

Nov 9th, 2020
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  1. ===========================
  2. LITV2 1.0.6 --> LITV2 1.06a
  3. ===========================
  5. Updated:
  6. MineColonies (minecolonies-0.13.409-ALPHA-universal.jar --> minecolonies-0.13.438-ALPHA-universal.jar):
  7. minecolonies-0.13.438-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  8. Minecolonies Changelog
  9. Version: 0.13.438-ALPHA
  10. * hotfix visitor respawn (#6052)
  11. hotfix visitor respawn
  13. minecolonies-0.13.436-RELEASE-universal.jar:
  14. Minecolonies Changelog
  15. Version: 0.13.436-RELEASE
  16. * hotfix #6051
  17. * Fix item stacks not beeing damage properly (#6046)
  18. * hotfix building access too early (#6043)
  19. AI now sets the job name to the building when it passed the safety checks of building exists etc. No longer does that in the constructor * Balance player damage against raiders (#6038)
  20. Balance player damage against raiders in a way where player attacks still matter, but modded opness is diminished and doesnt matter much. Add an enchant providing extra damage against raiders, made by the enchanter worker Fix builder's resource list ordering beeing affected by the resourcescroll * fix #6030 (#6031)
  21. * fix #6030
  22. * Invfixes (#6029)
  23. Improve citizen inventory free slots and stop damaging/modifying internal stacks from outside
  24. Fix cap invalidate only upon change Fix racks(and their chunk) beeing marked dirty from the buildings getCap call all the time Fix capability invalidates to be like chests Fix Building cap returning values when the TE was removed Fix Enchanter doing animations serverside and not calling super tick Fix CombinedHandler not having isItemValid implemented * Fast/compost (#6020)
  25. Accelerate barrels based on Primary Skill level, similar to the way we accelerate furnaces. * Small fixes (#6019)
  26. Fixes deco block rotations Fixes eating problems, EatingAI is now AITarget based and compatible for future AI stuff Cook and eating AI now transfer food items based of food value Fixes dman and warehouse issues * Fix a few performance issues (#6004)
  27. Fixing a bunch of minor performance leaks, which though in total made for about ~30% of our citizens tick usage. Fixed citizen inventories possibly running into issues with legacy armor slot code. Fix NPE with inv utils, when it doesnt find the TE at the pos in world. * Fix speed modifiers, fix raider damage scaling (#6013)
  28. Reworked a bit how we handle our entities speed a bit, we use the entities movement speed attribute as base speed, and any speedvalues passed along for certain pathing/move to operations are speedFactors multiplied ontop. In some cases we already use speed like this, in other cases we treated the given speedFactors as basespeed and caused issues. I've also renamed all the speed parameters to speedFactor for clarity.
  29. Fixed raider difficulty scaling, it no longer scales base + scaling damage by difficulty, and also changed their damage to our custom damage source, which does not do additional world difficulty scaling with damage against players, as our raiders already do scale with world difficulty. * buff enchanter * Improved ordering of resource in the resource scroll, and added a display of currently delivered resources (#5998)
  30. Improved ordering of resource in the resource scroll, now the needed resources are ontop as opposed to previously the fullfillable ones were so it is easier to see what else is needed without scrolling down. Added a display of currently delivered resources as an icon indicator with amount. * INV IMPROVEMENTS (#5996)
  31. Improves some of the inv handling Quick Rack Querying over expensive slot per slot Already return the building in the query of containers Adjust some old chest code in the AIs * Worker Xp adjustments (#5992)
  32. This adjusts all workers base XP gain to be roughly on the same level. Some workers got an XP buff some got nerfs. The overall base XP gain should be around 10xp/day, which is before any xp increasing modifiers. See ldtteam/Dev-Wiki#7 for details on the base.
