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- #
- # Advanced chat protection, antiwdl, anti plugins viewer
- # More soon...
- #
- # This is the main configuration file for DragonSecurity (config.yml)
- #
- # If you need help with the configuration or have any
- # Questions related to DragonSecurity, join us in our Discord.
- #
- # Discord:
- # Config: 1.2
- #
- #
- #
- # » %player% - Name of the player
- # » %staff% - Name of the staff
- # » %command% - Name of the command (sudo only)
- #
- # Enable or disable alerts to staff members who have permission "ss.alert", example:
- # SimplyStaff » Player has set his gamemode to creative
- enabled: true
- join-staff: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%player% &7joined the server!"
- # Gamemodes
- Gamemodes:
- error: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cYou are already in this gamemode"
- survival:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYour gamemode now is survival"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%player% &7has set his gamemode to &asurvival"
- creative:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYour gamemode now is creative"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%player% &7has set his gamemode to &acreative"
- adventure:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYour gamemode now is adventure"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%player% &7has set his gamemode to &aadventure"
- spectator:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYour gamemode now is spectator"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%player% &7has set his gamemode to &aspectator"
- Basic:
- day: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aTime set to day successfully in the world"
- night: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aTime set to night successfully in the world"
- kill:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully killed %player%"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%staff% has killed %player%"
- godmode:
- setted: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully setted godmode to %player%"
- removed: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully removed godmode to %player%"
- alert-setted: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has &asetted &7godmode to &a%player%"
- alert-removed: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has &cremoved &7godmode to &a%player%"
- fly:
- enabled: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully enabled fly to %player%"
- disabled: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully disabled fly to %player%"
- alert-enabled: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has &aenabled &7fly to &a%player%"
- alert-disabled: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has &cdisabled &7fly to &a%player%"
- heal:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully healed!"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has healed &a%player%"
- clear:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have cleared the inventory of %player%"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% has cleared the inventory of &a%player%"
- teleport:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou teleported to %player%"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% teleported to &a%player%"
- teleporthere:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou teleported %player% to you"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &7%staff% teleported &a%player% &7to him"
- teleportpos:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou teleported to x: %x% y: %y% z: %z%"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%staff% &7teleported to x: %x% y: %y% z: %z%"
- Advanced:
- sudo:
- message: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aYou have successfully forced %player% to execute &c%command%"
- alert: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &a%staff% has forced %player% to execute &c%command%"
- config-reloaded: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &aConfig reloaded successfully!"
- server: "Minigame"
- # Error
- only-player: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: Only players can execute this command!"
- no-permission: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: You don't have permission to do this"
- incorrect-syntax: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: Incorrect syntax!"
- specify-world: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cSpecify the world!"
- non-existent-world: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: Non-existent world"
- specify-player: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cSpecify the player!"
- non-existent-player: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: Non-existent player"
- invalid-coordinates: "&b&lSimplyStaff &8» &cError: invalid coordinates!"
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