
Medic 2

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. [04:17] "Support her other side, let's move to the hospital," her eyes narrow, and her preternatural senses gave her some insight into the nature of the ailment. With her power and the proximity she slowed Mizuki's blood flow to prevent the venom from spreading too rapidly as they moved.
  2. (Toia Nomiki)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [04:17] Atlas Daromir says, "Uh..hello "
  6. [04:18] Andrew Mercia says, "Excuse me."
  7. [04:18] Maria Masters says, "I apologize for the intrustion, but Mizuki is a... I wouldn't call her a friend, but I would rather she not die."
  8. [04:26] Toia settles Mizuki onto the bed in the operating theatre, "Andrew there is looking to study medicine. If he wants, he can sit in to observe. Are there no witnesses?" Toia grimaces. She's rather not use her magick so invasively, but in a poisoning case information was key.
  10. She looked to the dark color spreading in her veins, looking for the source point of the intrusion. Hoping that she could identify the bite pattern of the wound. She knew it was venom from the way her body was reacting, but she didn't know from what.
  12. Ultimately it was something completely foreign to her and any other doctor in the hospital, and she turned to start ordering the people crowding the operating theatre around, "Andrew, Atlas, if you two are going to stand in, I need your help. Emergency. Andrew, get the jars of blood labeled 'Nomiki, Toia' out of the cold storage cabinet. Atlas, uhm. Get me a small tub."
  13. (Toia Nomiki)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [04:27] Maria Masters says, "My name is Maria. If I can be of use, do tell."
  17. [04:29] Toia Nomiki exclaims, "Aaaah. You, Maria. Help Andrew carry the jars in here. There are a lot. I'm going to need... Aaaah. All of it. Three gallons!"
  18. [04:29] Toia Nomiki says, "Don't question why there's so much of my blood in there..."
  19. [04:29] Atlas nods, being used to helping Agrien and Barca when he visits, he walks over to the desk and grabs a small tub, and hands it back to Toia,
  22. He glances at the jugs "...that's a lot of blood though."
  23. (Atlas Daromir)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [04:30] Atlas Daromir asks, "Anything else doc?"
  27. [04:31] Even though she was still suffering from the curse and pain, she couldn't really speak all that well. There was constant screaming when the demon had taken advantage of her and the opportunity. There was constant blood flowing from the sides of her arm. Her voice was beginning to fade, losing her voice slowly from the strain.
  29. A hand slowly moves out towards Toia, a with a slight note that was placed at the base.
  30. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [04:31] Andrew didn't waste anytime and after giving instructions from Toia the boy quickly made his way over towards the jars. Andrew took a deep breath and attempt to keep himself under-control during the process.
  35. The second lesson he had while getting medical training was a high stakes situation. After he mentally prepared himself the long road ahead the body stated searching thought the different jars.
  37. "'Nomiki, Toia', 'Nomiki, Toia', 'Nomiki, Toia' , where the heck is this jar..."
  39. After a while the boy found the jars and quickly gathered them and rushed back over towards Toia. He made sure not to drop them or anything like that since that would end poorly.
  40. (Andrew Mercia)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [04:32] Maria 'blinks' from her previous spot to the cabinet, having used her chronomancy to 'skip' through a few frames in time. She helps Andrew transport the jars of blood, her return trips to the bedside being much more careful - she didn't want to break the container, or spill any of its contents.
  44. (Maria Masters)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [04:38] "This is reckless, foolish, and completely unorthodox. Just don't tell Barca and Agrien… But whatever this is. Its fangs are way too big to be something native to Esshar, and its venom reek of occult magick," she stepped around to start pulling out tubes she'd set up for an earlier surgery before her patient disappeared. She slipped different fittings around and rerouted the mess of tubing from an IV drip to something more for transfusion than a slow drip of some chemical.
  49. Then a note was passed to her, giving it a look before she started her work. Jar after jar were delivered. "This is going to be... Completely unpleasant. But you still have my blood from your earlier treatment in you. So I have something to work with."
