

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. _G.WaitTime = 5 -- Increase if your game loads slowly
  2. _G.Difficulty = "Insane" -- "Easy","Normal","Hard","Insane"
  3. _G.RoundSkip = true -- Votes to skip to the next round
  4. _G.SoloPlay = false -- Only joins empty elevators
  6. x = math.random(-1000000,1000000)
  7. y = math.random(500000,1000000)
  8. z = math.random(-1000000,1000000)
  10. print('Wait Time: ' .. tostring(_G.WaitTime))
  11. wait(_G.WaitTime)
  12. if game.PlaceId == 3260590327 then
  13. print('Location: Lobby')
  14. HRP = game:WaitForChild('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  15. if _G.SoloPlay then
  16. print('SoloPlay: On')
  17. for _,Elevators in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Elevators:GetDescendants()) do
  18. if Elevators:IsA('TextLabel') and Elevators.Name == 'Display' and Elevators.Text == '0/4' then
  19. HRP.CFrame = Elevators.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Regions.Part.CFrame
  20. end
  21. end
  22. elseif not _G.SoloPlay then
  23. print('SoloPlay: On')
  24. for _,Elevators in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Elevators:GetDescendants()) do
  25. if Elevators:IsA('TextLabel') and Elevators.Name == 'Display' then
  26. if Elevators.Text == '1/4' or Elevators.Text == '2/4' and Elevators.Text == '3/4' then
  27. if Elevators ~= nil then
  28. HRP.CFrame = Elevators.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Regions.Part.CFrame
  29. else
  30. print('ERROR - If you get this please message House on V3rmillion')
  31. end
  32. end
  33. end
  34. end
  35. end
  36. wait(.3)
  37. print('Teleporting to ' .. tostring(x) .. ' ' .. tostring(y) .. ' ' .. tostring(z))
  38. HRP.CFrame =,y,z)
  39. elseif game.PlaceId ~= 3260590327 then
  40. print('Location: Game')
  41. RS = game:WaitForChild('ReplicatedStorage')
  42. if _G.RoundSkip then
  43. print('RoundSkip: On')
  44. print ('Difficulty: ' .. _G.Difficulty)
  45. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Difficulty', 'Vote', _G.Difficulty)
  46. while wait(1) do
  47. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Vote', 'Skip')
  48. end
  49. elseif not _G.RoundSkip then
  50. print('RoundSkip: Off')
  51. print ('Difficulty: ' .. _G.Difficulty)
  52. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Difficulty', 'Vote', _G.Difficulty)
  53. end
  54. end
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