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- Building configuration...
- Current configuration : 31926 bytes
- !
- ! Last configuration change at 23:14:14 utc1 Sun Aug 22 2010 by danny
- ! NVRAM config last updated at 09:39:29 utc1 Tue May 18 2010
- !
- version 12.4
- service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
- service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
- no service password-encryption
- service sequence-numbers
- !
- hostname Gal_R
- !
- boot-start-marker
- boot system flash:c2800nm-ipvoicek9-mz.124-22.T.bin
- boot-end-marker
- !
- card type e1 0 2
- logging message-counter syslog
- logging buffered 51200
- logging console critical
- enable secret 5 *****************
- !
- aaa new-model
- !
- !
- aaa authentication banner ^CCCCC
- *************************************************************
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Authorized Access only allowed **
- *************************************************************^C
- aaa authentication password-prompt enter-password:
- aaa authentication username-prompt enter-usrname:
- aaa authentication login default local
- !
- !
- aaa session-id common
- clock timezone utc1 2
- network-clock-participate wic 2
- network-clock-select 1 E1 0/2/0
- !
- dot11 syslog
- no ip source-route
- !
- !
- ip cef
- ip dhcp excluded-address
- ip dhcp excluded-address
- !
- ip dhcp pool Voice
- network
- default-router
- option 150 ip
- !
- !
- no ip domain lookup
- no ipv6 cef
- multilink bundle-name authenticated
- !
- stcapp ccm-group 1
- stcapp
- !
- stcapp feature access-code
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- isdn switch-type primary-net5
- !
- !
- !
- voice service voip
- allow-connections h323 to h323
- allow-connections h323 to sip
- allow-connections sip to h323
- allow-connections sip to sip
- fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- voice hunt-group 17 parallel
- list 762,755,770,760,750,774,775,769,761,772,751
- timeout 90
- pilot 5500
- !
- !
- voice hunt-group 18 parallel
- list 762,755,770,760,750,774,775,769,761,772,751
- timeout 90
- pilot 5505
- !
- !
- !
- voice translation-rule 1
- rule 1 /3/ /1222/
- !
- voice translation-rule 2
- rule 1 /01/ /01/
- rule 2 /00/ /00/
- !
- voice translation-rule 3
- rule 1 /9132777/ /5500/
- !
- !
- voice translation-profile 1
- translate called 1
- !
- voice translation-profile 2
- translate called 2
- !
- voice translation-profile 3
- translate called 3
- !
- !
- voice-card 0
- !
- !
- crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1312548437
- enrollment selfsigned
- subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1312548437
- revocation-check none
- rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1312548437
- !
- !
- crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1312548437
- certificate self-signed 01
- 3082023D 308201A6 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
- 31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
- 69666963 6174652D 31333132 35343834 3337301E 170D3130 30333235 31363334
- 35335A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
- 4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 33313235
- 34383433 3730819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
- 8100A659 E9F3F4F5 23E4F5E8 9B7E4A30 21F7DAA6 6EB288B8 5895E952 21B90945
- C04A25B0 665378C3 B2FBD4AD B66C0FB4 21F6E4A7 BB1D5B4F 4952A377 4C70AC17
- 8B36AE69 F5B94DAB 91397185 4A7EAA2D A7C29F87 4436AFCA F6D86F2E 4819F478
- 3B73BBA2 AFC1998F 0DB1297D 0A05A0AC 299ABFF5 6A3522F4 C8E87B00 DD98AEBE
- 09DB0203 010001A3 65306330 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30100603
- 551D1104 09300782 0547616C 5F52301F 0603551D 23041830 168014A2 D24D347D
- CDC42E2C 61A0E18E 9A91DAEF 13EAA330 1D060355 1D0E0416 0414A2D2 4D347DCD
- C42E2C61 A0E18E9A 91DAEF13 EAA3300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181
- 0012B75A 88B074B9 8E69BF30 BDCA0C37 F811404A 440EEC71 3A13C438 9603E00B
- 5927DC32 311B4F78 AEF5172B 5C040730 7638AE73 04ABB98A 9D13FC96 1965A914
- 7CCA912A D609A15D 860D4C3E FE8D052B 59F2B78C 11ED55AE BEEB4B79 8A16BC8C
- 6E2F0296 2F448880 8640ABDD 468DABA5 7F05EB86 3EF62F2F 7898E4D2 2EC04109 CC
- quit
- !
