

Apr 27th, 2013
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  1. dfdf ?
  2. [dfdf]
  3. Yep..
  4. [dfdf] is now known as dfdf
  5. wbooze
  6. no i meant i didn't get your question
  7. dfdf
  8. So my FreeBSD server does not want 2 mount it's primary disk..
  9. wbooze
  10. ah
  11. dfdf
  12. So it can't be started..
  13. dfdf
  14. After rebuild..
  15. wbooze
  16. do you have devfs or udev ? <==
  17. dfdf
  18. think it was ufs:
  19. wbooze
  20. and are you sure pciids and usbids match the old one ? <==
  21. __iron has left IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  22. dfdf
  23. that's way out of my leage, slow down pls..
  24. Bloodhound_ has left IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  25. wbooze
  26. oh
  27. wizard_A has left IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0/20130329030832])
  28. Bloodhound has joined (b05c2f81@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  29. dfdf
  30. try again..
  31. evilman_home has left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  32. wbooze
  33. wel i'm not that advanced either to tell something specific of a's just i have here and there hints in my mind what these things could be related to and then i start there to try out..stuff....
  34. dfdf
  35. carry on pls..
  36. wbooze
  37. mbr mismatch, paritition-table mismatch, pivot-rooting, daemon-fault, sucking-utils, sucking-hw <==
  38. dfdf
  39. hw is fine.. problem is in the dev ad2s1a or something like it.. It's not in the '?' list on the mountroot> prompt..
  40. wbooze
  41. ya, so you need a initrd or initramfs ? <==
  42. wbooze
  43. my kernel needs none
  44. wbooze
  45. but some kernels do....
  46. dfdf
  47. what can i do on the mountroot> prompt..?
  48. wbooze
  49. can't do much when the /dev entry does not exist
  50. wbooze
  51. other then if you have the tools to create one.... <==
  52. wbooze
  53. maybe .....
  54. dfdf
  55. so you are telling me i'm screwed..
  56. dfdf
  57. booting from CD doesn't do the trick either..
  58. wbooze
  59. and sometimes even that won't help, cause it won't match it's pci id or usb id etc...the ones from the previously running-kernel or so.... <==
  60. wbooze
  61. normally creating a initrd or initramfs involves scripts which do update such stuff for you <==
  62. wbooze
  63. what does the cd contain ?
  64. wbooze
  65. a bootable or live linux system ? <==
  66. ced117 has left IRC (Quit: Quitte)
  67. dfdf
  68. FreeBSD 6.0 && the other one is FreeBSD 8.1
  69. wbooze
  70. dunno, if i'd be you i'd try booting into it, and read the manuals before setup things for real boot.....
  71. wbooze
  72. maybe something gone wrong, or some steps you missed....
  73. wbooze
  74. and by the way i didn't try freebsd nor openbsd yet
  75. dfdf
  76. I just took the server apart & rebuilt it, nothing else..
  77. wbooze
  78. i recall i used once a unix system from a cd, it was a book cd from sybex....
  79. wbooze
  80. and another unix i used was cygwin under windoze
  81. wbooze
  82. that's all
  83. 23:23 dfdf
  84. wbooze: thanx for the effort anyways.. much obliged..
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