
ABDL Crush (Rough Draft)

Feb 21st, 2017
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  1. Am I Seriously Crushing on an ABDL!?
  3. Chapter 1: Am I Seriously Interviewing at a Diaper Fetish Store!?
  5. Maya Kurozawa, by all normal standards, should have been happy that summer day. She was a healthy young woman in college, making good grades, on a solid path to majoring in Accounting, and had just aced most of her exams. Now the summer was free to her—she had already registered for next semester’s classes and arranged everything, so there was no worry of a sudden fee or paper creeping up on her. Still, as one already used to working tirelessly every day, the laid-back nature of summer was off-putting, and she had already sent in applications to several stores for a small part-time job to keep her busy and keep cash flowing in.
  7. Yet, those applications were the reason her flowing long black hair (Maya took from her Japanese side far more than her Caucasian one, outside of her blue eyes) framed not a smile but a frown as she opened the door to her apartment, carrying an assortment of envelopes in her hand. After stretching and relishing the cool respite from the searing sun outside, she walked to her couch and stared wistfully at a stack of torn envelopes and papers—they were the rejection letters from all the stores she had applied to. Every single one of them had turned her down. “I need to throw those away...” She remarked to herself, grimacing at the crumpled papers. “Seriously, what does it take to get a retail job these days?” She said while opening the new mail. All of it was useless garbage that she threw aside without a second thought, except for the final one…
  9. Maya’s eyes grew wide when she saw it. It was from AB Galaxy, an unusual store her own friend, Rose Galant, had suggested to her. From what Maya knew, it was a store diapers apparently. She had been surprised to learn such things existed—as she opened the envelope, expecting another rejection, her thoughts flashed back…
  11. “I’m sending in applications to every place I can think of. I just want a retail job, nothing serious. I need money for the summer.”
  12. “Haha, you workaholic~! Come on, just admit it, you love working so much that summer freaks you out because of all the free time! Sheesh, are you even thinking of sending one to that new AB Galaxy store, haha~?”
  13. “Uh...what?”
  14. “Oh it’s this new weird place in downtown, only like 25 minutes from here. I hear they sell adult diapers like a medical supply place~! Crazy huh?”
  15. “I didn’t even know there’s a market for that kind of thing...”
  16. “Well, I doubt you’d ever wanna work there...”
  18. After that conversation, Maya had actually sent an application in to ABG, but she never seriously expected a response. She also didn’t expect the paper inside her envelope.
  20. Dear Mrs. Kurozawa, we at AB Galaxy are interested in hiring you after seeing your resume. Please call the following number and arrange for an interview ASAP…
  22. Maya’s hands shook as she stared at the page in disbelief, then to the stack of rejection letters. “I...I did it! I got accepted, yeah!” She giddily lept into the air and twirled like a ballerina, so drunk on the happiness she didn’t even see the table and promptly fell over it with a loud thud. That was not enough to dampen her enthusiasm, as she held the acceptance letter out with tears welling up in her eyes. “I finally have a job over the summer~! Man, who cares if it’s at some weird diaper store, I’m just gonna be a cashier, this is so so great!” She continue to twirl until she ran out of breath, falling back in the couch with a smile.
  24. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed up Rose, giggling like a schoolgirl until her friend picked up. “Hey, Rosie~!”
  26. “Oh, Maya! Yeah, what’s up!”
  28. “I got accepted finally for a job!”
  30. “That’s great! You need to get out more anyway and meet some new people~ Maybe you’ll find true love in the workplace!”
  32. Maya chuckled. “I doubt it. I’m gonna call and arrange for an interview as soon as possible!”
  34. “I hope you get it! Remember, the interview is the final hurdle to clear!”
  36. “Me too! See you later, bye!”
  38. “Hehehe, see you later too~ I’m glad to see your adorable energetic self is back!”
  40. ///////
  42. That Saturday, Maya woke up with fire in her eyes at the crack of dawn. This was the day for her interview, and she had to be sharp. “Alright, let’s do it!” Swiping a notepad from her drawer, she scribbled down her plan for looking as sharp as possible. “Suit, check, shoes, check, hair, check...” After two hours of picking out clothes, showering, and doing her hair, she was finally ready to go out. No one could deny that she was an attractive woman—somewhat tall and lithe, with moderate but sensual curves, long gorgeous hair, and bright blue eyes.
  44. Maya jumped in her car with gusto and started to plan out her responses in her head. Okay, Maya, don’t be blunt like usual. If they ask you some bullshit about “why do you want to work here?”, don’t answer with “I need money and you’re the only guys that accepted me so just give me the job dammit...”
  46. As Rose had said, the AB Galaxy shop was a little under half an hour from her home in the heart of downtown, tucked away into the corner of the gentrified hipster section. “Weird,” Maya remarked to herself as she exited her Camaro and eyed the area. There was already a healthy crowd of young people dipping in out of the various boutiques, such as clothing stores and nerdy hobby stores. “Why would a medical supply place like this be around here…?” She shook her head and shrugged. “Not my problem, I just need a job there!” Hoisting her purse over her shoulder, she began walking through the crowds.
