
E-Z Fantasy world generator

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. E-Z Fantasy World Generator
  2. 1. Government
  3. 1. Absolute monarch
  4. 2. King and council
  5. 3. Oligarchy
  6. 4. Theocracy
  7. 5. Elite democracy
  8. 6. Full democracy
  9. 7. Warlord
  10. 8. Clan leaders only, perhaps a king in wartime
  11. 9. None at all
  12. 2. How is the leader chosen?
  13. 1. Heredity
  14. 2. By family council
  15. 3. By the secondary powers (council, priests, voters - see previous item)
  16. 4. By contests of skill, strength, and/or intelligence
  17. 5. By the military
  18. 6. By divine powers
  19. 7. Randomly
  20. 8. By a secret cabal
  21. 3. How unified is the country?
  22. 1. Completely centralized
  23. 2. Nobles govern their own lands but king is powerful
  24. 3. The center has few uncontested powers
  25. 4. No central power
  26. 4. How tolerant are people?
  27. 1. No dissent allowed!
  28. 2. Best to follow convention
  29. 3. Eccentricity is mocked but permitted
  30. 4. Do as you please
  31. 5. How do most people get their food?
  32. 1. hunting and gathering
  33. 2. Fishing
  34. 3. Garden agriculture (plots cleared, cultivated awhile, then abandoned)
  35. 4. Rainfall agriculture
  36. 5. Irrigation agriculture
  37. 6. Animal herds (pastorialism)
  38. 7. Magic
  39. 8. Algae vats and slabs of mutant chicken meat
  40. 6. What's the climate?
  41. 1. Temperate
  42. 2. Tropical
  43. 3. Extreme - deserts, mountains, tundra
  44. 4. Unusual - the sea, outer space, the spirit realm
  45. 7. What kind of economy is there?
  46. 1. Communities are self-sufficient except for luxuries
  47. 2. Command economy - industry controlled by the state
  48. 3. Nationwide market economy
  49. 4. The nation is part of a sophisticated international trade network
  50. 8. How does the army work?
  51. 1. Professional standing army
  52. 2. The powers that be each have their own army
  53. 3. The citizens as a whole form the army
  54. 4. There's nothing we'd call an army
  55. 9. What's the most-used weapon?
  56. 1. Bow and arrow
  57. 2. Sword
  58. 3. Spears or pikes
  59. 4. Guns
  60. 5. Antimatter propulsors
  61. 6. One's own body
  62. 7. Magic
  63. 10. What's the literacy level?
  64. 1. Nearly universal
  65. 2. Only the elite
  66. 3. None
  67. 4. Writing is superseded by telepathy or high technology
  68. 11. How prevalent is magic?
  69. 1. Almost everyone can use it
  70. 2. Restricted to a small, secretive class
  71. 3. Rare - there are only a few wizards
  72. 4. Nonexistent
  73. 12. What is the essence of magic?
  74. 1. A biological ability
  75. 2. A natural power that can be harnessed like technology
  76. 3. A natural resource (e.g. mana) which may be exhausted
  77. 4. Communing with supernatural beings
  78. 5. Accessing a separate dimension
  79. 6. Special properties of some herbs or minerals
  80. 7. Superstition and chicanery
  81. 13. What's the overall technology?
  82. 1. Tribal
  83. 2. Bronze age (looms, kilns, chariots, spears)
  84. 3. Classical (sailing ships, aqueducts, water mills, swords)
  85. 4. Renaissance (telescopes, watches, windmills, artillery)
  86. 5. Early modern (science, rifles, sailing ships, factories)
  87. 6. Age of steam
  88. 7. Contemporary
  89. 8. Futuristic
  90. 9. Godlike
  91. 14. What do people worship or invoke?
  92. 1. God
  93. 2. The gods
  94. 3. Spirit animals
  95. 4. Their ancestors
  96. 5. Another species
  97. 6. Minor spiritual beings
  98. 7. Nothing
  99. 15. What is the most admired class? Or to put it another way, whose values and interests are paramount?
  100. 1. Nobles and kings
  101. 2. Priests and clerics
  102. 3. The military
  103. 4. Merchants or manufacturers
  104. 5. Scholars or magicians
  105. 6. Another species
  106. 16. What's the lowest class?
  107. 1. Slaves
  108. 2. Serfs
  109. 3. A motley collection of poor people
  110. 4. Castes devoted to unpleasant jobs (e.g. gravediggers)
  111. 5. A foreign community or racial minority
  112. 6. Another species
  113. 17. How are women treated?
  114. 1. Equally with men
  115. 2. Men are completely dominant
  116. 3. Men are usually the leaders, but there are powerful women and some female-run institutions
  117. 4. The sexes divide up work and control different institutions in society
  118. 5. Women are in control
  119. 18. What's the attitude towards sex?
  120. 1. Restricted to marriage
  121. 2. Marriage is one thing, romance/sex is another
  122. 3. There are some accepted outlets besides marriage
  123. 4. Freely indulged
  124. 5. Restricted to an elite
  125. 19. What are the major species?
  126. 1. Just humans
  127. 2. Just humanoid cats
  128. 3. Several species, but separated by region or habitat
  129. 4. Several species, fairly intermingled
  130. 5. Several species, separated by class or profession (e.g. one forms the servant class)
  131. 20. What's the most pressing problem?
  132. 1. Other nations (barbarians or civilized states)
  133. 2. Demons
  134. 3. Another species
  135. 4. Rebellion or civil war
  136. 5. Tyranny
  137. 6. A dangerous secret cabal
  138. 7. Ecological collapse
  139. 8. Just ordinary cussedness
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