  33. Fix Herder trying to breed adult animals incorrectly Fix custom arrows despawning too fast for the archer trainees to evaluate them Fix knight trainee's fighting with previously assigned citizen * Add formatting to AllInventory quantities (#5997)
  34. Now in the allinventory display (chest in the lower corner of huts) numbers will display like 1.5k, 18k, etc. * Add a couple more blocks to deco phase (#5975)
  35. Add Banners to deco phase of build Add Wall signs to deco phase of build Create improved deco handling * Fix/#5988 (#5990)
  36. Fix Research speed modifier for some workers Fix smelter issues * fix #5920 (#5984)
  37. Refreshes combined inv list regularly. Fixes level 5 workers being able to work in the rain. * Fix combat/archery to behave like guard housing not citizen housing, so it doesnt trigger child spawning which it cannot house (#5977)
  38. Fix combat/archery to behave like guard housing not citizen housing, so it doesnt trigger child spawning which it cannot house * fix #5978 #5976 (#5979) * Feature: 4 new breads, only craftable by the baker! (#5970)
  39. Sweet Bread Slightly higher saturation than normal bread Applies a speed boost & removes poison Available at Baker level 3 Add Milk-infused bread Nutritionally, same as regular bread Removes potion effects like Milk Bucket If you're not hungry, you better hope you still have a milk-bucket Available at Baker level 4 Golden Bread Nutritionally, same as regular bread Immediately heals 2 hearts Available at Baker level 5 Chorus Bread Higher saturation than normal bread Teleports you to the surface in overworld-type dimensions Requires new "Know the End" research @ university New "Know the End" research Level 3 university, after researching stonemason Requires a level 3 bakery & 64 chorus fruit End Stone recipe @ Stone Mason Requires new "Know the End" research Fix a typo in carved pumpkin recipe * Fix chunkloading issues (#5974)
  40. Fixes the persistent chunkloading we got. * Fixed #5971 by adding in the multiplier. Also fix Off by one with adding recipe (#5973)
  41. Adds in the recipe multiplier when complexCrafting is true Removes the +1 making the recipe limit correct * Rs fixes (#5969)
  42. Cuts workorder folder names out Makes deliveries more deterministic * Added a recipe status as per ldtteam/minecolonies-features#152 (#5967)
  43. Adds an x of y line to the recipes screen detailing how many recipes used and what the max number is. Removes some code using an old static version of the recipe max code * fix 5962 and 5965 (#5966)
  44. Fix Rs issues and log spam * Make special requests scale to processors (#5964)
  45. This makes fuel requests for all furnace users scale 1 stack per furnace in the building. This makes smeltables scale similarly. Finally, this makes compostable requests scale 1 stack per composting barrel in the building * Fix/crafter prerequest (#5961)
  46. This PR makes sure that the crafter reserves some stacks for pending requests such that the quantities for the followup requests may get delivered already. * Fix inability to find fuel in building (#5960)
  47. Fix the smelter crafters being unable to find fuel in the building (because they were looking in a furnace!) * Multi-Output recipes, and reliable secondary outputs (#5905)
  48. Add support for multi-output recipes, so that one recipe can create all variants of one timber block Add support for custom recipes to require that the recipe 'exists' to be valid This enables a multi-output recipe to replace a classic recipe in which the inputs match When a multi-output replaces, it also looks for classic recipes who have outputs that are alternate in the multi-recipe and removes them Add support for multi-recipes to cycle through the outputs in the recipe list in buildings Add ability to capture actual secondary outputs (stay in grid) from recipes as they are being taught, This increases compatibility with many mod recipes, including aquaculture fish fillets. Some minor tweaks to display of the request tree in buildings, to make crafting jobs a bit clearer Fix Combat Academy and Archery to mark beds as unoccupied on wake up, letting the residents sleep the next night use Localizable strings for Combat Academy and Archery Ensure that multi recipes replace simple recipes, and that they update when they change Change all of the lumberjack recipes to be multi-recipes. They are now Log -> [Stripped Log, Wood, Stripped Wood] * Fix #5880 (#5957)
  49. This PR tweaks inventory handling in addition to removing the old one-stack crafting limitation that was causing #5880 to happen. * Misc. Crafter fixes (#5951)
  50. *
  51. Make smeltercrafters fuel better during smelting
  52. *
  53. Better exclude assistant ingredients from the cook
  54. *
  55. Fix #5948, and walking at the concrete mixer
  56. Co-authored-by: someaddons [38401808+someaddons@users.noreply.github.com](mailto:38401808 someaddons@users.noreply.github.com) * Track recipe usage by token in the recipe manager (#5941)
  57. *
  58. Track recipe usage by token in the recipe manager
  59. *
  60. remove contains checks
  61. Co-authored-by: someaddons [38401808+someaddons@users.noreply.github.com](mailto:38401808 someaddons@users.noreply.github.com) * Success/failure sounds (#5945)
  62. Co-authored-by: someaddons [38401808+someaddons@users.noreply.github.com](mailto:38401808 someaddons@users.noreply.github.com) * Fix citizens sometimes toggling gates/doors badly (#5950)
  63. Improve weights of deliveryman to start offloading work to free deliverymen earlier * Fix #5919 (#5943)
  64. Treat Lanterns as non-solid/decorations * Fix furnace recipe loading (#5942)
  65. Fix furnace recipe loading Recently many furnace recipes quit resolving during teaching. It turns out that the recipe book has changed and it's now only returning a single recipe with a list of possible ingredients for things like charcoal and glass. This change now expands that out into recipes for each possible ingredient during load for lookup purposes. * Small improvements to readme (#5937)
  66. Small improvements to readme * Fix citizen sometimes failing to respawn (#5932)
  67. Fix our respawn position to the Townhall when our spawnpos sometimes can't find a fitting place to spawn * Delivery orders (#5921)
  68. This adapts the way deliveries are assigned to deliveryman to a multi-factor comparison system. The resolver for dmen now resides in a warehouse and resolves the request it gets to its delivermen in our case those of a single warehouse. So now we compare all assigned deliverymen of a warehouse to get the best fit for the request. The resolver now ask the dmen for a score for adding a certain request and then compares the score to other dmen's scores. The score(lower is better) itself is combined of these factors:
  69. Closeness: How close the target/source of the new request is compared to an existing one, in relation to its total travel length. Priority(also contains age): Overtaking a request of a higher priority is worse. Pickup/Delivery alternating: When alternating between pickups and deliveries with close targets the score gets a little bonus. Index: The index we would add the new request at, higher the more request we overtake and the more request we have in total. These result in lists on deliverymen of approx ~3 times closer deliveries, allowing the AI to also bunch up deliveries more nicer in the future.
