
Return to the Nightmare (FN@MLP II)

Sep 26th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >It's been five years since you left the human world behind.
  3. >Four since your new pony friends returned to more or less their normal selves.
  4. >And almost one year ago today, you married your beautiful marefriend, Rarity.
  5. >You waking life was peaceful now.
  6. >Your dreams, however, were far from it.
  7. >Each night you were pulled back to that place.
  8. >Same drab walls.
  9. >Same grey uniform.
  10. >Each night one of those tortured ponies would come to visit you.
  11. >They would stare.
  12. >They would touch.
  13. >They would bite.
  14. >You would awaken in a cold sweat.
  15. >You had tried everything.
  16. >Simple teas.
  17. >Zecora's sleeping potions.
  18. >Even Luna's oneiromancy couldn't help you.
  19. >And over this time, it was getting worse.
  20. >It was starting to seep into the waking world.
  21. >Sometimes, you would hear the hiss of a voice box when you were alone.
  22. >Sometimes, you swore that Rarity's eyes would glow unnaturally at night.
  23. >It was starting to effect your marriage.
  24. >You could hardly sleep anymore.
  25. >Reality and dream bled together into some horrifying waking nightmare.
  26. >Last night was nowhere near as bad as it had been.
  27. >You dreamt of Rarity, sitting at the door in the eastern corridor, singing a soft little tune.
  28. >You almost took comfort in the tinny voice.
  29. >Almost.
  30. >You awoke early and noticed a letter on the kitchen table.
  31. >Rarity was still sleeping, and Sweetie Belle was staying with Fluttershy.
  32. >No one could have brought this here.
  33. >You open the unassuming envelope and begin to read.
  36. "Dearest Anonymous,
  38. It is I, Princess Luna. I write to inform you I have found a way to break you from those your reoccurring nightmares.
  39. For the past year, I have been doing some experiments in your dreamscape. I believe I have perfected a cure.
  40. While I would prefer to divulge this information to you personally, I wanted to inform you that this process will be highly dangerous. I was unaware the human mind was capable of such things.
  41. If this is a path that you wish to travel come to Canterlot as soon as you can.
  43. Luna.
  45. >You read and reread the letter several times.
  46. >Something that could help you.
  47. >Dangerous.
  48. >You needed closure.
  49. >You needed the nightmare to end.
  50. >You went and lay back down on your shared bed.
  51. >"........An.....on......."
  52. >The hiss was back in her voice.
  53. >".......Anon........what is the..........matter?"
  54. >Fighting your fear you, pull Rarity to you and kiss her snout.
  55. "Nothing sweetheart, I just thought I heard a strange noise."
  56. >" some.....thing....amiss?"
  57. >You hold her closer, a silent tear streaks down your cheek.
  58. "No dear, I think I just need to get more sleep."
  59. >Rarity smiled.
  60. >You had expected jagged teeth, but hers were straight.
  61. >".....I know.......what can help you sleep"
  62. >Her own voice was coming back.
  63. >"Sweetie Belle is still gone, darling. Shall we take advantage of that?"
  64. >You considered turning her down.
  65. >But for the moment, she was her and you were you.
  66. >And it may be the last time you got that chance.
  67. >You answered her with a kiss.
  69. >You didn't even consider not telling her what you had learned.
  70. >You couldn't just leave without saying anything.
  71. >You handed her the letter after breakfast, while you both sat in the kitchen
  72. >You watched a myriad of emotions wash over her.
  73. >Surprise.
  74. >Happiness.
  75. >Fear.
  76. >"She says this could be dangerous Anon!"
  77. "I know Rarity, but I can't live like this anymore, and neither should you."
  78. >Here eyes shimmer with tears.
  79. >It hurt to see her cry.
  80. "Come with me."
  81. >She seemed surprised.
  82. >"Anon?"
  83. "Come with me to see Luna. You have just as much say in this as I do."
  84. >You walked to her side.
  85. "We'll go see what the Princess has come up with, we'll see what the risks are and if it seems like too much of a longshot..."
  86. >You leave the sentence there.
  87. >She nods, understanding what you were implying.
  88. >"You know I would never ask you-"
  89. "I know."
  90. >You both head upstairs to pack for your stay in Canterlot.
  91. >You had a sinking feeling about what needed to be done.
  92. >Whatever it took, it would be worth it.
