

Feb 6th, 2021
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  1. Mindless Traveler Ch2
  3. islegendary=False
  4. requiredquestpoints=20
  5. rewardquestpoints=3
  6. canpreview=true
  7. previewtext=The Guru of Kuan-Ti has knowledge of where the mysterious man and his companion have headed to next.
  8. ignoresquestlimit=False
  9. repeatdays=-1
  10. objectives
  11. {
  12. stage=0
  13. {
  14. {
  15. description=Find the Guru
  16. hint=His house is by the entrance of Kuan-Ti
  17. timestocomplete=1
  18. hidden=True
  19. infinite=False
  20. triggers
  21. {
  22. show_title(delay=5;titletext=Mindless Traveler Chapter 2;titlecolour=dark_green;subtitletext=Quest Started)
  23. }
  24. conditions
  25. {
  26. has_completed(flipped=False;completedquestname=Mindless Traveler Ch1)
  27. }
  28. type=chat_npc(uuid=104a6a5f-188c-4c9e-ad8c-998a6bc7517d;chatline1=The man you seek is a very sick man.;chatline2=No not sick of body but sick of mind.;chatline3=I tried to help him..;chatline4=Meditation alone could not stop the voices in his head.;chatline5=Finally, I sent them to Ione.;chatline6=A friend of mine makes small sculptures with running water.;chatline7=My hope is the sound will help him focus his meditations. His shop is just as you enter Ione.)
  29. }
  30. }
  31. stage=1
  32. {
  33. {
  34. description=Find the shop in Ione the Guru mentioned
  35. hint=The shop is in the Ione Market.
  36. timestocomplete=1
  37. hidden=False
  38. infinite=False
  39. triggers
  40. {
  41. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bAs you get closer to the store, you smell smoke.)
  42. }
  43. type=enter_zone(minx=799;maxx=811;miny=68;maxy=72;minz=-182;maxz=-174;world=Vanha)
  44. }
  45. }
  46. stage=2
  47. {
  48. {
  49. description=Talk to the Shop Owner
  50. hint=The shop is in the Ione Market, and on fire.
  51. timestocomplete=1
  52. hidden=False
  53. infinite=False
  54. type=chat_npc(uuid=08fe61d5-9f0e-4c2c-9145-7942b976ead5;chatline1=We are closed! Did the fire not give that away?;chatline2=If you need something talk to my daughter.)
  55. }
  56. }
  57. stage=3
  58. {
  59. {
  60. description=Talk to his daughter
  61. hint=The shop is in the Ione market, and on fire.
  62. timestocomplete=1
  63. hidden=False
  64. infinite=False
  65. type=chat_npc(uuid=df6dc27b-646d-4517-9b4b-837b171d9ea0;chatline1=Please excuse my father, two men came earlier and completely wrecked the shop.;chatline2=The younger one was goading the older one on, it was scary.;chatline3=I didn't talk to them much, I left that to my father.;chatline4=I think he knows where they went, but he's so worried about the shop I don't think he will want to talk about it.;chatline5=If you gathered some of the items those men destroyed he might talk to you about it.;chatline6=Within the hills near the old towns entrance there is a small cave, marked with flowers, which deep within it houses a mineral pool.;chatline7=Collect some of the water there. Return when you have.)
  66. }
  67. }
  68. stage=4
  69. {
  70. {
  71. description=Find the cave marked with flowers
  72. hint=It's straight out from the entrance of New Ione
  73. timestocomplete=1
  74. hidden=False
  75. infinite=False
  76. triggers
  77. {
  78. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou found the cave!)
  79. }
  80. type=enter_zone(minx=606;maxx=614;miny=91;maxy=98;minz=-130;maxz=-123;world=Vanha)
  81. }
  82. }
  83. stage=5
  84. {
  85. {
  86. description=Go inside and collect the water
  87. hint=It's straight out from the entrance of New Ione
  88. timestocomplete=1
  89. hidden=False
  90. infinite=False
  91. triggers
  92. {
  93. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bThis is the pool she was talking about.)
  94. spawn_and_battle(delay=1;name=Vaporeon;level=45)
  95. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bAs you bend over the water to collect it, a Vaporeon jumps out and attacks you!)
  96. }
  97. type=enter_zone(minx=600;maxx=609;miny=87;maxy=94;minz=-138;maxz=-130;world=Vanha)
  98. }
  99. }
  100. stage=6
  101. {
  102. {
  103. description=Defend yourself!
  104. hint=This is catch-able, good luck!
