
Magicsteady session 1

Jul 9th, 2013
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  1. [18:05] <!DM-sama> All of you sit in a large room, a hundred chairs are arranged in ascending rows in from of a small podium.
  2. [18:05] <!DM-sama> There are five of youin total.
  3. [18:08] <!DM-sama> The room feels pacious and empty, you glance around at one another, none of you sitting close enough for conversation.
  4. [18:08] <!DM-sama> This is the part where you go read each others physical descriptions.
  5. [18:13] * Conny looks to each person and jots something down in a small leather bound journal
  6. [18:14] * Roland yawns and continues sitting in his chair relaxing.
  7. [18:15] * Daven is murmuring to himself, at what point laughs out loud but quickly covers his mouth and goes back to talking to the air
  8. [18:15] * Rachel looks around at the four other people and clicks her tongue, she idly leans back in her chair and kicks her legs onto the table
  9. [18:15] * Zenaros occasionally glances around, scribbling in a hard-cover tome.
  10. [18:15] <Daven> (*one point, damn you maybe concussion)
  11. [18:16] <Rachel> (Oh I thought you were just roleplaying really well)
  12. [18:18] <Conny> (I thought you were channeling your character)
  13. [18:18] <!DM-sama> (I thought I spaced out and forgot I was writing something)
  14. [18:18] <!DM-sama> (I was the only one who was right.)
  15. [18:19] <!DM-sama> "Ohohohoho~" You all hear.
  16. [18:19] <!DM-sama> An old man in a large pointed hat and wizardly robes enters the room.
  17. [18:21] <!DM-sama> "There are quite a few of you this time." The elderly man says as he walks to the podium.
  18. [18:21] <!DM-sama> The cane he uses as a walking stick is about 4 feet long, but even an amateur could detect the magic radiating from it.
  19. [18:21] <!DM-sama> In fact his entire person is exploding with magic, so much so it's even visible in the air around him as a faint hazy distortion of space.
  20. [18:22] <!DM-sama> He smiles as he looks our over the room his face scrunching into a smile behind his long white beard.
  21. [18:23] <!DM-sama> His elderly eyes are strangely vibrant, actually glowing with a faint blue light.
  22. [18:23] <!DM-sama> Even the most short tempered and arrogant of you can tell that this man is powerful.
  23. [18:24] <Rachel> Oioi, was that a shot at me?!
  24. [18:24] <Rachel> I'll break through the fourth wall and beat your ass!
  25. [18:24] <!DM-sama> "Welcome to my school, young ones." He says is a raspy voice worn ragged from old age.
  26. [18:25] <!DM-sama> "All of you recieved the flyers explaining the school rules, I trust."
  27. [18:26] <!DM-sama> "This brief orientation will give you a chance to ask any questions you may have and introduce you to the Instructors."
  28. [18:26] <!DM-sama> "We will begin with myself, I am Allusius Eiswell, Headmaster of this facility."
  29. [18:27] <!DM-sama> "Feel free to call me Old Man, or Grandpa, or whatever strikes your fancy." The old man says with a kind smile.
  30. [18:27] <!DM-sama> "Do any of you have any questions about the rules and regulations of the facility?" He asks.
  31. [18:29] * Rachel idly raises her hand
  32. [18:29] <!DM-sama> "Yes dear?"
  33. [18:30] <Rachel> "So, how are classes supposed to work here?"
  34. [18:30] <!DM-sama> "Ohohoho~"
  35. [18:31] <!DM-sama> "Magic isn't something so simple that it can be taught in a classroom, the purpose of this academy is give you a place where you can pursue the study of your magic however you see fit while also obtaining real world experience. There are no structured class."
  36. [18:31] <!DM-sama> "You will be allowed to study whenever and wherever you like."
  37. [18:31] <!DM-sama> "The Instructors are only here to proide guidance when you need it."
  38. [18:32] * Daven keeps whispering to the air then raises his hand
  39. [18:32] <!DM-sama> "Yes?" The old man turns his attention to you.
  40. [18:33] <Daven> "Which teacher is best to..." He moves his head to the left as if listening to something. "To...learn the basics of how magic works?"
  41. [18:36] <!DM-sama> "That is a difficult question. Each Instructor specializes in a different school but all of them have a similar grasp over the mechanics of magic. That said, learning magic is like learning to walk. No amount of instruction will serve you as well as simply trying for yourself."
  42. [18:37] <!DM-sama> "Are there any other questions, or shall we begin with the introduction of the Instructors?"
  43. [18:37] * Rachel raises her hand again
  44. [18:37] <!DM-sama> "Yes dear?" He says in the exact same manor as before.
