
Caleb Prison Adventures

Jun 28th, 2012
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  1. [19:19:21] <@castfromhp> Caleb...finds a thoroughly dead guard at his feet, in what appears to be a cell of some sort. The alarm is sounding, red lights are searing your eyes. And you have no clue where the fuck you are.
  2. [19:19:40] <@castfromhp> The door into your cell is crumpled at least.
  3. [19:19:50] <@castfromhp> Through the din of the alarm, you can just make out the sound of footsteps.
  4. [19:19:59] <@castfromhp> (BGM:
  5. [19:26:35] <Caleb> So... Last he was aware of, Caleb was right in the middle of starting to break down and cry, and the next thing he knows he's suddenly in some cell that looks like a prison cell after having seen his Grabby Hands take the sword he wielded and ram it into the side of someone's neck? That about cover it? That right? (Sorry, my little brother refuses to remove himself from within my ass
  6. [19:26:36] <Caleb> right now. -c.-)
  7. [19:26:52] <@castfromhp> (your ass must be huge)
  8. [19:27:09] <Caleb> (You know what I mean!)
  9. [19:28:57] <@castfromhp> Footsteps clunk clunk
  10. [19:33:18] <Caleb> ... Okay, yeah. This is BAD! He just saw himself kill someone, there's an alarm blaring, there's footsteps coming in his direction, most likely FOR him... Caleb's definitely got the feeling he's gotten himself into some deep shit right now. He mutters to himself incomprehensibly, though mostly consisting of "fuck", "oh god", and "I'm sorry" ;_; He totally didn't mean to kill that guy!
  11. [19:33:18] <Caleb> He looks down, probably not able to tell right away if he's dead, but... It doesn't seem like he has much time to actually DO anything about him! So he just... Takes his dirty hobo shirt off, balls it up and puts the guy's hand to it to stop the bleeding in the off chance he actually IS alive before running off. GOD, what the hell even HAPPENED that he ended up in this shithole of a
  12. [19:33:18] <Caleb> mess?
  13. [19:34:11] <@castfromhp> There is WAY too much blood and the hole in this guy's neck is WAY too big for him to have any reasonable chance at survival now.
  14. [19:35:15] <Caleb> Less reasonable thinking, more doing things while panicking and running! (Also, hold on a sec, gotta leave and come back. Goddamned overtype!)
  15. [19:35:17] * Caleb ( has left #Calebventures
  16. [19:35:30] * Caleb ( has joined #Calebventures
  17. [19:35:52] <Caleb> (Okay, I'm good now.)
  18. [19:37:26] <@castfromhp> As you run out of your cell you hear the sound of metal of metal, and you see blast doors closing off hallways to your left and right. Ahead of you, you hear the same sound, but it's too distant to make out much more.
  19. [19:37:42] <@castfromhp> Out here, it's somewhat dark, only the light of the alarm to illuminate the area in a deep red.
  20. [19:37:49] <@castfromhp> You see some movement ahead of you.
  21. [19:38:10] <@castfromhp> Down to your left and right, before the blast doors, are rows of other cells.
  22. [19:38:11] <@castfromhp> Alertness
  23. [19:38:18] <Caleb> 4d3-6
  24. [19:38:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-6: 4 [4d3=1,3,3,3]
  25. [19:38:34] <Caleb> .. Make that 5. I think I got 3 Alertness.
  26. [19:38:50] <@castfromhp> There's someone in the cell next to you, but they're unconscious. must've been something to be sleeping through this alarm.
  27. [19:39:08] <Caleb> Not dead?
  28. [19:39:21] <@castfromhp> Well, not moving. You're not sure. At least not conscious. You think they're alive.
  29. [19:50:23] <Caleb> "... The hell's he even sleepin' through... ?!?" Caleb doesn't stop to think on it much. He's got a buncha people swarming in on him from he doesn't even know where, and... Well, he doesn't know if this guy even speaks English (does this guy even look like he'd reasonably stand a chance of speaking English, or does he have a bad case of the... Okay, that's a terrible question to ask in
  30. [19:50:23] <Caleb> this illumination), but he doesn't know where he even is, so blindly running doesn't seem like a top notch plan here. Uhhh... Neither of these exactly seem like good ideas. Fuck it, he's gonna go for the dumber idea and try and wake this guy up, shaking him a good bit. "Hey, get yer ass up!" (My apologies, my family insists on being even bigger pests than the mosquitoes out here.)
  31. [19:53:17] <@castfromhp> (oh I meant in the cell that's next to your cell)
  32. [19:53:27] <@castfromhp> (each with its own door)
  33. [19:53:38] <Caleb> ... Oh, then FUCK THAT! He's booking it!
  34. [19:53:58] <@castfromhp> Which direction? Left? Right? Or straight ahead?
  35. [19:54:25] <Caleb> Which way does it sound like the guards are coming from?
  36. [19:55:06] <@castfromhp> Straight ahead. Now that you have a bit more time, it sounds like just one pair of feet.
  37. [19:56:31] <Caleb> Then, let's try... To the right, then!
  38. [19:59:47] <@castfromhp> Down to the right side hallway you see more cells, empty again. A handful of the doors are open, probably due to negligence. And as stated before, the path further down is blocked by a large metal door that has closed off the entire hallway.
  39. [20:02:58] <Caleb> "C'mon... Gotta be a..." Caleb looks behind him. He proceeds forth a bit trying to get a quick glimpse of what's in each of the rooms, and behind him. Any visible sign of the guy responsible for footsteps behind him yet?
  40. [20:09:53] <@castfromhp> No visible signs yet. The cells in front of you...are darkened and empty. They're much like yours, with a bed in them but not much else. Kept sparse. You can't really see very far into them though due to how dim the lighting is.
