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  1. Conversation started between MarijuanaMartyr and *‡BlackMagic‡*: Sun, Jul 10 16:06:48 2011
  2. [16:06] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Why did you remove your wall of text?
  3. [16:07] MarijuanaMartyr: why is it bad to post a semi-lengthy explanation instead of "throws hands up in air"
  4. [16:07] *‡BlackMagic‡*: ...wat?
  5. [16:07] MarijuanaMartyr: wall of text
  6. [16:08] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I didn't say it was bad....
  7. [16:08] MarijuanaMartyr: negative connotation
  8. [16:08] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I was writing a response and then I saw you removed it and replaced it with a dot
  9. [16:09] *‡BlackMagic‡*: .
  10. [16:09] MarijuanaMartyr: yes that dot looks familiar
  11. [16:09] *‡BlackMagic‡*: WONDERFUL CONVERSATION.
  12. Conversation ended: Sun, Jul 10 16:09:43 2011
  13. Conversation started between MarijuanaMartyr and *‡BlackMagic‡*: Sun, Jul 10 16:10:10 2011
  14. [16:10] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You going to answer me or not?
  15. [16:10] MarijuanaMartyr: i modified my post because i wanted to modify my thoughts
  16. [16:10] *‡BlackMagic‡*: So you posted a dot?
  17. [16:10] MarijuanaMartyr: yes because my thoughts haven't been modified yet
  18. [16:11] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Wat
  19. [16:11] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I don't get it.
  20. [16:11] MarijuanaMartyr: i wanted to reconsider
  21. [16:11] MarijuanaMartyr: so i put the dot there while i reconsidered
  22. [16:12] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Reconsidering running your mouth?
  23. [16:12] MarijuanaMartyr: reconsidered sitting you down
  24. [16:12] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I wouldn't call that sitting me down.
  25. [16:12] MarijuanaMartyr: you run your mouth all over so i'm not sure why that would bother you
  26. [16:12] *‡BlackMagic‡*: >Implying
  27. [16:12] *‡BlackMagic‡*: It bothers me because you are a 2 edged sword.
  28. [16:12] MarijuanaMartyr: >implyinhg
  29. [16:13] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Dat spelling
  30. [16:13] MarijuanaMartyr: please don't insult my spelling
  31. [16:13] MarijuanaMartyr: it really hits home
  32. [16:13] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Figured
  33. [16:14] *‡BlackMagic‡*: It's just funny that you keep saying that Tidal is bi-polar yet you do the same thing.
  34. [16:14] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Or perhaps it just appears that way because you put on a facade half the time.
  35. [16:15] MarijuanaMartyr: i just think you cross the line too often and you don't know where to stop
  36. [16:15] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I cross the line?
  37. [16:15] MarijuanaMartyr: so while it seems to you like we're all the same (slap hands), we stop and you keep going
  38. [16:15] MarijuanaMartyr: so then we get mad at you and you look clueless as to why we're mad
  39. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: disappointed, rather
  40. [16:16] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Riiiiiight.
  41. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: i'm very, uh, easy to "pin point" for lack of better words right now
  42. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: see, even now
  43. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: you can't explain because you're too immature to
  44. [16:16] *‡BlackMagic‡*: LOL
  45. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: so you just throw stupid phrases or words around
  46. [16:16] MarijuanaMartyr: point proven.
  47. [16:16] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Wait so the person who acts like a 9 year old on TS3 is calling me immature?
  48. [16:16] *‡BlackMagic‡*: That is quite hilarious.
  49. [16:17] MarijuanaMartyr: quite so!
  50. [16:17] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I think the problem here is that where I am blunt and to the point, you like to talk to people with different personas.
  51. [16:17] MarijuanaMartyr: i talk to all of you the same
  52. [16:17] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No.
  53. [16:17] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No you don't.
  54. [16:18] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You like to play a game.
  55. [16:18] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Say the right things to the right people.
  56. [16:18] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Then flip that switch.
  57. [16:18] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Even now, you're calling me too immature to understand, yet a while ago you act like we were all on the same page.
  58. [16:18] MarijuanaMartyr: because we can be on the same page at times
  59. [16:18] MarijuanaMartyr: and disagree other times
  60. [16:18] MarijuanaMartyr: it's okay, you know
  61. [16:19] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Can we?
  62. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: well it sounds like you don't like that
  63. [16:19] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Or is it you putting on your overlord cap and prying at stuff?
  64. [16:19] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Oh no, that's not it.
