

Oct 30th, 2015
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  1. Titan gave another backstage promo:
  3. "Two weeks ago I finally made my presence felt in the WWF, and everybody saw what I can do. First, I knocked that little nugget Owen Hart out with ONE punch from my gargantuan fist. Then I devastated Canada's greatest hero, Bret "the Hitman" Hart, by crashing into him with the mass and power of a 747 commercial jet. It felt good, not just because I helped my new friends Vince and Shawn get one up, but because I despise the Harts. Especially you, Bret, and do you know why I hate you so goddamned much? Because you got to the top of this business 'cause your daddy trained you from birth and had just enough bullshit in him to pull the wool over Vince's eyes and convince him that you were a big deal. You're smoke and mirrors, a product of nepotism from the word 'go', and after all that you have the balls to come out each and every week and play the big damn hero. You put that mic to your lips and you talk about virtue and tradition. Two weeks ago, you got your ASS kicked and got rewarded with a world title shot. That's a microcosm for your whole damn career, failing your way to the top! And fuck up once, it's a mistake. You fuck up 100 times, it's tradition. Tradition is shady promoters pushing their unworthy sons into the spotlight while people who started with nothing in the business and worked their way up the ladder, like Shawn and myself, get shoved aside. Well that time is OVER, Bret! Vince has seen what you really are, and has finally taken the side of those who DESERVE the spotlight. All I gotta do from here on is rip you apart like the cardboard cutout you really are and take my place in the center stage. Enjoy your title match, CHUMP. Make the most out of it, because when WE'RE back on top where we'll be jerking the curtain against that Quackenwhatever chump and you'll be damn grateful for the opportunity!"
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