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a guest
Aug 8th, 2019
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  1. "Phrases"
  2. {
  3. "Jumpstats_PersonalBest"
  4. {
  5. "#format" "{1:c}"
  6. "en" " {1}PB"
  7. }
  8. "NewGlobalMapRankPro"
  9. {
  10. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i}"
  11. "en" "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (PRO) on {6}! [{7}, Tick{8}]"
  12. }
  13. "NewGlobalMapRankTp"
  14. {
  15. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i},{9:i}"
  16. "en" "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (TP) on {6}! [{7}, TPs: {8}, Tick{9}]"
  17. }
  18. "UndoLadder"
  19. {
  20. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  21. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP is not allowed because your last teleport origin is on a ladder"
  22. }
  23. "UndoMidAir"
  24. {
  25. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  26. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP is not allowed because your last teleport origin is in midair"
  27. }
  28. "mapinfo1"
  29. {
  30. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:s},{9:c},{10:c},{11:s},{12:c}"
  31. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6}, Tier: {7}{8}{9} (approved by {10}{11}{12})"
  32. }
  33. "mapinfo2"
  34. {
  35. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
  36. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6} (not approved)"
  37. }
  38. "options_lang_en"
  39. {
  40. "en" "Language - English"
  41. }
  42. "options_lang_de"
  43. {
  44. "en" "Language - German"
  45. }
  46. "options_lang_sv"
  47. {
  48. "en" "Language - Swedish"
  49. }
  50. "options_lang_fr"
  51. {
  52. "en" "Language - French"
  53. }
  54. "options_lang_ru"
  55. {
  56. "en" "Language - Russian"
  57. }
  58. "options_lang_cn"
  59. {
  60. "en" "Language - Chinese"
  61. }
  62. "options_lang_pt"
  63. {
  64. "en" "Language - Portuguese Brazilian"
  65. }
  66. "stopsound"
  67. {
  68. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  69. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Map music stopped."
  70. }
  71. "kick_msg_skill_group"
  72. {
  73. "#format" "{1:s}"
  74. "en" "[KZTimer] You don't fulfill the criteria to play on this server. You must be ranked as 'VIP', 'ADMIN', '{1}' or above"
  75. }
  76. "kick_msg_low_fps"
  77. {
  78. "en" "[KZTimer] Please set your fps_max greater than or equal to 120"
  79. }
  80. "options_advcp_on"
  81. {
  82. "en" "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info) - Enabled"
  83. }
  84. "options_advcp_off"
  85. {
  86. "en" "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info) - Disabled"
  87. }
  88. "options_rp_on"
  89. {
  90. "en" "Replay route (requires replay bots) - Enabled"
  91. }
  92. "options_rp_off"
  93. {
  94. "en" "Replay route (requires replay bots) - Disabled"
  95. }
  96. "options_adv_on"
  97. {
  98. "en" "Adv checkpoint menu - Enabled"
  99. }
  100. "options_adv_off"
  101. {
  102. "en" "Adv checkpoint menu - Disabled"
  103. }
  104. "options_hide_on"
  105. {
  106. "en" "Hide other players - Enabled"
  107. }
  108. "options_hide_off"
  109. {
  110. "en" "Hide other players - Disabled"
  111. }
  112. "options_error_sounds_on"
  113. {
  114. "en" "Error sounds - Enabled"
  115. }
  116. "options_error_sounds_off"
  117. {
  118. "en" "Error sounds - Disabled"
  119. }
  120. "options_colorchat_off"
  121. {
  122. "en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - None"
  123. }
  124. "options_colorchat_on"
  125. {
  126. "en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - All"
  127. }
  128. "options_colorchat_only_red"
  129. {
  130. "en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - Red jumps only"
  131. }
  132. "options_colorchat_none_only_yours"
  133. {
  134. "en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - None (Except yours)"
  135. }
  136. "options_cpmessage_on"
  137. {
  138. "en" "Checkpoint done chat message - Enabled"
  139. }
  140. "options_cpmessage_off"
  141. {
  142. "en" "Checkpoint done chat message - Disabled"
  143. }
  144. "options_menusounds_on"
  145. {
  146. "en" "Checkpoint menu sounds - Enabled"
  147. }
  148. "options_menusounds_off"
  149. {
  150. "en" "Checkpoint menu sounds - Disabled"
  151. }
  152. "options_quakesounds_none"
  153. {
  154. "en" "Quake sounds - None"
  155. }
  156. "options_quakesounds_all"
  157. {
  158. "en" "Quake sounds - All"
  159. }
  160. "options_quakesounds_godlike_records_only"
  161. {
  162. "en" "Quake sounds - Godlike jumps and records only"
  163. }
  164. "options_quakesounds_records_only"
  165. {
  166. "en" "Quake Sounds - Records Only"
  167. }
  168. "options_strafesync_on"
  169. {
  170. "en" "Print strafe sync to chat - Enabled"
  171. }
  172. "options_strafesync_off"
  173. {
  174. "en" "Print strafe sync to chat - Disabled"
  175. }
  176. "options_timertext_on"
  177. {
  178. "en" "Show timer text - Enabled"
  179. }
  180. "options_timertext_off"
  181. {
  182. "en" "Show timer text - Disabled"
  183. }
  184. "options_speclist_on"
  185. {
  186. "en" "Spectator list - Player counter + names"
  187. }
  188. "options_speclist_counter_only"
  189. {
  190. "en" "Spectator list - Player counter"
  191. }
  192. "options_speclist_off"
  193. {
  194. "en" "Spectator list - Disabled"
  195. }
  196. "options_centerpanel_on"
  197. {
  198. "en" "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys) - Enabled"
  199. }
  200. "options_centerpanel_off"
  201. {
  202. "en" "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys) - Disabled"
  203. }
  204. "options_start_weapon_usp"
  205. {
  206. "en" "Starting weapon - USP"
  207. }
  208. "options_start_weapon_knife"
  209. {
  210. "en" "Starting weapon - Knife"
  211. }
  212. "options_jumpbeam_on"
  213. {
  214. "en" "Jump beam - Enabled"
  215. }
  216. "options_jumpbeam_off"
  217. {
  218. "en" "Jump beam - Disabled"
  219. }
  220. "options_chat_hidden"
  221. {
  222. "en" "Chat and voice icons - Hidden"
  223. }
  224. "options_chat_visible"
  225. {
  226. "en" "Chat and voice icons - Visible"
  227. }
  228. "options_weaponmodel_visible"
  229. {
  230. "en" "Weapon model - Visible"
  231. }
  232. "options_weaponmodel_hidden"
  233. {
  234. "en" "Weapon model - Hidden"
  235. }
  236. "options_gotome_on"
  237. {
  238. "en" "Goto me - Enabled"
  239. }
  240. "options_gotome_off"
  241. {
  242. "en" "Goto me - Disabled"
  243. }
  244. "options_autobhop_on"
  245. {
  246. "en" "AutoBhop - Enabled"
  247. }
  248. "options_autobhop_off"
  249. {
  250. "en" "AutoBhop - Disabled"
  251. }
  252. "HideChat1"
  253. {
  254. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  255. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat enabled."
