
Ch 5: Part 4: Thorn's End: Session 93

Dec 17th, 2013
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  1. [16:34] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:34] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [16:34] <@Kilarra> -Session 93-
  4. [16:36] <@Kilarra> The party had managed to reconvene the Winter Council, only for things to turn sour. Hialin, who had already been showing signs of insanity, lost his mind and removed the defenses of Thorn's End, allowing Demons to swarm in. He was killed and the wards replace, but the extent of the damage caused by this invasion lingers
  5. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Kahree is gone. Struck by a spell from the newly corrupted drow, was not only turned to stone, but thrown through the planar boundaries. As well, such a demonic invasion was likely not without casualties among the elves of Thorn's End.
  6. [16:38] * Kilarra kicks the corpse of Viggrizzur a few times, then calls back to Aluthyra, "Looks like we're clear."
  7. [16:39] * Aluthyra nods with a sigh, slinging her bow back over her shoulder. She immediately looks to Kjell. "Kahree-- do you know what happened?"
  8. [16:43] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods to Aluthyra, "The spell was called Prismatic Spray. An unpredictable and volatile evocation. It would seem that Kahree suffered the ill effect of being forced onto another plane of existance."
  9. [16:43] * Kilarra comes back into the room, overhearing Kjell, "Wait, Kahree's been shoved off plane?"
  10. [16:43] * Aluthyra frowns. "And would you be able to retrieve her?"
  11. [16:45] * Kilarra blinks, "Uh... well first and foremost, we'd have to figure out where she went. Then I could prepare a plane shift to take us there, but even if we knew her exact location, we wouldn't be able to get right to her." She looks to Kjell, "Unless you've managed to increase the range of your teleport?"
  12. [16:46] <@Kilarra> Arlindil takes Malindil out of the council room and seats her in the lounge, trying to console her.
  13. [16:47] <@Kilarra> Perelir spends a moment inspecting the Maleficus Spike, then stands and approaches the party.
  14. [16:52] * Kilarra frowns, "I didn't actually have any divinations prepared today though."
  15. [16:54] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Yes, it's not really the sort of thing you normally employ, is it? We have had a full day however. Perhaps we should retire. It would allow us to make preparations to find and retrieve Kahree, which we are ill prepared for as it stands."
  16. [16:55] * Aluthyra looks to Perelir. "Would you perchance have prepared divination spells?"
  17. [16:58] <@Kilarra> Perelir shakes her head, "No, most of my daily regimen of spells goes toward fulfilling the needs of those at this fortress. Providing protection, fresh food and water, and the like. I could certainly aid you however, were I to also make the appropriate preparations. First though, there are a few things I need to inspect, since my companions are, sadly, indisposed at the moment."
  18. [16:59] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, about that. Hialin turning into a drow... how often does that sort of thing happen?"
  19. [17:01] <@Kilarra> Perelir frowns, "It is an exceptionally rare occurrence, and it is the true reason why the Council feared knowledge of the drow leaking to the public would cause panic. I am sad to admit that this is the second time it has occurred amongst our ranks."
  20. [17:06] * Aluthyra frowns. "Allevrah then as well." She sighs. "I see your concern for public safety in this matter... though, do you think the council might decide, now, that -some- action is needed?"
  21. [17:07] <@Kilarra> Perelir chuckles, "At the moment, I -am- the council, and I certainly feel that we need to take action, based on what you have told us. First though, I need to prepare, as do you, and I would inspect Hialin's work, to find out if he has discovered anything that might aid you in undoing Allevrah's scheme."
  22. [17:09] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well." She looks to her companions. "Shall we rest first, or would you like to take the time to inspect his room?"
  23. [17:09] <@Kilarra> Perelir dons her straight face once more, "Allevrah was a friend of us all, and we were all hurt by what happened to her. That it should happen twice is almost certainly an ill omen for this council if it were to continue as it had been. I already felt change was due, and I hope that this shows the others as well, and does not simply leave them in worse despair."
  24. [17:10] <@Kilarra> Perelir looks to Aluthyra, "I would advise you to rest and make your preparations while I check on both Hialin's work and the condition of our guard. No doubt they would have been hard pressed by the demons while the Spike was removed. Remember that as an elf, I need not sleep."
  25. [17:13] * Aluthyra nods. "Thank you," she sighs, looking to Perelir with sympathy, "and you have my sympathy for the ill-fortune that your council has suffered."
  26. [17:14] <@Kilarra> Perelir nods, "Thank you. Hopefully your companion is not lost forever as mine were."
  27. [17:17] * Kilarra looks to Perelir, "So, where shall we be staying?"
  28. [17:18] <@Kilarra> Perelir smiles, "Well, as you might suspect, we do not normally entertain guests here. However, the acolyte's quarters adjacent to my room are unoccupied, as sadly they all perished some time ago."
  29. [17:22] <@Kilarra> Perelir adds, "Conveniently, our scrying room is located just above it."
  30. [17:25] * Aluthyra nods. "Thank you again." She looks to her companions. "Shall we?"
  31. [17:26] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah. The sooner we get Kahree back, the sooner we can go take care of Allevrah once and for all."
  32. [17:27] <@Kilarra> Perelir nods once more and leads the party back up to her room, indicating the acolytes room adjacent.