  45. [18:38] <Rachel> "Old timer, I don't know nothin about magic, I just punch things and hit them with my bat. What am I supposed to do with whatever I have?"
  46. [18:38] <!DM-sama> "To things explode when you punch them?" The old man says with a smile.
  47. [18:38] <!DM-sama> "That's not normal, dear. You understnad magic more than you want to admit."
  48. [18:40] <!DM-sama> "The simple fact is magic is much like breathing for some people. If that's the case for you growth will come on it's own whether you like it or not. When that growth begins to happen faster than you can control, that is what we're here for."
  49. [18:42] <!DM-sama> "The difference between a mage that concentrates to form a clear image of the spell they want to bring into reality, and a mage that concentrates equally hard on a thought like 'I want to hit him so hard he flys away.' are minute. The process and the result are the same."
  50. [18:43] <!DM-sama> "Magic is the manifestation of your will and the form it takes it entirely a matter of personal preference."
  51. [18:44] <!DM-sama> "Is that all?"
  52. [18:44] <!DM-sama> The old man smiles, seemingly proud of his explanation.
  53. [18:44] <Rachel> "One more thing"
  54. [18:44] <!DM-sama> "Yes?"
  55. [18:44] <Rachel> "Can I smoke in here?"
  56. [18:45] <!DM-sama> "No. But you can smoke all you like outside and in your dorm room."
  57. [18:45] <Rachel> "Fair enough."
  58. [18:45] * Rachel shrugs and leans back in her chair.
  59. [18:45] <!DM-sama> "Now, let's begin the introductions of the other Instructors."
  60. [18:45] <!DM-sama> The old man takes a seat in one of the chairs lining the wall behind the podium.
  61. [18:46] <!DM-sama> The next person to enter is an elven woman.
  62. [18:46] <!DM-sama> She's jaw droppingly pretty.
  63. [18:47] <!DM-sama> Her hair is long and fluffy like cotton and she smiles with an innate feeling of warmth and kindness.
  64. [18:47] <!DM-sama> Her eyes are blue, and she wears extremely girly pink an yellow clothing.
  65. [18:48] <!DM-sama> Her staff is ornate and a bright pink tipped with a red heart.
  66. [18:48] <!DM-sama> "Hello everyone! I'm your Transmutation and Transformation Instructor Shiri Bell, it's nice to meet you."
  67. [18:49] <!DM-sama> Her voice is chiper and high pitched.
  68. [18:50] <!DM-sama> "Hmmmmm.... There might be some potential in this crowd." She says as large red hearts appear in her eyes and puffs of steam shoot out her nostrils.
  69. [18:50] <!DM-sama> "Especially you!" she points to Rachel.
  70. [18:50] <!DM-sama> "I'll be you'll be swimming in afffection!"
  71. [18:50] <Rachel> "Oi what potential do you think you see in me?!"
  72. [18:50] * Daven looks at the Elven girl and blushes slightly, then looks sorry and waves his arms around as he seemingly apologizes to nothing.
  73. [18:51] * Roland chuckles to himself
  74. [18:51] * Rachel stands up and grips the handle on her bat. "What sort of 'affection
  75. [18:51] <!DM-sama> "Eh? You're the cliche delinquent type right? There's tons of pairing potential with you."
  76. [18:51] <Rachel> (a-ah)
  77. [18:51] <Rachel> affection am I swimming in*
  78. [18:51] * Conny blankly stares at the instructor and goes back to writing something in his journal
  79. [18:51] <Rachel> "P-Pairing potential?! LADY THIS IS A SCHOOL, NOT A FUCKIN DATING SERVICE"
  80. [18:52] <!DM-sama> "W-well yes... but romance is an important and healthy part of a young persons growth!" She says as she raises a finger and glances nervously over her shoulder at the headmaster.
  81. [18:52] * Roland laughs loudly and slaps his chair a couple of times at the flustered girl
  82. [18:52] <!DM-sama> The old man sits chuckling softly.
  83. [18:52] * Rachel whirls around toward the laughing boy. "What are you finding so funny?! I should beat you senseless!"
  84. [18:53] <!DM-sama> "E-eh? A love rivalry? Is this the rumored tsundere?~" Shiri says as she wigggles happily.
  86. [18:54] * Roland pokes the girl on the cheek with spectral hands and laughs some more
  87. [18:54] <!DM-sama> "Iyaa!~ What a healthy bunch!" The elven instructor says as she wraps her arms around her own shoulders and squirms.
  88. [18:54] <Rachel> "I've been here not-" She pauses mid sentence and glares at the boy. "I've not even been here long enough to see my room and already I have a teacher trying to set me up with some idiot I don't even know"
  89. [18:55] <!DM-sama> "U-um....."
