

Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  2. CAC: Say like "I can't say much, but they gave me some need to know information that suggests... Otherwise. Really, I'm skirting the edge as it is. Any further and we'll probably be breaking Grayhold Law."
  3. CAC: This is a more risky plan...
  4. CAC: Though less so than the chance we can't kill him, IMO
  5. CAC: GG, thoughts?
  6. CGG: hm
  7. CGG: sure
  8. CAC: Hmm, also try to get control of the blood is his keyboard arm.
  9. CAC: Just to keep it from moving.
  10. CAC: Just the hand maybe
  11. ?AO: /UNAFK. Are you ready?
  12. CAC: Ye
  13. CAC: >Do the above the things
  14. CAC: Two*
  15. CAO made MZ an OP.
  16. ?AO: Alright, do you want a log of this situation in particular, or a log of the game thus far, and this situation, MZ?
  17. CAC: Actually, a question first.
  18. CURRENT mythicZoologist [CMZ] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  19. CMZ: The first will let me participate faster, the second would be more usefull in the long term.
  20. CAC: Is there some of classification proof system or something.
  21. ?AO: Shoot.
  22. ?AO: Please clarify.
  23. ?AO: I'll give you both, MZ.
  24. CAC: Like... Can you just claim to be any clearance level? Assuming you don't actually access anything.
  25. ?AO: Game logs: This log:
  26. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  27. CAU: Alright, what's the cheese.
  28. ?AO: Please refer to 'this log'.
  29. ?AO: Near the end.
  30. CAO made AU an OP.
  31. ?AO: As to AC, probably not?
  32. CAC: How would other people tell otherwise?
  33. ?AO: I mean, Delta probably knows your clearance level, considering you've known each other for a while.
  34. CAC: What about special need-to-know clearance or whatever.
  35. ?AO: Same thing.
  36. CAC: Claim it's new?
  37. ?AO: Might work.
  38. CAC: We did just get sent on "a very important mission" , according to Delta.
  39. CAC: Certainly plausible to have high clearance?
  40. CAC: Maybe
  41. ?AO: This is true.
  42. ?AO: Okay, you guys are getting an achievement for debating this fifteen-minute conversation for nearly three hours.
  43. CAC: ... Could someone paste my action suggestion from earlier for the new people, didn't paste it.
  44. CAC: Copy*
  45. ?AO: CAC: Say like "I can't say much, but they gave me some need to know information that suggests... Otherwise. Really, I'm skirting the edge as it is. Any further and we'll probably be breaking Grayhold Law." CAC: This is a more risky plan... CAC: Though less so than the chance we can't kill him, IMO
  46. CAC: Also control the blood in his keyboard hand, just to stop him from pressing.
  47. ?AO: ^
  48. CAC: Are y'all caught up AU, MZ
  49. CAU: nope, too busy drowning in multiple things i feel i am obligated to :V
  50. CAC: Or, Bomber at least
  51. CAU: but yeah let me try
  52. ?AO: Please enter response.
  53. CMZ: My attention is split about four ways right now, but I can ake basic suggestions of action.
  54. CAC: >Do my things
  55. CAC: GG, AU
  56. CGG: yeah I agreed
  57. CGG: already
  58. CAU: jesus my mind is split about 3 ways right now, sorry
  59. CAU: i'm trying hold on
  60. ?AO: No prob.
  61. CAU: okay caught up on the situation of uh, letting Delta report this or not.
  62. CAU: at the first time i popped in and said "NotLikeThis"
  63. ?AO: Your opinion, then, good sir?
  64. CMZ: > Claim we've obtained a higher clearance recently.
  65. CAU: wat
  66. ?AO: Alright, that's a majority enough for me.
  67. CAU: yeah i'll roll with this
  68. CAU: fsefsetrsdgs suggestion, i mean
  69. CAC: wat
  70. CAU: CAC: Say like "I can't say much, but they gave me some need to know information that suggests... Otherwise. Really, I'm skirting the edge as it is. Any further and we'll probably be breaking Grayhold Law." CAC: This is a more risky plan... CAC: Though less so than the chance we can't kill him, IMO
  71. ?AO: "Hmm. I mean, I, once again, don't see how we could be hurt by this. If you're fine, then they'll just inform me of that, and not do a checkup, right?"
  72. ?AO: Delta stops heading toward the send button in the process of speaking.
  73. ?AO: You have mere moments to react. Quickly, you decisions.
  74. CAC: "... How would they tell if I'm fine without taking days to do a checkup?"
  75. CAC: Also, keep light control on his arm.
  76. ?AO: "Uh, they'll have information on your situation?"
  77. ?AO: You attempt to hold light control on his arm. The distance is quite far, and you cannot tell if it is working or not.
  78. CAC: >Try spilling his glass of water or something
  79. CAC: >On his keyboard if possible
  80. ?AO: ... He doesn't have a glass of water?
  81. ?AO: Also, the keyboard is holographic.