  70. Fixes visitors sometimes getting spawn on zero pos. Fix raids not respecting distance to unloaded buildings Fix shipsraids sometimes instantly despawning after killing spawners, now takes a day to do so. * Serveral fixes (#5928)
  71. Adds Custom arrows for our entities, which do not scale in damage with movement and despawn quickly after beeing on the ground for a bit, avoiding fps lag from large battles with thousands of arrows.
  72. Some raid balancing: Raiders now have less armor and scale less in health Colonies raidlevel grows more linearly than before and is a bit lower. When less than 5% of raiders remain the raids now automatically end.
  73. Fixes: Training archers no longer deal damage when shooting ToggleAI no longer toggles single blocks on doors and instead uses the doors own toggle functionality Raiders no longer accidentally toggle doors Fix guarding guards "Jiggling" because they didnt fix up their starting position for pathing Fix pathing starting positions, now it checks for an existing collision box and if the citizen is actually within it so that e.g. standing next to a Trapdoor no longer assumes a pathing node above the trapdoor. Before it used entity positions which can vary too much, and caused some cases where citizens get stuck. Fix players not always beeing added to the colony view subs after dim changes, they now check if they're added each time they enter a chunk claimed by a colony making it more resistant. * Make request system use localized names in display (#5908) * rack hotfix * hotfix (#5914)
  74. Hotfix request issue * Fix/some (#5911)
  75. fix an exception with the container Also fix an issue with crashing with non resovled requests Also fix issue with style changes * fix #5897 (#5904)
  76. Properly update content maps in racks Improve citizen hut GUI slightly * Feature/immutable storage (#5896)
  77. Fixes smelter recipes increasing in cost exponentially Adds code to prevent this kind of bug in the future * Some more AI improvements for trapdoors (#5894)
  78. Fix: only toggles trapdoors which are blocking our entity from getting through Improved block detection for cases where we're stepping down or up a block, as there we require a check 3 blocks above * Improve some possible error for visitor spawn positions (#5902)
  79. Improve some possible error for visitor spawn positions Fix research citizen limit not allowing config limit to be reached * fix #5881 (#5903)
  80. Fix permission issues * hotfix the message hotfix, my derp * Hotfix message issues (#5891)
  81. Hotfix message issues * Make sure we produce enough buckets from cake (#5887)
  82. set the stack size appropriately when dealing with containers/tools in recipes * Rewrite of door/gate/trapdoor toggle AI (#5886)
  83. Rewrite of door/gate/trapdoor toggle AI, this lets us use the same AI for blocks with similar toggle behaviour. The idea is the same as the fenceGateAI before: we check the parts of path for toggleable blocks in range, and save their positions(previously we could only use one position). If we found some blocks the AI becomes active, while active it randomly activates one of the blocks it found. With multiple blocks in range it eventually finds a combination which allows it to go through.
  84. Pathing now allows single trapdoor blocks as passable. Pathing now also adds the starting node to the path, previously only nodes with a parent were added.
  85. Example of what they now make their way through: * GUI improvements (#5879)
  86. Improve ordering of citizen Hut GUI Add color codes that are easier to understand * Adding split networking. (#5885)
  87. This adds splits networking. Our packets are getting to big, even with string reductions on the RS side of things packets that we are sending around are getting extremely big for large colonies.