  51. "Atlas, you take this. Go to the knights. Hopefully Nerin is still in the park," she forked the note over to him. The procedure began. She had no antivenom for such a creature, so she had to do something a whole lot less wholesome to bring Mizuki back from the brink.
  52. (Toia Nomiki)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [04:38] Toia Nomiki says, "There's more injured possibly. Still out there."
  56. [04:38] Maria Masters asks, "Want me to keep watch outside for injured?"
  57. [04:38] Atlas Daromir says, "I'll see if he's there"
  58. [04:39] Atlas Daromir says, "Nerin is gone..."
  59. [04:39] Atlas Daromir asks, "Should i go try to help?"
  60. [04:43] Toia Nomiki says, "Yes."
  61. [04:43] Atlas Daromir says, "Alright"
  62. [04:44] Atlas Daromir says, "I'll see if i can help anyone "
  63. [04:44] Toia Nomiki says, "And Yes, Maria if you find any injured, bring them to a bed. If you know any way to get ice, have them cool their bodies to slow blood flow."
  64. [04:44] Toia Nomiki says, "These injuries are uh. From a snake, venom. Slow blood for so it doesn't reach the heart or brain. Not sure the nature of it."
  65. [04:44] Toia Nomiki says, "Tie a torniquet above the bite to cut off blood flow too..."
  66. [04:53] Maria Masters says, "I do not mean to interrupt, but this man witnessed what happened to Mizuki."
  67. [05:01] "Andrew, stand over here, near the wound," things were spinning around the room, but she was focused. No, she was excited. A new experiment was about to be conducted. She threw her jacket off, face turning red with a blush that looked far too scandalous for the serious circumstances.
  69. She slid a pair of needles on the end of one of the array of tubes she'd thrown together in, one in an artery and another in the vein. "Work this pump, drain the blood that's coming out into the tub. I'll take samples after we're done, don't dispose of any of it." She handed over a small hand pump of some description, likely a manual and very rudimentary dialysis pump.
  71. The doctor herself went to the other side and slid a needle into the artery on her inner elbow, this array being a more familiar array for direct blood transfusion. Her own sanguine essence flooded into the tube, forcing out the air. And once that was set she could slide the other end of the tubing into a vein on Mizuki's body.
  73. The idea was simple enough. She was going to drain Mizuki's body dry of blood, while replacing it with her own uncontaminated fluids... Normally a very, very bad idea. But Toia was a blood mage, and a savant at that. But for it to work she needed more power, more essence. And that's what the jars were for, what she'd been storing away for transfusions would be handy in this.
  75. The fastest way for her to pull the extra blood into herself and charge it with her mana however... That was something that made stomachs turn. She started one by one to peel open the jars recklessly, bring them up to her mouth, and begin chugging. As a blood mage even the scent of blood in the air caused her aura to flare, but taking it in directly was another story. Each time she finished a jar she looked a bit swollen all around, but as blood that was filtered passed into Mizuki she went pale and deathly again.
  77. That's why she asked for such an inordinate amount for the transfusion. She wasn't just replacing Mizuki's blood, she'd need to replace her own as she forced her will through the blood to attack any remaining traces of venom with her magick-infused immune cells.
  78. (Toia Nomiki)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [05:13] Andrew went over towards the wound he wasn't expecting this to happen to her after she told him she was fine. Andrew took a deep breath and took the pump to his hand while looking at the pump he attempted to work it.
  83. He'd look down into the tub while it was being filled with her blood and the boy took a deep breath. Andrew gave the woman a soft look, but jsut like he was instructed he'd begin working the pump. he didn't want the tub to overflow with the blood so he attempted to keep it at bay.
  85. Andrew didn't want to fail anyone in this room so, he put his best foot forward "Okay I'll keep the pump working until you tell me to stop."
  87. Andrew gave the woman a nod while he continue to watch her work on Mizuki thought a sad look appeared on his face. He didn't like the fact that a lot of bad things were happening to the woman, but he wouldn't fail her a third time.