  256. }
  257. "HideChat2"
  258. {
  259. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  260. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat disabled."
  261. }
  262. "HideViewModel1"
  263. {
  264. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  265. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel disabled."
  266. }
  267. "HideViewModel2"
  268. {
  269. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  270. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel enabled."
  271. }
  272. "PlayerJumpBeam1"
  273. {
  274. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  275. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam enabled."
  276. }
  277. "PlayerJumpBeam2"
  278. {
  279. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  280. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam disabled."
  281. }
  282. "ClientLadderJump1"
  283. {
  284. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
  285. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
  286. }
  287. "ClientLadderJump2"
  288. {
  289. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c}"
  290. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]"
  291. }
  292. "Jumpstats_LadderJumpTop"
  293. {
  294. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  295. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LadderJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
  296. }
  297. "Jumpstats_BeatLadderJumpBest"
  298. {
  299. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  300. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LadderJump with a {4} jump!"
  301. }
  302. "Jumpstats_LadderJumpAll"
  303. {
  304. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s}"
  305. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LadderJump{10}"
  306. }
  307. "AvgTime"
  308. {
  309. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:i}"
  310. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Avg. time {4}PRO{5}: {6} ({7}) {8}TP{9}: {10} ({11})"
  311. }
  312. "TimerStartReminder"
  313. {
  314. "#format" ""
  315. "en" "<font color='#FE642E' size='24' face ='Calibri'><b> Start the timer by pressing \n your 'USE' key at the start button</b></font>"
  316. }
  317. "TimeleftCounter"
  318. {
  319. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
  320. "en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3}.."
  321. }
  322. "TimeleftMinutes"
  323. {
  324. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
  325. "en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} minutes remaining"
  326. }
  327. "TimeleftSeconds"
  328. {
  329. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
  330. "en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} seconds remaining"
  331. }
  332. "TimerStarted1"
  333. {
  334. "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
  335. "en" "<b>Timer restarted</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>Pro</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>TP</b></font>: {2}"
  336. }
  337. "TimerStarted2"
  338. {
  339. "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
  340. "en" "<b>Timer started</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>Pro</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>TP</b></font>: {2}"
  341. }
  342. "TimerStopped"
  343. {
  344. "#format" "{1:s}"
  345. "en" "<font size='22'>Congratulations!</font>\nYou finished the map in: <font color='#86D53B'>{1}</font>"
  346. }
  347. "LJblock1"
  348. {
  349. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  350. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (height offset > 0.0)"
  351. }
  352. "LJblock2"
  353. {
  354. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  355. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (failed to detect edges)"
  356. }
  357. "LJblock3"
  358. {
  359. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  360. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (selected destination is too large)"
  361. }
  362. "LJblock4"
  363. {
  364. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  365. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination"
  366. }
  367. "LJblock5"
  368. {
  369. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:d},{6:c}"
  370. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Longjump Block ({4}{5} units{6}) registered!"
  371. }
  372. "LJblock6"
  373. {
  374. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
  375. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks down to 226 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
  376. }
  377. "LJblock7"
  378. {
  379. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
  380. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks up to 300 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
  381. }
  382. "MissedTpBest"
  383. {
  384. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
  385. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your tp best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
  386. }
  387. "MissedProBest"
  388. {
  389. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
  390. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your pro best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
  391. }
  392. "KickMsg"
  393. {
  394. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i}"
  395. "en" "[{1}KZ FPSCHECK{2}] You will be {3}kicked in 10 seconds{4}. Please set fps_max between 100 and 300! (detected: fps_max {5})"
  396. }
  397. "TeamJoin"
  398. {
  399. "#format" "{1:N},{2:s}"
  400. "en" "Player {1} joined {2}"
  401. }
  402. "JumpPenalty3"
  403. {
  404. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  405. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump penalty forced. (server-sided)"
  406. }
  407. "MapTopFail"
  408. {
  409. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  410. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Usage: !maptop <mapname>"
  411. }
  412. "Hyperscroll"
  413. {
  414. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  415. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WARNING: Disable hyperscroll or you get banned."
