

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. How would your PC react to a fellow PC killing an innocent?: Cha'Sid would think it's abhorrent, though not worthy to fight over. He would profess that such a thing is a travesty and unless they apologize for their sin if it were intentional he would simply leave. If it were accidental Cha'Sid would note that it is a tragedy, and would try and console the person stating that fate is cruel and accidents truly do happen.
  3. Confronted with a fight?: If it's a matter of philosophy Cha'Sid would state that pitting together philosophies in combat is simply a waste of time, not truly seeing who the victor is, just simply who is stronger in body. To truly test philosophy time must take it's course and say it'd be better suited for them not to make such useless attempts. In most other cases Cha'Sid tries not to make an enemy out of people and if confronted with a fight would also still try to talk them down in some way or state that he'd rather not fight. If pushed towards it though Cha'Sid will do all that he must to protect himself or others, often choosing others over himself if they are innocent and not involved.
  5. You're left to your own devices, and have plenty of free time to do as you please?: Cha'Sid would study over literature, history, or simply meditate and drink tea.
  7. How would your PC react to a close friend's death?: He would mourn his loss. If he were murdered by any in particular he may even take a vow of repentance, not of vengeance. He would take on a goal to honor his friend's death, if this is to confront his killer, so be it. Though he would definitely still not seek revenge. Revenge would only sully his friend's life.
  9. A random person's death?: He would mourn it such as a friend. He might not take on such an honorable oath, but simply because he might not know the person. He would seek a proper burial and actions to be done to honor the person's death.
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