  48. The AB Galaxy store was a block away and not very large. The windows were shuttered, so looking in was impossible. What confused Maya more, though, was the fact that the huge signage above the door was in a childish, bright font. “That’s awfully unfitting...” She mused to herself as she opened the door.
  50. As soon as she took one step in, she stopped dead in her tracks. The store resembled a nursery more than a medical supply store. The walls were painted in childish, infantile colors. The store smelt strongly of baby powder and perfume. To her left was the cash register—to her right were a few small shelves containing babyish things like pacifiers and onesies, along with what looked like a playpen, ball pit, and changing table—except they were so large it looked like they could hold adults.
  52. Maya’s wide-open eyes flew around the area like she had just seen aliens. “Wha-what the hell is this!?” Was she even in the right store? She debated taking a step outside, but remembered that she had seen the “AB Galaxy” signage above the door. She stayed rooted in place, her trembling hand still gripping the doorknob even though she had already closed the door.
  54. “Oh hey, someone’s here--” A voice called out from a hallway at the back and stopped as soon as its owner turned and saw Maya. It was Rose.
  56. Rose and Maya stared slack-jawed at each other for several seconds, the former’s face growing bright red. Rose was shorter and stockier than Maya, as well as more curvaceous, with short pink hair befitting her name tied into two side locks with ribbons. “M-maya!? What the hell are you doing here!?”
  58. “I-I was accepted to this place!” Maya quickly responded. “You suggested it!”
  60. “OH MY GOD THAT WAS A JOKE!” Rose buried her quivering face in her hands. “I wasn’t serious! Why do you always take jokes seriously!?” Rose’s legs were more like jelly.
  62. “Why are you here though!?”
  64. “Because she works here.” A third female voice cut in. Another woman emerged from the hallway and placed a hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Calm down, Rose.” She was about as tall as Maya, with snow-white hair, but her skin tone was a rather dark tan brown. She was dressed in a rather wrinkled sweater that exuded an air of delinquency. “Oi, who are you?” She pointed at Maya.
  66. “Um, I-I’m the girl who was supposed to be here for an interview?” Maya shiftily averted eye contact. Where the hell am I!? What is this place!? Why is Rosie here!? She—no, she must be like me, only here to make money, and unconcerned with the other weird-ass shit here. Yeah, that’s it. She’s just embarrassed to be seen working here! But wait why did she then suggest it to me even as a joke? Did she want me to join in on her suffering, but knew that it would be a hard sell without some levity--
  68. Maya’s thought-train was halted in an instant from a bonk on the head by the woman. “What are you doing, silly girl?”
  70. “Wha-what is this place…?” Maya asked while rubbing her throbbing head.
  72. “It’s an ABDL store, what else? Did you not read the name when you sent in an application?”
  74. “Y-yeah, but I dunno what ‘AB’ or ‘ABDL’ means!”
  76. The woman incredulously lifted an eyebrow. “...did you look up this place at all when you sent it in?”
  78. “...Look, you might want to leave and pretend you never came here--”
  80. “No can do, Sarah! I interview all applicants!” A third voice, this one male, sounded from the hallway. “Bring her in!”
  82. Sarah grumbled and rolled her eyes. Placing a hand on Maya’s shoulder, she pointed her to the hallway. “Down the hall, all the way at the end. Can’t miss it.” She said, sighing in exasperation at the end. Maya nodded slowly and gawkily stumbled past a still-paralyzed-with-terror Rose. She debated tapping her on the shoulder to cheer her up, but decided against it.
  84. The hallway was downright mundane compared to the rest of the store. Maya awkwardly smiled as she walked in—the office was like any other, with two seats facing a desk, behind which stood a bookcase filled with things like books, accolades, a diploma, and so on. Sitting in a leather seat behind the desk was a single blond man in his late 20’s, who smiled as she entered.
  86. “Welcome, welcome. Here for the interview, are you?”
  88. “I...think?” Maya scrambled mentally for the pre-made answers she had devised, but now her mind was a complete mess. Oh god what do I do what is this place who is this man why is Rosie here that girl Sarah is scary--
  90. “Eyes up here!” The man pointed at her with sharp furrowed eyebrows, making Maya jump in her seat and stare straight at him. “You’re here for an interview, aren’t you?”
  92. “You asked that already...”
  94. “I know. Listen, are you an ABDL?” The man leaned in and observed her closely.
  96. “W-what? I don’t even know what that means!”
  98. He leaned back and gloated to the sky, “If you came here, you must have an interest.”
  100. “N-no, I was suggested by my friend, Rosie!”
