
Alina's Journal - September 13 2018

Sep 13th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. September 13 2018 - Okay, so! Another pretty uneventful day. Gotta appreciate days like these though because once things get hairy I'm gonna look back at my journal and remember that we need peaceful moments like these to balance out all the noise in the world. I met a new friend though! His name's Pagliacci. Met him by the beach when I wandered over there to watch the waves. Really nice, but he acts all tough about it. I've been starting to have that nightmare again where the waves swallow up the entire beach and everyone on it, but no one seems to notice. That dream always freaks me out. Looking out into the darkness on the horizon and listening to the real waves beat against the shore... it made me feel a lot better. I get scared of the things in my head so much I forget that the real stuff isn't nearly as scary. I also met this adorable lil fox girl that reminded me of a mini version of Tails. She liked the crackers I gave her so I'll have to get more when I go to the store later. Oh, and I need to find a music supply store around here. Maybe I can ask Ian to come along with me tomorrow? Only if he brings along those rice balls though. I'll ask him for the recipe one day. Shouldn't be that hard to make them. I'm going to need to learn how to cook more if I'm gonna be on the road again!
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