  93. >You take your suitcase down the stairs and you are surprised to see that Rarity had only a pair of bags.
  94. "Just two?"
  95. >"As much as I normally would pack more, time is of the essence darling."
  96. >Rarity writes a quick note for the door and locks the boutique.
  97. >"Should we stop anywhere before we leave?"
  98. >You think for a few moment.
  99. "No, if we choose not to follow through then we would be causing a commotion. If we do go for it, they can come afterward."
  100. >The two of you head for the train station.
  102. **********************
  104. >The train ride to Canterlot was, mercifully, shorter then you expected.
  105. >For the most part you just sat and made small talk with Rarity.
  106. >You arrived at Canterlot Castle in the early evening, maybe an hour before the sun set.
  107. > As you and Rarity had entered the castle,your world faded into darkness.
  108. >The bright castle walls were replaced with sterile greys.
  109. >The bright white lights now cast a sickly red.
  110. >You stopped dead in your tracks as your world shifted around you.
  111. >".......Dar.....ling......What's the matter....?"
  112. >Not now.
  113. >You had episodes of hallucinations before but this was something far worse.
  114. >"....Don't lie and.........say it's nothing....... I've seen that......look....."
  115. >You turned to look at your wife.
  116. >All her scars were back.
  117. >Her eyes cast a blue glow.
  118. >You could hear the servos inside her.
  119. "The nightmares. I can see them, even when I am awake."
  120. >".........."
  121. >The hiss of her voice box filled the dead quiet around you.
  122. >"....Rest your h....and on my back...I will lead Luna...."
  123. >You lay a trembling hand on her scarred coat.
  124. >You both walked in silence.
  126. *****
  128. >As you entered the throne room, the darkness fled.
  129. >Before you the Princess of the Night stood.
  130. >You explain everything you can to Luna and she only nods.
  131. >"It is far worse then I imagined then. Any more of this and we might have lost you completely."
  132. >Rarity interjects.
  133. >"So how can we make my darling better? And why is it so dangerous?"
  134. >Luna looks at both of you and begins.
  135. >"It seems the human mind perceives things differently than a pony does. While we very similar, the human mind is more complex."
  136. "So what is the plan then?"
  137. >"Guilt is what ties you to this nightmare, using the memories of the element bearers, my own sister, and indeed yours I will weave together a dreamscape so you might witness what had taken place."
  138. >You had to go back.
  139. >You needed closure.
  140. "Why will this be so dangerous?"
  141. >"Again, your mind perceives reality far different than anypony's does. For you and all involved, the dream is as real as us speaking right now. That is why I was unable to mend your dreams like the others, your mind so strongly believes what you are seeing IS reality."
  142. >Thinking about that made your head hurt.
  143. "Basically, if I cut myself during this, I'll bleed here."
  144. >"Exactly, and by extension anything further as well."
  145. >The implications of that statement were clear.
  146. >If you died, it was over.
  147. "So this will help me?"
  148. >"Yes."
  149. "No more nightmares? No more waking hallucinations?"
  150. >"Yes, to both."
  151. >You look at Rarity.
  152. >She nuzzles into your side.
  153. "Are you sure?"
  154. >"Darling, you know I love you more than anything and anything I can do to protect you I would do in a heartbeat. But you heard her, you are getting worse. Anymore of this and I would lose you forever."
  155. >You look back at Luna.
  156. "What do I need to do?"
  158. *******************************
  160. >You were lead to a small room.
  161. >All the windows were covered with a thick black fabric.
  162. >In the middle of the room, a mattress rests covered in a similar way.
  163. >"All you need to do is lay down on the bed."
  164. "That's it?"
  165. >"It is as simple as that. You need only to fall asleep and I will begin the dreamweaving."
  166. >Rarity moves beside you.
  167. >"You'll be alright dear, I'll wake you with a kiss if it starts looking bad."
  168. >She does love her fairy tales.
  169. >"Anonymous, I will take no form in your dream, though I will leave hints to tell you that we are still watching over you."
  170. >You sit on the side of the bed.
  171. >"Furthermore, you will be diving into the memories of the Element bearers and their tribulations, as well as your own, potentially suppressed, experiences. Those that you see will not know who or what you are. If you stand out or are out of the ordinary they will become aggressive and even violent. These are not humans, they are amalgamations of painful memories of those involved wearing an uncanny skin."
  172. >So you had to fit in or they would kill you.
