
halloween pastebin

Oct 30th, 2017
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  1. It's cold outside. It's so beautiful.
  3. Tomorrow night I'm gonna try to squeeze in a special Halloween stream. I'll be playing Layers of Fear, a game I got for free via Twitch Prime. I know nothing about the game, so I can't wait to see if it's actually scary! OpieOP
  5. I got 33:56 in MJ, which is ridiculous. I actually was on pace for 32:XX until I choked near the end and lose a minute and a half. I want 32 in that game, but I won't be attempting that until next month, most likely. We'll wait and see.
  7. Y'all remember that Twitter experiment I did last week? Here's what that was for:
  9. Since I asked everyone to be honest, and I believe everyone who voted was, I can confirm the people that just wanted DKC from me have finally left me alone. That's literally all I wanted from this. So, if I get any more comments telling me to play DKC again, I know who I'm blocking/banning.
  11. Obviously y'all don't have to worry about this; this was just something for me.
  13. Reminder that once I hit 500 followers on Twitch, I'll be doing a Slyfecta! Thanks for your support so far, and see y'all tomorrow! o/
  14. -Alec
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