  90. [18:55] <!DM-sama> You all hear the soft breathy voice from the door.
  91. [18:55] <!DM-sama> An older woman pokes her head in.
  92. [18:55] <!DM-sama> She's still very pretty despite slight laughlines around her mouth.
  93. [18:56] <!DM-sama> "Is it my turn yet?..." She asks reluctantly as she looks over at Shiri.
  94. [18:56] <!DM-sama> "Ah.... y-yeah, I got a little carried away huh?..." The elven instructor says as she quickly goes and takes her seat.
  95. [18:57] * Rachel drops her bat at her foot and slouches back in her chair. "If Cupid is done.."
  96. [18:57] <!DM-sama> She acts like a child who got caught stealing candy.
  97. [18:57] <!DM-sama> "My my~ You always cause such an uproar Shiri." The woman says as she walks up to the podium.
  98. [18:58] <!DM-sama> Her robe hangs elegantly on her curvy body. She has a motherly aura.
  99. [18:58] <!DM-sama> Her age doesn't show, even in the bright like of the front stage.
  100. [18:58] <!DM-sama> She's very pretty.
  101. [18:58] <!DM-sama> Her robe is pure white.
  102. [18:58] * Roland whistles in a catcallish way
  103. [18:59] * Rachel mimics the whistle while maintaining a generally uninterested look.
  104. [18:59] <!DM-sama> "E-eh!" the older woman turns red as she quickly turns towards the Headmaster as if asking how to react.
  105. [19:00] <Rachel> "You know I never knew my mother, maybe you could sub in for her ah~?"
  106. [19:00] <!DM-sama> Shiri's eyes light up again, but her look of elation is quickly shattered by a soft tap on the head by the headmasters cane which causes her to break out into a cold sweat.
  107. [19:00] <@Roland> "You can teach me any day lady~"
  108. [19:01] <!DM-sama> "A-ah, w-well I do try to form close friendships with my students if I can but... a-ah! I'm the Abjuration and Counterspelling Instructor Edna Bliss."
  109. [19:01] <!DM-sama> "It's very nice to meet you all." She says as she bows sharply.
  110. [19:01] <!DM-sama> Her long black braid hangs over her shoulder as she rights herself.
  111. [19:01] <!DM-sama> "Even though I'm quite a bit older than all of you lets get along." she says with a warm smile.
  112. [19:02] <!DM-sama> Her cheeks are still pink.
  113. [19:02] <Rachel> "You don't look old, not compared to the old timer over there"
  114. [19:02] * Zenaros looks up from his tome at the woman and coyly grins behind it.
  115. [19:03] <!DM-sama> "A-ah! D-don't be silly, just look at all these wrinkles." She says as she flails her arms slightly causing her long white sleeves to flap around like a started bird.
  116. [19:03] <!DM-sama> "And besides, fromm what I head the Headmaster was quite the charmer in his younger days! You should be more respectful of your elders!"
  117. [19:03] <Rachel> "I don't see wrinkles, I see smooth silk"
  118. [19:04] <Rachel> "Oi, Grandpa was a charmer? That ain't the case anymore is it"
  119. [19:04] * Rachel grins
  120. [19:04] <!DM-sama> Her cheeks turn progressively redder as swirls begin to form in her eyes.
  121. [19:04] <!DM-sama> "D-don't be silly my skin isn't silky at all!~"
  122. [19:05] <Rachel> "Even if that's the case, you have me looking at pure /bliss/".
  123. [19:05] * Rachel licks her lips.
  124. [19:05] * Daven just shrinks down on his corner and keeps talking to himself, still in a bit of an apoligetic tone
  125. [19:06] * Roland shouts, "I could show you pure bliss~!, MROW"
  126. [19:06] * Roland chuckles to himself
  127. [19:07] <!DM-sama> "A-ah! S-stop it you're just trying to butter me up!~" Edna flails as her cheeks turn so red they almost glow.
  128. [19:07] * Conny stops his writing for a moment, blinks a few times, and clears his throat "Abjuration you said correct?"
  129. [19:07] <Rachel> "If I wanted to butter you up I've got something else I could use!"
  130. [19:07] * Rachel whistles.
  131. [19:07] <!DM-sama> "YO GRANNY! Sit your ass down and stop getting kissed up to so easily on the first day!"
  132. [19:08] <!DM-sama> The door is kicked open and splinters of wood fly out towards the first row of chairs.
  133. [19:08] <!DM-sama> Edna and Shiri both stop their over animated expressions and stare over at the intruder.
  134. [19:09] <!DM-sama> Edna quietly walks to her chair and sits down as he makes his way to the stand.