  88. This PR adds a wrapping system which automatically splits all packets that are bigger then 90% of the max value.
  89. On the receiving side the packets are processed, stitched back together and then processed as normal. * Broaden out the new location display (#5877)
  90. Change from AbstractBuildingCrafter.View to IBuildingWorkerView, to ensure more buildings display * Fix evaluation of custom recipes (#5875)
  91. Make RecipeStorage.equals more accurate fix the research evaluation to properly identify effects. * Hotfix (#5874)
  92. Hotfix for client crash Stop friendly fire * Feature/research improvements (#5869)
  93. Add Happiness Research effect into code actually. Add xp research effect into code actually Readjust research tree to move some researches into better positions. * hotfix xp loop (#5871)
  94. Fixes the xp loop which happened when it tried to reduce a skills level to zero or lower, causing an int underflow. The new XP formula triggered this bug, as the old one semi-worked for negative levels too since it was quadratic * Herder use a FakePlayer to butcher animals (#5865)
  95. The herder now does player damage As a result, we now get player only drops, including rabbit feet. * Add alternate level scaling (#5867)
  96. This adds an alternate level scaling with a more delayed XP required curve, while keeping the starting levels more linear. So that we then have citizens more beeing able to reach higher levels like 45+ while not reducing the inital levels xp much. This also makes them a bit better in comparison to recruitable visitors, which start with higher skills. * Enhanced durability research for gates against multiple raiders (#5859)
  97. Enhanced durability research for gates against multiple raiders Add debug for visitors getting to zero pos * Fix/multiples (#5862)
  98. Better stat inheritance Increased pupil leveling Warehouse resolving to closest Remove recall all at townhall Add recall to citizen hut Fix team display on client side Vastly improve multiwarehouse research assignment Add some more info to delivery requests * Fix NRE when research missing (#5863)
  99. fix a missing null check on research existence * Tackle some things from Modtoberfest list (#5853)
  100. Fix research GUI to display arrows correctly * Replace a common NRE with a warning (#5858)
  101. This is mostly a logging change, to log a one line warning rather than a full stack This does enable the removal of the bad task from the queue when the NRE skipped that. * Break up big crafting jobs (#5852)
  102. Break crafting jobs into chunks based on the ingredients fitting in the inventory of the crafter This resolves the problem with cases where a crafting job requires more slots to load the recipe than the citizen has available. this becomes very visible when the recipe uses an ingredient with a maxStackSize of 1, and the output stacks higher than the number of inventory slots on the citizen.
  103. Today, we have a special recipe for level 3 bakery that uses water bottles, and making a stack of that recipe needs 32 of those, with a total slot requirement of 33 + 1 for output.
  104. The solution is to recognize the max recipe iterations we can load inputs for, and instead of creating a single crafting job of the full amount, calculate the maximum size we can process, and break it up into batches of that or smaller to accomplish the task. * fix fuel when furnace goes missing (#5851)
  105. If the furnace position doesn't have a furnace, remove it from the list and move on. * Upgradeable fortress walls (#5855)
  106. Fix null schematic name and level in the NBT preventing deco upgrade * Language adjustments & fix double claiming (#5849)
  107. Fixed the inconsistent raid messages The research start message is more descriptive Added missing scepter names and missing advancement description Removed Asher's fascination with towers ... and with exclamation marks Some more interesting titles were attempted for some advancements Some advancements' tooltips have been made more brief The Barrel is now called the Compost Barrel (seriously, confused me when I rejoined mc in 1.15) Players can no longer change styles when upgrading a hut Fixes chunk claiming happening twice * Short type based serialization for packets (#5844)
  108. Instead of serialization large "strings" we now serialize shorts for network usage to decrease the cost significantly. * Enabling POM upload. * hotfix add missing config checks * Feature/partial chunkload (#5839)
  109. Keep the colony chunks loaded as long as an owner/officer etc is around. Fix some banner pathing issues * Allocate builder to decorations (#5827)
  110. Decorations now transition to a build screen after placement The resources of the decoration can be seen, and the builder can be allocated A confirming message is sent to the players when a decoration is placed Decoration names have simplified names in some places (removed the long "schematics/decorations/" prefix) * Several fixes (#5830)
  111. Miners shouldn't open nodes in water/lava Fix lumberjack tree storage Avoid deconstruction of barrackstowers. Fix recipe sorting Fix constructiontape removing fluids Fix NPE * Schematic Update 1.15 * Garden Fix * Jungle fixes * Merge branch 'version/1.15' into Schematics115 * Jungle Update * New Scans of all but Medieval * Remove incorrect scans * Merge branch 'version/1.15' into Schematics115 * Minor fixes * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/version/1.15' into Schematics115 * Spacewars huts added * Asian updates and adds * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/version/1.15' into Schematics115 * Schematic updates, added some missing huts for asian, fortress alts * Merge branch 'version/1.15' into Schematics115 * Fortress Tavern update * Spacewars Concrete Mixer and Rails * Dark oak and Spacewars new huts, fix stone barracks * Add huts to Dark Oak * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/version/1.15' into Schematics115