  173. >Lovely.
  174. >"I pray that the knowledge that you glean from this will set your mind at ease. When you are ready, we can begin."
  175. >You pull Rarity close and give her a kiss.
  176. "Watch over me."
  177. >She nods, too choked up to speak.
  178. >You lay down and they close door.
  179. >The darkness consumes the world around you.
  180. >You close your eyes and feel cool tendrils of magic washing over you.
  182. ************************************
  185. >You feel the warmth of the sun on your face.
  186. >The dampness of morning dew on your back as you lay in the grass.
  187. >You open your eyes and before you stands a large sign.
  189. >A familiar building stands beyond, though it looked brand new.
  190. >A man's voice rings out from beyond some nearby foliage.
  191. >You move to have a peek.
  192. >"Yes Max, it is coming together beautifully. Yes, finally a place where we can display your masterpieces. Yes, I am just arriving now. Calm down little brother, the foreman said the everything has been build to your exact specifications. Even the staff corridors. Then let me go check it out!! Yes brother, I'll bring you by tomorrow. Yeah. Later."
  193. >He was on a cell phone, talking to someone.
  194. >You don't remember this ever happening, you would have still been a-
  195. >"My word! What are these?"
  196. >You see him looking at something colourful.
  197. >"Excuse me. Young man, are you alright?"
  198. >Young man?
  199. >"I'm just fine but my friends aren't!"
  200. >"You mean to say those dolls are your friends? What are you doing here? Where did-"
  201. >A female voice rings out.
  202. >"Nah hold your horses there Mac, we ain't no dolls."
  203. >Applejack.
  204. >"Talking machines?!"
  205. >The man seemed stuck on them being something artificial.
  206. >"No sir. They are ponies."
  207. >"They certainly don't look like it!"
  208. >"Well, it's kind of a long story, do you have someplace where we can talk?"
  209. >You could hear something off in his voice.
  210. >"Of course! I own this fine establishment with my brother! Come in. How rude of me! The name is Dr. Alexander Kaufmann! And what are all your names?"
  211. >"My name's Spike, and these are my friends."
  212. >The doctor moves about helping the ponies stand as the young man who identified himself as 'Spike' introduced the ponies.
  213. >Although muttering to himself, you could still hear clearly what the doctor was saying.
  214. >"No whirl of machinery, they feel organic, there movement wasn't jerky like what Max makes... They couldn't possibly be real, unless... I have to know what makes them work. Clockwork perhaps? Yet they seem so fluid...May this was the key I am looking for! I can finally help him! I can finally help my brother."
  215. >"Beggin' your pardon mister."
  216. >"Of course er-ah- Applejack."
  217. >"I'm tellin' ya straight Doc, we ain't machines."
  218. >You see him recoil at that.
  219. >"Of course! When I saw you at first, you reminded me of mine and my brother's work. Tell me, do any of you know about robotics?"
  220. >You feel a pull as they enter the facility.
  221. >It seemed this memory was at an end.
  222. >As the colours faded around you, you noticed the scenery change to the under corridors
  223. >Judging by the state of the room around you, it seemed some time had past.
  224. >You could hear a voice up ahead.
  225. >"I'm sorry that those children were so scared of you Pinkamena."
  226. >It was the Doctor.
  227. >"I just wanted them *sniffle* to smile."
  228. >The Doctor's voice was full of false compassion.
  229. >"Come with me little sweet, I know how to make the children just love you!"
  230. >Oh no.
  231. >You followed the voices to a large workshop of some kind.
  232. >"Just hop up on the bench and have a drink of this tea. I always have tea when I'm feeling down."
  233. >You are easily able to hide behind some large wooden crates.
  234. >Pinkie does as instructed and raises her teacup to the Doctor's.
  235. >"Thanks a bunch doc! I feel a whole lot better now. I can't.... I can't.... I'm getting pretty tired."
  236. >"Then rest your head my dear! I promise when you wake up everything will be all better."
  237. >As soon as she falls asleep, he is a flurry of movement.
  238. >You see him brandish some kind of knife.
  239. >"Now to see what makes you tick, Pinkamena!"
  240. >You look away.
  241. >The sight of what he was doing made you sick to your stomach.
  242. >"Hmmmmmm.... No gears, no wires, just bones and muscles. Such substandard parts, it's no wonder why they ran in fear."
  243. >You dared to look again.