- !
- dial-control-mib retain-timer 3000
- dial-control-mib max-size 1200
- username bezeqint password 0 *****
- username danny privilege 15 secret 5 ***************
- archive
- log config
- hidekeys
- !
- !
- controller E1 0/2/0
- pri-group timeslots 1-31
- description CONNECT TO PSTN_PRI
- !
- !
- !
- !
- !
- interface FastEthernet0/0
- ip address
- duplex auto
- speed auto
- !
- interface Service-Engine0/0
- ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
- service-module ip address
- service-module ip default-gateway
- !
- interface FastEthernet0/1
- ip address
- shutdown
- duplex full
- speed 100
- !
- interface Serial0/2/0:15
- no ip address
- encapsulation hdlc
- isdn switch-type primary-net5
- isdn incoming-voice voice
- no cdp enable
- !
- no ip forward-protocol nd
- ip route
- ip route
- ip route FastEthernet0/1
- ip route Service-Engine0/0
- ip route
- !
- ip http server
- ip http authentication local
- ip http secure-server
- ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
- !
- !
- no logging trap
- !
- !
- !
- tftp-server flash:apps31.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:cnu31.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:cvm31sccp.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:dsp31.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:jar31sccp.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:SCCP31.8-3-3S.loads
- tftp-server flash:term31.default.loads
- tftp-server flash:apps11.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:cnu11.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:cvm11sccp.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:dsp11.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:jar11sccp.8-3-2-27.sbn
- tftp-server flash:SCCP11.8-3-3S.loads
- tftp-server flash:term11.default.loads
- tftp-server
- tftp-server flash:Analog1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Analog2.raw
- tftp-server flash:AreYouThere.raw
- tftp-server flash:AreYouThereF.raw
- tftp-server flash:Bass.raw
- tftp-server flash:CallBack.raw
- tftp-server flash:Chime.raw
- tftp-server flash:Classic1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Classic2.raw
- tftp-server flash:ClockShop.raw
- tftp-server flash:DistinctiveRingList.xml
- tftp-server flash:RingList.xml
- tftp-server flash:Jamaica.raw
- tftp-server flash:Pop.raw
- tftp-server flash:Pulse1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring2.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring3.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring4.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring5.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring6.raw
- tftp-server flash:Ring7.raw
- tftp-server flash:Sax1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Sax2.raw
- tftp-server flash:Vibe.raw
- tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Piano2.raw
- tftp-server flash:MusicBox.raw
- tftp-server flash:FilmScore.raw
- tftp-server flash:KotoEffect.raw
- tftp-server flash:HarpSynth.raw
- tftp-server flash:Drums1.raw
- tftp-server flash:Drums2.raw
- !
- control-plane
- !
- !
- !
- voice-port 0/0/0
- cptone IL
- timeouts ringing infinity
- !
- voice-port 0/0/1
- input gain 2
- cptone IL
- timeouts ringing infinity
- timing digit 340
- timing inter-digit 500
- !
- voice-port 0/0/2
- cptone IL
- timeouts ringing infinity
- !
- voice-port 0/0/3
- cptone IL
- timeouts ringing infinity
- !
- voice-port 0/2/0:15
- cptone IL
- !
- voice-port 0/1/0
- cptone IL
- connection plar 5500
- impedance complex2
- station-id name Orange_Interface
- station-id number 0545619095
- caller-id enable
- !
- voice-port 0/1/1
- cptone IL
- connection plar 5500
- impedance complex2
- station-id name Orange_Interface
- station-id number 0546526922
- caller-id enable
- !
- no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
- ccm-manager music-on-hold
- ccm-manager sccp local FastEthernet0/0
- !
