
3 for 2

Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. Entry for an art jam, this weeks theme is "fillies". Story contains Unwilling prey, underage pred, underage prey, digestion, vore, cruel pred
  4. Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stood in the front of the school house, the early morning sun warming them and their fellow classmates as they waited for Ms. Cheerilee to usher them into the classroom and start their school day.
  6. “So, zap-apple season is coming up soon isn’t it Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle asked
  8. “Yep! Granny is getting that tingle in her knees, so it should be within the next few weeks” Applebloom responded, swinging her saddle bag off her back and opening it.
  10. “Think Granny Smith would mind if we joined in like last year?” Scootaloo asked
  12. “I’ll double check with her but it should be alright, more the merrier right?” Applebloom said pulling out a brown paper sack and looking inside before scoffing and rolling her eyes “Ugh, peanut butter and jelly? Really Applejack?”
  14. “Hey! Cutie Mark Goof ups!”
  16. A familiar voice made the crusaders cringe and groan, Diamond Tiara approached the trio of fillies with her bespectacled toady in tow, Silver Spoon,
  18. “Oh great, pb&j and a pain in the neck! This morning is going swell,” Applebloom said, glaring in Diamond Tiara’s direction.
  20. “Stuff the attitude blank flank, or I’ll reconsider inviting you to my weekend soiree” Diamond Tiara said, holding three envelopes up.
  22. “Soiree? What’s that?” Sweetie Belle asked
  24. “A little evening get together, we listen to music, eat, talk and play games,” Silver Spoon explained.
  26. “And you’re inviting us because…?” Scootaloo asked, trailing her question
  28. “Because, my mother told me it made her look bad to have a daughter with such a small group of friends…” Diamond Tiara finished.
  30. “So we’re there only to make you look good in front of your mother who wants to look good in front of her friends while they sniff their own farts from wine glasses?” Applebloom asked
  32. “Hey! Don’t talk about my mother that way!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed.
  34. “I’m in, who knows we might even become actual friends after this,” Sweetie Belle said, taking one of the invitations.
  36. “Sure, I’ve never been to a high class party before. Might be fun!” Scootaloo said, taking a second invite.
  38. “I’ll go, but only if you and Silver Spoon agree to help out with this years zap apple harvest,” Applebloom said.
  40. Diamond Tiara stared down Applebloom before sighing
  42. “Fine, I’ll help you with the zap apple harvest,” Diamond Tiara said, the last envelope leaving her hoof.
  44. Diamond Tiara looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders and simply nodded before walking towards the school house, Silver Spoon following closely after Just a little out of earshot of the crusaders Silver Spoon spoke.
  46. “Wait, Diamond Tiara, what about our bet?” Silver Spoon asked.
  48. “Don’t you worry Silver Spoon, our bet is still on. We just have to wait for this weekend,” Diamond Tiara said “You leave Applebloom to me though,”
  50. The trio of fillies read through their letters, noting the time the place and day they were expected to show up and after placing their invitations into their bags, the three friends went about their week, attending class by day and continuing their quest to find their cutie marks; apart from the morning conversation, nothing else was said about the invitations the soiree.
  52. Soon the day had arrived, all three crusaders met at the town fountain dressed formally, Sweetie Belle in a baby blue gown with musical note accents, Applebloom stood tall in a green strapless dress wearing a small brooch molded to resemble an apple and glittering with little gems that traced its edges. Scootaloo simply wore her dress that she had worn to last years gala, a light purple dress with a sash around the waist and a dragonfly hair ornament to keep her mane under control.
  54. “Are ya’ll ready to get this over with?” Applebloom asked.
  56. “Come on Applebloom, cheer up. Diamond Tiara isn’t the only pony there, if she starts to be too much of a pain in the flank we can just go and talk to somepony else,” Sweetie Belle said, beginning the short walk to Diamond Tiara’s home.
  58. The three fillies talked each other up, raising each other’s spirits and by the time the hedge wall and the two story house came into view the three were quite happy to be attending the soiree. The gate was guarded by two imposing stallions who opened the gate, through the gates they could see the gathering under way, soft murmurs and the posh laughter carried through the night air and the pleasant smell of food and confections were enticing from outside the garden wall; all three crusaders presented their invitations and in moments they cantered through the gate.
