
  235. "/root/natcfn.version": {
  236. "content": {
  237. "Fn::Join": [
  238. "",
  239. [
  240. "2017-04-15 v1.2a\n"
  241. ]
  242. ]
  243. },
  244. "mode": "000600",
  245. "owner": "root",
  246. "group": "root"
  247. },
  248. "/root/": {
  249. "content": {
  250. "Fn::Join": [
  251. "",
  252. [
  253. "#!/bin/bash\n",
  254. "PATH=\"$PATH:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/aws/bin\"\n",
  255. "DESTINATION=`cat /root/destination.dns | grep DestinationAddress | awk '{printf $2\"\\n\" }'`\n",
  256. "SOURCE=`cat /root/destination.dns | grep SourceAddress | awk '{printf $2\"\\n\" }'`\n",
  257. "DESTINATIONPORT=`cat /root/destination.dns | grep DestinationPort | awk '{printf $2\"\\n\" }'`\n",
  258. "SOURCEPORT=`cat /root/destination.dns | grep SourcePort | awk '{printf $2\"\\n\" }'`\n",
  259. "STATUS=\"/var/www/html/index.html\"\n",
  260. "lookup()\n",
  261. "{\n",
  262. "export HOSTR=`host $DESTINATION | awk '{ printf $4 \"\\n\"}' | grep \"\\.\"`\n",
  263. "[ -z $HOSTR ] && HOSTR=\"$DESTINATION\"\n",
  264. "}\n",
  265. "refreshcheck()\n",
  266. "{\n",
  267. "INIT=`grep -q \"$HOSTR\" /etc/sysconfig/iptables`\n",
  268. "echo $INIT | grep -q MASQUERADE || refresh\n",
  269. "}\n",
  270. "clearnat()\n",
  271. "{\n",
  272. "iptables -F\n",
  273. "iptables -X\n",
  274. "iptables -t nat -F\n",
  275. "iptables -t nat -X\n",
  276. "iptables -t mangle -F\n",
  277. "iptables -t mangle -X\n",
  278. "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT\n",
  279. "iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT\n",
  280. "iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT\n",
  281. "rm -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables\n",
  282. "}\n",
  283. "recreatenat()\n",
  284. "{\n",
  285. "iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --source $SOURCE --destination $DESTINATION --jump MASQUERADE\n",
  286. "iptables --table nat --append PREROUTING --protocol tcp --dport $SOURCEPORT --jump DNAT --to-destination $HOSTR:$DESTINATIONPORT\n",
  287. "/sbin/service iptables save\n",
  288. "}\n",
  289. "refresh()\n",
  290. "{\n",
  291. "clearnat\n",
  292. "recreatenat\n",
  293. "}\n",
  294. "status()\n",
  295. "{\n",
  296. "rm -f $STATUS\n",
  297. "VERSION=`cat /root/natcfn.version`\n",
  298. "tcping -t 1 -q $HOSTR $DESTINATIONPORT && echo \"<center><h1><b><u>Status</b></u></h1></br></br><h1><font color=\"black\">Connection to $HOSTR port $DESTINATIONPORT successfull</h1></font>\" >> $STATUS\n",
  299. "tcping -t 1 -q $HOSTR $DESTINATIONPORT || echo \"<center><h1><b><u>Status</b></u></h1></br></br><h1><font color=\"red\">Unable to connect to $HOSTR on port $DESTINATIONPORT</h1></font>\" >> $STATUS\n",
  300. "echo \"</br></br> \" >> $STATUS\n",
  301. "echo \"<align=right>Version $VERSION\" >> $STATUS\n",
  302. "echo \"</align>\" >> $STATUS\n",
  303. "}\n",
  304. "lookup\n",
  305. "grep -q \".com\" /root/destination.dns && refreshcheck\n",
  306. "[ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables ] || refreshcheck\n",
  307. "status\n"
  308. ]
  309. ]
  310. },
  311. "mode": "000500",
  312. "owner": "root",
  313. "group": "root"
  314. },
  315. "/root/destination.dns": {
  316. "content": {
  317. "Fn::Join": [
  318. "",
  319. [
  320. "DestinationAddress ",
  321. {
  322. "Ref": "DestinationAddress"
  323. },
  324. "\n",
