

Nov 7th, 2020
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  1. The Qianye Ying'er words have not made South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror angry, his raised the head skull, re­sem­bles lightly, re­sem­bles say/way that re­grets: „Ying'er, you are peak of this world beau­ti­ful, once this King to ob­tain you, can not hes­i­tate all prices and meth­ods, even if were used by you con­tin­u­ally, from tread­ing dig­nity, is en­dur­ing gladly like that.”
  2. He lifts the hand slowly, the palm faces the di­rec­tion that Qianye Ying'er is, voice/sound grad­u­ally be­comes pro­longed: „Beau­ti­ful thing, if ex­tremely easy to ob­tain, will be in­sipid. But you that per­fect, makes this King ex­haust the method to be hard to touch, there­fore, in this world, only then you with let­ting this King are de­mented.”
  3. „How­ever ruins this per­fect thing per­son­ally, never...... is not an­other peak sad touch­ing.”
  4. His slow sound is talk­ing over, the knuckle that but he does not tighten vol­un­tar­ily, as if shows is like that light and „en­joy­ment that” he he has not been dis­play­ing.
  5. „.” Qianye Ying'er deeply laughed, dis­dains to re­spond.
  6. „Yun Che,” the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror fin­ger­tip dan­gles, he at this mo­ment in front of Yun Che, what pre­sented is ab­solutely the dom­i­neer­ing and trial stance proudly: „Sea God Can­non, once starts, in the world does not have any power can stop, the op­por­tu­nity of your also last last words. Nat­u­rally, you can also take ad­van­tage of now happy roar­ing, the op­por­tu­nity of be­cause in ‚God Slay­ing’ under the strength, you per­haps call­ing out piti­fully will not have.”
  7. These words fall, out­side the shrine at­mos­phere chang­ing sud­denly, two Great Sea King, nu­mer­ous Sea God aura is re­leased ex­ter­nally com­pletely, pro­tects be­fore the body, South Ter­ri­tory three Di­vine Em­peror do not dare to have any con­tempt, si­mul­ta­ne­ously raises the power bar­rier.
  8. No one has ex­pe­ri­enced the Sea God Can­non might truly, but in its record „God Slay­ing” the name, makes pre­sent age any life think of scared suf­fi­ciently.
  9. Re­mote , the peo­ple of South­ern Sea Cap­i­tal City al­ready full power es­cap­ing pow­der under the di­rec­tion of mas­sive Sea Guardian, al­though is far away, and has the ocean sov­er­eign for­ma­tion great dis­tance, but no one is able to ex­pect the Sea God Can­non re­main­ing pres­tige fear­fully to what de­gree.
  10. Looks below South­ern Sea Cap­i­tal City, North Prison Sea King and East Prison Sea King all are one sigh se­cretly, once Sea God Can­non starts, de­struc­tion that this haughty sev­eral hun­dreds of thou­sand years South Ter­ri­tory sa­cred ground must be hard to es­ti­mate dif­fi­cult...... if, but can can­cel at pre­sent this fear­ful threat, al­though this price is deeply grieved, is ac­tu­ally worth.
  11. The Yun Che arm lifts slowly, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword flashes be­fore, is re­leas­ing the busy ver­mil­ion sword glow under the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might as be­fore.
  12. „Ma...​ster......” Yan Yi clenches teeth to make noise, he in­com­pa­ra­bly fierce wish keeps off be­fore the Yun Che body, but his will is un­able to defy the Yun Che's or­ders, can only shrink in the rear area. But that be­yond con­trol trem­bling, clear is telling his close Sea God Can­non ter­ri­fy­ing to what sit­u­a­tion.
  13. Sword blade hor­i­zon­tally be­fore the body, Yun Che low eye­brow gen­tly says: „South­ern Sea lin­eage/vein, will cut off today, was swal­lowed by the end­less dark­ness eter­nal, does not enter Sam­sara.”
  14. „Ha­ha­haha!” The word of Yun Che, mak­ing South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror laugh loudly, ridicules: „this King said be­fore your calamity world mad dog at the point of death, will shout that what kind of is at vari­ance with often/com­mon world the spo­ken lan­guage, such as that in­nu­mer­able every world lived in­ex­pen­sively gen­eral, will only call out sev­eral piti­ful laugh­able ag­gres­sive state­ments. It seems like that this King looked at you even­tu­ally high.”