  65. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: >implying
  66. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: loljk
  67. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: disagreeing =/= prying
  68. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: if i disagree with you, i'm going to tell you why
  69. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: instead of umm...
  70. [16:19] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I just don't like people who act nice in your face, then try to backstab you and throw shit in your face the other moment.
  71. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: "throws hands up in air"
  72. [16:19] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I threw my hands up in the air because you were supporting KB's retarded plan.
  73. [16:19] MarijuanaMartyr: throwing shit in your face wouldn't be considered backstabbing
  74. [16:20] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No, but you do both.
  75. [16:20] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I find it very hypocritcal that you of all people call another person immature, yet many people find it weird the way you behave on TS3.
  76. [16:20] *‡BlackMagic‡*: And I have to agree.
  77. [16:20] MarijuanaMartyr: i don't care if people find it weird how i am on ts3
  78. [16:21] MarijuanaMartyr: i behave that way because it's funny to me
  79. [16:21] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Right, it's immature.
  80. [16:21] MarijuanaMartyr: and that's funny to me
  81. [16:21] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I must be funny to you then.
  82. [16:21] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Wonderful.
  83. [16:21] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Glad I could be here for your entertainment.
  84. [16:21] MarijuanaMartyr: and frustrating
  85. [16:21] MarijuanaMartyr: your immaturity isn't funny immaturity
  86. [16:21] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Here you are again, still calling me immature.
  87. [16:21] MarijuanaMartyr: because you are
  88. [16:22] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Based on?
  89. [16:22] MarijuanaMartyr: you have this false sense of being smart
  90. [16:22] MarijuanaMartyr: LOL
  91. [16:22] MarijuanaMartyr: jk
  92. [16:22] *‡BlackMagic‡*: And you don't?
  93. [16:23] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I suppose I rather be immature than a hypocrite.
  94. [16:23] MarijuanaMartyr: i'm very smart
  95. [16:23] MarijuanaMartyr: i'd say i have a false sense of stupidity on here
  96. [16:23] MarijuanaMartyr: can't take this too seriously after all
  97. [16:23] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Yet, you do.
  98. [16:23] MarijuanaMartyr: didn't mean to be so straight SF just did something retarded and funneh
  99. [16:23] MarijuanaMartyr: i do when it's required
  100. [16:24] *‡BlackMagic‡*: "an SF just did something retarded and funneh"
  101. [16:24] *‡BlackMagic‡*: What?
  102. [16:24] MarijuanaMartyr: nvm, weird sequence of events
  103. [16:25] MarijuanaMartyr: i'm in-game @ SF
  104. [16:25] MarijuanaMartyr: well, not anymore
  105. [16:25] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Thanks for sharing.
  106. [16:25] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Really helps this conversation.
  107. [16:26] MarijuanaMartyr: ...i know, which is why i left
  108. [16:27] MarijuanaMartyr: you messaged me while i was already in there
  109. [16:27] *‡BlackMagic‡*: cool
  110. [16:27] MarijuanaMartyr: lol
  111. [16:27] MarijuanaMartyr: "i shouldn't have been a douche there, so let me throw out a sarcastic cool."
  112. [16:27] *‡BlackMagic‡*: no
  113. [16:27] *‡BlackMagic‡*: More like
  114. [16:28] *‡BlackMagic‡*: "I don't give a fuck at all, so let me say cool so he can continue with the actual conversation"
  115. [16:28] MarijuanaMartyr: if you didn't give afuck, why'd you complain that it wasn't helping the conversation that i was in-game.
  116. [16:28] MarijuanaMartyr: dot dot dot
  117. [16:28] *‡BlackMagic‡*: ...I don't give a fuck about your little explanation about SF.
  118. [16:28] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I don't even know what SF is.
  119. [16:28] MarijuanaMartyr: so why complain
  120. [16:28] *‡BlackMagic‡*: So I couldn't care less.
  121. [16:28] MarijuanaMartyr: the clan that you're saying we shouldn't scrim...lolz
  122. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I'm complaining because I hate it when I try to have a conversation and I get interrupted.
  123. [16:29] MarijuanaMartyr: you weren't...
  124. [16:29] MarijuanaMartyr: i was explaining why i said something out of the blue
  125. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I was.
  126. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Which wasn't pretaining the original conversation.
  127. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Thus interrupting it.
  128. [16:29] MarijuanaMartyr: yes it was
  129. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Was not.