- mgcp fax t38 ecm
- !
- sccp local FastEthernet0/0
- sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0
- sccp ip precedence 1
- sccp
- !
- sccp ccm group 1
- associate ccm 1 priority 1
- !
- !
- dial-peer voice 200 pots
- description connected to Pstn
- destination-pattern 0[2349].......
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- fax rate disable
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 9
- !
- dial-peer voice 201 pots
- description connected to Pstn 08 only
- destination-pattern 08.......
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 7
- !
- dial-peer voice 202 pots
- description connected to emergency/services
- destination-pattern 1[1245690][23567890]
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 3
- !
- dial-peer voice 203 pots
- description connected to 072,077
- destination-pattern 07[1234789].......
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 204 pots
- description dial-to Mobile
- preference 3
- destination-pattern 05[02479].......
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 205 pots
- description connected to *XXXX
- translation-profile outgoing 1
- destination-pattern 3....
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 8
- !
- dial-peer voice 206 pots
- description Call Services Services
- destination-pattern 1534T
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 11
- !
- dial-peer voice 207 pots
- description connected International calls International
- translation-profile outgoing 2
- destination-pattern 01[1234578]T
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits all
- !
- dial-peer voice 208 pots
- description connected International calls International
- translation-profile outgoing 2
- destination-pattern 00T
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits all
- !
- dial-peer voice 209 pots
- description Call To 1800/1700/1809
- destination-pattern 1[78][0][09]......
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 210 pots
- description Defaultive pots
- translation-profile incoming 3
- incoming called-number .
- fax rate disable
- direct-inward-dial
- port 0/2/0:15
- !
- dial-peer voice 211 pots
- description Call To 188
- destination-pattern 188
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 3
- !
- dial-peer voice 100 voip
- description Connected to PRI-Bezeq
- translation-profile outgoing 4
- destination-pattern 132...
- progress_ind setup enable 1
- progress_ind progress enable 1
- modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw
- session target ipv4:
- dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
- codec g711ulaw
- no vad
- !
- dial-peer voice 600 pots
- service stcapp
- port 0/0/0
- !
- dial-peer voice 601 pots
- service stcapp
- port 0/0/1
- !
- dial-peer voice 602 pots
- service stcapp
- port 0/0/2
- !
- dial-peer voice 603 pots
- service stcapp
- port 0/0/3
- !
- dial-peer voice 800 voip
- destination-pattern 400.
- session protocol sipv2
- session target ipv4:
- dtmf-relay sip-notify
- codec g711ulaw
- no vad
- !
- dial-peer voice 801 voip
- destination-pattern 50[12]...
- session protocol sipv2
- session target ipv4:
- dtmf-relay sip-notify
- codec g711ulaw
- no vad
- !
- dial-peer voice 214 pots
- description Call To services
- destination-pattern 1[012469][0123469]
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 3
- !
- dial-peer voice 215 pots
- preference 2
- destination-pattern .T
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- progress_ind progress enable 8
- fax rate disable
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits all
- !
- dial-peer voice 216 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0545619055
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 217 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0545619096
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 218 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0545619077
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 219 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0546619044
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 220 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0545555193
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 221 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0546619069
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 225 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0547619868
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 226 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0546291319
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 228 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0542777550
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 212 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 3
- destination-pattern 054[56]619...
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 213 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 054[56]619...
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 227 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0546619169
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 224 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0547619448
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 222 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0542199210
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 223 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 2
- destination-pattern 0545619485
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/0
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 229 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0545619055
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 230 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0545619096
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 231 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0545619077
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 232 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0546619044
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 233 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0545555193
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 234 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0546619069
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 235 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0547619868
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 236 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0546291319
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 237 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0542777550
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 238 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 054[56]619...
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 239 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0546619169
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 240 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0547619448
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 241 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0542199210
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 242 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 0545619485
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/1/1
- forward-digits 10
- !
- dial-peer voice 245 pots
- description dial-to Mobile-Partner-Vpn
- preference 1
- destination-pattern 9*T
- progress_ind alert enable 8
- port 0/2/0:15
- prefix 1222
- !
