
Sleeping Gods Journal

Feb 14th, 2016
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  1. Entry #1
  3. Today I, Ira Furyo, was sent to a nameless little town in the middle of nowhere. Currently suffering from a bad famine, it was suspected that the local fertility god was responsible. There, I met a reporter called Aya Hinamaru and decided to share information with her. I'll have to wait and see how useful she'll be in future. Following the local bartender's lead, I tracked down the goddess in question and learned the reason behind the famine. Although it was a hard decision, I resolved the situation favourably and brought health back to the land. Sharing the story with Aya, she suggested meeting up again in the future. I'll keep that in mind.
  5. Entry #2
  7. This was supposed to be my time off. I gave the Mentor my report and trained with him for a while, then decided to take his advice and rest. After enduring one of my friend Howa's mind games, she introduced me to one of the apprentices, a boy named Koa Temnos. We sparred, and I taught the boy some humility. He's still a liability, but hopefully he'll learn from this. With the arrival of a new writ, I left for the site of the incident. There, after meeting up with Aya once more, I started upon the trail of a greater mystery.
  9. Entry #3
  11. Following the trail, I visited the Asahisaki family. It was a mistake – those fraudulent fools are the most uncanny family I've ever met. I got enough out of them to know that I never want to see them again. Heading to the capital with Aya, chasing after this mysterious name, Rokugah, we spoke of many things. From there, her information led me to Rokugah Traders, and the pair of culprits. Although far from ideal, the situation resolved itself nicely. I'm on my way back to the Nameless Temple now, in the hope of finding some peace and quiet.
  13. Entry #4
  15. Koa is showing potential. We sparred again today, and he's showing a definite improvement over his previous performance. I was happy enough with his performance that I took him out for some field experience, chasing another writ to the northern fishing town of Odan's Harbour. Suffering from a series of strange animal attacks, it soon became clear to me that there was more going on. Although I was able to resolve the incident, it left something of a bad taste in my mouth.
  17. Entry #5
  19. Our next orders took us to the island of Dumas, on a joint mission from the Emperor and the Nameless Temple. Officially a rebellion on the small island, the situation was far closer to a cult uprising – or so it seemed. I took a big risk today, but I think it paid off. Koa seems happy with the results as well. I'm glad, it's about time the boy got a taste for being a hero, or doing the right thing at the very least.
  21. Entry #6
  23. After a short delay, and an improvised lesson for Koa, I returned to the Nameless Temple. Howa was able to help a little with her research into just what Nodens was, but I wasn't able to spend much time before duty called once more. Heading out alone on a piece of unofficial business, I picked up my trail at the lonesome town of Solitude. Things aren't quite right here – something about a newly formed god...
  25. Entry #7
  27. My business in Solitude ended well, and I might have made an ally out of Captain Musari. Despite poor weather on the road back to the Nameless Temple, I made good time. Upon arrival, though, Aya managed to talk me into taking her to see the Mentor. She's an enthusiastic reporter, but I think the old man got the better of her this time. Receiving my next mission, I decided to do a spot of research before leaving. My search, though, led me to a strange book and an even stranger encounter.
  29. Entry #8
  31. Today was a day of many revelations, and very few of them were pleasant. Taking the old book I discovered to the Mentor, I was advised against looking any further into it. Going against his suggestion, I had Howa help with the translation – only to discover that it was a guide to human sacrifice. Tenngaru's gods, it seems, have a dark past. It only seemed to get darker as I learned more about Titanos and the latest incident. In the end, though, we might have made a very interesting discovery indeed...
  33. Entry #9
  35. Today started out so well. My next orders took me to the Dragon's Head for the lantern festival, a rather informal occasion that offered a chance to rest and ease my spirits. Koa was asked to give a speech, while I was tasked with investigating the Emperor's future bride. The girl in question, Miura, a priestess of Selene, turned out to be more impressive than I first thought. Things were starting to look up, overall, but then everything went to hell.