  130. [16:29] MarijuanaMartyr: cause i was being so straightforward because you popped up in the bottom right so i blurted it out
  131. [16:29] *‡BlackMagic‡*: If you're going to conintue with grasping at straws then we may as well just stop now.
  132. [16:29] MarijuanaMartyr: lol what?
  133. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: you don't like losing arguments.
  134. [16:30] MarijuanaMartyr: you're the one beating a dead horse by flip flopping on whether or not you were ''interrupted."
  135. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: When you are on the verge of doing so, you grasp at straws and just keep going.
  136. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: lolwat
  137. [16:30] MarijuanaMartyr: EXCUSE THE CAPS< XFIRE BUG
  138. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You're the one flipflopping now.
  139. [16:30] MarijuanaMartyr: BUT YOU ARE INSANE
  140. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Yes, I am Darchind.
  141. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Also, press shift.
  142. [16:30] MarijuanaMartyr: HOW AM I FLIP FLOPPANG
  143. [16:30] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Press shift.
  144. [16:31] MarijuanaMartyr: NO
  145. [16:31] MarijuanaMartyr: caps lock was on lolol
  146. [16:31] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Retart
  147. [16:31] MarijuanaMartyr: or how is offering you an explanation grasping at straws
  148. [16:31] MarijuanaMartyr: an explanation that was basically called for because you were makign ridiculous assumptions
  149. [16:31] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I guess since you are so highly intelligent, this is going right under your radar.
  150. [16:35] MarijuanaMartyr: or maybe you have no idea what grasping at straws or flip flopping is if you're going to use them as reasons for receiving an explanation you provoked
  151. [16:35] *‡BlackMagic‡*: /facedesk
  152. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You are still stuck on the explanation bit, and keep going back to it to justify yourself.
  153. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: yeah, must be frustrating not knowing what you're saying
  154. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Let me ask you.
  155. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: because it would make sense to you if you threw your biases away and just listened
  156. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Since you are accusing me of something now.
  157. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: instead of just assuming you're right
  158. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: >biases
  159. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Alright
  160. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Cool story.
  161. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: i gave you an explanation because you were saying you were being interrupted
  162. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: here we go again
  163. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: wait wait...
  164. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You never stop do you?
  165. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: stop grasping at straws
  166. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: stop what?
  167. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: LOL HURR WAT U SAYIN
  168. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I DUNNO WAT DAT MEAN
  169. [16:36] MarijuanaMartyr: doing exactly what you're doing?
  170. [16:36] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No
  171. [16:37] MarijuanaMartyr: grasping at straws?
  172. [16:37] MarijuanaMartyr: flip flopping?
  173. [16:37] MarijuanaMartyr: IMPLYING, even!?
  174. [16:37] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You always do this when you are losing an argument, which I understand since a long time ago you told me that you hate losing arguments.
  175. [16:37] *‡BlackMagic‡*: It's ok to lose something Mike.
  176. [16:37] MarijuanaMartyr: do what
  177. [16:37] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I understand.
  178. [16:37] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Shhhh, want a hug?
  179. [16:37] MarijuanaMartyr: you're not even saying what i'm doing
  180. [16:37] *‡BlackMagic‡*: "Losing an argument"
  181. [16:38] MarijuanaMartyr: "you always do this when you are losing an argument"
  182. [16:38] MarijuanaMartyr: so you meant you always lose an arugment when you're losing an arugment?
  183. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You figuratively grasp at straws when you lose one.
  184. [16:38] MarijuanaMartyr: can you explain that
  185. [16:38] MarijuanaMartyr: because i have no idea what that means
  186. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You just fire all chambers
  187. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Take it as a ship
  188. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: In a firefight
  189. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: It can't win it
  190. [16:38] MarijuanaMartyr: you do realize
  191. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: So it let's go of all the cargo
  192. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: To gain speed
  193. [16:38] *‡BlackMagic‡*: And get out.
  194. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: As a last hope.
  195. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Get it now?
  196. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: no?
  197. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Sorry :(
  198. [16:39] MarijuanaMartyr: that you just called me a hypocrite, "grasper" of straws,flip-flopper, "retart", and whatever else over the course of 15 minutes
  199. [16:39] MarijuanaMartyr: and you say i am firing all chambahs
  200. [16:39] MarijuanaMartyr: lol
  201. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: ........
  202. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I'm not the one losing.
  203. [16:39] MarijuanaMartyr: i haven't really said much to you other than explaining myself in defense of your attacks
  204. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You're delusional.