  416. }
  417. "Measure1"
  418. {
  419. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:.1f},{4:.1f}"
  420. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Distance: {3} (Height offset: {4})"
  421. }
  422. "Measure2"
  423. {
  424. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  425. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must set both points before finding a distance."
  426. }
  427. "Measure3"
  428. {
  429. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  430. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You are not aiming at anything solid!"
  431. }
  432. "Measure4"
  433. {
  434. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:.1f},{5:.1f},{6:.1f}"
  435. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Got Point {3} at X: {4}, Y: {5}, Z: {6}"
  436. }
  437. "AntiCheatEnabled"
  438. {
  439. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  440. "en" " {1}{2}{3}WARNING: Any kind of cheating will get you banned from every KZTimer Global server! This includes, but is not limited to: hacks, macros and mouse features like hyperscrolling."
  441. }
  442. "NoCpsDuringChallenge"
  443. {
  444. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  445. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints allowed during your challenge!"
  446. }
  447. "Challenge_Lost_Points"
  448. {
  449. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
  450. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7} {8}points!"
  451. }
  452. "Challenge_TitleCP"
  453. {
  454. "en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Checkpoints?"
  455. }
  456. "Challenge_TitleNoCP"
  457. {
  458. "en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Checkpoints?\nCheckpoints disabled"
  459. }
  460. "Challenge_CP_YES"
  461. {
  462. "en" "Yes"
  463. }
  464. "Challenge_CP_No"
  465. {
  466. "en" "No"
  467. }
  468. "CP_Allowed1"
  469. {
  470. "en" " allowed"
  471. }
  472. "CP_Allowed2"
  473. {
  474. "en" "Allowed"
  475. }
  476. "CP_Forbidden1"
  477. {
  478. "en" " forbidden"
  479. }
  480. "CP_Forbidden2"
  481. {
  482. "en" "Forbidden"
  483. }
  484. "KnifeDead"
  485. {
  486. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  487. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't change your knife while you are dead."
  488. }
  489. "Undo1"
  490. {
  491. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  492. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while in the air."
  493. }
  494. "Undo2"
  495. {
  496. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  497. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while moving."
  498. }
  499. "JumpstatsDisabled"
  500. {
  501. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  502. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Info: JumpStats disabled!"
  503. }
  504. "noJumpRecords"
  505. {
  506. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  507. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No jump records found!"
  508. }
  510. "Challenge1"
  511. {
  512. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s}"
  513. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge request sent to {4} (Bet: {5}p, Checkpoints{6})"
  514. }
  515. "Challenge2"
  516. {
  517. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:s}"
  518. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} challenged you. You have 20 seconds to {5}!accept{6} (Bet: {7}p, Checkpoints {8})"
  519. }
  520. "Challenge3"
  521. {
  522. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  523. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge accepted."
  524. }
  525. "Challenge4"
  526. {
  527. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
  528. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}! (Surrender)"
  529. }
  530. "Challenge5"
  531. {
  532. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
  533. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge: {3}{4}{5} vs. {6}{7}{8}"
  534. }
  535. "Challenge6"
  536. {
  537. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s}"
  538. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoints: {3}{4}{5}, Pot: {6}%{7}p"
  539. }
  540. "ChallengeFailed1"
  541. {
  542. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  543. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No block must be enabled to start a challenge."
  544. }
  545. "ChallengeFailed2"
  546. {
  547. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  548. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to start a challenge."
  549. }
  550. "ChallengeFailed3"
  551. {
  552. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  553. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You are already in a challenge."
  554. }
  555. "ChallengeFailed4"
  556. {
  557. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  558. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No valid players found."
  559. }
  560. "ChallengeFailed5"
  561. {
  562. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:i}"
  563. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have enough player points ({4}) to accept your challenge"
  564. }
  565. "ChallengeFailed6"
  566. {
  567. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  568. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} is already in a race"
  569. }
  570. "ChallengeStarted1"
  571. {
  572. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  573. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}If you want to surrender just type !surrender"
  574. }
  575. "ChallengeStarted2"
  576. {
  577. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  578. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Both of you can type !abort in chat to cancel the race"
  579. }
  580. "ChallengeStarted3"
  581. {
  582. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  583. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Important: DON'T FORGET TO HIT THE START BUTTON!"
  584. }
  585. "ChallengeStarted4"
  586. {
  587. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  588. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Have Fun!!"
  589. }
  590. "ChallengeRequestExpired"
  591. {
  592. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  593. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge request expired!"
  594. }
  595. "ChallengeWon"
  596. {
  597. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  598. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge won! {4}(your opponent has left the server)"
  599. }
  600. "ChallengeAborted"
  601. {
  602. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c}"
  603. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge versus {3}{4}{5} aborted."
  604. }
  605. "Challenge_Disagree_Abort"
  606. {
  607. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  608. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You have disagreed to abort the challenge."
  609. }
  610. "Challenge_Agree_Abort"
  611. {
  612. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  613. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You have agreed to abort the challenge. Waiting for your opponent.."
  614. }
  615. "Challenge_Bets"
  616. {
  617. "#format" "{1:i}"
  618. "en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Player Bet?\nYour Points: {1}"
  619. }
  620. "Challenge_PointsDisabled"
  621. {
  622. "#format" "{1:i}"
  623. "en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Player Bet?\nPlayer point system disabled"
  624. }
  625. "Challenge_NoBet"
  626. {
  627. "en" "No Bet"
  628. }
  629. "Challenge_SelectOpponent"
  630. {
  631. "en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Select your Opponent"
  632. }
  633. "SkillGroup"
  634. {
  635. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s}"
  636. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You are now ranked as {4}{5}"
  637. }
  638. "Rc_PlayerRankStart"
  639. {
  640. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  641. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Refreshing profile data.."