  37. Entry #10
  39. In the aftermath of the attack, I worked together with Tawn to put the pieces together. After questioning Holm and Lapis, the azure dragon himself, we departed for the temple city of Garuna. After a short delay, we found our way to the college of alchemists seeking out answers. While I waited, I visited the temple of Selene. More answers waited, all of them pointing towards some uncomfortable truths. It seems like we've picked up Miura's trail, though – we leave at first light.
  41. Entry #11
  43. Restlessness led to another encounter with Maab – and some curious new information about the gods I am bound to serve. I couldn't afford to dwell upon such matters though, not while Miura's trail was still leading me on. Arriving at the southern border of Tenngaru, I met up once again with captain Musari. With his help, we launched an unexpectedly easy attack on the cultists. What we discovered there, though, was not easy to accept.
  45. Entry #12
  47. This morning, Tawn came to me offering to omit certain details from his report. Accepting the consequences, I turned him down – the truth would come out eventually. Parting company after that, I returned to the Nameless Temple, only to catch wind of what might be a new incident. Working with Aya once more, we rode to the newly established town of Pit Progress – a mining town that is slowly tearing itself apart. Getting to the bottom of this might earn me some new enemies...
  49. Entry #13
  51. Today was not a good day. The mob problem was easily solved, at least, and the leader proved quite helpful. I even learned a little more about the source of the cult's weapons, a new clue coming from an unexpected source. Upon tracking down Tobin, however, I started to have my doubts. Upon meeting, at last, with Kurasu, the local tyrant, I learned how terrible he truly was. From there, it was only downhill. I don't want to talk about what happened there, in the depths of that terrible pit.
  53. Entry #14
  55. Emerging from the depths of Pit Progress, I was met by a request to meet with captain Kurasu again. He was more open to negotiations this time, albeit against his will. We managed to reach agreeable arrangements, and I was able to get some more information about one of the missing apprentices. Hopefully, the town will remain peaceful once we leave. Visiting the capital lead to a pair of unexpected meetings. It seems that I'm moving up in the world – against my will.
  57. Entry #15
  59. The best thing to do with an unwanted gift is to pass it on to someone else. With that in mind, I decided to donate my new island to the Nameless Temple. The situation back there is grim – the apprentices are going missing again, and those that remain are growing restless. Even so, there were some bright moments, precious time shared with Howa. A shame, then, that things turned sour with a single message.
  61. Entry #16
  63. I rode to Foothills with a heavy heart, preparing myself for the investigation and the funeral that would await me. With the assistance of Tawn Moriya, I began to piece together the circumstances behind Garl's death. Finally meeting with one of the elusive hillfolk, I was able to learn a great deal – not just about Garl's death. When the time came for the funeral, however, the mood was spoiled by a pair of uninvited guests.
  65. Entry #17
  67. I took a day off. I deserved a damn day off. Soon enough, though, I was back in the action. With the hillfolk scattered and leaderless the situation was looking particularly uncertain, so I set off in search of answers – from Titanos himself. Taking Alk, a young runaway from the hillfolk clan, to see his god was an interesting experience, and one that might have produced a peaceful future for the clashing communities here. The real answers, though, came when I returned to the Nameless Temple. I just wish they were more reassuring...
  69. Entry #18
  71. How could things go wrong so quickly?
  73. I don't know what else to say. Keep moving forwards. That's all I can do. It's all any of us can do. Just keep moving forwards.
  75. Entry #19
  77. The situation continues to deteriorate. With Tawn sent to Garuna to recover from his injuries, the south has passed into the hands of Takino, a ruthless commander with little mercy or care for prisoners. The boy I caught, an apprentice by the name of Hali, suggested that his town had been the victim of military revenge. Weary and sickened by the events, I returned to the Nameless Temple – only to find it in the grip of occupation. Even then, in such dark times, there was a spot of light to be found there.