  41. [20:12:43] <Caleb> So these are more "prison cell" doors than anything else, right? "... Rrrrgh, the hell'd I even do to end up..." Gonna try to hide in one of the cells! Best plan, or best plan?
  42. [20:17:13] <@castfromhp> As you hide in one of the cells, you can see the shadow of a man passing by, clearly armed with some sort of small firearm.
  43. [20:18:56] <Caleb> Okay, Caleb... This isn't too bad... This is just one guy... One guy who just wants to shoot you into pieces and make swiss cheese out of you with a spray of bullets... Yeah, this doesn't sound too bad, right? Waiting for him to pass before tryin'a sneak the hell outta there!
  44. [20:19:30] <@castfromhp> He yells out something in Cantonese as he sweeps by your location.
  45. [20:21:45] <Caleb> Y'know how in Metal Gear Solid those giant beige boxes with the ["!"] inside 'em pop up when Snake gets caught by the spotlights with the 'Whaaao!' noise? Thaaat's probably what Caleb's feeling right now. "... Aaah, fuck it all!" Time to get the hell outta dodge now!
  46. [20:22:05] <@castfromhp> Just booking it? Or trying to be sneaky?
  47. [20:23:00] <Caleb> Sneakytimes!
  48. [20:23:22] <@castfromhp> Roll it!
  49. [20:23:34] <Caleb> 4d3-4 Oh God Oh God Please Don't See Me
  50. [20:23:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Oh God Oh God Please Don't See Me: 5 [4d3=2,1,3,3]
  51. [20:23:45] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+3
  52. [20:23:47] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-8+3: 3 [4d3=1,3,2,2]
  53. [20:24:23] <@castfromhp> Sneaky sneaky! You manage to get past the guy and around the corner just as his flashlight sweeps down to where you were just a second ago.
  54. [20:26:14] <@castfromhp> The guy stoops down to examine the other guard you had just killed. You can hear him throw up as you proceed down the hall.
  55. [20:27:26] * Caleb presses himself up to the wall of the corner and lets out a sigh of relief as he narrowly avoids getting beamed. Aaand then he hears that. In this moment of respite, it sinks in but a bit more the realization that, well... He KILLED someone.
  56. [20:28:14] <@castfromhp> This hallway is a bit different. Mostly empty, not doors leading to cells. To your right is an entrance to what looks like an office of some sort.
  57. [20:28:39] <Caleb> To the office, then!
  58. [20:30:27] <Caleb> He can't help but close his eyes and shudder a bit at the audible reminder of his misdeed, though. :(
  59. [20:31:01] <@castfromhp> It's definitely a security guard's office of some sort. Monitors and stuff, bunch of switches and a computer, that kind of thing.
  60. [20:33:56] <@castfromhp> You have options for controlling the cameras, for opening and closing cells, that kind of thing.
  61. [20:33:58] <Caleb> "Cameras an' stuff..." Caleb looks up at the monitors and PLEASE don't highlight the guy vomiting at the dead guy, PLEASE don't highlight that on one of the monitors.
  62. [20:33:58] <@castfromhp> Alertness
  63. [20:34:05] <Caleb> 4d3-5 Alertness
  64. [20:34:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Alertness: 3 [4d3=2,2,3,1]
  65. [20:34:34] <@castfromhp> Well, you definitely see that cell among them. Now that you have a better look, it's clear the door was broken INTO not out of.
  66. [20:34:51] <@castfromhp> A young girl catches your eye on one of the monitors. It's Rini. In a cell.
  67. [20:37:05] <Caleb> "..." Caleb looks and... "Y'gotta be fuckin'... Just wanna get outta here, an'..." Any papers or anything Caleb could rustle through in hopes of finding, like, a map, blueprints, layout of this place?
  68. [20:37:31] <@castfromhp> There's definitely a map, on the same console as that which controls the cameras, cell doors, blast doors, etc. Each location is marked in that way.
  69. [20:39:05] <@castfromhp> Each switch has a corresponding marker to the map indicating what it controls.
  70. [20:39:16] <Caleb> +1 Map get! Layin' it out if it's not already sprawled out and looking for paths. Escaping, saving Rini... Either of those two even remotely on the same path?
  71. [20:42:34] <Caleb> "... Blast doors, cameras... Cell doors!" Beep! And if the option for that is there as well, disabling the cameras, too!
  72. [20:43:21] <@castfromhp> And the alarm stops with the cameras shutting off.
  73. [20:44:38] <Caleb> "... Oh, FUCKIN' HELL!" ... Well, looks like he already fucked up big enough. Might as well open the blast doors up while we're at it, too before getting the hell outta dodge!
  74. [20:44:56] <@castfromhp> Unfortunately, this means you don't have a view of what's going on around the facitility now.
  75. [20:45:18] <@castfromhp> Did you open ALL the cell doors, or just Rini's?
  76. [20:45:29] <Caleb> Were there distinct labels?
  77. [20:45:44] <@castfromhp> Yes, marked per cell.
  78. [20:46:05] <@castfromhp> Like, on the big map of the facility, there are buttons to open doors on each cell. There's also a big "open all cell doors" button.
  79. [20:46:06] <Caleb> He probably accidentally flipped a couple of the wrong ones along the way, then. Not all of 'em, but SOME of 'em.
  80. [20:46:20] <Caleb> I like big buttons.
  81. [20:46:23] <Caleb> So big button it is!
  82. [20:49:46] <Caleb> But yeah, after throwing some blast doors open (Big "Open All" Button if the option for that's there, too), he's getting the hell outta there!
  83. [20:50:12] <@castfromhp> Which way, continuing down the hall in this direction? Doubling back toward where the guard was?