  60. “There you are! You’re late!” Diamond barked,
  62. “No we ain’t, we’re right on time,” Applebloom said
  64. “As far as I’m concerned, if you’re on time, you’re late! Also all three of you over dressed for this,” Diamond Tiara complained, circling around the three and eyeing them up and down.
  66. Taking note of what others were wearing and despite the complaints of their grump of a classmate the crusaders had to agree that they overdressed for the occasion. Mare and stallion alike were wearing accessories at most and Diamond Tiara had nothing special that she didn’t wear to school.
  68. “Well, how are we supposed to know what to wear to these get togethers? We only ever go to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed
  70. Diamond Tiara stared at the three, a twisted look of awe and incredulity on her face before shaking her head gently and walking away.
  72. “Come on you three, let’s go make friends with my mother,” Diamond said.
  74. Walking into the house and gawking at the grandeur for a moment a few recognizable faces could be found among the guests; Hoity Toity, Fancy Pants, even Sapphire Shores. Spoiled Rich seemed to be taste testing the hors d'oeuvres before okaying them to be served when Diamond Tiara approached with crusaders in tow.
  76. “Mother, I would like you to meet my friends,” Diamond Tiara said, her monotone betraying any sense of sincerity.
  78. “Yes, that's nice Diamond. Hello Sunny Daze, Peachy Keen and Feather Weight, welcome to the party,” Spoiled Rich replied, a reply so predictable that the crusaders watched with some bemusement as Diamond Tiara mouthed her mother’s words at them.
  80. “Actually they are Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo,” Diamond corrected before continuing her miming performance
  82. “Right, right. Diamond, why don’t you do mommy a favor and take your little friends down into the playroom, hmm?” Spoiled Rich replied before her attention being completely consumed by a clatter on in the kitchen “Oh for Celestia’s love, what now”
  84. “Thank you and good night,” Diamond said before giving a slight bow to her small audience “Alright girls, follow me and I will show you where we will be spending the next few hours,”
  86. Diamond Tiara lead the trio around the house, coming to a door built into the staircase which, when opened, offered a way downstairs. Diamond gestured for the three to go ahead of her and closed the door behind her and silently locked it.
  88. The downstairs room was padded, clean and offered toys-a-plenty to do. Shelves on the all held board games and a collapsable table held drinks, snacks and candies; the only thing that was wrong was that Silver Spoon was the only other filly there, sitting leisurely on a bean bag chair.
  90. “Huh...maybe others are late too?” Scootaloo asked, noting the lack of others filly’s and colts.
  92. “Don’t ya mean ‘on time’?” Applebloom asked, smiling.
  94. “Seriously though, others will show...right?” Sweetie Belle asked
  96. “I don’t know...maybe,” Silver Spoon said
  98. “So...we’re just gonna hang out down here until it’s time to go home?” Scootaloo asked.
  100. “That’s about right. Don’t worry, I have lots of plans and ideas to keep us entertained…” Diamond Tiara answered “How about a betting game first?”
  102. “Bettin?” Applebloom asked, her interest piqued.
  104. “Of course! I have never lost a bet before and I bet that I won’t lose tonight either,” DIamond Tiara exclaimed, puffing her chest out proudly.
  106. “Oh yeah? I’ll take ya up on that. What are the stakes?” Applebloom asked.
  108. “Well....” Diamond Tiara said, giving Silver Spoon a sidelong glance “If you win...I’ll let you walk away with anything in this room. If I win, however, I want you to be my servant for the remainder of the”
  110. “,” Applebloom said, reaching out and sealing the deal with the rich filly with a hearty hoof bump.
  112. “Applebloom...are you sure about this?” Sweetie Belle asked
  114. “Relax! I got this,” Applebloom said, Smiling confidently.
  116. Applebloom saw three cups set down in front of her with a smaller cup the size of a cough syrup cap next to them. Diamond Tiara filled the three cups with some freshly opened fruit punch drink and lastly the little cap before placing the cap back on the fruit punch and setting it to the side.
  118. “Alright, so this is how this goes. I bet I can drink all three cups of fruit punch before you can down that little cap you have,” Diamond Tiara announced and Applebloom scoffed “Here are the rules though. I am not allowed to touch your cup and you aren’t allowed to touch mine. We are not allowed to put any more drink in the cups we have, unless we do it ourselves. Lastly I ask for a small head of one drink before you touch yours,”
  120. “...Alright,” Applebloom said, sensing some skullduggery.