  205. [16:39] MarijuanaMartyr: losing what?
  206. [16:39] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I wouldn't call those attacks.
  207. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: well i can understand why you're off the wall
  208. [16:40] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You are the one who started to attack me by calling me immature after all.
  209. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: i mean you did post a really nice thread about how your real life makes you struggle online
  210. [16:40] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I can understand why you are off the wall as well, since your grasp of reality is shattered.
  211. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: and you went to defense mode because you got hurt over being called immature
  212. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: and opened up your arsenal
  213. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: my grasp of reality is also shattered now, too
  214. [16:40] MarijuanaMartyr: lol
  215. [16:40] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I went to defense mode because I don't like being accused of stuff that isn't true.
  216. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: GOOD WE HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE!
  217. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Hey, wasn't it you telling me that weed makes you lose it?
  218. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Oh that's right.
  219. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: was that supposed to be an insult or something?
  220. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: The fact that you are using my real life situation now is quite a low blow btw.
  221. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: what's that have to do with anything
  222. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Oh nothing of course.
  223. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: well it's an explanation for why you're blowing up about nothing
  224. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Other than your constructive thinking capabilities are rather skewed.
  225. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: and mentioning weed as a reason (which i haven't smoked in about 3 weeks)
  226. [16:41] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I'm not blowing up about nothing.
  227. [16:41] MarijuanaMartyr: LOL
  228. [16:42] MarijuanaMartyr: give me another allegory about a ship please
  229. [16:42] *‡BlackMagic‡*: It's a huge pet peve of mine when people accuse me of stuff.
  230. [16:42] MarijuanaMartyr: apparently
  231. [16:42] MarijuanaMartyr: but as long as you don't blow up in self defense....
  232. [16:42] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No, it doesn't matter how small the claim is, I hate it.
  233. [16:42] MarijuanaMartyr: cool
  234. [16:42] *‡BlackMagic‡*: I've argued with teachers over this before.
  235. [16:42] *‡BlackMagic‡*: So don't do it.
  236. [16:42] MarijuanaMartyr: cool
  237. [16:43] MarijuanaMartyr: you're immature
  238. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: cool indeed.
  239. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Very.
  240. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Thank you
  241. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: you're intelligent as hell
  242. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Oh wait
  243. [16:43] MarijuanaMartyr: how many times a conversation do you use oh wait
  244. [16:43] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Once...
  245. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: But hey, let me get back to being immature and making funny noises on TS3 cause that is so funny xD
  246. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: it is to me
  247. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: and gekke and HH
  248. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: You're immature.
  249. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: and the occasional you
  250. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Gekke is immature.
  251. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: pretty sure you respond to it half the time lol
  252. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: in your high pitched black man voice
  253. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: In hope you stfu.
  254. [16:44] MarijuanaMartyr: oh that makes sense
  255. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: When I tell you to stop, then you get all defensive
  256. [16:44] *‡BlackMagic‡*: And start saying I'm too serious
  257. [16:45] *‡BlackMagic‡*: etc etc
  258. [16:45] *‡BlackMagic‡*: So approaching it like an adult seems futile.
  259. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: thats not defensive, that's a suggestion
  260. [16:45] *‡BlackMagic‡*: >Implying
  261. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: you just take it as that because you're biased
  262. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: >biased
  263. [16:45] *‡BlackMagic‡*: How am I biased?
  264. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: >implying
  265. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: you're biased against anyone who won't agree with you on a daily basis
  266. [16:45] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No?
  267. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: you're friends with smoke for a week then he starts forming his own opinions and you start calling him dumb and so on
  268. [16:45] MarijuanaMartyr: same with dorito
  269. [16:46] *‡BlackMagic‡*: No, smoke didn't show his dumb nigger side before.
  270. [16:46] *‡BlackMagic‡*: But let me ask you this, since I got ALL these problems, why am I in GIN?
  271. [16:46] MarijuanaMartyr: demon
  272. [16:46] MarijuanaMartyr: that's my guess at least
  273. [16:47] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Cause you know, if I was in charge and I had this crazy immature kid who argues with everyone, I would try to get him out.
  274. [16:47] MarijuanaMartyr: "demon"
  275. [16:47] MarijuanaMartyr: "that's my guess at least"
  276. [16:48] *‡BlackMagic‡*: Glad to know I picked the right friend then.
  277. [16:51] *‡BlackMagic‡*: <This user is now offline>
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