  244. >He was putting something into her throat.
  245. >"First, we fix that voice of yours. It's far too loud and high. It must hurt the little ones to hear it."
  246. >You see him lift her for hoof and step in front of her.
  247. >"Next we change how these bend. A set of these will do the trick!"
  248. >In his hands, a strange set of rings with wires dangling.
  249. >"Last, I put the little box in the back of your head and connect every thing together. This will curb your behavior, making you much more likable to the children who visit. Not too bad for your first attempt. Not too bad at all!"
  250. >This couldn't be Pinkie's dream.
  251. >She was out cold.
  252. >You heard a little whimper close by.
  253. >It was Twilight.
  254. >"Doctor... what are you doing to Pinkie?"
  255. >When he turned to face her, his clothes were bloodied and a great grin spread on his face.
  256. >"I 'improved' her Twilight. I just needed to see what made her tick."
  257. >Twilight turned to run but the man was too fast.
  258. >He had a syringe of something planted into her neck before she could scream.
  259. >"Hmmm.... I think it was time for this anyway. Your parts are starting to wear out."
  260. >The world faded away again.
  263. >You recognized this.
  264. >You were in the security office.
  265. >This was your first day on the job.
  266. >The note on the table was different though.
  268. "Anonymous, the dream is unstable so I am having a difficult time keeping things coherent on my end. I seem to have some kind of light control now. I'll do my best to keep things in the proper order. Stay safe.
  270. Luna."
  272. >Your first night was Monday.
  273. >Fluttershy.
  274. >You looked out to the hall and sure enough, there were those glowing orbs in the darkness.
  275. >The soft hiss of an electronic voice box resonated across your small room.
  276. >It's voice is soft, feminine and slightly tinny.
  277. >"...who is do you think... this one is...Angel?"
  278. >You sat motionless.
  279. >"...he looks.......different..."
  280. >You wouldn't turn on the light this time.
  281. >"...Maybe......he can he's what.........we are looking for..........I need too- EEP!"
  282. >She noticed your eyes on her and fled.
  283. >The camera's were just the same as that night.
  284. >No movement.
  285. >You followed her.
  286. >"......Do you think he...........saw us.....?......He seemed scared of us......We don't want to be.......scary...."
  287. >You hear what could equate to crying come from Fluttershy.
  288. >You heard the padding of one of the other ponies.
  289. >Rainbow?
  290. >"Fluttershy what's.....wrong?"
  291. >Distress was evident in the response.
  292. >"HE WAS SCARED OF US!.......We wouldn't hurt him.....He just looked so sc....ared in that little office."
  293. >She was worried about you that night?
  294. >"I....ought to give him a.... piece of my mind!"
  295. >"NO!"
  296. >That seemed to hold her at bay.
  297. >"You know the r....ules....Dashie......I don't want you to.....get hurt because of me....."
  298. >That seemed to stop her entirely.
  299. >"I'll....try talking to him.....on my night then.....Want me to stay with you tonight....?"
  300. >She only nodded.
  301. >Rules?
  302. >There was rules to when they could go out and wander?
  303. >Is that why they didn't come all at once?
  304. >You didn't have much time to ponder before the walls melted away leaving you in the void.
  305. >You were back in the workshop.
  306. >The Doctor stood over Twilight.
  307. >"What have I told you about trying to run away Twilight?"
  308. >Though he does nothing directly she seems to be choking.
  309. >"You make me do this to you when you break the rules! You bring this on yourself!"
  310. >Her pain seems to increase.
  311. >"Do you think I like doing this?! I am trying to protect you! Why can't you see that?!"
  312. >Her voice was still her own when she spit back.
  313. >"Your hurting us!"
  314. >"I'm fixing you!"
  315. >Your a Mons-Ahhh"
  316. >She freezes in pain.
  317. >"I don't think I like your tone Twilight...."
  318. >You see him strap her to the work bench.
  319. >"Looks like I am going to have to fix it."
  320. >Twilight's soundless scream heralds the scenery falling apart, dragging you with it.
  322. ***********
  324. >The workshop again.
  325. >The doctor is rolling someone in on a wheelchair.
  326. >"Can I take the blindfold off yet Alex?"
  327. >"Very soon. I have someone I'd like you to meet."
  328. >The doctor moves pass the workbench and out of sight for a few moments.
  329. >He then returns with a sleeping Fluttershy in his arms.