  642. }
  643. "Rc_PlayerRankFinished"
  644. {
  645. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
  646. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Profile refreshed. [{4}{5}{6}]"
  647. }
  648. "EarnedPoints"
  649. {
  650. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
  651. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has earned {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"
  652. }
  653. "LostPoints"
  654. {
  655. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
  656. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"
  657. }
  658. "ChallengeW"
  659. {
  660. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
  661. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}"
  662. }
  663. "ChallengeL"
  664. {
  665. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}"
  666. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7}points{8}"
  667. }
  668. "NoReplayFound"
  669. {
  670. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  671. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No replay found."
  672. }
  673. "BotAlreadyCreated"
  674. {
  675. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  676. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay bot already spawned."
  677. }
  678. "NoPlayerTop"
  679. {
  680. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  681. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No players found."
  682. }
  683. "NoRecordTop"
  684. {
  685. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  686. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No map times found."
  687. }
  688. "Top100Players"
  689. {
  690. "en" "Top 100 Players"
  691. }
  692. "Top5Challengers"
  693. {
  694. "en" "Top 5 Challengers"
  695. }
  696. "Top5ProJumpers"
  697. {
  698. "en" "Top 5 Pro Jumpers"
  699. }
  700. "Top5TPJumpers"
  701. {
  702. "en" "Top 5 TP Jumpers"
  703. }
  704. "PrUpdateStarted"
  705. {
  706. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  707. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculating player rankings. This may take a while, please wait! (You can follow the progress in your console)"
  708. }
  709. "PrUpdateFinished"
  710. {
  711. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  712. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Recalculation finished!"
  713. }
  714. "Top100Refreshed"
  715. {
  716. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  717. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Top 100 Players recalculated!"
  718. }
  719. "StopRecalculation"
  720. {
  721. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  722. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculation stopped!"
  723. }
  724. "NewGlobalRecord102_Pro"
  725. {
  726. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  727. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102)"
  728. }
  729. "NewGlobalRecord128_Pro"
  730. {
  731. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  732. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD"
  733. }
  734. "NewGlobalRecord64_Pro"
  735. {
  736. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  737. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64)"
  738. }
  739. "NewGlobalRecord102_Tp"
  740. {
  741. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  742. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102)"
  743. }
  744. "NewGlobalRecord128_Tp"
  745. {
  746. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  747. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD"
  748. }
  749. "NewGlobalRecord64_Tp"
  750. {
  751. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  752. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64)"
  753. }
  754. "NewProRecord"
  755. {
  756. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  757. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}PRO RECORD"
  758. }
  759. "NewTpRecord"
  760. {
  761. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
  762. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}TP RECORD"
  763. }
  764. "ProRecord_Replay"
  765. {
  766. "#format" "{1:s}"
  767. "en" "Pro Record Replay ({1})"
  768. }
  769. "TPRecord_Replay"
  770. {
  771. "#format" "{1:s}"
  772. "en" "TP Record Replay ({1})"
  773. }
  774. "ReplayFinishingMsg"
  775. {
  776. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
  777. "en" "[{1}KZ REPLAY{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a time of ({6}{7}{8})."
  778. }
  779. "MapFinished0"
  780. {
  781. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
  782. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
  783. }
  784. "MapFinished1"
  785. {
  786. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:c},{13:i},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:s},{18:c}"
  787. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). {11}[rank {12}#{13}{14}/{15} | record {16}{17}{18}]"
  788. }
  789. "MapFinished2"
  790. {
  791. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
  792. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Improving their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
  793. }
  794. "MapFinished3"
  795. {
  796. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
  797. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Improving their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
  798. }
  799. "MapFinished4"
  800. {
  801. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
  802. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Missing their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
  803. }
  804. "MapFinished5"
  805. {
  806. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
  807. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Missing their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
  808. }
  809. "NoClipUnlocked"
  810. {
  811. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  812. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}NoClip unlocked (type into console: bind KEY +noclip)"
  813. }
  814. "PlayerNotFound"
  815. {
  816. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  817. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
  818. }
  819. "ConsoleOutput"
  820. {
  821. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  822. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] See console for output!"
  823. }
  824. "MacrodoxOutput"
  825. {
  826. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  827. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] See console for output!"
  828. }
  829. "Macrodox_InvalidParam"
  830. {
  831. "en" "Not found or invalid parameter."
  832. }
  833. "Macrodox_Usage"
  834. {
  835. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  836. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Usage: !bhopcheck <name> | @all | @me"
  837. }
  838. "PlayerHasNoMapRecords"
  839. {
  840. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  841. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have local map times."