  15. „, for­get it/that's all.” The South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror dou­ble pupil en­large­ment, is map­ping many golden glow, the palm that raises high draws in slowly: „Yun Che, under my South­ern Sea an­cient times in­vin­ci­ble might, changed to the dirty dust!”
  16. Bang!
  17. Not daz­zling golden glow cracks in his palm to­gether, not the in­tense sound, ac­tu­ally passes through every­one soul in split sec­ond most deep place.
  18. BOOM ——
  19. The shrine cen­ter, that myr­iad pro­found array dis­in­te­gra­tions loudly one after an­other, the South­ern Sea space is cen­tered on the shrine surges crazily, flick­ers the spread the space rip­ples, vi­o­lent under sea high sea like hur­ri­cane.
  20. South­ern Sea shocks, the world changes color, under space in­tense shock, is in­nu­mer­able South­ern Sea pow­er­house that came from panic-stricken call­ing out of Soul.
  21. Presently Sea God Can­non of the world has made trim huge Star Ter­ri­tory trem­ble, at this mo­ment fi­nally the start, merely is the first in­stan­ta­neous in­vin­ci­ble might, then al­most de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish the wills of South­ern Sea in­nu­mer­able life, poured into end­less lowly and fear in their souls.
  22. The ra­di­a­tion that be­side South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm, the space shakes is spread­ing as be­fore crazily, the in­nu­mer­able stars de­vi­ated fol­lowed ten thou­sand years of flight tra­jec­to­ries, some frail stars col­lapsed di­rectly, but Star Realm that these ap­proached all was the land­slide tsunami, myr­iad spir­its is star­tled.
  23. „Pro­tects Young Mas­ter!” North Prison Sea King bel­lows, a huge bar­rier holds up be­fore the body, does not dare to have re­laxes slightly, his eye looks straight ahead above the shrine that to start, the re­gain­ing con­scious­ness an­cient times „fe­ro­cious beast”, the vi­sion does not dare to have split sec­ond de­vi­a­tion —— every­one is so. Be­cause, this breaks down the bound­ary, from an­cient times power, they were bro­ken to the world the life, im­pos­si­ble wit­nessed again the sec­ond time.
  24. „Sea God Can­non...... un­ex­pect­edly ter­ri­fy­ing hence!” Yel­low Em­peror loses the soul to stare, low nan makes noise, he has a sleep/felt sud­denly, fierce rais­ing the head looked to the above.
  25. KACHA!!
  26. The bright sky sank sud­denly, in­stantly the dark clouds block out the sun, the star­tling thun­der­clap is shock­ing, re­sem­bles roar­ing under anger, re­sem­bles alarmed and afraid under trem­bling.
  27. South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror raised the head to face up­ward, four laugh: „Saw, this my South­ern Sea the strength of an­cient times, lets Heaven's Way fright­ened power, this world who can, who matches, Ha­ha­haha!”
  28. „Good that Royal Fa­ther said!” Nan Qian­qiu body is trem­bling, the blood in boil­ing, whether there is in the heart is com­pletely only ex­cited and ex­cited: „Sea God Can­non is pub­lished fi­nally, so under the in­vin­ci­ble might, this world also who dares to vi­o­late my South­ern Sea!”
  29. Rum­bling rum­bling ——
  30. With pro­found array dis­in­te­gra­tion layer upon layer, the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might in the by fear­ful scope in­crease, sky fierce on even more dark clouds surges, the thun­der­ing is still shock­ing, has not had a light­ning ray of light to lower...... be­cause of the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might, has sur­passed Do­main that it has been able to pun­ish.
  31. Bang!
  32. Final level pro­found array ex­tin­guishes bro­ken, en­tire shrine al­ready by en­gulfed under golden glow.
  33. „Death.” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror soft mur­mur­ing, five fin­gers fierce grasps.
  34. That flash, the space stopped the shake sud­denly, the thun­der clouds stopped the tum­bling, all voice/sound dis­si­pated with­out the trace, world all things as if in this mo­ment com­pletely sta­tic.
  35. Only has the shrine cen­ter, swal­lows sur­round­ing all color golden glow to fly to shoot to­gether, such as a shut­tle space and time, came from an­cient times calamity Devil God, plunged Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er.
  36. In this world, is al­ways hid­ing many pleas­ant sur­prises.
  37. On such as pre­sent Sea God Can­non.
  38. The Yun Che it­self/Ben thinks , after Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror and Jas­mine, ex­ceeds pre­sent age power of bound­ary, only then pos­si­bly ap­pears in own body, it seems like, he pre­vi­ously some look down upon this world, look down upon South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm that dom­i­nates South­ern God Ter­ri­tory sev­eral hun­dreds of thou­sand years.