  135. [19:09] * Daven for once seems to stop acting completely creepy and looks over at the intruder as well
  136. [19:09] * Rachel pouts and crosses her arms. "Why you gotta ruin my fun?"
  137. [19:09] <!DM-sama> His clothing is somewhat flamboyant with stars on the oversized colalr.
  138. [19:09] <!DM-sama> But it does little to make him seem less threatening and violent.
  139. [19:10] <!DM-sama> He literally surges with power.
  140. [19:10] <!DM-sama> You doubt he's the strongest person in the room, but he acts like he is, and does nothing to conceal the destructive nature of his magic.
  141. [19:10] <!DM-sama> His hair is black and slicked back and his eyes are red and glow brightly with magical power.
  142. [19:11] <!DM-sama> Electricity and the occassional spark of fire fly in the air around him.
  143. [19:11] <!DM-sama> Standing in front of him gives you a feeling like staring down a tornado or a tidal wave that could swallow you whole any minute.
  144. [19:12] <Rachel> (This makes me moist)
  145. [19:12] <!DM-sama> None of you can really bring yourselves to speak.
  146. [19:12] <!DM-sama> "I'm Carim.... Mades Carim, and it's my job to teach you how to blow shit up."
  147. [19:12] <!DM-sama> The man holds up his left hand.
  148. [19:13] <!DM-sama> Flashing blue light floods the room as a mass of dancing lightning forms in his palm.
  149. [19:13] <!DM-sama> "Like this." He says as he grins and his beast-like teeth become visible.
  150. [19:14] == ANTS [] has joined #CYOAsteady
  151. [19:14] <Conny> (Oh god he summoned ANTS!)
  152. [19:14] <Rachel> (Mother of god.)
  153. [19:14] <!DM-sama> [Lightning Bolt]
  154. [19:15] <Zenaros> (This is how you summon an ANTS)
  155. [19:15] <!DM-sama> The man says something in a language you all understand despite never hearing it before, words of arcane power.
  156. [19:15] <!DM-sama> An arcing bolt of lightning crashes into the front row and cuts it's way to the top of the room with a sound like crashing thunder.
  157. [19:16] <!DM-sama> There's no point in rolling damage as the minimum damage would vaporize any of the furniture it touches.
  158. [19:16] <!DM-sama> The absurd destructive power is more than any of you could output with your entire spell arsenal.
  159. [19:17] <!DM-sama> "Lesson one..." He says as the your eyes begin to refocus and you see the charred scar he cut through the classroom.
  160. [19:17] <!DM-sama> "I'm not as nice as the other old codgers here, and if you piss me off or ask me stupid questions I'll roast you."
  161. [19:18] <!DM-sama> "But... if you have half a brain and you need something ask. I might not seem like it but I'm a pretty sweet guy deep down." He says with a psychotic smile that was probably meant to look friendly.
  162. [19:19] <!DM-sama> "I could start digging and awaken the Tarrasque before I found your kindness, Shiri says with ehr arms crossed."
  163. [19:19] <!DM-sama> ......
  164. [19:19] <!DM-sama> (You know where the " goes)
  165. [19:19] <!DM-sama> "You want to fucking die knife-ear?" Carim says as he turns to the girls behind him.
  166. [19:20] <!DM-sama> The headmaster taps his cane on the ground and you can visibly see a shiver run up Carim's spine.
  167. [19:21] <!DM-sama> "Right, there are still five more, so I'm done unless anybody has any questions." Carim says as he turns back towards you.
  168. [19:21] * Daven gets up in a hurry. "U-UM! EXCUSE ME! THE VOICES IN THE AIR TELL ME YOU SHOULD GET...Along..." Then shyly gets back down ot his chair
  169. [19:21] <!DM-sama> "......"
  170. [19:21] <!DM-sama> Carim twitches.
  171. [19:21] <!DM-sama> "I'LL FUC-"
  172. [19:21] <!DM-sama> In an instant he's vanished.
  173. [19:21] * Rachel holds back a laugh
  174. [19:22] <!DM-sama> You hear a loud explosion somwhere.
  175. [19:22] * Daven doesn't seem to pay attention as he just awkwardly pressings his index fingers together whith his head down, his hair covering the upper half of his face.
  176. [19:23] <!DM-sama> "Hohoho~. Well then, next." The headmaster says as he puts a strange ball back up his sleeve.
  177. [19:23] <!DM-sama> "I-is he even still alive in there.... that was Delayed Blast Fireball...." Shiri says quietly.
  178. [19:23] <!DM-sama> The only reply she gets if a juvial chuckle and a wave of the headmasters wrinkly hand.
  179. [19:24] <!DM-sama> The next Instructor walks through the door.
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