  122. Applebloom watched as Diamond Tiara smiled and tipped back a cup of punch, drinking it down in a few gulps before turning the cup upside down and placing it over Applebloom’s cap of punch. Applebloom looked confused at the action at first before the rules of the bet played back in her head, the confused look turned to one of shock and Silver Spoon burst into a fit of laughter, falling to the floor in her joy.
  124. “What?! That’s not fair!” Applebloom yelled.
  126. “Life’s not fair,” Diamond responded with a shrug before drinking her next cup of punch leisurely.
  128. “You rigged this game! She should get a rematch!” Scootaloo said
  130. “A deal is a deal, you gonna go back on that? I thought the Apple family had more honor than that,” Diamond taunted tipping back her third drink.
  132. Scootaloo stomped, rage clear on her face before Applebloom stopped her.
  134. “Scoots, it’s okay...shes right. I shoulda known better than to trust her,” Applebloom said, stealing herself and looking at a Diamond Tiara “Alright, you win. I’m your servant for tonight...just tonight,”
  136. “I thought you’d come around…” Diamond said, setting down her finished drinks “Take that dumb dress off and your hair bow,”
  138. Applebloom did as told and took both bow and dress off, folding them up and setting them to the side.
  140. “Good! Now, close your eyes,” Diamond’s next command came
  142. With Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle watching Diamond Tiara walked up to Applebloom and opened her mouth wide before wrapping a hoof around the back of the farm filly and jerking her forward, stuffing her into her mouth, her cheeks bulging wide for a moment before a thick swallow dragged Diamond Tiara’s now struggling classmate into her throat,a rounded distension forming in her gullet.
  144. Scootaloo heard Sweetie Belle scream, the scene too much for the filly to handle and she dropped to floor, fainting from the sight; Scootaloo knew she had to act fast and charged Diamond who had already devoured Applebloom past her shoulders with a few sound, wet glrks. Scootaloo was focused on her goal, but failed to remember Silver Spoon who used a bowl the snack were held in as a makeshift cudgel to stun the flightless pegasus.
  146. “Now it looks like it’s time for me to eat,” Silver Spoon said, licking her lips and stuffing Scootaloo’s soft hind legs into her wet maw before swallowing.
  148. Diamond Tiara’s lips crawled over Applebloom’s soft, toned belly, her tongue enjoying the rich flavor and swallowing eagerly in spite of the muffled protested now coming from her middle. Silver Spoon was quick to down her meal, her throat already working down Scootaloo’s rump just as she was recovering from her stun. Scootaloo felt the jerking motion of a thick swallow and the grazing tongue of Silver Spoon on her lower belly and panic set in; her wings buzzed trying to pull her from the throat when another rippling gulp made it clear that wasn’t going to work.
  150. “Help! Somepony! Help! Please, they’re eating us!” Scootaloo cried
  152. Diamond had nearly finished off Applebloom, her wiggling hind legs sticking out of Diamond’s mouth. With some effort and widening her stance to keep from falling over from the jostling she was getting Diamond waddled her way over to Scootaloo and shut her mouth for a moment, making her watch as she tilted her head back and with a strong swallow she closed her mouth with a toothy smile and gulped the last of her dear friend down, the bulge in her throat slinking down and swelling her belly out.
  154. “There we go,” Diamond said, laying back and slapping her burgeoning gut with both hooves “Applebloom is totally packed away, making good on her namesake,”
  156. “You monster! Spit her up! You’re gonna be in so much trouble!” Scootaloo said, her shoulder’s slipping behind Silver Spoon’s lips
  158. “I bet…” Diamond said dismissively, placing a hoof on Scootaloo’s snout and pushing her into deep enough into Silver Spoon that she could close her mouth.
  160. The last thing Scootaloo saw was the cruel grin of DIamond before Silver Spoon closed her jaws and everything was dark, wet and humid around her and it became tighter when a swallow pulled her into Silver Spoon’s throat, the comparatively cooler air left Scootaloo’s front hooves as they were consumed like the rest of her and with a strained wailing cry she was stuffed into the tight space of Silver Spoon’s stomach. Scootaloo breathed in the humid air swallowed with her and screamed, her hooves pushing frantically against the slick stomach walls.