  39. In first of Sea God Can­non pre­sent world in­stantly, Yun Che then knows, Sea God Can­non does right by Qianye Wugu to its de­scrip­tion, be­cause, that is not com­pletely weak in him ini­tially in Burn­ing Moon God Realm opened „Di­vine Ember” power that erupted.
  40. This ex­ceeded pre­sent age power of bound­ary...... to ex­ceed Evil God power plane.
  41. Sea God Can­non starts, in every­one re­leases in the biggest pupil to re­lease as if to ex­tin­guish the world suf­fi­ciently di­vine glow, but by Yun Che that di­vine glow turns round, on the face is ac­tu­ally a fear­ful tran­quil­ity, with­out the tiny bit fear, after all, in this world most does not make him be afraid, then died.
  42. „Is the world ex­tremely to be ac­tu­ally stu­pid, is pre­sent I am ex­tremely crazy.”
  43. Low nan, Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword in hand su­per­fi­cial wields, the point ap­proached the front Sea God di­vine light.
  44. No omen, that re­leases to star­tle the world in­vin­ci­ble might, then must bite Sea God di­vine light that ex­tin­guishes to turn about Yun Che and the oth­ers in next in­stant com­pletely sud­denly, straight bang above ocean sov­er­eign for­ma­tion.
  45. BANG!!!!
  46. Ocean sov­er­eign for­ma­tion that three Yama An­ces­tor can­not de­stroy with joint forces, flick­ers myr­iad fis­sures under golden glow, such as the blis­ter dis­in­te­gra­tion, the golden glow birth­place emp­ties gen­er­ally loudly, di­rectly shoots South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror.
  47. This is South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror pic­ture that even if ten life­times night­mare im­pos­si­ble thinks.
  48. He arranges per­son­ally, con­trols Sea God Can­non that and starts per­son­ally...... also only has him to start, in de­struc­tion Yun Che's that mo­ment, will soon shoot at it­self un­ex­pect­edly!
  49. even/in­clud­ing star­tles the world with that the pres­sure, pres­sure stub­bornly turned round above his body and Soul.
  50. As South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror, his first re­sponse ac­tu­ally tar­ries, every­one stayed there......, was one as hoarse as call­ing out of peak.
  51. „Draws back!!!!”
  52. Ocean sov­er­eign for­ma­tion is very after all pow­er­ful, al­though im­pos­si­ble re­sists Sea God Can­non power, but also cre­ated slight hin­der­ing, in ad­di­tion the South­ern Sea peo­ple drew back to be very far under Sea God Can­non fear­ful lofty, thus made them want under the crack in the heart and liver, there is an ex­tremely short re­ac­tion time.
  53. Bang!
  54. A North Prison Sea King palm rum­bles, hit ruth­lessly in Nan Qian­qiu body, mak­ing him de­part by far, but one­self went all out to plunge South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror by coun­ter­shock force...... is also Sea God Can­non di­vine light ap­proaches. By core di­vine light in­com­pa­ra­bly ac­cu­rate cov­er­ing of Sea God Can­non, was bet­ter than South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror, felt that own body as if had been de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish the pow­der dust, he with­out enough time is panic-stricken and think­ing, im­pos­si­ble es­capes to take off/es­cape, the power nearly in­stinct of whole body wells up crazily, is being roared pro­tects be­fore the body.
  55. „Pro­tects my King!!”
  56. At the power core, has not had very big op­por­tu­nity to es­cape from the calamity East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King sends out shout­ing of belt/bring blood com­pletely, their body golden glow blast­ing open, such as two rounds lu­mi­nary days wel­comed on own ini­tia­tive to Sea God Can­non di­vine glow.
  57. Bang ——-
  58. The heavy rum­bled sound tore into shreds every­one's delay and panic-stricken, the bang to the Yun Che's South­ern Sea can­non, its di­vine light ac­tu­ally rum­bled ob­vi­ously in South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror and two Great Sea King body.
  59. South­ern God Ter­ri­tory num­ber one Di­vine Em­peror, also under him most pow­er­ful two Great Sea King, in these three pre­sent ages to high power, Sea God Can­non di­vine glow stag­nate slowly.