  89. "Mizuki it will be okay." Andrew knew that him learning to become a medic is needed with all these demons running around, and this make him want to finish his training more.
  90. (Andrew Mercia)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [05:15] After the other woman mentionned he ought to go to the clinic... Well, he nodded. Maybe he should. The food hadn't helped much, and he was half using the staff as a walking stick.
  95. Although, he was playing it cool. As they went into the building, he'd let his flames dissipate finally. Despite the comfort they gave him. And there it was, the woman he saw fighting the creature earlier.
  97. He waved then briefly at Toia, although he waited until a less focus heavy moment. "Hey Toia." And he'd make his way over to a chair and settled down. Mostly to just get off his feet, and feel a little more steady.
  99. He'd just quietly watch the two at work then.
  100. (Darrel Hull)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [05:17] Toia Nomiki asks, "Darrel... Ah. You got bit too, didn't you?"
  104. [05:17] Darrel Hull says, "Uh... Not bit... "
  105. [05:18] Darrel Hull says, "Jus' took some blood."
  106. [05:19] Toia Nomiki asks, "How muuuch?"
  107. [05:19] Darrel Hull says, "I don' know."
  108. [05:19] Darrel Hull says, "Feel a lil' wierd."
  109. [05:20] After several hours in surgery for the second time today. She couldn't help but figure, perhaps she had bad luck, or she was beginning to lose her edge. However, it wasn't the time to be thinking about such things. Regardless...
  111. She begins to wake up from being worked on, but she felt extremely weak. She's loss a lot of blood and replaced a lot of blood for a single day. She needed sleep and a lot of it in fact, anyways. She did look around the room, and back to Toia who managed to save her again.
  113. "Thank you...I seem to have a series of bad luck..." A soft voice spoken from the woman who lied in bed.
  114. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [05:25] Maria Masters asks, "Bad luck?"
  118. [05:25] Maria Masters says, "You're lucky neither of these injuries were permanent."
  119. [05:26] Toia halted Andrew after a while, then her attention was turned to Darrel. "Nnnngh. Thanks for bringing him, miss," she said over to Maria. And to Mizuki she spoke when she awoke after the improvised, magick assisted dialysis, "Poorest luck ever! I hope Atlas didn't get caught up in trouble looking for help, but I sent him with word that there were two others like your note said."
  121. She slipped the needles out of Mizuki, though she kept the transfusion needle in her own arm. Toia carried it over and dropped into the chair next to Darrel, calling back to her nurse, "Andrew, clean and bandage the minor wounds, if you will. I'll handle this patient too while you're at it." She held a hand out, "Darrel, your arm."
  122. (Toia Nomiki)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [05:26] Maria Masters says, "You're welcome, Toia."
  126. [05:26] Toia Nomiki says, "She does have a good point. None of these were permenant wounds..."
  127. [05:27] Maria Masters says, "Doing this beats sitting around and waiting for someone to train me."
  128. [05:27] Darrel Hull says, "Errr... M'arm? Fine."
  129. [05:27] Darrel Hull says, "An' uh, it ran off after."
  130. [05:27] Maria Masters says, "I'll go check the park for more injured."
  131. [05:27] Toia Nomiki says, "Well! Now we'll have... Demon snake antivenom, at least..."
  132. [05:27] Darrel Hull says, "*slowly presents his arm forwards, after slipping the sleeves off."
  133. [05:27] Darrel Hull says, "Nah, there won' be."
  134. [05:28] Darrel slowly presents his arm forwards, after slipping the sleeves off.
  135. (Darrel Hull)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [05:34] Andrew went to grab a jar of disinfected and a clean cloth in which he dumps the liquid on. he'd then go for any bloody stops on the woman's body and wipe them clean "It will probably sting a little bit" he said while wiping her wounds.
  140. Andrew cleaned any dirt or other substance that could be life threatening to the wound from her body. Andrew did one final examine of her body before pulling out the Gauze.