  102. “Ah, Rose, a good employee for sure! Well, if you really must know, this is a store for Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers!” He adjusted his glasses like a cheesy action hero to cap off his statement.
  104. Maya just stared at him. “...what?”
  106. “...girl, this is a fetish store.”
  108. “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? R-rosie sent me to a sex shop!?”
  110. “Woah, calm down there, girl, we’re not that crass. Sex isn’t allowed here. We’re a diaper fetish store first and foremost, along with ageplay.”
  112. “I got invited to interview at a store for weirdos who like diapers...I didn’t even know that was a thing!”
  114. “Caaaaaaalm down, let’s get this interview going. Why do you want to work here?”
  116. “Um...” Maya gulped and nervously spat out a blunt answer. “Because you guys are the only ones who accepted me and I need money?” Her face fell when she realized the crassness of her answer. “W-wait, I’m sorry--”
  118. “Stop.” The man pointed at her. “I appreciate that bluntness.”
  120. “ do?”
  122. “Yes. Also the interview is over.”
  124. “What!?”
  126. “I got everything I need. Now leave while I make a decision and will get back to you later.” The man twirled his pen in his hand and casually laid back in his chair.
  128. Maya furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief, and got up, clutching her purse nervously. “Um, bye then.” She turned to leave, but something bothered her. “Um, are you guys mostly all weirdos—I mean, ABDL’s?”
  130. “Yeah, all of us.”
  132. “O-okay, then—wait, that means Rosie is one of you guys!?” Maya shot out the office and ran down the hallway, lunging into the main atrium and grabbing Rose by the shoulders. “What the hell, Rosie!? You’re one of these weirdos!?”
  134. “W-who told you!?” Rose stared at her in disbelief.
  136. “The guy in the office!”
  138. “Dammit Brad!” Rosie waved her fist wildly towards the back hallway.
  140. “Look,” Maya blushed and fidgeted with her hands, swaying back and forth in one spot. “I should probably leave her and pretend I never went in the first place...” She looked towards the floor, covered in childish patterns like a children’s playmat. Her mind was racing with panicked thoughts. How the hell did she even end up in this kind of situation in the first place? There was no chance of her getting a job here and it’s not like she wanted a job with weirdos like these people anyway!
  142. Rosie turned back to Maya, her face fretting in a panic. “L-look Maya I can explain!” She waved her arms wildly in front of her blushing face.
  144. “Rosie, just be quiet, I just want to leave here and never come back--”
  146. “But,” Brad’s voice interrupted. “you’ve got to get to work tomorrow.”
  148. “Eh!?” Maya swung around and saw Brad laying against the wall and smirking like a wannabe douchebag. “The hell do you mean, I gotta find a place that accepts me!”
  150. “You are accepted here, though.” Brad nonchalantly said, winking playfully.
  152. “….WHAT!?” Maya froze in place, staring right at him with dinner-plate eyes.
  154. “You’re a unique type, miss Kurozawa. I work in mysterious ways.” Maya, Rose, and Sarah all rolled their eyes at that cliché line as Brad strolled to the cash register near the front door. “Whatever the circumstances are, you’re now officially a cashier at AB Galaxy. Be here tomorrow by 8AM, okay? Oh, and,” He reached down below the counter and threw a bagged and folded uniform, in pastel violet, at her. “Here’s your uniform, I’ll make a nametag soon.”
  156. Maya in her shock didn’t catch the uniform, instead letting it comically flop against her and fall to the floor in a heap. The gears in her head normally turned at lightning speed during lectures and exams, but now they were as rusty and slow as a centuries-old grandfather clock that hadn’t seen a drop of oil in nearly 80 years. Her twitching eyebrows were the only indication that she was even conscious. Rose and Sarah were equally stunned, if their agape expressions meant anything.
  158. Rose managed to speak first, panickedly shaking her head and pointing a quivering finger at Maya. “W-what the hell, Brad, you can’t let Mimi--” Maya’s eyebrows twitched at a nickname she hadn’t heard since the two of them were in toddlers) “work here!? I can’t possibly work around my friend now that she knows I’m a weirdo like this! She’s not even an ABDL herself!” Rose’s words were less exiting her mouth and more awkwardly pouring out of it like a broken pipe.
  160. Sarah coughed and spoke much more calmly. “This woman is not a suitable employee for our store, Brad.” She walked up to the counter and stared him in eye—she was taller than him, Maya noted.
  162. Brad nonetheless smirked again and crossed his arms, unfazed by Sarah’s piercing gaze. “My store, my rules. There’s hidden depths to this girl.”
  164. “What hidden depths!?” Sarah suddenly exploded and slammed her fist on the counter so hard it buckled slightly (Maya stared in horror, making a mental note to never get within ten feet of Sarah again). “That’s the same bullshit you say about everyone! Do you do ANYTHING besides play the mysterious man!? When is the last time you’ve ever even done your job as a manager!?” Sarah was leaning so far over the counter Brad had to lean back in return, but he didn’t flinch a single bit, as if this routine had played out again and again.