  325. "SourceAddress ",
  326. {
  327. "Ref": "SourceAddress"
  328. },
  329. "\n",
  330. "DestinationPort ",
  331. {
  332. "Ref": "DestinationPort"
  333. },
  334. "\n",
  335. "SourcePort ",
  336. {
  337. "Ref": "SourcePort"
  338. },
  339. "\n"
  340. ]
  341. ]
  342. },
  343. "mode": "000600",
  344. "owner": "root",
  345. "group": "root"
  346. }
  347. }
  348. }
  349. }
  350. },
  351. "Properties": {
  352. "ImageId": {
  353. "Fn::FindInMap": [
  354. "AWSRegionArch2AMI",
  355. {
  356. "Ref": "AWS::Region"
  357. },
  358. {
  359. "Fn::FindInMap": [
  360. "AWSInstanceType2Arch",
  361. {
  362. "Ref": "InstanceType"
  363. },
  364. "Arch"
  365. ]
  366. }
  367. ]
  368. },
  369. "InstanceType": {
  370. "Ref": "InstanceType"
  371. },
  372. "SecurityGroupIds": [
  373. {
  374. "Fn::GetAtt": [
  375. "NatVPCSecurityGroup",
  376. "GroupId"
  377. ]
  378. }
  379. ],
  380. "KeyName": {
  381. "Ref": "KeyName"
  382. },
  383. "SubnetId": {
  384. "Ref": "Subnet"
  385. },
  386. "UserData": {
  387. "Fn::Base64": {
  388. "Fn::Join": [
  389. "",
  390. [
  391. "#!/bin/bash\n",
  392. "# Helper function\n",
  393. "function error_exit \n",
  394. "{\n",
  395. " /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 1 -r \"$1\" '",
  396. {
  397. "Ref": "WaitHandle"
  398. },
  399. "'\n",
  400. " exit 1\n",
  401. "}\n",
  402. "yum-config-manager --enable epel\n",
  403. "sed -i 's/net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0/net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1/g' /etc/sysctl.conf\n",
  404. "# Install the files and packages from the metadata\n",
  405. "/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
  406. " --stack ",
  407. {
  408. "Ref": "AWS::StackName"
  409. },
  410. " --resource NatVPCHost ",
  411. " --region ",
  412. {
  413. "Ref": "AWS::Region"
  414. },
  415. "\n",
  416. "yum update -y\n",
  417. "/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 -r \"cfn-int setup complete\" '",
  418. {
  419. "Ref": "WaitHandle"
  420. },
  421. "'\n",
  422. "/root/\n",
  423. "chkconfig httpd on\n",
  424. "service httpd start\n",
  425. "reboot\n"
  426. ]
  427. ]
  428. }
  429. }
  430. }
  431. },
  432. "NatVPCSecurityGroup": {
  433. "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
  434. "Properties": {
  435. "GroupDescription": "Enable incoming access on the NAT instance",
  436. "SecurityGroupIngress": [
  437. {
  438. "IpProtocol": "tcp",
  439. "FromPort": {
  440. "Ref": "SourcePort"
  441. },
  442. "ToPort": {
  443. "Ref": "SourcePort"
  444. },
  445. "CidrIp": {
  446. "Ref": "SourceAddress"
  447. }
  448. }
  449. ]
  450. }
  451. },
  452. "WaitCondition": {
  453. "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition",
  454. "Properties": {
  455. "Handle": {
  456. "Ref": "WaitHandle"
  457. },
  458. "Timeout": "1200"
  459. }
  460. },
  461. "WaitHandle": {
  462. "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle"
  463. }
  464. },
  465. "Outputs": {
  466. "Endpoint": {
  467. "Description": "",
  468. "Value": {
  469. "Fn::Join": [
  470. "",
  471. [
  472. {
  473. "Fn::GetAtt": [
  474. "NatVPCHost",
  475. "PublicDnsName"
  476. ]
  477. },
  478. " port ",
  479. {
  480. "Ref": "SourcePort"
  481. }
  482. ]
  483. ]
  484. }
  485. }
  486. }
  487. }
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