  142. The boy slowly wraps the Gauze around her arms soon tying a little tight knot to keep them from falling off. He'd also apply Gauze to her legs if they required it.
  143. (Andrew Mercia)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [05:35] Toia cleans the other end of the transfusion tubing she'd used on Mizuki by roughly stabbing herself with it. Ah, the perks of having an immune system that could be used in an external, offensive capacity. Blood magi were something else. Less roughly she slipped the blood-coated needle into a vein on Darrel's arm. She was still low on blood, but she had plenty to drink to reinvigorate her mana by extracting it from the stored blood.
  148. "Wait," it took her a minute to realize that in Darrel's case she could have just set up an IV rack for this, given he wasn't envenomed himself. She squinted. "Nevermind…" It was probably more fun for the weirdo to do it this way. She wiped blood from her lips, and while she was administering the transfusion to Darrel she got to work on the next task.
  150. She produced vials from her the operating theatre's equipment storage and filled vial after vial with the contaminated blood she'd ordered be saved in that tub. With Toia's power, she commanded it to not coagulate in the basin. "Samples... Antivenom..."
  151. (Toia Nomiki)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [05:39]
  155. {LOAD GAME}
  157. [05:42] Transfusion tubing stabbed into his arm. He wasn't really certain what the case was for this stuff. Although all the blood. He glanced away briefly as she got it setup. "I uh, thanks Toia." And now, instead, he'd look to where she was working.
  159. "The tubes fer passin' blood over to me yeah?" He asked, half trying to figure it out. And then now to ther operating spot. And whatever she was doing.
  160. (Darrel Hull)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [05:49] "Mmmhm," she murmured simply. She didn't need to examine Darrel to know when his supply was replenished. The preternatural senses gained from her intensive study of blood magicks did that for her. The tubes were slipped out. She moved the vialed samples of contaminated to cold storage.
  165. Used equipment was thrown into disinfection bins to be cleaned at a later time by the nursing staff as well as the jars that contained her donated blood. "I'll need to run a blood drive to restock us again soon," she murmured to herself.
  167. "Agrien will be happy I got samples. I'll study them later. Separate the venom out, with that Agrien will be able to synthesize an antivenom with her alchemical knowledge," she grumbled all to herself before she came back and collapsed into the overstuffed chair across from Darrel. She looked exhausted, after examining four patients and treating three.
  168. (Toia Nomiki)
  169. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. [05:54] Now he was definitely feeling better, and was a little less unusually pale. He looked across the table, noticing how she looked. As he didn't really have anything to say about what she was talking about.
  173. He didn't know that stuff very well. Other then. "So, yer thinkin' a good cure fer whatever tha' was." he murmurred, looking over to Mizuki. Although... "Toia, do ya need a bite? I can make some half decent food if it'd help ya." He offered with a genuine smile.
  175. Honestly, it was just wanting to repay her somehow for the help.
  176. (Darrel Hull)
  177. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. [05:57] Her gaze looks over to Andrew who decided to help Toia in fixing her. It has been a long day and she certainly was tired of the recent attacks. One after another, she has found herself at the mercy of this world's occultism. It wasn't enough that it took her friends away and those she cared for. However, now it proceeding to make her suffer even further, she wondered when will it end.
  181. "Thank you Andrew...I'll get better soon so I can train you..." A faint weak voice, given from her lips.
  182. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  183. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. [05:58] Maria Masters says, "I apologize that I could not do more, Mizuki."
  186. [05:58] Mizuki Lunaris says, "It's alright..than- you.."
  187. [05:59] Mizuki coughed a bit, as it hurt slightly to talk.
  188. (Mizuki Lunaris)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [05:59] Maria Masters says, "I do not know why, but I am relieved that you are okay. It feels kind of odd."
  192. [06:00] Andrew shook his head he didn't want her to worry about training even if she had every right to. He'd take a deep breath after he finally finished patching her up the boy finally took a seat.
  194. "I know I need the training more than ever, but let's focus on getting you better for now."
  195. (Andrew Mercia)
  196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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