  166. “You’ll see. In the meanwhile, please don’t destroy the front counter, Maya needs that to work.”
  168. Maya glared at Brad (Don’t call me by my first name so casually like that…). She took a few steps back. Sarah emitted an aura of terrifying strength and she wanted nothing to do with that. This day had been truly baffling to her. Somehow, the one situation where she regretted getting a job was happening—she was working for a bunch of complete nutjobs in a fetish store. She had no other options, however, unless she wanted to endure the exhausting process of applying for more jobs and praying for no rejections.
  170. “AAAAAAAAAARGH!” Sarah screamed loudly and gripped her head. She then turned around and stormed right for a paralyzed Maya, who nearly fainted when the amazonian woman shoved her face a mere inch from hers. “You better not be trouble, because I’m going to make your life a living hell if you are...and maybe if you aren’t!”
  172. Maya’s entire body trembled in terror as she squeaked out a pathetic “y-yes...” Her heart was beating fast enough to be heard, she was certain. Suddenly, Maya knew what it was like to be inches from death—it was an odd mixture of terror, desperation, and peace. She never wanted to experience it again.
  174. “Sarah!” Rose walked up to the two and pushed them away, Maya silently thanking her with a sigh of relief. “Please don’t be too mean to her.”
  176. “Yes...” Maya raggedly agreed, nodding furiously.
  178. “Just spank me...”
  180. “Oh god what the hell do you do when I’m not around Rosie!?” Sarah glanced at Maya, who immediately covered her butt and begged for mercy “D-don’t touch my butt, please!”
  182. ///////////
  184. Maya sighed when she stumbled into her apartment, tiredly hobbling over to her sofa and collapsing in it with a deep sigh. Her heart was still pounding, and her mind was racing with far too many thoughts to focus on much else. She glanced at the stack of envelopes on her coffee table. Nearly all of them were rejections. The one acceptance had been to a place full of crazy weirdos. What was this, she thought, a comedy?
  186. She looked at her lap—the violet uniform was still in her hands, a wrinkled heap. The color was definitely very cute. It was a minimalistic uniform, with a tiny logo on the right. It was wholly innocent—just the name in a spacey-font and a cute little rocket ship. At the same time, Maya felt that such innocence was unbefitting of what was, for all intents and purposes, a sex shop. She sighed again and held up the uniform’s top to get a better look…
  188. ...and at that point noticed that it was a onesie with snap buttons on the crotch. “What the--” She sat up and examined it closely. Yup, it was a onesie like the ones for babies. The shirt ended in an extended section with snaps over the crotch. “You have got to be kidding me.” She fell back on the sofa with a loud groan. A onesie. A goddamned onesie. The only people she had ever seen wear onesies were babies. There was also no bottom to the uniform—it was just a onesie! The only other thing in the bag was a t-shirt, but still no top. Said T-shirt was also incredibly short. It would easily expose her navel and reveal her panties if she wore it. Even pulling it down wouldn’t be enough to cover.
  190. Maya couldn’t tell if that was a mistake or an intentional part of the uniform design, and that worried her quite a bit. Still, Brad had promised to pay her 15 bucks an hour, when she had been expecting minimum wage. Where he was getting this money, she had no clue—his only response was that his customers were funneling money to him by the truckload. Her schedule was 10-4 on Fridays, Mondays, and Tuesdays, 10-3 on Saturdays and Sundays, and she was off on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Doing some quick math in her head, that was about 420 bucks a week for a mere 28-hour work week! By the end of the summer, at about four weeks a month, that was about 5,000 bucks, and that was low-balling it! Plus, Brad said that he would pay extra for helping them with certain things around the store by adding an extra hour for the help. With that much money being a mere cashier, Maya was willing to endure nearly anything, even being around a bunch of weirdos who liked diapers! 5 grand was a lot of books, or games, or movie tickets, or extra-cheese Bacon Explosion Cheeseburgers with extra fries at the local burger joint. Though perhaps eating more of those would be a bad idea.
  192. The thoughts would not leave her head even as she fell into bed later that night and tried to sleep. She had been introduced to a world she didn’t even know had existed. Diaper fetishes? How? It confused her greatly, and perturbed her a little. She thought about her own perversions...and could find none. She didn’t think about sex very often even if getting it with her body would not have been difficult.
  194. Anyone into diapers had to be a weirdo perv, she thought. Not a chance she would ever want to be in a relationship with one of them. “Haaaaaannh~” she sighed to herself in the dark of the night, curled under the covers. “Looks like I’m not finding true love in the workplace...then again, who the hell finds love there of all places?”