  84. [20:51:26] <@castfromhp> Oh and since you glanced at the map, the layout of the facility is sort of concentric squares of cell hallways, with periodically spaced security offices toward the inside ones like where you are now.
  85. [20:52:00] <@castfromhp> And an area in the center that seems to be more administrative, like a big central office of sorts.
  86. [20:52:31] <Caleb> Uhh... Which way's closer to the exit? The map is his personal Messiah, so... Following that out of here for the quickest route.
  87. [20:57:09] <@castfromhp> The exit? You'd probably continue the way you were headed, then move to an outer square, then out a bit more and etc. It's almost mazelike, but there's a consistent pattern and logic to where the concentric squares connect.
  88. [20:57:45] <Caleb> The map knows no lies!
  89. [20:58:07] <Caleb> ... Unfortunately it also doesn't know where guards are, but THE MAP KNOWS NO LIES!
  90. [21:00:04] <@castfromhp> As you proceed, you see a sizeable mass of people. Not guards - they aren't armed and are dressed like normal people, so probably prisoners. they range from dressed in casual clothing to dress shirts and slacks.
  91. [21:01:10] <Caleb> Any of 'em look like they even stand a chance of speaking English?
  92. [21:02:11] <@castfromhp> Maybe? You aren't quite sure! Your best bet is probably the businesspeople, though you know from experience people speaking English in HK isn't THAT uncommon.
  93. [21:02:41] <@castfromhp> After all random old men in bookstores know it. If badly.
  94. [21:03:14] <@castfromhp> You feel a tug at your chest where the hand comes out of. It's as if the grabby hand spasms briefly, then stops.
  95. [21:05:01] <Caleb> Don't remind me. Suggesting he go out with Arae... Eurghhh... He takes note of where it seemed to be grabbing forth at, before trying to pull one of the businessmen aside. With his voice first.
  96. [21:07:46] <@castfromhp> (what's caleb saying? typing something?)
  97. [21:08:12] <Caleb> Just tryin'a get one of their attentions first!
  98. [21:08:49] <Caleb> Just like a generic "HEY!" or somethin'a shout at 'em to get SOMEONE to talk to him.
  99. [21:08:58] <@castfromhp> "Ah? ...Hello." The guy who responds first seems a bit jittery. Older type, about late middle age you'd say. He seems surprised at your presence.
  100. [21:11:13] <Caleb> Could ya blame him? He's a shirtless homeless looking kid who's pressed up against the... Hopefully not cold steel wall! "Hey, uhh... Tryin'a figure my way outta here... Prob'ly like you are... Y'got any idea how th'hell we'd go 'bout that?"
  101. [21:13:39] <@castfromhp> He shakes his head. "No, I was taken here not long ago. I was knocked out by a policeman and woke up here."
  102. [21:14:04] <@castfromhp> "There are other prisoners here I was fighting before then in here, and I am afraid they may still want to kill us."
  103. [21:14:26] * Caleb is leaningawayfrommassofpeople.png
  104. [21:16:21] <Caleb> "Yeah, err... Sounds like 'at ain't the way outta here, then..." He looks around. Back where he came from, then the other available directions that aren't where swarms of people are pouring out from.
  105. [21:17:11] <Caleb> Err, pouring INTO**
  106. [21:17:13] <@castfromhp> There are people around everywhere pretty much, at least a few stragglers in each hallway. Annnd you hear the piercing wail of the alarm come back on.
  107. [21:17:50] <@castfromhp> Alertness
  108. [21:18:15] * Caleb grabs at his ears instinctively as the alarm goes off. "Aagh, fuck! They turned it back on!"
  109. [21:18:17] <Caleb> 4d3-5
  110. [21:18:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-5: 5 [4d3=2,3,3,2]
  111. [21:19:22] <@castfromhp> You see dim dots of light flash into view momentarily along the ceiling. A closer look reveals these are the security cameras, very small devices, and barely visible in the ceiling with lenses you swear are too tiny for this. The lights fade immediately.
  112. [21:20:31] <Caleb> "Prob'ly shuttin' the doors closed, 'gain, too... Shoulda just tried smashin' the whole thing..." The solution Caleb has drawn is this: "Mindless violence is not the answer to everything" is a highly debatable cliche.
  113. [21:21:55] <@castfromhp> "Shit." The businessman is covering his ears. "Come on, we don't just have the guards to worry about, if some of the other prisoners see me..."
  114. [21:23:28] <Caleb> "Think they really got time a' be fuckin' round with ya more than they would gettin' fuckin' holes blown through 'em?" New plan: Find a different escape route.
  115. [21:23:46] <Caleb> Say Map!
  116. [21:24:14] <@castfromhp> (sorry if this wasn't clear - the map was built into the control console where you were in that guard's office)
  117. [21:24:20] <@castfromhp> (it's something you can remember vaguely)
  118. [21:24:58] <Caleb> (... Ohh... Well, uhh... Whoops.)
  119. [21:25:11] <Caleb> Well, does he remember where the NEXT exit is?
  120. [21:25:57] <@castfromhp> You know that somehow you have to make it out the set of concentric squares, so you basically know how each route out goes. It's just a matter of finding one.
  121. [21:30:26] <Caleb> "... I'd say goin' back ain't the best a' ideas, considerin' that's where I came from... An' where the guards an' shit probably are if they turned everythin' back on... Errr..."
  122. [21:30:48] <Caleb> "You came from that way, an' they're all goin' that way, so..." He points to the last direction left. ... There IS a direction that way, right?
  123. [21:31:17] <@castfromhp> "I don't know. Let's give it a try." The man trots off in that direction after speaking a few words to the others in Cantonese.
  124. [21:32:13] <Caleb> ... Actually, wait... Which way were the grabby hands beckoning him toward?
