
Outpost Omega - API Documentation

May 31st, 2015
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  2. ######################
  3. ### Addon Commands ###
  4. ######################
  5. OutpostOmega.Game.Lua.Builder NewBuilder()
  6. Description: Creates a new GameObject-Builder used to create custom GameObjects
  7. Parameters: nothing
  8. Returns: New Builder object
  10. ########################
  11. ### General Commands ###
  12. ########################
  13. Void print(System.Object, System.String, Boolean)
  14. Description: Prints a message to the console
  15. Parameters: 1 Text: The text you want to display
  16. 2 Sender: Display name of the sender (optional)
  17. 3 Error: Whether this is a error message or not (optional)
  18. Returns: nothing
  20. Void hook(System.Object)
  21. Description: Used to call a lua function from the engine (just for testing)
  22. Parameters: 1 Function: A function that should be called
  23. Returns: nothing
  25. System.Type getType(System.String)
  26. Description: Tries to find a certain type from the given string
  27. Parameters: 1 TypeName: Name of the type that should be searched
  28. Returns: Found Type-Object (raises an exception if nothing found - internal error)
  30. #####################
  31. ### Math Commands ###
  32. #####################
  33. System.Object Vector2(System.String, System.String)
  34. Description: Creates a 2-dimensional vector from the given values
  35. Parameters: 1 X: float value of x-dimension
  36. 2 Y: float value of y-dimension
  37. Returns: Created Vector2
  39. System.Object Vector3(System.String, System.String, System.String)
  40. Description: Creates a 3-dimensional vector from the given values
  41. Parameters: 1 X: float value of x-dimension
  42. 2 Y: float value of y-dimension
  43. 3 Z: float value of z-dimension
  44. Returns: Created Vector2
  46. System.Object VectorTransform(System.Object, System.Object)
  47. Description: Transforms a 3-dimensional vector using a matrix
  48. Parameters: 1 vector3: The 3-dimensional vector that should be transformed
  49. 2 matrix: Matrix that should be used to transform the vector
  50. Returns: Transformed Vector3
  52. System.Object MatrixIdentity()
  53. Description: Creates a empty (indentity) matrix
  54. Parameters: nothing
  55. Returns: empty (indentity) matrix
  57. System.Object MatrixRotationX(System.String)
  58. Description: Creates a rotation matrix on the x-axis
  59. Parameters: 1 deg: X-rotation in degrees (0-360)
  60. Returns: Rotation matrix
  62. System.Object MatrixRotationY(System.String)
  63. Description: Creates a rotation matrix on the y-axis
  64. Parameters: 1 deg: Y-rotation in degrees (0-360)
  65. Returns: Rotation matrix
  67. System.Object MatrixRotationZ(System.String)
  68. Description: Creates a rotation matrix on the z-axis
  69. Parameters: 1 deg: Z-rotation in degrees (0-360)
  70. Returns: Rotation matrix
  72. System.Object MatrixTranslation(System.String, System.String, System.String)
  73. Description: Creates a translation (position/movement) matrix
  74. Parameters: 1 X: X-value of the translation
  75. 2 Y: Y-value of the translation
  76. 3 Z: Z-value of the translation
  77. Returns: Translation matrix
  79. System.Object MatrixMultiply(System.Object, System.Object)
  80. Description: Multiplys 2 matrices
  81. Parameters: 1 Matrix1: First matrix
  82. 2 Matrix2: Second Matrix
  83. Returns: Result of multiplication (matrix)
  85. #######################
  86. ### Physic Commands ###
  87. #######################
  88. System.Object PhysicBoxShape(Single, Single, Single)
  89. Description: Creates a box shape
  90. Parameters: 1 X: X-dimension of the box
  91. 1 Y: Y-dimension of the box
  92. 1 Z: Z-dimension of the box
  93. Returns: New box shape object
  95. System.Object PhysicCapsuleShape(Single, Single)
  96. Description: Creates a capsule shape
  97. Parameters: 1 length: Length of the capsule
  98. 1 radius: Radius of the capsule
  99. Returns: New capsule shape object
  101. System.Object PhysicConeShape(Single, Single)
  102. Description: Creates a cone shape
  103. Parameters: 1 height: Height of the cone
  104. 2 radius: Radius of the cone base
  105. Returns: New cone shape object
  107. System.Object PhysicCylinderShape(Single, Single)
  108. Description: Creates a cylinder shape
  109. Parameters: 1 height: Height of the cylinder
  110. 2 radius: Radius of the cylinder
  111. Returns: New cylinder shape object
  113. System.Object PhysicSphereShape(Single)
  114. Description: Creates a sphere shape
  115. Parameters: 1 radius: Radius of the shpere
  116. Returns: New sphere shape object
  118. ######################
  119. ### World Commands ###
  120. ######################
  121. System.Object GetFirstGO(System.String)
  122. Description: Gets the first GameObject matching the given name
  123. Parameters: 1. arg: Searched name (has to be contained in the searched objects name)
  124. Returns: First found GameObject
  126. System.Object GetGO(System.String)
  127. Description: Gets all GameObjects matching the given name
  128. Parameters: 1. arg: Searched name (has to be contained in the searched objects name)
  129. Returns: Array if all found GameObject
  131. Void MoveGO(OutpostOmega.Game.gameObject, Jitter.LinearMath.JVector)
  132. Description: Moves a specific GameObject to the given Position
  133. Parameters: 1. GameObject: The GameObject that should be moved
  134. 2. Position: The new position
  135. Returns: nothing
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