  196. She drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was a Friday and she needed to be at work by 8AM.
  198. /////////
  200. Maya parked a few blocks away from the store, worried that someone who knew her might see it and connect the dots if she parked directly in front of it. It wasn’t like a small walk was too much anyway. The hues of the day were still a faint orange as she walked through the light crowds, yawning to herself. Her uniform—she had washed it yesterday right before going to bed—was in her shoulder-slung purse. When she reached the door, she glanced around nervously and cracked it open, slipping inside and shutting it as fast as possible. She sighed and silently thanked that the windows were covered.
  202. The inside was much the same as before—cash register and front counter to the left, oversized playpen, play area, and shelves of infantile items to the right. Brad was sitting at the front counter, leaning back in a chair, and waved to Maya.
  204. “Ah, you decided to actually show up.” He got up and shook her hand, flashing a smarmy smile.
  206. Maya rolled her eyes. “Let it be known that I am here solely because of the disproportionately huge salary you’re going to pay me. Why did I have to come so early?”
  208. “Just to see if you would. Most of the time just get here a half-hour before opening time and get dressed. You don’t need to put your uniform on right now. Also you get two extra hours of paid overtime for this.” Brad laid a hand around Maya, making her jump slightly, and waved his free hand around the store. “Welcome to my paradise!”
  210. “A paradise for weirdos and perverts.” Maya quipped. “Also please get your hand off of me.”
  212. “Oh come on I need to show you the ropes.”
  214. “I’m using a cash register, this isn’t rocket science!”
  216. “Yes yes, but still.” Brad walked over to the front counter and beckoned her. She sighed, shrugged, and followed him. Brad informed her on the basic operation of the cash register in a few minutes. “Simple, I know.”
  218. “That was completely pointless.” Maya sat in a chair behind the register and crossed her legs. “Now just wait here?”
  220. “Oh there’s something else you can do for me. I need help moving some product onto the shelves.” Brad pointed towards an empty shelf standing opposite the two of them. “Two hours extra overtime if you help me.”
  222. Maya furrowed her eyes. “Where the hell is this money coming from…?”
  224. “My customer base has far too much money on their hands and I charge them far too much in return.” Brad gave her a goofy smile.
  226. “Fine.” Maya got up stretched her arms. “Nothing too heavy though...”
  228. Brad assured her it wasn’t and led her down the back hallway which was much more mundane than the front lobby. Along the way she passed an open room with a blue-haired girl sitting down at a computer. She was firing away quite rapidly at her keyboard. “Um, who is--”
  230. Brad grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away. “That’s for another time!” He led her to a room containing a few large carboard boxes. “These are the latest shipments for our Comfies—mind helping me stack them up here?”
  232. “‘Comfies’?” Maya quizzically tilted her head.
  234. “Yes, one of our kinds of diapers.” Brad opened one of the boxes with a knife—inside were several plastic sets of some thick white sheets in Maya’s eyes.
  236. Maya stared at the cases in disbelief. “These are….” She knelt down and pulled one out of the box—it was decently heavy but soft. Outside of their massive size, the diapers inside liked very much like baby diapers, and a sweet perfume smell filled her nostrils. “What the hell, these look like baby diapers but they’re so big...”
  238. “Yup, feel free to take one on the house as an employee.”
  240. “How about no!?” Maya grimaced and dropped the heavy case directly on her foot, making her jump up and shriek in pain. “OW! Dammit!” She hopped up and down holding her throbbing foot.
  242. Brad stifled a laugh as he took one of the cases. “Suit yourself. Just please come take them to the front.”
  244. Maya eventually got over herself and did so, hauling the heavy cases to the front. This was truly surreal stuff to her. The packaging of the diapers was saccharine and childish, with big letters in primary colors and cute pictures. She couldn’t deny that it was adorable, but to think that there were people who actively wanted such childish things in their adulthood was twisting her brain into knots. She looked down at her crotch, thinking of the black lace panties she was wearing. Never did they feel so...out-of-place. She had spent so long eagerly waiting to be mature, and here she was around people who embraced immaturity. She glanced back at the cutesy diapers on the shelf and walked back silently to the room with the boxes.
  246. Brad opened another box, this time revealing cases of plain white diapers with no cute prints. Even the packaging was much less childish. “These are...boring.” Maya remarked as she pulled a case out of the box.
  248. “They’re our Basics. They’re for DL’s.” Brad chuckled at Maya’s confused expression. “Diaper Lovers. Fetishists. The Comfies are meant for AB’s, or Adult Babies, who like not only diapers but being babies, to simplify it far too much.”
  250. Maya recoiled and blushed. “Seriously, there are people who like being babies...what the hell have I gotten myself into, dear god.” She said to herself while placing the case on the shelf.
  252. Eventually all the cases were snugly fit on the shelf. It had only taken around 20 minutes. Brad patted Maya on the back for a job well done. “Nice work. Two hours paid overtime. Be grateful—I’m usually not that generous.”
