
Alola Trainers WIP

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. Anemone - 13 - f [Moon | Main File]
  2. - from Sinnoh
  3. - starter: Popplio (Minami)
  4. - her father (from Sinnoh) is an researcher who is hired to help with Kukui's researcher; an old correspondent of Kukui and Burnet
  5. - her mother (from Johto) was a contest star; known for performing along with her Pokemon, given she was raised as a dancer in the Kimono Girl family; died when Anemone was young (~ 4)
  6. - has an older brother (Simon) who is 6 years her senior; works as a gym trainer in Roark's gym
  7. - moves with her father while her brother stays back in Sinnoh; uses alola as her first region
  8. - typical preteen; bubbly and animated, over-the-top friendly; gets along well with Hau (similar personalities), often drags Lillie into their antics; dislikes Team Skull and trusts Team Aether completely
  9. - massive crush on Lillie, really unsubtle about it but unsure of how to address it; stumbles over her words a lot, gets really flustered when they're close; filled with a righteous fury when she finally learns what Lusamine did to Lillie and Gladion and vows that she'll always be there for Lillie; probably doesn't actually get to kiss her until right before Lillie leaves for Kanto because HAHA PAIN
  10. - japanese name would probably be Tsubomi?
  11. - often goes by Annie as well, as it's hard for some people to pronounce her name
  13. Reed - 17 - m [Sun | Nuzlocke]
  14. - from Kalos
  15. - starter: Rowlet (Ashura)
  16. - his father (from unova) works with Interpol; his mother (from kalos) is a designer and designs outfits for contest stars
  17. - has a younger sister (June) who is 3 years his junior; she's still a student at the trainer school, but shadows in Sycamore's office; wants to be a professor one day
  18. - wants to be a journalist; comes to alola to do a series of pieces on the indigenous flora and fauna to submit to a magazine in Kalos; Kukui is serving as a sponsor of sorts, allowing Reed to basically rent his basement for lodging
  19. - met and very briefly dated Ilima when he was studying abroad in Kalos; makes the first trial fairly awkward
  20. - kind of the awkward big brother to Lillie and Hau; very sarcastic but generally means well; gets attached to people too easily and feels the need to protect them; not the most knowledgeable about things, but very street smart and has good instincts (feels something is off with Aether, realizes the Masked Trainer's identity, etc.); kind of an asshole but he's a good dude I swear
  21. - immediately attracted to Gladion [assuming gladion is like 15/16 which i am currently doubting, in which case it's like. immediately big brothers this kid]
  22. - probably turns into a stammering mess around Kiawe
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