

Jul 27th, 2021
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  1. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the left lower leg with his iron spear, fracturing the bone!
  2. An artery has been opened by the attack, a ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
  3. The force pulls the left upper leg, tearing apart the scale!
  4. Thob Thotiltath falls over.
  5. Thob Thotiltath misses Keesa!
  6. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the right upper leg with his iron spear, fracturing the bone through the xsmall linen togax!
  7. An artery has been opened by the attack and a tendon has been torn!
  8. Thob Thotiltath gives in to pain.
  9. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the lower body with his iron spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the guts through the Xsmall linen togaX!
  10. An artery has been opened by the attack!
  11. Thob Thotiltath looks sick!
  12. The iron spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
  13. Keesa pulls on the embedded iron spear.
  14. Keesa gains possession of the iron spear.
  15. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the upper body with his iron spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the liver through the XXsmall linen togaXX!
  16. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the upper body with his iron spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the middle spine's nervous tissue through the XXsmall linen togaXX!
  17. A tendon in the middle spine has been torn!
  18. The XXsmall linen togaXX is ripped to shreds!
  19. The iron spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
  20. Thob Thotiltath loses hold of the oaken shield.
  21. Thob Thotiltath loses hold of the copper morningstar.
  22. Keesa pulls on the embedded iron spear.
  23. Keesa gains possession of the iron spear.
  24. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the lower body with his iron spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the lower spine's nervous tissue!
  25. A tendon in the lower spine has been torn!
  26. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the upper body with his iron spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the right lung!
  27. Thob Thotiltath is having more trouble breathing!
  28. The iron spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
  29. Keesa pulls on the embedded iron spear.
  30. Keesa gains possession of the iron spear.
  31. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the lower body with his iron spear, tearing apart the muscle and spilling her guts!
  32. An artery has been opened by the attack!
  33. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the lower body with his iron spear, tearing apart the muscle and tearing the stomach!
  34. The iron spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
  35. Keesa pulls on the embedded iron spear.
  36. Keesa gains possession of the iron spear.
  37. Keesa stabs Thob Thotiltath in the upper body with his iron spear and the injured part is cloven asunder!
  38. An artery has been opened by the attack!
  39. A tendon in the middle spine has been torn!
  40. Thob Thotiltath has been struck down.
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