  254. Maya awkwardly smiled and returned her attention to the other items on the wall. There were a few onesies similar to her uniform—upon seeing them, she painfully realized she would have to wear it soon--, along with a selection of pacifiers, baby bottles, and a few baby toys...except everything was oversized and far better suited to an adult than a baby.
  256. “Feel free to take a few things on the house. Just don’t get greedy.”
  258. Maya growled and shook her head furiously. “Hell no I ain’t taking any of this weirdo stuff!” She stomped angrily to the front counter and sat behind it, laying her head in her crossed arms and sighing. She was already getting a little tired of Brad’s antics. “When does Rosie get here?”
  260. “Around 9:30, so an hour.”
  262. “What the hell does she even do here…?”
  264. “Stand around and look cute for the customers.”
  266. “That is exactly what I expected.” Maya sighed again and slumped against the counter. “Who is that other girl?”
  268. “Chao? Oh go meet her, she’s in the back.”
  270. Maya pulled herself up and walked to the room she had seen Chao in. “Um, hi?” Chao was sitting in a chair working on a computer. The first thing Maya noticed was that the computer was massive compared to a normal office desktop. Indeed, it looked more like a high-end gaming computer than a staid mass-produced office PC. The second was that Chao was hammering away at her keyboard with a litany of loud clicks and clacks while also deftly flying her mouse around its mousepad. Chao had long flowing locks like Maya, but a calm blue as opposed to black. She was wearing a red headset.
  272. Chao gave no response, so Maya walked forward—and saw that she was...playing video games. “Uh, I’m--” Chao abruptly raised her hand and took the headset off, continuing to focus on her game above all else. “Uh...” Maya looked around awkwardly, playing with her fingers.
  274. “New person, huh?” Chao suddenly spoke with the faintest hint of a Chinese accent. She pulled a bottle of water from seemingly nowhere and took a large swig before returning to her game.
  276. “Uh, yeah.”
  278. “Name is Chao.”
  280. “...Chao what?”
  282. “Name is Chao.”
  284. Maya groaned. “...what is your full name, Chao?”
  286. “Chao. Just Chao.”
  288. “….god, fuck it.” Maya groaned, now fully aware that another employee here had issues. “What do you do around here?”
  290. Chao took another swig. “Social Media Manager. I run the Facebook and Twitter pages.”
  292. Maya walked over to her, watching her screen. Chao was playing Overwatch and doing quite well at it. “...that’s not social media managing. That’s a video game.”
  294. “90% of the time I’m free. Still get paid. Is pretty nice job.”
  296. “But why not work from--”
  298. “Brad bought me this nice computer.” Chao pointed to the massive tower next to her legs. Maya also noticed that she was crinkling slightly every time she moved in her seat. “Much better than the one at home.” Chao’s normally-monotone voice rose the slightest at the end there. She finished her match, having won, and quickly stretched in her seat, pushing back a little. At this point Maya saw that Chao was wearing literally nothing but a blue t-shirt, her legs, feet, and crotch completely bare—except, that is, by the same thick diapers she had just been hauling.
  300. Maya’s eyes went as wide as saucers as Chao yawned and kicked her legs in a babyish manner grossly unfitting her for catatonic demeanor. She was a pretty short girl (and flatter than a cutting board) but her legs and feet were shapely, making the comically thick undergarment taped to her waist stand out even more. Chao gave her a disinterested glance with her sunset-orange eyes and yawned again. “What? Oh yeah you’re not into this stuff. Why did you even get hired then, hnnnnnngh~” She added while stretching her arms even more, standing up. Her shirt did not even cover her navel, much less her diaper.
  302. Maya wanted to congratulate her on the herculean effort of speaking three sentences at one time, but instead found herself entranced by the tiny girl in front of her. Chao was adorable. Besides the diaper, that was. Or maybe because of it. She barely came to Maya’s breasts in stature. Maya wanted to hug her, but was stuck just marveling at the ridiculously cute blue-haired moppet in front of her.
  304. “Cuuuuuuuuuuuute...” Maya droned, her eyes unblinking.
  306. “What? Me?”
  308. Maya walked forward and wrapped her arms around Chao, consequently pushing the small girl’s face into her breasts. “Must. Hug.”
  310. Chao’s expression did not change one bit as this happened. “I’m pretty sure I can get you fired for this.”
  312. “Muuuuuuuuuust. Huuuuuuuuuug.”
  314. “What are you doing.” Chao somehow simultaneously sounded monotone, baffled, and angry at the time.
  316. Maya squeezed her tighter, her eyes sparkling. “BRAD CAN I TAKE HER HOME!?”
  318. “Please no. My game is starting.” Chao pointed her free arm at the monitor.
  320. Maya, having gotten no response, dragged the poor girl back the front lobby, by now making Chao actually kick and squirm against her iron grip. “Brad please can I take her home~!” Maya beamed, her eyes practically twinkling, though Chao was now flailing her arms like a deranged doll.
