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Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. Past: You are offered the gift of wealth, abundance and prosperity through your communication and organizational skills. You are beginning to feel secure, but you still feel slightly detached. Your life will seem to just turn around and security will soon crown your efforts as your finances begin to prosper. You will soon be free from monetary concern. There will be gain in finance or position - a possible inheritance. You will know attainment, recognition and a great feeling of security. Use the wealth of these resources to build lasting structures in the world -make this a better place to live in by leaving something solid and tangible behind you. Support with your gifts the traditions that are meaningful to you - you gain valuable support from your friends, relations and heritage. Leave to those who come after what knowledge you can, but in your wisdom - realize that each new child must repeat the journey.
  3. The gate has opened to the hidden experiences in ordinary things, so that you may recognize and appreciate the magic all around you. The angel has come - disguised as a beggar or traveller to test your virtues of hospitality and generosity, then leave a magical gift. By acting in a certain way - you create within yourself the ability to recognize and receive the blessings the world has to offer you. The everyday world contains a magic greater than any of us can see - the magic is all around us. It is in nature and in the very fact that life exists. Know that you are manifesting your visions and graciously accept the rewards.
  5. You are a product of your conditioning - free yourself from it. The comforts that you take for granted and the troubles and miseries that you allow to occupy your mind are all a play in which you follow the parts set out for you by your upbringing and society. Go beyond these limitations - walk through the Gate and look down at the little dramas of your daily life. Allow yourself to experience the wild vibrant universe existing in the very center of the ordinary - then return, destroy the negative in your house and re-establish your moral codes.
  7. Completion of a major physical/material cycle, with outcomes as you would have them, successful by the applicable standards of measurement. Established success, with visible benefits of your excess carried over for the material benefit of others, as in one generation of a family to the next. Material legacies. Family affairs in business, lasting security. The results of your material success are strategically important to others. Abundance, endurance, maturity, physical longevity - an ultimate extension of self in the physical plane. Here you find the storybook ending "and they lived happily ever after" which means that all of the main characters got exactly what they wanted. The only thing which prevents us from reaching all of our karmic goals is ourselves, in our inability to learn our lessons efficiently.
  9. Present: Mastery of creative power - the ability to enjoy studying. The persevering scholar, the pioneer spirit and the passion to create and give birth to new form or restructure old form. The ability to approach any activity with the quality of fascination and involvement - caring less for the rewards or social position than for the work itself. Experience your own inner child's playfulness. Do what you loved to do as a child and you will find your genius, your passion and your success. Take the pressure off yourself - enjoy your journey. Do your best and enjoy the "process". You will be receiving good news - a message that will change many things. There will be a meeting with someone who is kind, generous and sympathetic to your point of view who will create changes for the better through their caring ways.
  11. Predictable, physically resourceful, physical means of discovery, good instincts. Communication with earth spirits. Ruled by the drive for transformation. Physically playful and active. Playground of possibility. Physical innocence, purity. Appropriate naivete in others. Transformation side of things physical - new physical opportunities, situations, events and guides. Drive and the forces of change are instinctive, passive as is the growth of a child is automatic. Wonder at physical things - eagerness, enthusiasm, amusement, physical renewal...physical news. Will and desire which are subtle compared to an adults.
  13. Future: It is time that you recognize and accept your need for stable, nurturing relationships in your life. Begin to release the people in your life who find it difficult to trust anyone. The fear of failing can make a person quite changeable. Soon they develop a suspicious nature and lack any motivation - which causes them to be lazy and neglect their responsibilities. This results in nervousness and confusion - they become afraid, mistrustful of others and even begin to doubt their abilities and their value as a person.
  15. Trust yourself - focus all your energy on utilizing your abilities to manifest beauty, health and fulfillment in specific, practical ways in the areas of your life where it is needed and necessary. Focus on your meditation, on grounding your emotions in natural things, ordinary pleasures and satisfying work.
  17. Irresponsible vs doting. Disregard for nature vs extreme interest in and identity with environmental factors. Abuse of material items. Bad money manager. Recurrent health problems versus the health fanatic.
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