  330. >Carefully, he places her into the other man's lap.
  331. >"Now Max, see what I have been working on."
  332. >Max.
  333. >Mr.Larson?
  334. >That was the name of the person in the ad for the job.
  335. >Max removes his blindfold and looks at the yellow bundle in his lap.
  336. >"A doll? You brought me here to show me a child's doll?"
  337. >Fluttershy stirs in his lap.
  338. >"Not a doll at all, something similar to what you used to make...."
  339. >His eyes widen.
  340. >"........Hel....lo...."
  341. >"You made it talk on it's own?!"
  342. >The doctor laughed.
  343. >"She. Fluttershy is a girl."
  344. >"Alex! This is stupendous! How did you make her so realistic?! Can she walk on her own as well?"
  345. >The Doctor lifted Fluttershy and placed her on her hooves.
  346. >"Show my brother how you walk."
  347. >She seems to hesitate for a moment then walk in a simple circle.
  348. >"She moves so fluidly!? You have to tell me how you did this!"
  349. >"Getting excited I see. I'll explain later, for now I have to attend to one of my other 'prototypes'."
  350. >The doctor leaves his brother and Fluttershy alone in the workshop.
  351. >"So your name is Fluttershy then?"
  352. >She nods hesitantly.
  353. >"He said there was other prototypes, does that me there are others like you?"
  354. >Again she nod.
  355. >"Come here for a moment."
  356. >Max reaches a hand out towards her and she flinches.
  357. >"I promise I won't hurt you. I can't even get out of this chair anymore."
  358. >She moves towards the man in the chair.
  359. >"His stitching is as terrible as ever... You'd figure a doctor would have better suture skills then this."
  360. >He seemed to be looking at the long stitching on her back.
  361. >"Why in the world would he leave it like this?"
  362. >He presses a finger against the crude cut.
  363. >"There is no way he could have the skills to make something like you."
  364. >Fluttershy shakes her head no.
  365. >"No? No what? He didn't make you? Can you speak to me again?"
  366. >She shake her head again.
  367. >"Let's play a little game. I'll ask you a question and you nod yes or no. Do you understand?"
  368. >Yes.
  369. >"Did my brother make you?"
  370. >No.
  371. >"Did my brother find you?"
  372. >Yes.
  373. >"Can you not talk because of something?"
  374. >Yes.
  375. >"Did... did my brother do something to you?"
  376. >Fluttershy shakes her head up and down vigorously.
  377. >"I can't believe I am going to say this... Are you.... alive...?"
  378. >Yes.
  379. >The shock on his face was obvious.
  380. >You had a similar reaction.
  381. >"What in the world did he did do to you?"
  382. >".................."
  383. >Fluttershy's voice box just hissed static.
  384. >"Wait. Others. My God what is he going to do!?"
  385. >As quickly as he could manage he rolls out of the workshop and into the hall.
  386. >"Do you know where?"
  387. >Yes.
  388. >"Lead on. I have to stop him."
  389. >You slip out and follow them.
  390. >What happened to this man.
  391. >The walls seemed to shift around you.
  392. >...
  393. >As the world around you comes into sharp focus, you are already in the midst of an argument.
  394. >"Alexander, what the hell are you doing to these things?"
  395. >The doctor turns from the pony on a table.
  396. >Judging by the way he has her propped up, he was working near her cutie mark.
  397. >"Isn't it obvious Max? They are flawed just like you are."
  398. >"Flawed? They are sentient beings capa-"
  399. >The doctor brandishes his scalpel at his brother.
  400. >"You are a cripple and a fool. You can't see the genius right in of your eyes!"
  401. >Before Max had a chance to react the doctor was jumping towards him.
  402. >Fluttershy covered her eyes.
  403. >You could hear a wet squelching sound before you felt the pull of Luna's magic.
  405. **********
  407. >You stood in Celestia's prison.
  408. >She was on her podium, her head pulled back by a leather cord connected somewhere above.
  409. >"That was a nasty stunt you pulled up there..."
  410. >The doctor paced in front of Celestia's podium.
  411. >She remains stoic.
  412. >"You need to be punished... but I know the 'normal' methods won't work on someone as proud as you are. No... Not for you."
  413. >She stares but says nothing.
  414. >"You continue to look down on me like I am some kind of beast. I have been protecting you for five years!"
