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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. if request("property")<> "" then
  2. int_pro_id = request("property")
  3. int_pro_id = clng(int_pro_id)
  4. 'str_sql = "select * from tbl_property_image where int_property_id="&int_pro_id&" and bit_disp = 1 and bit_active = 1"
  5. str_sql = "select * from tbl_property_image where int_property_id="&int_pro_id&" and bit_disp = 1 "
  7. OpenADORecordSet strConnectionString,str_sql,rs_pro
  8. if rs_pro.recordcount > 0 then
  9. no_img = 0
  10. img_name = rs_pro("str_image_name")
  11. img_wid = rs_pro("int_image_width")
  12. img_hgt = rs_pro("int_image_height")
  13. img_desc = rs_pro("str_image_desc")
  14. else
  15. no_img = 1
  16. end if
  17. CloseADORecordSet(rs_pro)
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