  125. [21:32:37] <@castfromhp> It was more like a spasm, magical power reacting to something and getting a tad bit out of control.
  126. [21:32:45] <Caleb> OH.
  127. [21:32:52] <@castfromhp> You feel it again now, and it just sorta stays there, the sensation.
  128. [21:32:57] <@castfromhp> It's not painful or anything, just a bit weird.
  129. [21:33:45] <Caleb> Still doesn't stop him from grabbing at it, with a nervous expression on his face. No care for what Mr. Fancy Bilingual Businessman has to say. "... Right... Gettin' the fuck outta here... On it."
  130. [21:35:22] <@castfromhp> Down the hall you start seeing bodies. Some are clearly prisoners, riddled with bullet holes. Others are guards, with slash wounds or similar on them for the most part. You can hear a gunfight in the distance.
  131. [21:38:37] <Caleb> "Damnit, that sound's gettin' far too familiar fer me!" Doubletake. Can he see in WHICH direction the bullets are spraying, like "shooting down the hallway" bulleting? Or more "you can just hear it down one of the corridors past there?"
  132. [21:39:32] <@castfromhp> Down somewhere in the distance. If you had to pin it in a direction it'd be to the right-ish once you got to another hallway.
  133. [21:40:46] <Caleb> "... Y'wanna' try an' see if it's safe t' go the other way?" He points down the hall TOWARDS the gunshooting.
  134. [21:40:47] <@castfromhp> "Hey, what are you in for?"
  135. [21:41:10] <@castfromhp> "Yeah, let's avoid a gun fight. What's your name?"
  136. [21:41:43] <Caleb> "... T'be honest... I got no fuckin' idea!"
  137. [21:42:37] <Caleb> "Last thing I remember was bein' in some fancy as shit business office, then all a' sudden was in here..."
  138. [21:42:51] <Caleb> "If th'name really matters any, though, Caleb."
  139. [21:45:15] <@castfromhp> "Did the cops knock you out too? Nice to meet you Caleb. Call me Richard, or Rich." He extends a hand toward you.
  140. [21:47:57] <Caleb> "I already told ya, don't got a fuckin' clue! Was talkin'a some fancy businesslady or somethin' 'fore I ended up here..." ... Does he even got his sword on his person still, or does it do the whole vanishing act thing with the Grabbies?
  141. [21:48:26] <@castfromhp> The sword's a physical object. You have it if you carried it here.
  142. [21:49:11] <Caleb> If he still has it, he takes it into his left hand, blade pointed downwards as he holds his chest down in some now not so likely vain hope that it'd stop the grabby hands from spasming again so he can grab Richard's hand.
  143. [21:49:54] <Caleb> With his right.
  144. [21:50:07] <@castfromhp> "Whoa, shit who'd you kill with that? A guard?" Rich jumps back. The sword, unless you took time to clean it, is covered with blood.
  145. [21:50:36] <Caleb> Oh yeah, totally still bloody.
  146. [21:51:57] <Caleb> "I didn't kill anyone!" He shouts it at Rich defensively. "Err, I mean I did, but... I didn't mean to, an'... Well, that shit ain't important right now!"
  147. [21:52:41] <@castfromhp> "You've got blood all over that sword! Wh- how did you get a sword in here without them finding it?"
  148. [21:53:45] <Caleb> "I already told ya. I. Don't. Fuckin'. KNOW! An' I don' think we got the time t' be worryin' 'bout the hows an' whys!"
  149. [21:54:48] <@castfromhp> "Shit okay, let's just..." The man peers around the corner, then quickly withdraws. "Right side's the guards, left side's some people who'd much rather see me and a few of my compatriots dead. Pick your poison." He grimaces.
  150. [21:56:43] <Caleb> "If they ain't got guns, I ain't worried! ... Well, yeah I'm worried, but still. Guns. Bullets. Dying. I don't want none a' that!" To the left!
  151. [22:01:48] <@castfromhp> Peeking out to the left, you see a small group of men and woman, all dressed in casual clothes. Some of them have got iron bars or similar improvised weapons. One's carrying a a chair by the leg. The back of the chair is stained with blood.
  152. [22:02:06] <@castfromhp> And one of them is carrying a gun. They seem to be focused on what's around another hallway, not looking your way.
  153. [22:04:47] <@castfromhp> Oh and alertness or investigation.
  154. [22:05:00] <Caleb> "... Damnit I spoke too soon."
  155. [22:05:14] <Caleb> 4d3-5 Eh, they're both the same.
  156. [22:05:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Eh, they're both the same.: 4 [4d3=1,2,3,3]
  157. [22:07:54] <@castfromhp> Something immediately strikes you about one of the women in this group. She carries herself with the look of someone who's been in here for a while and is eager to get out.
  158. [22:09:15] <@castfromhp> And there's just...something you can't quite place about her.
  159. [22:09:26] <@castfromhp> The moment passes, and you're worried about other things.
  160. [22:10:04] <Caleb> "..." This is the part where a head turns around backwards, isn't it?
  161. [22:10:18] <Caleb> To see the worst possible thing for the scenario?
  162. [22:10:56] <@castfromhp> Nope, they're just proceeding forward. Unfortunately, it's the same direction you think you need to go to get out...
  163. [22:13:17] <Caleb> "... Damnit, they're goin' at way, too..." A pair of eyes, his own if that for some reason needs to be clarified, gravitates towards the sword. "... Y'said they'd kill ya if they saw ya, right?"
  164. [22:16:29] <@castfromhp> Rich nods. "If you're in here you have to know something about the war going on, right? They're with the independence movement, we're with Estisse. They had no quarrel with us until they discovered what exactly it was we planned to do..."