  842. }
  843. "NoTpRecords"
  844. {
  845. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  846. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local TP times found on {3}"
  847. }
  848. "NoGlobalRecords64"
  849. {
  850. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  851. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 64) found on {3}"
  852. }
  853. "NoGlobalRecords102"
  854. {
  855. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  856. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 102.4) found on {3}"
  857. }
  858. "NoGlobalRecordsProMode"
  859. {
  860. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  861. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (ProMode) found on {3}"
  862. }
  863. "NoGlobalRecords128"
  864. {
  865. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  866. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 128) found on {3}"
  867. }
  868. "NoTopRecords"
  869. {
  870. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  871. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local times found on {3}"
  872. }
  873. "NoProRecords"
  874. {
  875. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  876. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local Pro times found on {3}"
  877. }
  878. "GlobalTop"
  879. {
  880. "en" "Global Top"
  881. }
  882. "GlobalTopTitle"
  883. {
  884. "#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
  885. "en" "Global Top {1} (tickrate {2})\n"
  886. }
  887. "GlobalTop20Overall"
  888. {
  889. "en" "Top 20 Global Overall"
  890. }
  891. "GlobalTop20Pro"
  892. {
  893. "en" "Top 20 Global Pro"
  894. }
  895. "GlobalTop20TP"
  896. {
  897. "en" "Top 20 Global TP"
  898. }
  899. "Top50Overall"
  900. {
  901. "en" "Top 50 Overall"
  902. }
  903. "Top20Pro"
  904. {
  905. "en" "Top 20 Pro"
  906. }
  907. "Top20TP"
  908. {
  909. "en" "Top 20 TP"
  910. }
  911. "AdminSetButton"
  912. {
  913. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  914. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! You must be alive to set a new button."
  915. }
  916. "NoclipNotAvailable2"
  917. {
  918. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  919. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must finish the map or be ranked as {3}, MAPPER, VIP or ADMIN to use +noclip"
  920. }
  921. "NoclipNotAvailable3"
  922. {
  923. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  924. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Noclip disabled (server-sided)"
  925. }
  926. "CMenuDisabled"
  927. {
  928. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  929. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu is disabled."
  930. }
  931. "StartDisabled"
  932. {
  933. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  934. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!start{4} command is disabled."
  935. }
  936. "Spec"
  937. {
  938. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  939. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to use {3}!spec."
  940. }
  941. "SpectatorMessage1"
  942. {
  943. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s}"
  944. "en" "{1}>>{2} Spectators ({3}{4}{5}):{6} {7}"
  945. }
  946. "SpectatorMessage2"
  947. {
  948. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c}"
  949. "en" "{1}>>{2} Spectators ({3}{4}{5})"
  950. }
  951. "SpecMenu1"
  952. {
  953. "en" "KZTimer - Spec Menu (press 'm' to rejoin a team!)"
  954. }
  955. "SpecMenu2"
  956. {
  957. "en" "KZTimer - Spec Menu"
  958. }
  959. "Unspec"
  960. {
  961. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  962. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!unspec{4} to go back to your old team."
  963. }
  964. "Goto1"
  965. {
  966. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  967. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!goto{4} command is serverside disabled."
  968. }
  969. "Goto2"
  970. {
  971. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  972. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't use {3}!goto{4} if player blocking is enabled."
  973. }
  974. "Goto3"
  975. {
  976. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  977. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must {3}!stop{4} your timer to use !goto."
  978. }
  979. "Goto4"
  980. {
  981. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  982. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
  983. }
  984. "Goto5"
  985. {
  986. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  987. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} has teleported to you."
  988. }
  989. "Goto6"
  990. {
  991. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  992. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because the player was crouching."
  993. }
  994. "Goto7"
  995. {
  996. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  997. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because he/she was not on ground."
  998. }
  999. "Goto8"
  1000. {
  1001. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1002. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to yourself."
  1003. }
  1004. "Goto9"
  1005. {
  1006. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  1007. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! Player {3} is not alive."
  1008. }
  1009. "Goto10"
  1010. {
  1011. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
  1012. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} disabled teleporting to him/her."
  1013. }
  1014. "SpeedMeter1"
  1015. {
  1016. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1017. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter enabled."
  1018. }
  1019. "SpeedMeter2"
  1020. {
  1021. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1022. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter disabled."
  1023. }
  1024. "TimerStopped1"
  1025. {
  1026. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1027. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer stopped."
  1028. }
  1029. "TimerStopped_Noclip"
  1030. {
  1031. "en" "[KZ] Timer stopped. Reason: +noclip used."
  1032. }
  1033. "CheckpointsDisabled"
  1034. {
  1035. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1036. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoints are disabled."
  1037. }
  1038. "CheckpointSaved"
  1039. {
  1040. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
  1041. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint {4}#{5}{6} saved."
  1042. }
  1043. "CheckpointsNotinAir"
  1044. {
  1045. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1046. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint not supported while in the air."
  1047. }
  1048. "CheckpointsNotonBhopPlattforms"
  1049. {
  1050. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1051. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint on a bunnyhop block forbidden."
  1052. }
  1053. "NoCheckpointsFound"
  1054. {
  1055. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1056. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints found."
  1057. }
  1058. "SettingsEnforcerEnabled"
  1059. {
  1060. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1061. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer enabled."
  1062. }
  1063. "SettingsEnforcerDisabled"
  1064. {
  1065. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1066. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer disabled."
  1067. }
  1068. "PositionRestored"
  1069. {
  1070. "#format" ""
  1071. "en" "<font color='#80FF00' size='24' face ='Calibri'><b> \n Your position has been restored!</b></font>"
  1072. }
  1073. "Compare_NoValidPlayers"
  1074. {
  1075. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1076. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No valid players found"
  1077. }
  1078. "CompareMenuTitle"
  1079. {
  1080. "en" "KZTimer - Compare Menu"
  1081. }
  1082. "RankingSystem"
  1083. {
  1084. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1085. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}]{3} Loading html page.. (requires cl_disablehtmlmotd 0)"
  1086. }
  1087. "TopRankedPlayer"
  1088. {
  1089. "#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
  1090. "en" "{1} [Top Ranked Player] - #{2}"
  1091. }
  1092. "TopRankedOnMap"
  1093. {
  1094. "#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:s}"
  1095. "en" "{1} [Top Ranked On Map] - #{2}, {3}"
  1096. }
  1097. "KZPro_NotSupported"
  1098. {
  1099. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1100. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint not supported while your timer is running (kzpro_ map)"
  1101. }
  1102. "RadioCommandsDisabled"
  1103. {
  1104. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1105. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Radio commands are disabled."