  162. “Two down, one to go,” Diamond Tiara said, pointing at Sweetie Belle. “What do you say? Can you fit one more or am I gonna be the winner of our little wager?”
  164. Silver Spoon licks her lips but the squirming in her gut warned that anymore crusaders might cause her to lose all that she had gained.
  166. “Sorry DT, you win. I couldn’t eat another filly,” Silver Spoon said, giving her gut a soft stroke.
  168. “Quite alright, Silver Spoon. It's never a good idea to underestimate me,” Diamond Tiara said “Now, come here, I got a plan to get the most out of my dessert”
  170. Climbing to their hooves, Diamond and Silver both waddled over to Sweetie Belle and Diamond straddled the fainted fillies chest and Silver Spoon rested her distended gut on the floor right next to her head. Diamond sat down, hard. The force of her weakly kicking belly was enough to jolt Sweetie Belle awake and make her cry out in shock. It was only a few minutes before everything came together for the unicorn and she began to struggle underneath the weight of two fillies.
  172. “Careful, Sweetie Belle. Jostle my belly too much and Applebloom might end up filly fat quicker than you think,” Diamond Tiara said, the sudden halt of struggling making her smile.
  174. “Why? I thought we were going to have fun…” Sweetie Belle squeaked
  176. “I wanted to show Silver Spoon that I could eat twice what she could pack away and all she can fit is that failure of a pegasus in her belly, but I got room for more,” Diamond Tiara explained, “First though, I want you to lie there and get a good feel for what's gonna happen to you in your soon to be home. Feel Applebloom wriggling around in there? I don't think you can, she's probably already passed out from the exertion of trying to escape. From here it is only a matter of time before my belly does to her what it did to my breakfast this morning,”
  178. “Same here,” Silver Spoon said, “On the bright side, though, all three of you will end up a layer of fat under our cutie you're welcome for that I guess,” Silver Spoon joined, tossing her own barbed words at a teary eyed Sweetie Belle.
  180. “No! Throw them up!” Sweetie Belle cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.
  182. Diamond Tiara rolled the plea around in her head, holding her fore hoof to her lips in faux thought before nodding at Silver Spoon. Hoisting her weight off of Sweetie Belle her eyes brightened for a moment, certain that the two bullies had had their fun and were going to spit up Scootaloo and Applebloom. Diamond Tiara positioned herself between the bean bag chair and Sweetie Belle, she then used the bean bag chair for support as she leaned back, tilted her head and opened wide. Silver Spoon came up from behind Sweetie Belle and with a grunting yell she picked the unicorn filly up and threw her as hard as she could up over the rotund gut of Diamond Tiara. Sweetie Belle scrabbled in mid air, her magic popping, snapping and failing to slow her as the gut caught her, squished underneath with her already digesting friend and shifted to act as slide which delivered her head first into Diamonds open maw.
  184. The moment Diamond Tiara’s mouth was filled with the sweet flavor of another crusader she wasted no time working Sweetie Belle’s head to the back of her throat and swallowing. Silver Spoon was promptly at Diamonds side, helping feed the doomed crusader to her best friend, watching with a mean grin as Diamond Tiara’s lips quickly wrapped around Sweetie Belle’s shoulders, restricting her fore hooves and then in a matter of minutes those were also well on her way down to Diamonds stomach. Soon all the hung from Diamond’s lips where a pair of wiggling hind hooves and a tail.
  186. The thick gulps that dragged the rest of Sweetie Belle down seem to echo off the walls. Diamond’s gut was stuffed, her legs spread to either side of her gut, alive and shifting softly with a new crusader as she cried and wailed for anyone that might hear her.
  188. “Tasty?” Silver Spoon asked.
  190. “Definitely. Fear with a hint of desperation, you almost can’t tell they were from lowly stock,” Diamond Tiara answered, acting as if she had just finished a wine tasting
  192. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon laughed, and settled in and began gossiping while they digested their meals and eventually fell asleep while the soiree upstairs continued without pause. The two fillies guts took the time to break the three down, gurgling and groaning with the task but made progress, undisturbed, throughout the night. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon never spoke a word when the mysterious disappearance of the three was brought up, instead just looking at each other and winking slyly before bumping their rumps together, giggling while the fat on their rear jiggled and their cutie marks shined.
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