  33. [17:30] * Aluthyra stops to loot Quilindra before following after Perelir.
  34. [17:31] <@Kilarra> After leading the party to the Acolyte's Chamber, Perelir departs for Hialin's laboratory and quarters.
  35. [17:33] * Aluthyra brings to gear acquired from Quilindra to Kjell, asking for him to identify any magic!
  36. [17:33] <@Kilarra> Numerous throw-rugs and cushions and four canopied bedsoccupy this otherwise spacious room. Each is graced with black and yellow sheets and swathed in gauzy curtains. A largefreestanding cupboard stands against the western wall.
  37. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and checks the items for magic, and recounts their properties to Aluthyra as he goes. Two magic rings, her armour, Rapier, gloves, and necklace
  38. [17:35] * Kilarra looks the room over while Kjell does his magic mojo
  39. [17:37] <@Kilarra> Kilarra discovers in one of the cupboards, aside from some incense and other religious service supplies, a broken ivory and onyx statue of Nethys, the two-faced god of Magic.
  40. [17:38] * Aluthyra smiles, nodding her head in thanks. "Let's distribute these among us once Kahree is back," she steps over to one of the beds, sitting down to test its comfort. "for now, sleep..."
  41. [17:39] * Kilarra is a little disappointed that the beds aren't big enough for two, but makes sure to take one adjacent to Aluthyra anyways.
  42. [17:41] * Aluthyra is quick to undress and slide under the covers. "Good night, Kilarra, Kjell." She smiles, snuggling into her bed. It takes a few moments, trying to adjust for the extra room her wings need.
  43. [17:44] * Kilarra undresses and slips into bed as well. Hopefully they could find Kahree quickly, or at the very least that the time differences between planes would work in their favour.
  44. [17:44] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes of fhis armour and goes to bed as well.
  45. [17:56] <@Kilarra> The night passes without further incident. The demons being afflicted by the ward after coming inside drastically cut the numbers of their siege group, including two of their most powerful, and many others fled in the wake of that sudden shift in power.
  46. [18:06] <@Kilarra> After a night's rest, a gentle knocking on the door comes form Perelir's chamber, the elven high priestess opening the door and speaking. "I have finished my own preparations, and I'm going to go and procure something to eat while you get ready."
  47. [18:10] * Kilarra sits up, stretching. She reaches to the adjacent bed and strokes some of ALuthyra's feathers.
  48. [18:10] * Aluthyra chuckles lightly, her wings wriggling. Smiling, she rolls over. "Good morning, Kilarra."
  49. [18:11] * Kilarra smiles, "Perelir's gone to get some food while we get ready."
  50. [18:11] <@Kilarra> Kjell sits up and gets dressed, "I'll leave you two to it." He steps into the chapel to give them any privacy they might want.
  51. [18:13] * Aluthyra smirks, and for once, takes the initiative! She maneuvers onto Kilarra's bed, taking the lead...
  52. [18:14] * Kilarra approves! She's still more experienced though. She does have to focus a bit more though, since her preparations for that day were a bit different from usual.
  53. [18:20] * Kilarra prepares a few key divinations, hoping she's powerful enough to find Kahree on another plane of existance. She also prepares a little something to help cross the distance a little more quickly after plane shifting
  54. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Kjell gets his own spells ready in the other room, ignoring the noise.
  55. [18:22] * Aluthyra cleans herself up after helping with Kilarra's prep and slides out of the bed, dressing into her usual monk robe.
  56. [18:22] * Kilarra makes sure her spells are in order and then gets dressed as well.
  57. [18:23] <@Kilarra> Perelir returns shortly thereafter, providing the party with bread, cheese, and water to eat. It's a bit bland, being magically created, but filling.
  58. [18:24] * Kilarra accepts the food gratefully and eats it, having not eaten properly the day before when they were jumping from gate to gate and marching all around the fortress.
  59. [18:27] * Aluthyra appreciates the meal, and it is nothing she isn't used to. She normally sticks with simple foods.
  60. [18:28] <@Kilarra> Once the party has finished eating, Perelir shows them upstairs to the scrying room.
  61. [18:28] <@Kilarra> The walls of this room hang with dark tapestries that glitter asif tiny bits of gemstone were embedded in the fabric, creatingan effect not unlike that of a field of stars. Against the northernwall stands a large mirror, nearly fifteen feet wide and about tenfeet tall, its frame a delicate wooden affair carved to resembletwisting vines.
  62. [18:29] * Kilarra steps up next to the mirror, "Being more personally acquainted with Kahree, I should try first," she notes to Perelir.
  63. [18:30] * Kilarra steps up to the mirror and gazes into its reflective surface. She clutches her holy symbold and holds out a hand. "Calistria, allow me to see our wayward companion. Show me Kahree."
  64. [18:35] <@Kilarra> The mirror shimmers like a rippling pond, the image coming into view. It shows the petrified Kahree on a wide open field of flowers, with a forest in the distance. The form of a Lyrakien can be seen perched on her shoulder, speaking softly to her.
  65. [18:36] * Kilarra blinks, "Well, how about that. She ended up back on Elysium. That certainly makes things easier." She commits the field and the forest to memory to make it easier to find."
  66. [18:36] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
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