  1106. }
  1107. "Jumpstats_LjAll"
  1108. {
  1109. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s},{12:s}"
  1110. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LongJump{10}{11}{12}"
  1111. }
  1112. "Jumpstats_BhopAll"
  1113. {
  1114. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
  1115. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}Bunnyhop{10}{11}"
  1116. }
  1117. "Jumpstats_WeirdAll"
  1118. {
  1119. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
  1120. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}WeirdJump{10}{11}"
  1121. }
  1122. "Jumpstats_DropBhopAll"
  1123. {
  1124. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
  1125. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}DropBhop{10}{11}"
  1126. }
  1127. "Jumpstats_CountJumpAll"
  1128. {
  1129. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
  1130. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}CountJump{10}{11}"
  1131. }
  1132. "Jumpstats_MultiBhopAll"
  1133. {
  1134. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
  1135. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}MultiBhop{10}{11}"
  1136. }
  1137. "Jumpstats_OnRampage"
  1138. {
  1139. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
  1140. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is on rampage [3 leet jumps in a row]"
  1141. }
  1142. "Jumpstats_IsDominating"
  1143. {
  1144. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
  1145. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is dominating [5 leet jumps in a row]"
  1146. }
  1147. "Jumpstats_BeatLjBest"
  1148. {
  1149. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1150. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LongJump with a {4} jump!"
  1151. }
  1152. "Jumpstats_BeatLjBlockBest"
  1153. {
  1154. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}{4:i},{5:.3f}"
  1155. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Block LongJump with a {4} block and {5} jump!"
  1156. }
  1157. "Jumpstats_BeatWjBest"
  1158. {
  1159. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1160. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for WeirdJump with a {4} jump!"
  1161. }
  1162. "Jumpstats_BeatDropBhopBest"
  1163. {
  1164. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1165. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Drop-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
  1166. }
  1167. "Jumpstats_BeatCountJumpBest"
  1168. {
  1169. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1170. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for CountJump with a {4} jump!"
  1171. }
  1172. "Jumpstats_BeatBhopBest"
  1173. {
  1174. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1175. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
  1176. }
  1177. "Jumpstats_BeatMultiBhopBest"
  1178. {
  1179. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
  1180. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Multi-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
  1181. }
  1182. "Jumpstats_LjTop"
  1183. {
  1184. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1185. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LongJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1186. }
  1187. "Jumpstats_LjBlockTop"
  1188. {
  1189. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:i},{7:.3f}"
  1190. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Block LongJump Top 20! [{6} units block/{7} units jump]"
  1191. }
  1192. "Jumpstats_WjTop"
  1193. {
  1194. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1195. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the WeirdJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1196. }
  1197. "Jumpstats_DropBhopTop"
  1198. {
  1199. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1200. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Drop-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1201. }
  1202. "Jumpstats_CountJumpTop"
  1203. {
  1204. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1205. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the CountJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1206. }
  1207. "Jumpstats_BhopTop"
  1208. {
  1209. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1210. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1211. }
  1212. "Jumpstats_MultiBhopTop"
  1213. {
  1214. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
  1215. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Multi-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
  1216. }
  1217. "Hide1"
  1218. {
  1219. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1220. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players disabled."
  1221. }
  1222. "Hide2"
  1223. {
  1224. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1225. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players enabled."
  1226. }
  1227. "Pause1"
  1228. {
  1229. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1230. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause function is server-sided disabled."
  1231. }
  1232. "Pause2"
  1233. {
  1234. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1235. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause disabled."
  1236. }
  1237. "Pause3"
  1238. {
  1239. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1240. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause enabled."
  1241. }
  1242. "Pause4"
  1243. {
  1244. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:.1f}"
  1245. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Please wait {5} seconds before using pause again!{4}"
  1246. }
  1247. "Pause5"
  1248. {
  1249. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  1250. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't pause mid-air!{4}"
  1251. }
  1252. "Pause6"
  1253. {
  1254. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  1255. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't unpause.. yet!{4}"
  1256. }
  1257. "Showtime1"
  1258. {
  1259. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1260. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel enabled."
  1261. }
  1262. "Showtime2"
  1263. {
  1264. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1265. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel disabled."
  1266. }
  1267. "CpMessage1"
  1268. {
  1269. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1270. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message enabled."
  1271. }
  1272. "CpMessage2"
  1273. {
  1274. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1275. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message disabled."
  1276. }
  1277. "DisableGoto1"
  1278. {
  1279. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1280. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me enabled."
  1281. }
  1282. "DisableGoto2"
  1283. {
  1284. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1285. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me disabled."
  1286. }
  1287. "Colorchat1"
  1288. {
  1289. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1290. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat enabled."
  1291. }
  1292. "Colorchat2"
  1293. {
  1294. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1295. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat disabled."
  1296. }
  1297. "Route1"
  1298. {
  1299. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1300. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route enabled."
  1301. }
  1302. "Route2"
  1303. {
  1304. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1305. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route disabled."
  1306. }
  1307. "Info1"
  1308. {
  1309. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1310. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel enabled."