  165. [22:19:55] <Caleb> "Not too much past the fact 'at people are fightin' over magic an' shit. Been too busy worryin' 'bout not dyin' a' have time t' worry 'bout that..."
  166. [22:21:37] <@castfromhp> "Really? Well, worst comes to worst I think we can take them..."
  167. [22:24:00] <Caleb> He looks at the sword, and back to this guy. "Just... Gimme a sec here, though... Dunno if this'll do anythin'a hide ya, but... Idunno, maybe make 'em doublethink tryin'a kill ya or somethin'!" He shakes the sword at Rich. If the sword's still dripping any, that oughta sprinkle him in blood a bit. Caleb'd then take his hand and run it along the flat side before smearing the blood all
  168. [22:24:00] <Caleb> over his face.
  169. [22:24:10] <Caleb> (Brb a sec)
  170. [22:24:11] <@castfromhp> "It'd be dangerous, Rich..." A quieter voice speaks up, a younger man in the group.
  171. [22:25:00] <@castfromhp> Rich grimaces at the smell of the blood. "Good thinking, but it might just make them think we're wounded."
  172. [22:27:42] * Caleb looks over at the other guy who spoke up while he was in the middle of smearing the blood all over Rich. "... So much for that plan..."
  173. [22:30:33] <@castfromhp> "We'll follow, just a good distance behind then" Rich says. "How does that sound?" There are mostly apprehensive looks throughout the group. It's clear to you that among these people Rich is usually the decisionmaker.
  174. [22:32:38] <Caleb> Caleb's not good at making decisions, either! Let's see how this terrible plan unfurls!
  175. [22:32:48] <Caleb> He just kinda slinks into the "shadows" and goes along with it.
  176. [22:33:46] <@castfromhp> Stealth!
  177. [22:33:59] <Caleb> 4d3-4
  178. [22:33:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-4: 5 [4d3=2,3,3,1]
  179. [22:34:09] <@castfromhp> 3#4d3-8+2 I'll use about this to approximate~
  180. [22:34:09] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, I'll use about this to approximate~: 3 [4d3=2,3,1,3], 0 [4d3=2,2,1,1], 2 [4d3=2,1,3,2]
  181. [22:36:39] <@castfromhp> Not bad, you all manage to follow at a bit of a distance without worry.
  182. [22:38:00] <Caleb> Huh. A terrible plan somehow not going terribly? This pleases Caleb~
  183. [22:40:48] <@castfromhp> As you proceed you hear gunfire ahead, not coming from the group you're tailing, but ahead of them even. Proceeding or no?
  184. [22:41:32] <Caleb> How much gunfire?
  185. [22:41:52] <@castfromhp> Just an occasional shot. Certainly not automatic weapons at least. And probably not too many people with guns given the infrequency.
  186. [22:44:00] <Caleb> "..." Caleb's leaningawayfromthesoundofgunfire.
  187. [22:44:43] <Caleb> "... Ya think that's a guard or anythin'?"
  188. [22:45:58] <@castfromhp> "No telling. It could just be as easily more prisoners like us who've killed a guard...Hey, do you know how we all got free? The doors just opened."
  189. [22:47:21] <Caleb> "Y'can thank me for that later if yer not dead by the time any of us get outta this place."
  190. [22:51:56] <@castfromhp> "Really? How'd you manage that?"
  191. [22:54:25] <Caleb> "Cell was wide open when I woke up... Snuck past a guard t'get in there, an'... Well, saw one'a my friends from the cameras an' shit. Couldn' be assed t'figure out which one was hers, so... Jus' hit the big red button. Cameras an' doors, too... Though doubt either a' those matter any now."
  192. [22:55:45] <@castfromhp> "Man they don't usually screw the pooch that badly. Either way, you think we should head on or wait it out here?"
  193. [22:56:39] * Caleb leaningawayfromoldguywithweirdfiguresofspeech.
  194. [22:57:17] <Caleb> "Idunno, just... You figure out if y'feel like gettin' shot or not!"
  195. [22:57:52] <Caleb> +at
  196. [22:59:09] <@castfromhp> Alertness
  197. [22:59:16] <Caleb> 4d3-5
  198. [22:59:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-5: 1 [4d3=1,2,2,1]
  199. [22:59:59] <@castfromhp> Rich rushes to shhh you, but you hear it at the same time, the sound of footsteps approaching your location from behind and to the side. Still a ways off though.
  200. [23:01:23] <Caleb> "Mmmf!" If he got Caleb while he was talking, well... Hope he enjoys hobo slobber. :3 "... Looks like there ain't much a choice now, is there?" FORWARDS!
  201. [23:01:52] <Caleb> He whispers after his mouth gets released.
  202. [23:05:13] <@castfromhp> Rich nods and you all proceed. Stealth again~
  203. [23:05:27] <Caleb> 4d3-4
  204. [23:05:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-4: 4 [4d3=2,1,3,2]
  205. [23:09:00] <@castfromhp> As you proceed, the gunfire gets louder. The group that you were distantly tailing suddenly runs back, running straight into Rich and the others. There's a moment of awkward tension, though you're hidden in the shadows, just watching. There's an exchange of words in Chinese before you see two large shimmering barely visible hands appear in front of Rich as someone in the other group grabs a gun.
  206. [23:11:37] <Caleb> Those IDIOTS. You'd think they'd have better things to do than worry 'bout-Holy shit he's got the Grabby Hands too! ... Shoulda figured since he's from Estisse, but regardless, holy shit! Facepalm first, look for a new route while the two groups are being a bunch of stupid-ass nutjobs second.