  79. Entry #20
  81. You have to know when to choose your battles. I made a quiet exit this morning, slipping away before I could disturb Howa, and took the southern road towards the cult enclave. With a detour along the way to witness Sparna – and the crimes committed there – for myself, I reached the cult. They were not what I expected, and neither was their leader. Perhaps they're not the enemies I thought they were, not completely. At the urging of their leader, I allowed them to show me something – a glimpse into a godless past.
  83. Entry #21
  85. I never thought I'd see Makai with my own eyes. What seemed, at first, to be a lifeless wasteland proved to be anything but – there was a kind of life there, but not a natural kind. Born of sorcery, these abominations provoke a mindless rage in me, a kind of fury that I can barely control. The Seer offered a few small answers, hints at a greater truth, but I wasn't prepared to trust him with some of my own secrets. A stalemate for now, then.
  87. Entry #22
  89. It's been too long since I caught up with Tawn Moriya. On the long road to Garuna, where he was receiving treatment, I stopped at a village without a name. It was nice, getting a brief taste of the humble life, and I felt my spirits lift at last. A shame, then, that Garuna bore so little in the way of good tidings. Although he lives still, I fear that Tawn bears more than physical scars from his injuries. Things only got worse as I was dragged into a fresh round of scheming on behalf of Ra and Maab. Then, I was asked to see the goddess Selene...
  91. Entry #23
  93. Dealing with politics rarely puts me in a good mood, and schemes are even worse. When Maab and Ra are both involved, I knew that the situation was going to get ugly. At least a short meeting with Miura brightened the mood a little – and revealed the identity of Ra's elusive agent. Crescent moon – also known as Ishida Lune. She might be my way in to speak with Selene, for real this time. The situation back at the Nameless Temple was no better, with an apprentice dead and soldiers surrounding the building. How am I going to clean up this mess?
  95. Entry #24
  97. Presented with the choice of resorting to sorcery or relying on my own wits, I went with my wits. Soldiers, the type who fight on the front lines, tend to be rational people – they have to be, when their lives are on the line. Although I could not get Grahn, the closest thing to a leader the soldier's had, to take his men back to the capital, I was able to reach an agreement nonetheless. After attempting to prepare Koa for his duel, we learned what fate had in store for the Nameless Temple.
  99. Entry #25
  101. With Koa's duel approaching, I knew that I needed to stay close to the Nameless Temple. I wanted to be there for him, to offer what support I could. He's shown a new side lately, a maturity that I never had at his age. I'm... proud of him. Perhaps I'm becoming mature as well, because I spent much of the day teaching some apprentices the value of hard work. It killed the time, at least, and won me a new magic. Then it was time for the duel itself – time to see if Koa could prevail.
  103. Entry #26
  105. In the aftermath of Koa's duel, we found ourselves needing an increasing number of prison cells. First was Jain himself, although his rage had burned out and turned to grief. When the investigation turned to Jain's belongings, a new issue arose – a spy, embedded deep within the Nameless Temple. Through a bottle of poisoned wine, I learned that Jain's fury had not been entirely natural. The wine was the next step in the path towards the truth, leading to a destination I had never expected.
  107. Entry #27
  109. With Saku, our elusive and faceless enemy, finally in our clutches, I knew that we would need to question him. Whether by brute force or cunning coercion, we needed to learn his secrets, but it was never going to be an easy process. Although the Mentor was able to help a little bit, imparting some of his knowledge of sorcery, there was still a lot we could not predict. What kind of mind would he have, this creature that had been stripped of all identity? There was only one way to find out...
  111. Entry #28
  113. With the Ring of the Faceless finally in my possession, I travelled to the capital in order to see it destroyed. A vat of molten steel did the job well enough, and it left me in the capital at a very convenient time. Kurasu's tribunal, answering charges of incompetence and brutality, was said to be drawing to an end, and I wanted to hear the verdict. While I was there, I also met up with Aya and gave her a vast amount of information to print – information that will make her a great deal of enemies. I just hope she knows what she's getting herself into.