  415. >If looks could kill, Celestia's glare would have killed the man multiple times.
  416. >"Rot your damn eyes! I'll suffer them no longer."
  417. >The doctor grabs a errant scrap of thick leather and blindfolds Celestia.
  418. >The way he yanks the knot causes her to wince in pain.
  419. >"Ah! I have it. This will assist in a few problems actually... It does get awfully lonely here."
  420. >You felt sick to your stomach.
  421. >"I have been working on something... Perhaps I may not break you directly, but maybe through the others....."
  422. >Celestia grits her teeth.
  423. >"Do what you want to me Alexander, just leave my ponies of this."
  424. >The doctor laughs.
  425. >"She speaks! Seems I haven't clipped that sharp tongue yet. I'll add it to my list... This will be perfect, I was working on this when my fool of a brother thought he could stop me. I nearly forgot all about it. I think I'll give you the pleasure to enjoy the show."
  426. >He leaves and Celestia begins to loosen her horn binding.
  427. >When he returns he has Rarity in tow.
  428. >"Ah I see you are lively as ever! You remember Celestia, don't you Rarity?"
  429. >".......yes....."
  430. >"Good! I think it's time we let her know what I've been working on with you."
  431. >Rarity turns and faces the door and raises her tail.
  432. >What did he-?
  433. >"I set this up when realized my relations with my wife had become... strained."
  434. >He steps between the podiums edge and Rarity's rump, All while holding her tail in his hand.
  435. >Celestia began to thrash.
  436. >The doctor started unzipping his pants.
  437. >The next part happened nearly in the blink of an eye.
  438. >Celestia snapped the leather holding her head back.
  439. >She situated herself to place her horn as close as she could to his back.
  440. >"Rarity! Do it now!"
  441. >Confused the doctor turned his head to see the fury in Celestia's eyes.
  442. >"What are you-"
  443. >Rarity had put her full weight into her back feet and bucked the man backwards.
  444. >Celestia gored the man through his chest and lifted him upwards.
  445. >"Look away my little one."
  446. >Rarity closed her eyes and covered her ears as best she could.
  447. >Using her still shackled forehooves she removed the man from her horn.
  448. >He fell right in front of her.
  449. >Without hesitation she slammed both her front hooves into his chest, crushing it.
  450. >"Rarity. The doctor is gone now."
  451. >She opens her eyes and starts to turn back.
  452. >"Don't look back. Just answer something for me. Has Spike found the keys to these locks yet?"
  453. >Rarity shakes her head no.
  454. >Celestia sighs.
  455. >"At least he can't hurt any of you anymore. Go back and rest. Spike will do his best and find the keys to free me. Then we can all go back home."
  456. >Rarity nodded and left the room.
  457. >The door slide shut and locked itself.
  458. >When she was sure she was alone, Celestia cried.
  459. >You watched everything around the weeping Alicorn evaporate.
  460. >Soon you were alone in the void.
  461. >You slumped to the ground exhausted.
  462. >The dream was becoming more and more taxing.
  463. >You knew you needed to press on, but you weren't sure how much longer you could take this.
  465. **********
  467. >You open your eyes and see yourself sleeping in the office.
  468. >Spike moves around you excitedly.
  469. >"You survived your first and last Pinkie Party kid I'm not sure who told you what was done there, or even how to get there but you ought to be thanking them."
  470. >He places a sheet of paper on the edge of the desk and writes.
  471. >"Hopefully, the girls just let you sleep. All of them but two are back in there cages for now. But with these..."
  472. >Spike produces a small set of keys.
  473. >They were for Celestia's bindings.
  474. >"You won't have to come back here ever again. I can't believe that off every place I looked, she would have them."
  475. >He produces a second paper and writes another letter.
  476. >"Just in case..."
  477. >He sets a silver key on the desk and starts heading down the hall.
  478. >As he leaves, Fluttershy moves through the office and stares at you.
  479. >You follow after Spike into the under corridor.
  480. >This had to be another pony's memory.
  481. >Fluttershy was still in the office with the fainted you.
  482. >Left.
  483. >So far, so good.
  484. >Left.
  485. >Nothing yet.
  486. >Right.
  487. >You could swear you heard something behind you.
  488. >Right.
  489. >Spike halted for a moment a looked down the hall.
  490. >Straight.
  491. >Something ran up ahead of both of you.
  492. >Straight.
  493. >Spike started to tense his body up.
