

Jan 19th, 2015
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  1. I drove 70 miles for this fucking show. Here's my thoughts:
  2. Crowd/vibes: 4/10
  4. Seriously? You guys don't know what the fuck you're doing. Literally no one could do anything fun at this concert. Want to see your favorite band in the front? NOPE, gonna get your fucking back ass raped by some dude behind you trying to push mosh. Trying to hardcore dance/two step? Well too bad, some fat drunk asshole is going to punch your before you even step in the pit anyways.
  5. Literally the only people having were the people in between the front crowd and the pit crowd, but it was so fucking cramped I don't see how that can be any fucking fun considering I can't even pay attention to the music.
  6. I understand maybe this is acceptable for hardcore/beatdown shit, but this is a DJENT CONCERT.
  7. You fuck tards need to learn how to hit the blunt then just stand there, zoning out and headbang when a good groove comes on, and zone out even harder when a nice melodic section comes up.
  8. Also, so many fucking thots with pencil eyebrows tryna fuck the touring bands. Some bitch starts grinding with her friend, and some random dude in his 40s is all like "fuck yea" and they all start being whores and grinding during UABB. That's the first time I've seen that fucking grinding club shit since high school prom, but what do you expect when UABB plays 10 fucking minutes of that horrid song "turn down for what"...
  9. I'm just a gay emo boy so I guess you can write off that part as biased, maybe I'd feel different if it was a bunch of hot gay dudes.
  11. Vocalists: 0/10
  12. Yea, you maybe wondering why I just made a whole section for just vocalists, and I'll tell you why:
  13. All these stupid fucking vocalists are like "lets see a fucking circle pit, I wanna see this whole room spinning!" or "UGH, UGH, YEA, lets GET THIS SHIT STARTED MOTHERFUCKERS". That's what rappers do to pump up the crowd because their music is so fucking bad they wouldn't get into the music with out a "pumped up" front man.
  14. Well all you vocalists need to shut the fuck up and let the music speak for itself, I respect all the bands studio creations, but when you're trying to pump me up it just RUINS the whole fucking experience. You need to just let the people respond to the vibes of the music, not created the "turnt up" vibe. Just shut the fuck up already. Every single fucking band did it tonight, I was even disappointed that veil of maya's vocalist did that; -1 djent points for VoM.
  15. I can't even get into a good groove and throw down or 2 step because the crowd is already so turnt up from your unnecessary hyping, and I'm not the type of guy who crowd kills.
  16. The reason I listen to fucking Djent is because it's already fucking good enough to get me pumped without some fucking dude who thinks he's a rockstar on stage encouraging the crowd to be a bunch of fucking rowdy faggots.
  17. This isn't fucking rap, hell even ATTILA live is way more fucking chill than all the bands that played tonight. Fuck all you vocalists, you're all a bunch of annoying, unhumble pussies.
  18. I got to the show when Gideon started playing; idk what got these vocalists into these moods, but Amphibian and The Last Ten Seconds of Life must have been SO good that the vocalists thought they needed to hype up the crowd so hard so they could top their sets. Good job you guys.
  20. Bands: 9/10
  21. Gideon: You guys performed great, everything was pretty on point and I enjoyed your set despite your stupid fucking vocalist trying to hype shit up. That has already been covered though. Your guitar tone was a littler trebly but it worked, try using more mids. I'm not a fan of purely breakdown music but it kept me slightly entertained for the time being.
  22. Volumes: These guys had the best overall sound/tone of the night. I don't think its just because they use ER guitars, but I could hear that kick drum pretty well and the bass/guitar tone meshed together and shook me during the breakdowns, which made me feel nice in my stoned state of mind. I'm not a fan of the lack of riffs, but taking it for what it was, I still enjoyed the experience. The rhythmic patterns were great.
  23. Upon A Burning Body:
  24. I have mixed thoughts on you guys. You guys were clearly trying to top all the other bands, and the rockstar attitude is kind of annoying, even though you guys performed pretty tight. It was clear that you guys had to make EVERYTHING louder than the other bands because for the first 5 minutes people perceive louder as better, which I understand, but after that first 5 minutes it turns into a major headache. The fact that your backtracks had so much ear-piercing treble and was ear-fuckingly loud didn't help. Your kick to guitar to bass ratio was not balanced, the backtracks were way too fucking loud and trebly, and your vocalist once again was trying to hype shit up, which pissed me off. I didn't like the "turn down for what" cover. I thought it was just a waste of time and an excuse for them to have a longer set while I was waiting for VoM to play, but maybe I was just being too impatient. It's not like I had a 2 hour drive back home or anything (sarcasm). Overall you guys performed well, solid commercial breakdown material, terrible sound, terrible attitude.