  207. [23:11:49] <@castfromhp> Alertness again
  208. [23:11:56] <Caleb> 4d3-5
  209. [23:11:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 4d3-5: 2 [4d3=3,1,2,1]
  210. [23:14:52] <@castfromhp> This time, building off what you'd observed before about that particular woman, you notice something. The glimmer of fear in her eyes here looks very familiar to you. Similar to a particular look Rini got right when you slammed her into the ground that one time. Or several times. Her features also look a bit similar.
  211. [23:18:04] <Caleb> "..." Oh God, did Caleb ever hear from Rini that she was looking for her mom ever? 'cause I sure as hell know Tree said it out of character, but in character?
  212. [23:18:59] <@castfromhp> ...ask Tree
  213. [23:20:44] <Caleb> And status report on those footsteps?
  214. [23:21:59] <@castfromhp> Getting closer, not quite here.
  215. [23:24:21] <Caleb> "..." Caleb stops to ponder aloud to himself a second. "If 'at's who I think it is, if I wasn' already dead fer what's been goin' on already, sure as hell dunno what kinda dead I'd be if..." Probably against the common sense, he steps outta the shadows, about to say something dependant upon if he can actually understand anything they're spouting out (any English in there)?
  216. [23:25:06] <@castfromhp> Nope, it's Cantonese. Angry Cantonese.
  217. [23:26:50] <Caleb> Oh God, this is gonna be... Well, he has no idea what he's stepping into literally. "Uh, guys? Iunno the hell yer all arguin' over, but... Think y'might wanna fuck off with it real quick! People're comin' in too many directions right now, an' if any of 'em are a buncha armed guards, i think we're all gonna be plenty fucked right now!"
  218. [23:27:03] <Caleb> fucked real quick**
  219. [23:28:19] <@castfromhp> Rich and the guy with the gun turn to look at you...and that is precisely the moment that guards close in on you from two sides, behind you and from where the other group of people was coming from when they ran back in.
  220. [23:29:07] <Caleb> "... Ah, fuckin' hell! Saw that comin' a mile away!"
  221. [23:39:48] <Caleb> ... I'm probably gonna regret saying that later. I mean, I totally know what my course of action is here. Preeetty much known it since the "inevitably ridiculong mini" started up.
  222. [23:47:06] <@castfromhp> Oh?
  223. [23:48:34] <Caleb> Yeah, unless something silly happens that would like DRASTICALLY change the course of things, I've known what the basic "outline" I'd have for physical combat would be.
  224. [23:50:49] <@castfromhp> Hrm, if you don't mind laying it out for me, that might expedite things when I get to you.
  225. [23:57:08] <Caleb> Assuming I can accomplish this, the plan (which is pretty much unaltered from my original train of thought up until step 4) is as such: 1) Are there air vents I could escape to and climb around in? 1a) If no, can I spend a FATE point to MAKE air vents appear? If still no, I'm kinda screwed here. 2) Assuming we get to this point, spend the first turn prying open air vent. Possibly throw
  226. [23:57:08] <Caleb> the grate at someone, wth the grate prying most likely being a supplemental action. 3) Escape with Grabbing Hook! 4) While at least safeR from danger, try Grabby Handsing the important people up. People with names get priority over namelesses. 5) Laugh as this fails disastrously when DiceMaid has her way with me.
  227. [23:57:42] <@castfromhp> 1) you could do an investigation declaration and have air vents be there
  228. [23:59:32] <Caleb> But that costs the turn, right?
  229. [23:59:44] <@castfromhp> I'd allow you a small modicum of pre-combat actions.
  230. Session Time: Thu Jun 28 00:00:02 2012
  231. [00:00:18] <Caleb> Well, that'd be the one action. Maybe Full Defensing before they get to shooting as well if that's an option.
  232. [00:27:01] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as HigginsvonHiggins
  233. [00:27:24] * HigginsvonHiggins is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  234. [01:06:05] <@castfromhp> Hey Caleb might as well roll your investigation now to see if you declare air vents. Cause if you can't I imagine that changes your plan.
  235. [01:06:25] <Caleb> 4d3-5 Yeah, rollan' for air vents in the meantime.
  236. [01:06:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Yeah, rollan' for air vents in the meantime.: 3 [4d3=2,2,2,2]
  237. [01:06:32] <@castfromhp> Yup, dem some air vents there
  238. [01:06:53] <Caleb> And would he be able to take full defense before the actual combat?
  239. [01:07:15] <@castfromhp> Hrnnnnnnnnnnnnsure
  240. [01:37:04] <@castfromhp> I'll abstract out parts of this conflict and only include combatants that are relevant to you and assume everyone else fighting amongst each other. Is that okay?
  241. [01:37:14] <Caleb> Tha's alright.
  242. [01:38:02] * castfromhp changes topic to 'Guards x2 > Caleb > Gunman > Rini's Mom'
  243. [01:38:43] <@castfromhp> The guards point their guns, aiming. One at Caleb, one at the woman you're sure is somehow related to Rini.
  244. [01:39:01] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+4 manuveurs for now, resist with appropriate for someone aiming at you
  245. [01:39:01] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, manuveurs for now, resist with appropriate for someone aiming at you: 6 [4d3=2,3,3,2]
  246. [01:39:15] <Caleb> That'd be Athletics, right?
  247. [01:39:19] <@castfromhp> Go for it.
  248. [01:40:08] <Caleb> 4d3-5+2 Fists in Place of Athletics, Full Defense Bonus!
  249. [01:40:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Fists in Place of Athletics, Full Defense Bonus!: 3 [4d3=1,3,1,1]
  250. [01:40:16] <Caleb> . . . OWW.
  251. [01:40:22] <@castfromhp> AIMED
  252. [01:40:23] <@castfromhp> Caleb
  253. [01:40:52] <Caleb> ... Wait, that's -3, so it's 5. Not Sticky. My bad.