  494. >Right.
  495. >Straight.
  496. >Left.
  497. >There is was.
  498. >The door to Celestia's prison.
  499. >Spike moved to unlock the door.
  500. >A low hissing voice box rang out, too deep to tell which of the girl's it belonged to.
  501. >"'t......supposed here......."
  502. >Spike turned to face whichever pony this was.
  503. >" stole' from me........"
  504. >Spike's fear was evident on his face.
  505. >"....that's rules......"
  506. >"Twilight, it's me. Spike. Remember?"
  507. >She stepped into the light.
  508. >She looked even worse then when you last saw her on that second night.
  509. >"................."
  510. >She stepped closer to Spike.
  511. >"........................."
  512. >Her faintly glowing eyes look him up and down.
  513. >""
  515. >He didn't stand a chance.
  516. >She rushed in and knocked him to the floor.
  517. >"Twilight! Stop this! I'm your assistant and your friend!"
  518. >He struggled to keep her away from him.
  519. >".............give it back......"
  520. >Her voice was full of hate.
  521. >"No Twilight, we don't------"
  522. >Steel reinforced hoof met human skull.
  523. >You winced at the sight.
  524. >He hadn't killed himself.
  525. >But the note he had....
  526. >It made him look like he had ended it himself.
  527. >It took a moment to realize it.
  528. >He did it to protect them.
  529. >He made sure if something did happen, they wouldn't have to live with the guilt.
  530. >Twilight had wandered off during your musings.
  531. >You awaited the world fading.
  532. >....
  533. >Long you stayed crouched in the shadows.
  534. >Fluttershy.
  535. >She moved beside Spike's body and pulled out the note and keys.
  536. >She read over it and began to sob.
  537. >You watched the tearless Fluttershy pick up the keys.
  538. >She was the one that left them in your office.
  539. >You had your answers.
  540. >It was time to leave.
  541. >As the world faded away, you could feel Luna's magic waking you.
  543. ********
  545. >You awaken in the blacked out room in the caste.
  546. >Rarity stands over you, worry in her face.
  547. >"Darling, you're awake!"
  548. >She lays down and nuzzles you.
  549. >Your arms instinctively wrap around her.
  550. "It's good to be back... Where is Luna?"
  551. >"Exhausted and resting in her own room, she said to take you there so you might speak with her."
  552. "How long was I out?"
  553. >Rarity looks down at you.
  554. >"Almost three full days, Luna was worried."
  555. >You decide to poke a little fun at her.
  556. "And I suppose you were a pillar of feminine grace and stability? I bet you hardly even noticed-"
  557. >She places her hoof on your mouth.
  558. >"Hush that this instant. I hardly left your side while you were under."
  559. >It took a moment for your eyes to adjust.
  560. >Her mane was disheveled.
  561. >She had slight bags under her eyes.
  562. >If she could see herself, she'd most likely want to faint.
  563. "Let me go see Luna, see what she wants to talk about, then I'm all yours again."
  564. >She smiles and walks you to Luna's room.
  565. >Everything was normal.
  566. >No emergency lights.
  567. >No drab grey walls.
  568. >It had been too long since you could do this.
  569. >"We're here darling."
  570. >You knock lightly on the door.
  571. "Princess Luna? You wanted to see me?"
  572. >A muffled voice responded.
  573. >"Yes, Anon. Come right in."
  574. >You entered Luna's chambers as she looked at you from her bed.
  575. >"I take it you got the answers you needed?"
  576. >You nod.
  577. "I did."
  578. >She looked away for a moment.
  579. >"I take that I do not need to tell you that everything you witnessed I did as well."
  580. >You nod again.
  581. "I had figured. So what do we tell-"
  582. >Luna cuts you off.
  583. >"Nothing. Hearing that he killed himself was already a great strain on her, I would not want to see what would occur should she find out the truth."
  584. >You nod your head thoughtfully.
  585. "If that is everything, I'd like to get tidied up and go to dinner with my wife."
  586. >"It is Anonymous. Save one thing."
  587. >You look at her quizzically.
  588. >"I want to apologize for being unable to help you for so long."
  589. >You shake your head dismissively.
  590. "I'm just glad you could help me at all."
  591. >Luna nods.
  592. >"Have a pleasant evening Anon. Sleep well."
  593. >For the first time in forever...
  594. >You did
  596. ***********
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