  82. CAC: >"Hmm, alright, but... I should send the report. I don't think I've told you anything I shouldn't have... But I don't want to risk you getting in trouble, you know? I'll tell them to CC their response to you if you want. Just read out what you want me to say? "
  83. ?AO: "Okay, that's really suspicious now. I'm sending this thing. I can edit it later if there's a problem."
  84. CAC: Fuck.
  85. CAC: >Murder him
  86. ?AO: His finger nears the button, and your heart is uncertain.
  87. ?AO: You think to kill him.
  88. ?AO: B u t n o t h i n g h a p p e n e d .
  89. CMZ: > Intiate panic tech, hostile frenzy
  90. CMZ: <Ninja'd, do not initiate.
  91. ?AO: You've got approximately .9 seconds to act.
  92. CAC: Fuck
  93. CAC: >Harden yourself, try again
  94. CAC: >If you can't kill him, at least stop him from pressing the button
  95. ?AO: You try again, to no avail. You haven't had any skill in long-range hydrokinesis, fuck.
  96. ?AO: Delta's finger nears the send button.
  97. ?AO: However, moments before it strikes it, waves of electricity leap off of the keyboard's holographic projector, entering Delta's body. He jerks about slightly, before being slammed into the wall behind him with the sheer force of the blast.
  98. CAC: ... Wat
  99. ?AO: He does not rise, that you can see.
  100. CMZ: > "Are you alright?"
  101. CAC: Hmm.
  102. ?AO: You hear audible sniffling of some form of mucus from nearby you.
  103. CAC: >Did Cyan do something?
  104. ?AO: Presumably due to crying.
  105. ?AO: Go look and see. She's right behind you.
  106. CAC: >Look
  107. CAC: /brb
  108. ?AO: You turn to see Cyan in tears, absolutely freaking out. There is a glow coming from her forehead area, ovalloid in shape. It is rather similar to the glow of your gem upon use of some major form of hydrokinesis.
  109. CGG: >oh
  110. CGG: >oh jeez
  111. CMZ: > "Did you do that?"
  112. CAC: ... Don't say that
  113. CAC: >Try to calm her down
  114. CAC: /brb again
  115. ?AO: Cyan sinks to her knees, covering her face with her hands.
  116. ?AO: How would you like to attempt to calm Cyan?
  117. CAC: ... Honestly, I'd say just let her cry if it weren't for the risk of being shocked to death.
  118. ?AO: Even if you die, you've got a backup in your whole gem deal, of course.
  119. ?AO: Remember that charged electrokinetic attack you stopped with the Centurion Sorcerer?
  120. CAC: Not really...
  121. ?AO: Regardless, shall you do anything, or just stand there?
  122. CAC: >Sit down beside her and say... Generic comforting phrases
  123. ?AO: Like?
  124. CMZ: "It's okay", "just calm down", "don't panic", and the like.
  125. ?AO: Sounds good to me.
  126. ?AO: You do so, and your only response is more crying, and a dimming into nonexistence of the light within Cyan's forehead.
  127. ?AO: Please enter command.
  128. CAC: >Just let her cry it out, IMO, at least for twenty minutes or so
  129. ?AO: Everyone agree on that?
  130. CAC: How long was the original wait?
  131. ?AO: Like, a minute or so.
  132. CAC: MZ, AU, GG
  133. CGG: yeah, just let her cru
  134. CGG: *crı every tım
  135. CMZ: > Give her a moment, see if anything changes.
  136. ?AO: Very well. You just sort of sit there next to her. She continues to cry for about two minutes, with the occasional muffled utterances to the effect of 'I'm a person, not an experiment'.
  137. ?AO: "Okay... I... I'm fine. Now. Ugh, sorry. I just got a little freaked out by how he was... was talking about me."
  138. CAC: Oh, huh
  139. ?AO: Cyan pulls her knees closer to her body, and sighs.
  140. CAC: >VERY discreetly check on Delta
  141. CAC: Am I wrong in assuming Cyan didn't notice?
  142. ?AO: One moment, BRB.
  143. ?AO: Back.
  144. ?AO: Cyan stares at the floor, and doesn't notice anything of your actions. Delta lies where he fell, unmoving yet still.
  145. CAC: >"So, uh... Did you notice yourself glowing?"
  146. CAC: >At the same time, start wiping evidence from Delta's computer
  147. CMZ: BRB, have to reset comp.
  148. ?AO: "W... what? Oh, yeah. I... I think I just magically... unlocked my gem powers. Not... not the way I wanted to. Ugh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your friend."
  149. ?AO: You take out all incriminating evidence on Delta's computers.
  150. CAC: >"I'm sure he'll be fine..."
  151. ?AO: That might not be the right thing to say...
  152. ?AO: Just saying.
  153. ?AO: Like, he did just try to kill her.
  154. CAC: Hmm
  155. ?AO: Hey, TC. Want another log?
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