  60. As if, is the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might is pre­vented by them.
  61. But is the South­ern Sea night­mare, just started.
  62. „Eh...... Aaaaahh......” in the hand of North Prison Sea King, is be­longs to his South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm pro­tects pro­found tool strongly, he sup­ports golden glow be­fore body stub­bornly, in the mouth is send­ing out painful moan.
  63. Ka...... ka......
  64. pro­found tool in hand the fis­sure pro­lif­er­ates in an in­stant, his bone also in an cuns (2.5 cm) dis­in­te­gra­tion, cov­ers en­tirely in the pupil of blood threads, his clear saw one­self were swal­lowed into the both hands and both arms in golden glow to lose the body fast, seems like been or­di­nary by the snow of silent ab­la­tion.
  65. Other source star­tled is pal­pi­tat­ing the in­vin­ci­ble might of South­ern Sea can­non, ac­tu­ally has a dream can­not think that is with­stands un­ex­pect­edly!
  66. „Ex­alted King...... quick...... walks...... Eah!” The face of East Prison Sea King has twitched like the ma­li­cious ghost, each char­ac­ter that in the mouth over­flows has the huge pain...... and deep de­spair.
  67. They seem­ingly blocked Sea God Can­non power shortly, but di­rect with­stands this power them to know this truly is the char­ac­ter who the what kind of ter­ri­fy­ing in­vin­ci­ble might...... can make him be so sit­u­ated in the pre­sent age apex flick­ers des­per­ately!
  68. The South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror eye stares to crack, the both arms col­lapse Xueru spring, he wants cer­tainly to es­cape, but god pres­sure du­pli­cate, he is in­ca­pable of es­cap­ing rad­i­cally.
  69. „Hē Aaah!!”
  70. The roar of life and death re­sounds, these have awaited or­ders in South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror rear nu­mer­ous Sea God have also fought tooth and nail to rush pre­vi­ously at this time, the whole body Di­vine Power re­lease, holds up stub­bornly in South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror the front, Sea God that these po­si­tions are far away from also all full speed throws after the ini­tial as­ton­ish­ment.
  71. „AH!!”
  72. Piti­ful yell sound pierce heart punc­tures the soul, the time of less than half breath, the both arms of East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King were de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish most prob­a­bly, only small halves si­mul­ta­ne­ously as in the painful sup­port, most the front Sea God the whole body has drenched the blood in an in­stant, their power this suf­fi­ciently cov­ers the sky haughty, but at this mo­ment, is so un­ex­pect­edly vul­ner­a­ble.
  73. Are both eyes of South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror blast­ing out the in­nu­mer­able cap­il­lar­ies...... ab­surd? Strange? Is in­cred­i­ble? He can­not think that any spo­ken lan­guage an­no­tates all that has at pre­sent. It looks like night­mare that one falls sud­denly, night­mare that he is un­able to un­der­stand.
  74. The dis­tant place, Yel­low Em­peror flies to fall sud­denly, ex­claimed: „Acts quickly!”
  75. But im­me­di­ately, he is held by Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity stub­bornly: „You want dead!”
  76. In an in­stant dev­as­tates so the ap­pear­ance two Great Sea King and nu­mer­ous Sea God, this is their Di­vine Em­peror is un­able ab­solutely di­rect re­sis­tance power!
  77. „Helps me!” Yel­low Em­peror ac­tu­ally in­stead grabs Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity, flies to fall to­gether under.
  78. Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity clenches teeth fiercely, has not strug­gled, to South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror with the Yel­low Em­peror rapid flight.
  79. The Cang Shit­ian fa­cial fea­tures twist, has moved.
  80. The fuzzy sen­sa­tion to full speed near­ness of two Great Di­vine Em­peror, North Prison Sea King mind shakes, in the throat sends out shout­ing of belt/bring blood: „Quick... saves... me... the king......”
  81. The Yel­low Em­peror long sleeve wields, a plain grey sword be­fore the body , Xu­anyuan and palms of Pur­ple Tenu­ity two Great Di­vine Em­peror pushes above the sword blade presently si­mul­ta­ne­ously.
  82. Check!
  83. The gray sword shadow pen­e­trates in golden glow to­gether, under space that in the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might cov­ers, chis­elled a long and nar­row chan­nel.
  84. Pū!
  85. Cen­ter the gray sword shadow the chest of South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror, the bound­less strength from two Great Di­vine Em­peror in the body vi­o­lent erup­tion of South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror, broke open an shock­ing blood hole in his body...... si­mul­ta­ne­ously, en­trained him to the Sea God Can­non power core.
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