- !
- presence
- presence call-list
- max-subscription 144
- watcher all
- allow subscribe
- !
- sip-ua
- !
- !
- telephony-service
- em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
- max-ephones 25
- max-dn 144
- ip source-address port 2000
- max-redirect 11
- calling-number local secondary
- system message GAL-R INTL FORWARDING
- url services
- url authentication
- load 7911 SCCP11.8-3-3S
- load 7931 SCCP31.8-3-3S
- time-zone 30
- time-format 24
- date-format dd-mm-yy
- dialplan-pattern 2 91327.. extension-length 3 extension-pattern 7..
- voicemail 4000
- mwi relay
- max-conferences 8 gain -6
- moh
- multicast moh port 2000
- web admin system name danny secret 5 **************
- dn-webedit
- time-webedit
- transfer-system full-consult
- fac standard
- create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 20 2009 11:09:45
- !
- !
- ephone-template 15
- button-layout 7931 2
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 1 octo-line
- number 750
- pickup-group 1
- description Yossi
- name Yossi
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 2 octo-line
- number 752
- pickup-group 1
- description Gergory
- name Bonded
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 3 octo-line
- number 751
- pickup-group 1
- description Shusha
- name Shusha
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 4 octo-line
- number 779
- description rachel
- name rachel
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 5 octo-line
- number 761
- pickup-group 1
- description ofir
- name ofir
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 6 dual-line
- number 762
- pickup-group 1
- name Maya Meshumar
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 7 octo-line
- number 770
- pickup-group 1
- description Irit
- name Irit
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 8 octo-line
- number 771
- pickup-group 1
- description Tomer
- name Tomer
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 9 octo-line
- number 772
- pickup-group 1
- description liora
- name liora
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 10 octo-line
- number 774
- pickup-group 1
- description Operator
- name Operator GalR
- allow watch
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 60
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 11 octo-line
- number 775
- pickup-group 1
- description Michal
- name Michal
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 12 octo-line
- number 778
- description Arnon
- name Arnon
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 13 octo-line
- number 760
- pickup-group 1
- description Tali
- name Tali
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 14 dual-line
- number 769
- pickup-group 1
- name Sarit Altalef
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 15
- number 888
- description ANL
- name PANTEL
- allow watch
- timeouts transfer-recall 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 16
- number 776
- description ANL
- name Fax
- allow watch
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 17
- number 718
- description ANL
- allow watch
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 18
- number 719
- allow watch
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 19
- number 756
- name Danny
- hold-alert 30 originator
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 20 dual-line
- number 763
- pickup-group 1
- name Ravit Zalach
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 21 dual-line
- number 765
- pickup-group 1
- name Meni Tomer
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 25
- number 5555
- paging ip port 2000
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 27
- number 755
- pickup-group 1
- caller-id block
- allow watch
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 29
- number 501...
- mwi on
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 30
- number 502...
- mwi off
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 31
- number 3000
- park-slot timeout 45 limit 3 recall
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 32
- number 3001
- park-slot timeout 45 limit 3 recall
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 50 octo-line
- number 900
- pickup-group 1
- description shoham comunicator
- name shoham
- allow watch
- call-forward busy 4001
- call-forward noan 4002 timeout 30
- !
- !
- ephone-dn 77
- number 777
- !
- !