  1311. }
  1312. "Info2"
  1313. {
  1314. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1315. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel disabled."
  1316. }
  1317. "ShowKeys1"
  1318. {
  1319. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1320. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys enabled."
  1321. }
  1322. "ShowKeys2"
  1323. {
  1324. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1325. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys disabled."
  1326. }
  1327. "QuakeSounds1"
  1328. {
  1329. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1330. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds enabled."
  1331. }
  1332. "QuakeSounds2"
  1333. {
  1334. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1335. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds disabled."
  1336. }
  1337. "HideSpecs1"
  1338. {
  1339. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1340. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list enabled."
  1341. }
  1342. "HideSpecs2"
  1343. {
  1344. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1345. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list disabled."
  1346. }
  1347. "ClimbersMenuSounds1"
  1348. {
  1349. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1350. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds enabled."
  1351. }
  1352. "ClimbersMenuSounds2"
  1353. {
  1354. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1355. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds disabled."
  1356. }
  1357. "StrafeSync1"
  1358. {
  1359. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1360. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat enabled."
  1361. }
  1362. "StrafeSync2"
  1363. {
  1364. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1365. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat disabled."
  1366. }
  1367. "AutoBhop1"
  1368. {
  1369. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1370. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop enabled."
  1371. }
  1372. "AutoBhop2"
  1373. {
  1374. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1375. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop disabled."
  1376. }
  1377. "AutoBhop3"
  1378. {
  1379. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1380. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop disabled. (server-sided)"
  1381. }
  1382. "AdvClimbersMenu1"
  1383. {
  1384. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1385. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu enabled."
  1386. }
  1387. "AdvClimbersMenu2"
  1388. {
  1389. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1390. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu disabled."
  1391. }
  1392. "Usp1"
  1393. {
  1394. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1395. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Note: Movement speed is slower than with a knife."
  1396. }
  1397. "Usp2"
  1398. {
  1399. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1400. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] (no other weapons via chat command available)"
  1401. }
  1402. "Usp3"
  1403. {
  1404. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
  1405. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Nope. You already received 3 USP's.."
  1406. }
  1407. "HelpMsg"
  1408. {
  1409. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  1410. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!help{4} in chat to get a list of KZTimer commands"
  1411. }
  1412. "TierMsg"
  1413. {
  1414. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  1415. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!tier{4} to check the map's difficulty!"
  1416. }
  1417. "Disconnected1"
  1418. {
  1419. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:s}"
  1420. "en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} has left the game. ({5})"
  1421. }
  1422. "Connected2"
  1423. {
  1424. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s}"
  1425. "en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected from {5}{6}"
  1426. }
  1427. "Connected1"
  1428. {
  1429. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c}"
  1430. "en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected."
  1431. }
  1432. "Bhop1"
  1433. {
  1434. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
  1435. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}Bhop{10}"
  1436. }
  1437. "DropBhop1"
  1438. {
  1439. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
  1440. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}DropBhop{9}"
  1441. }
  1442. "DropBhop2"
  1443. {
  1444. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
  1445. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}DropBhop{10}"
  1446. }
  1447. "Wj1"
  1448. {
  1449. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
  1450. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
  1451. }
  1452. "Wj2"
  1453. {
  1454. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
  1455. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}300.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
  1456. }
  1457. "Top20Longjump"
  1458. {
  1459. "en" "Top 20 Longjump"
  1460. }
  1461. "Top20BlockLongjump"
  1462. {
  1463. "en" "Top 20 Block Longjump"
  1464. }
  1465. "Top20Bhop"
  1466. {
  1467. "en" "Top 20 Bhop"
  1468. }
  1469. "Top20Multibhop"
  1470. {
  1471. "en" "Top 20 MultiBhop"
  1472. }
  1473. "Top20DropBhop"
  1474. {
  1475. "en" "Top 20 DropBhop"
  1476. }
  1477. "Top20Weirdjump"
  1478. {
  1479. "en" "Top 20 Weirdjump"
  1480. }
  1481. "Top20Ladderjump"
  1482. {
  1483. "en" "Top 20 Ladderjump"
  1484. }
  1485. "Top20Countjump"
  1486. {
  1487. "en" "Top 20 Countjump"
  1488. }
  1489. "JumpTopTitle"
  1490. {
  1491. "#format" "{1:i}"
  1492. "en" "Jump Top (tickrate {1})"
  1493. }
  1494. "ProfileMenuTitle"
  1495. {
  1496. "en" "KZTimer - Profile Menu"
  1497. }
  1498. "GoToMenuTitle"
  1499. {
  1500. "en" "KZTimer - Goto"
  1501. }
  1502. "TopMenuTitle"
  1503. {
  1504. "en" "KZTimer - Top Menu"
  1505. }
  1506. "MapTopTitle"
  1507. {
  1508. "#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
  1509. "en" "Map Top {1} (tickrate {2})\n"
  1510. }
  1511. "MapTop"
  1512. {
  1513. "en" "Map Top"
  1514. }
  1515. "JumpTop"
  1516. {
  1517. "en" "Jump Top"
  1518. }
  1519. "ClimbersMenu1_1"
  1520. {
  1521. "#format" "{1:i}"
  1522. "en" "Checkpoint #{1}"
  1523. }
  1524. "ClimbersMenu2_1"
  1525. {
