
Creation Myth

Oct 17th, 2011
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  1. Creation Myth
  3. In the beginning there were only the Ancients. There were 2,500 of these Ancients and they were infinitely old. They were led by the wisest and oldest of them named No’me’ha.
  4. After an uncountable number of years the Ancients had learned everything they could and decided to put their knowledge to the test. The first thing they did was to create a nearly infinite amount of matter in a single pinpoint of space which they then caused to expand very rapidly. Next they created energy that allowed them to create many more things including gravity, light, sound, motion, temperature, and many other things.
  5. Then they used their power to turn matter into stars. These stars caught stray lumps of matter which eventually coalesced into planets. The planets caught even smaller lumps of matter which became moons.
  6. When they were done with the heavens they decided to create beings t0o inhabit some of the planets. At first they created simple, small plants and then moved on to more and more complex ones. Next they started making small, simple creatures. As they got better they learned how to make the creatures grow and evolve. They then moved on to even more advanced creatures that lived in the oceans, rivers, and lakes.
  7. Next they moved on to evolving their marine animals into amphibious animals that could venture onto land for a time. Eventually some of the amphibious creatures became suited to live permanently on land. After many millennia the Ancients moved on, trying to make creatures that could live in the air. After much trial and error they succeeded.
  8. After several eons the Ancients got bored and decided to make a creature of their likeness. Thus was the birth of man. Unlike other creatures man was conscious in a new way, they were conscious of themselves and their surroundings and were conscious of the other creatures as more than just food or a quick way to die. These new creatures could even learn to make tools.
  9. After the creation of man the Ancients took a break and retreated to their own realm where man couldn’t go. They decided to watch man from there. They watched for 10,000 years without interfering and realized it was a mistake, without guidance man still let their instincts control their actions and were warring each other.
  10. The Ancients came back down to Earth and gave them morals and guidelines to live by, eventually spawning several religions and holy books. Before the Ancients left, some of the humans banded together and attacked the Ancients. All the Ancients survived and decided they needed to do something else. They warned any deserving men to make a boat, load it with food, and take a male and female of every animal they could find. After the men finished their mission the Ancients flooded the Earth. The flood lasted for two months before receding.
  11. The next action the Ancients took was to try to keep the remaining humans in line. They created dragons that dominated the land, air, and sea. Then the Ancients left for their own realm again. Yet again they monitored man without interference.
  12. After many, many years the humans managed to outsmart the last o the dragons and killed them. The Ancients were horrified; they had created a monster. Out of fear and disgust they vowed never again to deal with humans or to come to their realm, but to let them run their own course and hope for them to destroy themselves as they were everything else on the planet.
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