  322. Brad was less positive. “Uh…..”
  324. //////
  326. Later, after Chao had been successfully extricated from Maya’s death-grip, Brad came into the front lobby with a bag of chips. “Sheesh what it is about her?”
  328. “She’s all cute and tiny.” Maya blushed and looked away.
  330. “She’s my employee.” Brad remarked between crunchy bites.
  332. “You don’t own your employees!”
  334. “I don’t?”
  336. Before Maya could answer Rose came through the front door, stretching and yawning. “Haaaaaaaaaaannnnhhh~, let’s get all dressed and--” Her bright mood fell like a lead balloon when she saw Maya. “Oh no, I forgot you were here...”
  338. “Thanks, my friend since daycare.” Maya dryly quipped.
  340. “It’s just now that you know how weird I am.”
  342. “It pays.” Maya rolled her eyes.
  344. “, need to get dressed~” Rose fidgeted and blushed, her arms squishing her ample bust.
  346. “So do I.” Maya pulled her bagged up uniform out of her purse.
  348. “Oh god do I have to change with her!?”
  350. /////////////
  352. Maya and Rose made their way into another room, this time with what looked like an oversized nursery, complete with a fully-supplied baby changing table in one corner along with several mirrors. There was another huge playpen and a toy chest.
  354. “This is the nursery. We rent it out to people who don’t have the means to play or just want to do stuff together in a nice place like this.”
  356. “…I see. At this point, I’m not questioning anything I see.”
  358. Rose strode to one wall and dropped out her purse, pulling a pink shirt with short violet sleeves and one of the very same thick diapers Maya had hauled, crinkling loudly in her hand. As usual, Maya stared at her with blankly wide-open eyes. Rose caught her gaze and blushed. “Uh, yeah this is part of my uniform…just this and the shirt.”
  360. Maya turned around abruptly and stammered, “Well, I’m not gonna watch you so...” She began to pull out her onesie uniform and gulped. Taking off the rest of her clothes, she slipped it on. Behind her she heard various crinkly sounds coming from Rose. Shaking her head to regain focus, she moved her hands down to the snaps, only to realize that it was trickier than she thought. She had never worn anything like this before, and getting the snaps to actually fit and, well, snap, was more effort than she expected. “Aw, dammit...”
  362. Rose giggled behind her like a child, making Maya blush even harder. “You can’t even snap a onesie? Here I’ll help you.”
  364. Maya shook her head. “I don’t need hel—HYAA!” She yelped in surprise as Rose’s deft hands grabbed the bottom of the onesie and began to snap it closed. Maya squirmed like a fish out of water, forcing Rose to awkwardly squeeze her with her arms to keep her still. “GET OFF OF ME ROSIE!”
  366. “I’m trying to snap your onesie closed since you clearly can’t do it!” The two of them nearly tumbled end-over-end from Maya’s squirming.
  368. “Do you have to be so rough!?”
  369. “You’re the one who keeps squirming! And you’re pressing yourself into my boobs!”
  371. Somehow, the ordeal finished with Maya’s onesie snapped. The day hadn’t begun and she was already exhausted. Rose was standing next to her, gasping. She was dressed in nothing but the shirt and the diaper, her legs and feet bare like Chao.
  373. “Don’t...don’t you need to wear some more?” Maya remarked, shifting a little as the unfamiliar feeling of the onesie irked her.
  375. “This is all I have to wear...”
  377. “’re barefoot. Is this even legal?”
  379. “I stopped questioning Brad’s motives when he said he’d pay me 17 bucks an hour to sit around and look pretty.”
  381. “Well that’s one thing we still share...”
  383. Maya and Rose walked back to the front lobby. Maya noticed that not only was Rose’s diaper very crinkly and loud, but she had to alter her gait a little. It pushed out her legs slightly and forced her to take a slight waddle.
  385. Rose patted Maya’s far less padded butt.“Hehe, Mimi, that onesie’s missing something I feel~”
  387. “Don’t even start.” Maya spat as she walked behind the front counter. At least she looked like she was wearing a normal shirt from there. Rose walked to the other wall and plopped down in the oversized playpen and pulled out her phone.
  389. They waited.
  391. And waited.
  393. And waited.
  395. No one came. Not a single soul. No one even walked in to look at the merchandise an leave without buying anything. Nobody. With the windows being covered, Maya was honestly unsure if time were even running. She quickly checked her phone—3:40PM.
  397. “...No one has come.”
  399. “Well, duh. We don’t get that many customers.” Brad remarked, coming from the hallway again with a sandwich in hand. The vast majority order online since they’re from all over the world.
  401. Rose looked up from her phone and nodded. “He’s right. Honestly we get person a week, if that.”
  403. “Then why is there even a register? Why the hell was I hired to do literally nothing for twice miminum wage?!” Maya slumped back in her seat, baffled. On one hand, she was being twice minimum wage to stand around and do literally nothing. On the other hand, this was way too sketchy. Why did Brad even have a store if he could operate entirely out of an office?!