  112. Conflicts:
  113. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/mechanic1.blueprint
  114. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/mechanic2.blueprint
  115. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/mechanic3.blueprint
  116. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/mechanic4.blueprint
  117. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/mechanic5.blueprint
  118. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/rabbithutch1.blueprint
  119. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/rabbithutch2.blueprint
  120. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/rabbithutch3.blueprint
  121. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/rabbithutch4.blueprint
  122. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/rabbithutch5.blueprint
  123. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/tavern2.blueprint
  124. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/asian/tavern3.blueprint
  125. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/fortress/citizen3.blueprint
  126. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/fortress/citizen4.blueprint
  127. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/fortress/citizen5.blueprint
  128. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/fortress/cook4.blueprint
  129. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/fortress/cook5.blueprint
  130. src/main/resources/assets/minecolonies/schematics/sandstone/university1.blueprint
  131. * remove asian mechanic, uploaded prematurely
  132. * Medieval Oak, Spruce, Birch
  134. minecolonies-0.13.426-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  135. Minecolonies Changelog
  136. Version: 0.13.426-ALPHA
  137. * Fix item stacks not beeing damage properly (#6046)
  139. minecolonies-0.13.424-BETA-universal.jar:
  140. Minecolonies Changelog
  141. Version: 0.13.424-BETA
  142. * hotfix building access too early (#6043)
  143. AI now sets the job name to the building when it passed the safety checks of building exists etc. No longer does that in the constructor * Balance player damage against raiders (#6038)
  144. Balance player damage against raiders in a way where player attacks still matter, but modded opness is diminished and doesnt matter much. Add an enchant providing extra damage against raiders, made by the enchanter worker Fix builder's resource list ordering beeing affected by the resourcescroll * fix #6030 (#6031)
  145. * fix #6030
  146. * Invfixes (#6029)
  147. Improve citizen inventory free slots and stop damaging/modifying internal stacks from outside
  148. Fix cap invalidate only upon change Fix racks(and their chunk) beeing marked dirty from the buildings getCap call all the time Fix capability invalidates to be like chests Fix Building cap returning values when the TE was removed Fix Enchanter doing animations serverside and not calling super tick Fix CombinedHandler not having isItemValid implemented * Fast/compost (#6020)
  149. Accelerate barrels based on Primary Skill level, similar to the way we accelerate furnaces. * Small fixes (#6019)
  150. Fixes deco block rotations Fixes eating problems, EatingAI is now AITarget based and compatible for future AI stuff Cook and eating AI now transfer food items based of food value Fixes dman and warehouse issues * Fix a few performance issues (#6004)
  151. Fixing a bunch of minor performance leaks, which though in total made for about ~30% of our citizens tick usage. Fixed citizen inventories possibly running into issues with legacy armor slot code. Fix NPE with inv utils, when it doesnt find the TE at the pos in world.
  153. minecolonies-0.13.423-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  154. Minecolonies Changelog
  155. Version: 0.13.423-ALPHA
  156. * hotfix building access too early (#6043)
  157. AI now sets the job name to the building when it passed the safety checks of building exists etc. No longer does that in the constructor
  159. minecolonies-0.13.421-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  160. Minecolonies Changelog
  161. Version: 0.13.421-ALPHA
  162. * Balance player damage against raiders (#6038)
  163. Balance player damage against raiders in a way where player attacks still matter, but modded opness is diminished and doesnt matter much. Add an enchant providing extra damage against raiders, made by the enchanter worker Fix builder's resource list ordering beeing affected by the resourcescroll
  165. minecolonies-0.13.415-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  166. Minecolonies Changelog
  167. Version: 0.13.415-ALPHA
  168. * Fast/compost (#6020)
  169. Accelerate barrels based on Primary Skill level, similar to the way we accelerate furnaces.
  171. minecolonies-0.13.413-ALPHA-universal.jar:
  172. Minecolonies Changelog
  173. Version: 0.13.413-ALPHA
  174. * Small fixes (#6019)
  175. Fixes deco block rotations Fixes eating problems, EatingAI is now AITarget based and compatible for future AI stuff Cook and eating AI now transfer food items based of food value Fixes dman and warehouse issues
  177. Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](https://github.com/TheRandomLabs/ChangelogGenerator).
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