  1526. "#format" "{1:i}"
  1527. "en" "Teleport #{1}"
  1528. }
  1529. "ClimbersMenu1_2"
  1530. {
  1531. "#format" "{1:i}"
  1532. "en" "CP #{1}"
  1533. }
  1534. "ClimbersMenu2_2"
  1535. {
  1536. "#format" "{1:i}"
  1537. "en" "TP #{1}"
  1538. }
  1539. "ClimbersMenu3"
  1540. {
  1541. "en" "Prev CP"
  1542. }
  1543. "ClimbersMenu4"
  1544. {
  1545. "en" "Next CP"
  1546. }
  1547. "ClimbersMenu5"
  1548. {
  1549. "en" "Undo TP"
  1550. }
  1551. "ClimbersMenu6"
  1552. {
  1553. "en" "Pause"
  1554. }
  1555. "ClimbersMenu7"
  1556. {
  1557. "en" "Pause - ON"
  1558. }
  1559. "ClimbersMenu8"
  1560. {
  1561. "en" "Start"
  1562. }
  1563. "ClimbersMenu9"
  1564. {
  1565. "en" "Options"
  1566. }
  1567. "ClimbersMenu10"
  1568. {
  1569. "#format" "{1:s},{2:.1f}"
  1570. "en" "{1}\nSpeed: {2} u/s"
  1571. }
  1572. "ClimbersMenu11"
  1573. {
  1574. "en" "Checkpoint"
  1575. }
  1576. "ClimbersMenu12"
  1577. {
  1578. "en" "Teleport"
  1579. }
  1580. "ClimbersMenu13"
  1581. {
  1582. "en" "CP"
  1583. }
  1584. "ClimbersMenu14"
  1585. {
  1586. "en" "TP"
  1587. }
  1588. "ClientLongJumpBlockFailstats"
  1589. {
  1590. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:c},{25:.3f},{26:c},{27:s}"
  1591. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Distance{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync | {24}{25}{26} JumpOff Edge]{27}"
  1592. }
  1593. "ClientLongJump1"
  1594. {
  1595. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
  1596. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
  1597. }
  1598. "ClientLongJump2"
  1599. {
  1600. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
  1601. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} JumpOff | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
  1602. }
  1603. "ClientLongJump3"
  1604. {
  1605. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s},{25:s}"
  1606. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}{25}"
  1607. }
  1608. "ClientLongJump4"
  1609. {
  1610. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
  1611. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} JumpOff | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
  1612. }
  1613. "ClientMultiBhop1"
  1614. {
  1615. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c}{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c}"
  1616. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13}{14} Sync]"
  1617. }
  1618. "ClientMultiBhop2"
  1619. {
  1620. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s},{22:c},{23:c},{24:i},{25:c},{26:c},{27:s}"
  1621. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22} Bhops | {23}{24}{25}{26} Sync]{27}"
  1622. }
  1623. "ClientDropBhop1"
  1624. {
  1625. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
  1626. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
  1627. }
  1628. "ClientDropBhop2"
  1629. {
  1630. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
  1631. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
  1632. }
  1633. "ClientCountJump1"
  1634. {
  1635. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
  1636. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
  1637. }
  1638. "ClientCountJump2"
  1639. {
  1640. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
  1641. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
  1642. }
  1643. "ClientWeirdJump1"
  1644. {
  1645. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
  1646. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
  1647. }
  1648. "ClientWeirdJump2"
  1649. {
  1650. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
  1651. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
  1652. }
  1653. "ClientBunnyhop1"
  1654. {
  1655. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
  1656. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
  1657. }
  1658. "ClientBunnyhop2"
  1659. {
  1660. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
  1661. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
  1662. }
  1663. "ProRecord"
  1664. {
  1665. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1666. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
  1667. }
  1668. "TpRecord"
  1669. {
  1670. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1671. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
  1672. }
  1673. "GlobalRecord1_Pro"
  1674. {
  1675. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1676. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
  1677. }
  1678. "GlobalRecord1_Tp"
  1679. {
  1680. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1681. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
  1682. }
  1683. "GlobalRecord2_Pro"
  1684. {
  1685. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1686. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
  1687. }
  1688. "GlobalRecord2_Tp"
  1689. {
  1690. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1691. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
  1692. }
  1693. "GlobalRecord3_Pro"
  1694. {
  1695. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1696. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
  1697. }
  1698. "GlobalRecord3_Tp"
  1699. {
  1700. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
  1701. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
  1702. }
  1703. "LanguageSwitch"
  1704. {
  1705. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
  1706. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!language{4} in chat to select a different language"
  1707. }
  1708. "LjBlock"
  1709. {
  1710. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c}"
  1711. "en" " {1}[{2}{3} block{4}]"
  1712. }
  1713. "BlockMenuTitle"
  1714. {
  1715. "en" "KZTimer - Block Jump"
  1716. }
  1717. "BlockMenu_SelectDest"
  1718. {
  1719. "en" "Select Destination"
  1720. }
  1721. "BlockMenu_ResetDest"
  1722. {
  1723. "en" "Reset Destination"
  1724. }
  1725. "MeasureMenuTitle"
  1726. {
  1727. "en" "KZTimer - Measure"
  1728. }
  1729. "Measure_Point1"
  1730. {
  1731. "en" "Point 1 (Red)"
  1732. }
  1733. "Measure_Point2"
  1734. {
  1735. "en" "Point 2 (Green)"
  1736. }
  1737. "Measure_FindDist"
  1738. {
  1739. "en" "Find Distance"
  1740. }
  1741. "Measure_Reset"
  1742. {
  1743. "en" "Reset"
  1744. }
  1745. "Cant_Checkpoint_Just_Landed"
  1746. {
  1747. "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
  1748. "en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't make a checkpoint because you just landed."
  1749. }
  1750. }
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