  405. “I dunno.” Brad said and shrugged. “Lookin’ cute?” He shot a playful smirk at her.
  407. “Is this a store or a way for you to get women to sit around half-naked around you!?”
  409. “Yes.”
  411. “AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH” Maya (painfully) slammed her head into the front desk.
  413. At that point, however, the door opened. Maya shot up, her head still throbbing, and greeted the customer, a little stunned that someone had actually come. She was even more floored when she saw him, however.
  415. The man that had walked in looked like he had walked directly out of the fantasies of every straight college girl in the United States. Maya’s eyes were glued to him as he walked in and greeted the three of them. He was incredibly handsome, with a tall, strong body, gorgeous scarlet-red hair, and piercing eyes of the same color. He looked tough enough to be a sports star, yet classy enough to be a businessman. Maya could not believe that a man this hot had walked into the store. It had to be a mistake. He must have been looking for a nearby tailor or restaurant. No way he could have been one of those diaper-loving weirdos. Maya immediately felt horrified that this man saw her in this store. She had blown her chances of ever impressing him now that he had seen her around these perverts.
  417. Maya managed to actually stammer out a greeting. “u...uh...h-hi, you must be lost…” She could barely get the words out. All of her brainpower was spent locking her eyes onto this man’s visage.
  419. He turned to her and smiled so genuinely Maya nearly fell over. “Oh no, I intend to be here. You must be the cashier here. You’re very pretty.” Maya said nothing, her entire brain broken by his words. “Oh, and you are quite cute too!” The man waved to a madly-blushing Rose, who waved slowly with mouth agape. “Do you have some Comfies in stock?”
  421. Brad, the only one not floored by him, pointed to the shelves. “On the shelves next to the wall, blue label. Haven’t seen you around here.”
  423. “I just moved in, mainly for job prospects and to attend college here. Still, this store is a nice bonus.” The man moved to the shelves and pulled three cases off of them, prompting Rose to leap up and offer to hold one. He let her, and they brought the three to the front counter, plopping them in front of the still-stunned Maya. “Thanks, cutie~” The man petted Rose like a dog. She squealed in delight and squirmed, waddling over to her playpen with sparkling eyes.
  425. “I’d like to buy these three.” He said. “Hm, I was here a year ago or so, and I certainly don’t recognize you.”
  427. “I...I’m just the cashier.” Maya could not believe she was talking to this dreamy man. Nor that he was apparently a weirdo diaper-loving pervert.
  429. “Oh I would have remembered someone as pretty as you.” The man said with a smile, making Maya blush so hard her face was redder than a tomato.
  431. “P-please don’t be like that...” Maya grabbed the scanner gun and rang up the three cases. Her arms were shaking so tremendously she could barely focus the gun on the barcodes of the cases. “T-that will….112 dollars, s-sir...sorry this is my first day here!” She bowed profusely, hands between her legs.
  433. “Oh, I see. Well you’ll make a good cashier, no doubt! What’s your name, by the way?”
  435. “…M-maya. Maya Kurozawa.”
  437. He smiled and extended his strong hand. “I’m Wolf.”
  439. Wolf. This man’s name was Wolf. Maya was certain by now that he had just popped out of the pages of romance novel by now.
  441. “Haha, t-that’s r-really c-c-cool...” Maya shook her sweaty, trembling hand with his—though it was more that he gripped her hand and took it along for a ride. His grip was strong and imposing, yet also soft and delicate.
  443. “Hah, well you must be an ABDL like everyone else here, right?”
  445. Maya said nothing. She stared into his crimson orbs, mesmerized. Wolf had complimented her, called her own eyes beautiful, and now wanted to know if they were compatible. This could not be happening. The man she crushed on had the exact fetish she was completely unnerved by. Would he make her do weird diaper things if she were his girlfriend? What if he was simply uninterested in non-ABDL girls? She didn’t want to lose him. He was handsome, amazing, and awe-inspiring after a mere 3 minutes of knowing her.
  447. And thus, Maya said four words that irreversibly hanged her entire summer—and the seasons beyond.
  449. “O-of course I am!” Brad and Rose’s eyes grew wide, and the latter even gasped in shock. It was a complete lie, but Wolf had enthralled Maya so.
  451. Wolf smiled and nodded. “Of course. Have you ever worn diapers before?”
  453. “Uh…….” Maya’s eyes darted around nervously. “N-no!”
  455. Wolf nodded again and pulled out 120 bucks.. After Maya counted out the change and handed it to him, he smiled and pushed one of the cases towards her, taking the other two in his arms. “Here.”
  457. “Um, what?” Maya pushed it back towards him. “I’ll help you carry it!”
  459. “No, no.” Wolf laughed as he walked towards the door, which Rose quickly got. As he walked outside, he turned around and nodded at Maya.
  461. “Those are for you.”
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