  254. [01:41:27] <Caleb> But Caleb, minus a bit of "Oh God why", tries to focus. "Okay, that lady Charisse... She said just t' focus on what I want 'em to do, and then..."
  255. [01:42:11] <@castfromhp> (I really should've done yours first in retrospect, because what I had in mind was a lot less TIME CONSUMING, just...a lot more high risk and potentially lethal for someone~ :3)
  256. [01:42:17] <Caleb> 4d3-3+2-1 If this works, Caleb manages to produce a Grabby Hand, which reaches up at the grate covering the air vent. He rips it out, and with a mighty heave, launches it straight at the chest of one of the soldiers!
  257. [01:42:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, If this works, Caleb manages to produce a Grabby Hand, which reaches up at the grate covering the air vent. He rips it out, and with a mighty heave, launches it straight at the chest of one of the soldiers!: 6 [4d3=1,3,3,1]
  258. [01:42:32] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+2
  259. [01:42:32] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-8+2: 2 [4d3=2,3,1,2]
  260. [01:42:46] <Caleb> The Guard that's trying to hit him, specifically.
  261. [01:43:00] <Caleb> So... 8 Stress + whatever the value of a grate would be, if at all.
  262. [01:43:40] <@castfromhp> Yeah you smash hiim GOOD with that. Moderate consequence: That's my fuckin' rib you bastard
  263. [01:44:41] <@castfromhp> The gunman on the other side has no idea what the fuck and shoots wildly at Caleb.
  264. [01:44:50] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+4
  265. [01:44:52] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-8+4: 4 [4d3=1,3,3,1]
  266. [01:45:39] <Caleb> 4d3-3 "An' if I got this right..." The Grabby Hands then envelop Caleb, wrapping around him like a bubble or something.
  267. [01:45:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, "An' if I got this right..." The Grabby Hands then envelop Caleb, wrapping around him like a bubble or something.: 5 [4d3=1,1,3,3]
  268. [01:46:17] <@castfromhp> Indeed they do!
  269. [01:46:57] <Caleb> *Fwump* Monster Black Demonic Grabby Hands slow down the bullets. They grind to a complete halt before dropping to the floor, making the sound of rolling change.
  270. [01:47:51] <Caleb> He pops his head out from the grabby hands to see the results. "... Huh, shit ain't nearly as bad that I finally got it figured out some!"
  271. [01:48:23] <@castfromhp> That woman just sort of cowers, looking for a place to hide amongst the melee
  272. [01:48:25] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+1
  273. [01:48:26] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-8+1: -1 [4d3=1,3,1,1]
  274. [01:48:31] <@castfromhp> doesn't really find one.
  275. [01:49:09] <Caleb> "..." Caleb staaares at helpless woman. Her helplessness is... Something to behold.
  276. [01:49:29] <Caleb> Then again, it's not like that totally wasn't him all of twenty four hours ago.
  277. [01:49:41] <@castfromhp> Guards! shootan at her, shootan at Caleb!
  278. [01:49:54] <@castfromhp> 2#4d3-8+4+2 take the first for your result Caleb
  279. [01:49:56] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, take the first for your result Caleb: 8 [4d3=2,3,2,3], 7 [4d3=3,3,1,2]
  280. [01:50:07] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+2 and her def
  281. [01:50:08] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, and her def: 1 [4d3=3,2,1,1]
  282. [01:51:13] <Caleb> 4d3-3+2 Uh, yeah... This might actually hurt if Grabby Hands were useless like that. He makes one of them rush forth to slam its fist into the man and the gun! Tagging Consequence!
  283. [01:51:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, Uh, yeah... This might actually hurt if Grabby Hands were useless like that. He makes one of them rush forth to slam its fist into the man and the gun! Tagging Consequence!: 5 [4d3=3,1,1,1]
  284. [01:51:43] <@castfromhp> The woman takes a bullet to the gut and stumbles around in pain.
  285. [01:51:49] <@castfromhp> That was your defense, right?
  286. [01:51:56] <Caleb> Yeah, my Defense.
  287. [01:52:08] <@castfromhp> rank 3 weapon, so....6 physical stress
  288. [01:53:45] <Caleb> The bullet, having fired INTO the gun, kinda flies right through it, a trail of black... Something seemingly spraying out of it. The Grabby Hand that went to block it cringes and recoils back into Caleb as the bullet continues to rush through, just stopping right before running into his heart. Poor Grabby Hands! Completely nulled by Grabby Hands, but... No armor now.
  289. [01:54:34] <Caleb> "... God that looked like it hurt like all hell!" Caleb beckons the woman over. "Get yer ass over here! Bustin' yer ass out!" Aaand...
  290. [01:54:50] <Caleb> Whether or not she likes it, he's totally grabbing her with the Hands and tossing her up into the air vent.
  291. [01:55:06] <Caleb> What roll for that?
  292. [01:55:17] <@castfromhp> The other gunman has decided he wants none of fucking magical whatchacallit Caleb and fires at the guards instead.
  293. [01:55:26] <@castfromhp> Uh, let's say might.
  294. [01:55:54] <@castfromhp> Oh, and you feel a SUDDEN SURGE of magical power echo through the building passing through you as well. And just as quickly, it's gone
  295. [01:56:18] <Caleb> 4d3-5 ... Damnit why's she alive?
  296. [01:56:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, ... Damnit why's she alive?: 3 [4d3=3,3,1,1]
  297. [01:56:36] <Caleb> ... I guess possibly +2 for a "grapple" to throw her up if need be, but...
  298. [01:57:16] <@castfromhp> Was gonna say that would only get her up next turn, but okay with a bonus that pulls her up. She's slipped out of consciousness by now from the shock and blood loss.