- ephone 1
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.DDB5
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "eli" password 12345
- presence call-list
- fastdial 1 9039067744 name shamir
- fastdial 2 9039717510 name el-al
- fastdial 3 9039712032 name austrian
- fastdial 4 9039774777 name cal
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Maya"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- paging-dn 25
- type 7931
- button 1:1
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 2
- mac-address 001F.9E25.690B
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "operator" password 12345
- presence call-list
- paging-dn 25
- type 7911
- button 1:10
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 3
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E005
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "yoni" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:3
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 4
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E4BA
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "rachel" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:4
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 5
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E4CA
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "liora" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:5
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 6
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.DE8E
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "maya"
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:6
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 7
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E65C
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "irit" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:7
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 8
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E235
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "tomer" password 12345
- presence call-list
- fastdial 1 9048645508 name China Shiiping
- fastdial 2 9048620935 name Interdel
- fastdial 3 9048611000 name AMA
- fastdial 4 9048660250 name YESHA
- fastdial 5 9046066527 name OF TOV
- fastdial 6 90505490039 name MICA OF TOV
- fastdial 7 9048626444 name BEN EL
- fastdial 8 90509457508 name YOSI BEN EL
- fastdial 9 90524798953 name MEITAL
- fastdial 10 9039738555 name ERAN
- fastdial 11 90544833133 name DOITSH
- fastdial 12 99979146 name BEL MUD
- fastdial 13 9048723932 name SADEZHKE
- fastdial 14 90777080069 name iz
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:8
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 9
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E564
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "asaf" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:9
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 10
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.DB0C
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "ravit"
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:20
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 11
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.E575
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "michal" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:11
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 12
- mac-address 0023.5EB6.DE23
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "arnon" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:12
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 13
- mac-address 001F.CA36.8862
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "tali" password 12345
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 750 label "Eli"
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "Tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 762 label "Shay"
- blf-speed-dial 7 770 label "Irit"
- blf-speed-dial 8 771 label "Tomer"
- blf-speed-dial 9 772 label "Asaf"
- blf-speed-dial 10 775 label "Michal"
- blf-speed-dial 11 778 label "Arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 12 779 label "Rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 13 752 label "Yonni_Maman"
- blf-speed-dial 14 763 label "Ravit"
- blf-speed-dial 15 769 label "Sarit"
- blf-speed-dial 16 765 label "Meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:13
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 14
- mac-address 001D.A267.391A
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- username "bonded"
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 2 751 label "Yoni"
- blf-speed-dial 3 888 label "INTERCOM_PANTEL"
- paging-dn 25
- type 7911
- button 1:2
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 15
- mac-address 333B.869A.8001
- max-calls-per-button 2
- type anl
- button 1:15
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 16
- mac-address 333B.869A.8003
- max-calls-per-button 2
- type anl
- button 1:16
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 17
- mac-address 333B.869A.8002
- max-calls-per-button 2
- type anl
- button 1:17
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 18
- mac-address 333B.869A.8000
- max-calls-per-button 2
- type anl
- button 1:18
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 21
- mac-address 000B.5FD2.215A
- max-calls-per-button 2
- type ata
- button 1:19
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 22
- mac-address 1C17.D3C3.36BC
- ephone-template 15
- username "sarit"
- type 7931
- button 1:14
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 23
- mac-address 1C17.D3C3.35F8
- ephone-template 15
- username "meni"
- type 7931
- button 1:21
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 24
- mac-address 5483.ABBC.5C10
- username "dannyl"
- type CIPC
- button 1:19
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 26
- mac-address 001B.772E.668B
- type CIPC
- button 1:27
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 27
- mac-address 5455.4344.520F
- presence call-list
- blf-speed-dial 1 762 label "shay"
- blf-speed-dial 2 779 label "rachel"
- blf-speed-dial 3 778 label "arnon"
- blf-speed-dial 4 760 label "tali"
- blf-speed-dial 5 761 label "Liora"
- blf-speed-dial 6 750 label "eli"
- blf-speed-dial 7 751 label "yoni"
- button 1:27
- !
- !
- !
- ephone 50
- mac-address 0011.8589.3786
- ephone-template 15
- max-calls-per-button 2
- busy-trigger-per-button 1
- button 1:50
- !
- !
- !
- line con 0
- exec-timeout 0 0
- line aux 0
- line 194
- no activation-character
- no exec
- transport preferred none
- transport input all
- transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
- line vty 0 4
- exec-timeout 120 0
- privilege level 15
- password ******
- transport input telnet ssh
- line vty 5 15
- privilege level 15
- transport input telnet ssh
- !
- scheduler allocate 20000 1000
- ntp master
- ntp server
- end
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