  105. timestocomplete=1
  106. hidden=False
  107. infinite=False
  108. triggers
  109. {
  110. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=8)
  111. }
  112. type=catch_pokemon(name=Vaporeon)
  113. }
  114. {
  115. description=A description
  116. hint=An optional hint
  117. timestocomplete=1
  118. hidden=True
  119. infinite=False
  120. triggers
  121. {
  122. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=8)
  123. }
  124. type=kill_pokemon(name=Vaporeon)
  125. }
  126. {
  127. description=A description
  128. hint=An optional hint
  129. timestocomplete=1
  130. hidden=True
  131. infinite=False
  132. triggers
  133. {
  134. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=7)
  135. warp(delay=1;world=Vanha;x=618;y=92;z=-121)
  136. }
  137. type=flee_from_pokemon(name=Vaporeon)
  138. }
  139. {
  140. description=A description
  141. hint=An optional hint
  142. timestocomplete=1
  143. hidden=True
  144. infinite=False
  145. triggers
  146. {
  147. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=7)
  148. warp(delay=1;world=Vanha;x=618;y=92;z=-121)
  149. }
  150. type=run_out_of_pokemon()
  151. }
  152. {
  153. description=A description
  154. hint=An optional hint
  155. timestocomplete=1
  156. hidden=True
  157. infinite=False
  158. triggers
  159. {
  160. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=8)
  161. warp(delay=1;world=Vanha;x=618;y=92;z=-121)
  162. }
  163. type=battle_end_abnormal()
  164. }
  165. }
  166. stage=7
  167. {
  168. {
  169. description=That didn't go well (Auto)
  170. hint=Return to the entrance of the cave.
  171. timestocomplete=1
  172. hidden=False
  173. infinite=False
  174. triggers
  175. {
  176. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bThe Vaporeon chases you out of its cave!)
  177. skip_to_stage(delay=2;stage=4)
  178. }
  179. type=enter_zone(minx=604;maxx=623;miny=84;maxy=98;minz=-130;maxz=-118;world=Vanha)
  180. }
  181. }
  182. stage=8
  183. {
  184. {
  185. description=Go deep inside the cave and collect the water
  186. hint=It's straight out from the entrance of New Ione
  187. timestocomplete=1
  188. hidden=False
  189. infinite=False
  190. triggers
  191. {
  192. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bAfter defeating the Vaporeon, you collect the water.)
  193. fire_command(delay=1;command=/give PLAYER pixelmon:potion 1 0 {display:{Name:"Mineral Water",Lore:["Do not drink!"]}})
  194. }
  195. type=enter_zone(minx=590;maxx=601;miny=85;maxy=92;minz=-169;maxz=-161;world=Vanha)
  196. }
  197. }
  198. stage=9
  199. {
  200. {
  201. description=Bring back the water to Zoey
  202. hint=The shop is in the Ione Market, and on fire.
  203. timestocomplete=1
  204. hidden=False
  205. infinite=False
  206. triggers
  207. {
  208. take_item(delay=0;itemid=Potion;count=1)
  209. }
  210. conditions
  211. {
  212. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=Potion;count=1)
  213. }
  214. type=chat_npc(uuid=df6dc27b-646d-4517-9b4b-837b171d9ea0;chatline1=Oh! Thank you, that was fast!;chatline2=Thank you so much! Here for your trouble!;chatline3=One last thing, we need to replace the stone those men broke.;chatline4=Not just any stone will do, it needs to have iron flowing throughout.;chatline5=It helps with the harmonics.;chatline6=If you could find some that would help us out a lot.;chatline7=We will need at least ten blocks of ironstone.)
  215. }
  216. }
  217. stage=10
  218. {
  219. {
  220. description=Collect 10 "Ironstone"
  221. hint=Collect 10 Iron ore from the wild, using /rtp.
  222. timestocomplete=10
  223. hidden=False
  224. infinite=False
  225. type=obtain_item(itemid=Iron Ore)
  226. }
  227. }
  228. stage=11
  229. {
  230. {
  231. description=Bring the "Ironstone" back to the shop
  232. hint=The shop is in the Ione Market.
  233. timestocomplete=1
  234. hidden=False
  235. infinite=False
  236. triggers
  237. {
  238. give_money(delay=0;amount=500)
  239. take_item(delay=0;itemid=Iron Ore;count=10)
  240. }
  241. conditions
  242. {
  243. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=Iron Ore;count=10)
  244. }
  245. type=chat_npc(uuid=df6dc27b-646d-4517-9b4b-837b171d9ea0;chatline1=Thank you so much!;chatline2=You've saved our shop!;chatline3=You should talk to my father now, thank you again!)
  246. }
  247. }
  248. stage=12
  249. {
  250. {
  251. description=Talk to the Shopkeeper
  252. hint=The shop is indoors, across a small bridge.
  253. timestocomplete=1
  254. hidden=False
  255. infinite=False
  256. triggers
  257. {
  258. show_title(delay=5;titletext=Mindless Traveler Chapter 2;titlecolour=dark_green;subtitletext=Quest Complete)
  259. }
  260. type=chat_npc(uuid=08fe61d5-9f0e-4c2c-9145-7942b976ead5;chatline1=You have saved our shop.;chatline2=Why you would want to follow those maniacs is beyond me.;chatline3=I hope they never darken our door again.;chatline4=Before they started to wreck the place, they mentioned going to the Incense Shop in Arvandor.;chatline5=You might be able to catch up to them there.)
  261. }
  262. }
  263. }
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