  299. [01:57:39] <@castfromhp> Annnd, crawling through air vents you can freely escape the combat next round assuming you survive the last round of fire from the guards
  300. [01:58:11] <@castfromhp> 4d3-8+4+2;4d3-8+4 and there it is, both at Caleb
  301. [01:58:13] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-8+4+2: 5 [4d3=2,1,3,1]; and there it is, both at Caleb: 4 [4d3=2,1,3,2]
  302. [01:58:15] <Caleb> BRING IT, BITCHES!
  303. [01:58:41] <Caleb> 2#4d3-3 ... Okay, don't bring it. 'cause that might actually hurt. A LOT.
  304. [01:58:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, ... Okay, don't bring it. 'cause that might actually hurt. A LOT.: 3 [4d3=3,1,1,1], 7 [4d3=2,3,3,2]
  305. [01:59:04] <Caleb> HOLD ON.
  306. [02:00:22] <Caleb> ... Actually, wait, that's 6 stress right?
  307. [02:00:50] <@castfromhp> That's 5 stress. 5-3+3
  308. [02:01:03] <Caleb> ... Okay, I'm good. Hurt, but good.
  309. [02:02:13] <Caleb> He gets his hand shot at on the escape flight up ;_; They probably hear him swearing like a dirty hobo sailor for a good two minutes as he drags the unconscious girl out and away through the vents.
  310. [02:05:47] <Caleb> "Fuckin' hell, that hurt! A LOT!" ;_; Caleb still hurting, and... Well, this is the part where we make things REALLY awkward for Rini.
  311. [02:06:24] <@castfromhp> Do we? He's getting away through the air vents. Just crawling at random or toward what you would think seems like the direction of the exit or what?
  312. [02:07:06] <Caleb> No, it's... Definitely gonna be awkward WHENEVER she finds him. 'cause whenever he pops out of the grate, he's gonna be in just his underwear. 'cause he already used his shirt on the dead guy he plunged his sword into and his pants are now going towards at least wrapping up Rini's mom's and his own wounds.
  313. [02:07:18] <@castfromhp> HAHAHA
  314. [02:07:29] <@castfromhp> Roll me 3 investigations as you crawl
  315. [02:07:31] * Caleb OOC terribles.
  316. [02:07:36] <Caleb> 3#4d3-5
  317. [02:07:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Caleb, 3#4d3-5: 0 [4d3=1,1,2,1], 3 [4d3=2,2,1,3], 5 [4d3=3,2,3,2]
  318. [02:08:08] <@castfromhp> Well, you're certainly getting BETTER as you go through the circulation system. You manage to find a vent you're pretty sure is near the exit.
  319. [02:08:41] * Caleb peers through the vent, trying to see what's down there.
  320. [02:10:01] <@castfromhp> It...doesn't look like a hallway with cells at least. There are chairs on each side, some doors that seem to open into offices, that kind of thing. You can hear the sounds of a struggle.
  321. [02:10:23] <@castfromhp> Somewhere below you, but not where you can see. It sounds not too distant but not too close either.
  322. [02:12:23] <Caleb> "... Damnit, the hell's goin' down there?" Caleb tries to at least figure out which way the conflict's coming from so that when he pops his head out he can be looking in the right direction.
  323. [02:12:32] <Caleb> And can REACT appropriately.
  324. [02:12:39] <@castfromhp> To your...left. Inward toward the facility, you'd judge.
  325. [02:12:47] <@castfromhp> *toward the center of the facility
  326. [02:13:20] <Caleb> Very well, then. That's the way he's looking as he pops the grate open with a Grabby Hand. It dangles in the air as he peeks out.
  327. [02:14:42] <@castfromhp> A guy with grabby hands is engaged in melee with two guards who have dropped their weapons and closed on him with knives drawn. The man is bloodied and wounded. All three combatants seem kind of distracted.
  328. [02:15:52] <Caleb> "... kay, maybe I should keep 'er somewhere safe fer now..." He slowly lowers the unconscious woman's body to the ground before using the Grabby Hands as a personal elevator.
  329. [02:16:47] <@castfromhp> You get to the ground and hear a cry as the man accosted by the guards is stabbed in the shoulder. He throws one of them off, but the other is still grappling with him. Neither seem to have noticed you yet.
  330. [02:17:58] <Caleb> Is this Rich, or some other Grabby Hands guy?
  331. [02:18:19] <@castfromhp> Some other guy.
  332. [02:18:33] <@castfromhp> (you've already abandoned Rich to HIS fate)
  333. [02:18:46] <Caleb> (I would've taken him with, but...)
  334. [02:19:02] <Caleb> (Well, he got abstracted, so oh well.)
  335. [02:19:11] <@castfromhp> (well, you could have taken him, sorry if that wasn't clear)
  336. [02:19:18] <@castfromhp> (would've been more turns in the line of fire though)
  337. [02:19:32] <Caleb> (Yeah, probably. Which I couldn'tve endured ;_;)
  338. [02:19:56] <@castfromhp> (Back to main channel now by the way)
  339. [02:23:23] <@castfromhp> The thing with this adventure was the brunt of it was...mostly a measure of how many people you could save. I figured there wouldn't be a HUGE chance of Caleb dying or being seriously injured, so I decided the best way to test him would be to see how many people he could bring out of here alive that he knew were ostensibly on your side.
  340. [02:23:50] <Caleb> He probably would've at least TOLD Rich to follow him.
  341. [02:23:57] <Caleb> To try and follow him through the vents.
  342. [02:24:15] <@castfromhp> brb seekrit rolls
  343. [02:24:59] <@castfromhp> He made it up into the vents, but somewhere as you were crawling along, he just...wasn't there. you'renot sure. You did see him get shot in the leg right before he made it in, but in your scramble you just lost track of him. Fate unknown~
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