  25. Veil of Maya:
  26. Now these are the guys I've been waiting for ALL NIGHT and drove fucking 70 miles to see. I was kind of disappointed at the experience, but I still had a good time.
  27. Let me start with the vocalist:
  28. Holy fuck. This dude fucking sucks. He had no stamina in his screams, did the stupid fucking hype up thing (which pisses me off so much because VoM used to be one of my favorite bands, USED TO BE), also the worst part is, I KNEW THE FUCKING WORDS BETTER THAN HIM. I heard him tripping over his tongue and forgetting the words. That is a fucking insult to VoM fans. I've been a fan of VoM since 2010 and I can only see them going down here from there.
  29. Improve your stamina and lows, and just scream the fucking song without unnecessary hyping shit and I'll like you. The new song that's out sounds solid with your vocals.
  30. Mark Okubo:
  31. STOP GETTING HIGH BEFORE YOU PLAY. That's what you're supposed to do AFTER your play and get your dick sucked by those pencil eyebrow chicks. I could tell you were fucking high with your squinty ass eyes, and I can tell when your riffs are sloppy as fuck. I respect you, but fucking have some respect for you fans and do your job by playing the performance as tight as you can. We are all human, and we all make mistakes, but that performance just seemed shitty to me.
  32. Bassist:
  33. Hahahahahaha this dude is fucking hilarious. You're like a fucking pretty ass looking jesus dude. And your attitude on stage is awesome. I can tell you're high too or you must be on something, but I feel like when you're on bass its easier to get your shit down because it easily get drowned in with the rest of the instruments to hide your mistakes unless you got a shit ton of bass driver going on which you don't.
  34. I love when you just do that smile thing, open your eyes really wide and look at the crowd and just put your bass all over the crowd as if you're the jesus of Djent or something. Fucking brilliant. Loved you man, keep it up.
  35. Drummer:
  36. You were good, thats some hard fucking shit you're playing, especially to a click. You were rusty for the first couple songs but I could tell you got warmed up near the middle of the set because you were hitting way harder and it just added to the performance so much better. Good job and respect man.
  37. Overall for VoM:
  38. Overall I enjoyed the VoM experience. However I can see them becoming a hyped up/ overly focused on breakdowns band which saddens me. Just because more people throw down, that doesn't mean people like your band better, it just means they like to throw down.
  39. Your new vocalist needs to get his shit together or you guys need to get a vocalist who has stamina and can do false chord/Death metal lows like the old guy. The new guy is very out of place and has way too much EGO which he can't live up to live.
  40. The riffs were sloppy while the breakdowns were on point; the new songs you guys put out were mainly focused on breakdowns. That sucks but I'll still take you guys in my butt because I still like your vibes.
  42. Sound: 5.5/10
  43. It was different for different bands, but here's my thoughts.
  44. The back tracks were WAY too fucking loud man. Way too trebly also. If you want it to be louder AND sound good, you need to cut some frequencies then boost the fader for more volume to compensate. Anyone who mixes music in the DAW knows that but most live sound guys don't know what the fuck they're doing.
  45. Also cut at 540 hz for your master EQ and certain instruments, it'll clear up that shitty muddy tone the room sounded like the whole night.
  46. The kick was not loud enough compared to the rest of the music, the kick is almost the important part of live sound, usually the guitars bass and vocals have enough power to cut through the mix.
  47. I'm positive Mojoes' sound system isn't strong enough to make the kick louder so that means you need to make everything else QUIETER. I've been to mojoes before when the general sound was quieter and it sounded so much better because its easier for the sound guy to know how to balance the levels and EQ it correctly.
  48. Idk if your set up allows it but compress the vocals, it sounds retarded. Maybe side chain the bass to the kick and the guitars to the snare if you can.
  49. I went behind the mixing board and it sounded the best all the way in the back, but you need to mix for the people in the front, not in the back.
  50. You fucking sucked last night sound guy. Fuck you.
  52. Overall for show: 6.5/10
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