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Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. erreur lors du `sudo php bin/vendors install --reinstall`
  4. remote: Total 11321 (delta 7529), reused 10747 (delta 7047)
  5. Receiving objects: 100% (11321/11321), 1.43 MiB | 938 KiB/s, done.
  6. Resolving deltas: 100% (7529/7529), done.
  7. 28d83c32e3dfcb0b3b6b4f16233cbe374b4d55a6
  8. HEAD is now at cc4a6b1 Merge pull request #639 from widop/patch-1
  9. sh: /var/www/poison14/vendor/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/Resources/bin/build_bootstrap.php: not found
  10. PHP Fatal error: Class 'Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\SensioDistributionBundle' not found in /var/www/poison14/app/AppKernel.php on line 29
  12. Fatal error: Class 'Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\SensioDistributionBundle' not found in /var/www/poison14/app/AppKernel.php on line 29
  13. PHP Fatal error: Class 'Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\SensioDistributionBundle' not found in /var/www/poison14/app/AppKernel.php on line 29
  15. Fatal error: Class 'Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\SensioDistributionBundle' not found in /var/www/poison14/app/AppKernel.php on line 29
  19. D'après ce output, j'ai deviné qu'il me manquait des dépendances. Donc j'ai fait un `sudo git submodule foreach git pull` et voici le output:
  21. [...]
  22. Entering 'vendor/bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle'
  23. No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'vendor/bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle'
  24. Removing Analysis/ServiceAnalyzer.php
  25. Removing Controller/ControllerListener.php
  26. CONFLICT (delete/modify): DependencyInjection/Compiler/SecureMethodInvocationsPass.php deleted in 3308dce9cb1a5a4d2f7fb95164b572114adcc281 and modified in HEAD. Version HEAD of DependencyInjection/Compiler/SecureMethodInvocationsPass.php left in tree.
  27. Removing Generator/ProxyClassGenerator.php
  28. Auto-merging JMSSecurityExtraBundle.php
  29. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in JMSSecurityExtraBundle.php
  30. Removing Metadata/Driver/AnnotationConverter.php
  31. Removing README
  32. Auto-merging Security/Authorization/Expression/LazyLoadingExpressionVoter.php
  33. Removing Security/Authorization/Interception/MethodInvocation.php
  34. Removing Tests/Analysis/ServiceAnalyzerTest.php
  35. Removing Tests/Controller/ControllerListenerTest.php
  36. Removing Tests/Controller/Fixtures/SecuredController.php
  37. Removing Tests/Controller/Fixtures/UnsecuredController.php
  38. Removing Tests/DependencyInjection/Compiler/SecureMethodInvocationsPass.php
  39. Removing Tests/Generator/ProxyClassGeneratorTest.php
  40. Removing Tests/Mapping/Driver/AnnotationDriverTest.php
  41. Removing Tests/Mapping/Driver/Fixtures/services.php
  42. Removing Tests/Security/Authorization/Interception/SecureMethodInvocationTest.php
  43. Auto-merging composer.json
  44. CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in composer.json
  45. Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
  46. Stopping at 'vendor/bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle'; script returned non-zero status.
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