  115. Entry #29
  117. At Ra's urging, I decided to investigate a certain matter that he was concerned with. Tawn, only recently recovered from his nearly crippling wounds, had set off to an island prison in order to interrogate several suspected cultists. That had been several days ago, and he was yet to return. Fearing the worst, especially after hearing about this bleak prison, I knew that I had to look into the matter. What I found on that island was madness, paranoia and desperation in equal measures, and the truth was well buried.
  119. Entry #30
  121. I knew straight away that I would need to speak with Tawn about the dead body I found beneath the lonesome prison. An anarchist, a man suspected of planting a bomb in one of the Emperor's factories, he nevertheless deserved to die down there. Tawn admitted to his crime, and accepted whatever judgement I laid down. In the end, it wasn't my place – it's Ra's job to police his agents. Then again, Ra isn't exactly a model citizen either, he has his own share of secrets. Perhaps the only good news I got today came from an unexpected infiltrator, one who didn't come to pick a fight...
  123. Entry #31
  125. There was never going to be an easy way to break the bad news to Ra. The fact that Soma's information might have been wrong, that we'd both made a terrible mistake in defending the south-east, was a terrifying one. Yet, all we could do was wait to see the consequences of our actions. At least I had something to take my mind off things – the upcoming party. I didn't think much of the atmosphere, but I learned a great deal, more than I ever thought I might. A shame, then, that something had to go wrong. I can only hope that I'll get the chance to put my new knowledge to good use.
  127. Entry #32
  129. I knew something would go wrong – it was just a matter of waiting for the axe to drop. While I had the rare opportunity to question the Emperor, we spoke of girl troubles and his vision of mankind's future, Ra was busy trying to learn the true nature of the emergency. Joining forces with Hitohito, I set out to the south-west in order to investigate. When the trap was sprung, however, its jaws weren't around our throats. Racing back to the capital, I soon realised that this was going to get personal...
  131. Entry #33
  133. With Aya safe and sound – as safe as she ever will be, with her kind of enemies – I knew that I needed to move into the palace. Never mind my reputation, I had friends among the knot of parasites and schemers within those walls. Although my arrival might have tilted the odds, I paid the price for it. With a little help from a certain priestess – help I never expected or anticipated – my recovery was greatly bolstered. Still, I fear that this attack has been a bad one, and the consequences will be felt for some time to come. Maybe when I've returned, at last, to the Nameless Temple, I can allow myself to relax.
  135. Entry #34
  137. All too aware that Hirohito's eyes may have been following my every move, I made my way back to Aya and brought her to Garuna, with Captain Murasa offering transport. We spoke for a while, about her life and the recent unrest at sea, and my later meditation revealed certain truths. Nodens, the drowned god, is slowly waking up, while another god lurks in the east. For more answers, we lingered for some time in Garuna. Maab could provide some answers, at least – a clue as to Miura's true upbringing – and the grand archives provided the rest. A bloodthirsty god of warfare – one that might have just found itself an army...
  139. Entry #35
  141. Sometimes, a change in perspective is all it takes to ruin a day. My relief at returning to the Nameless Temple was cut short by Aya's observations – the sheer irregularity of the temple's layout. Haunted by the thought that it was not what I thought it was, I brought the matter to the Mentor. He spoke to me of the Firstborn, a failed experiment that lived and died within the Nameless Temple. Then, after learning of a piece of black propaganda being passed around from Howa, we prepared to hit the road. Little did I know that the real conflict was waiting within the temple...
  143. Entry #36
  145. Returning to the Dragon's Head, I once again found myself in the role of teacher. Thanks to a sudden defection, I was tasked with bearing witness to Holm's son as he prepared to become one of Lapis' priests. Checking the archives, however, I found evidence of cult activity, all pointing to someone named Toraji. A victim of Holm's nepotism, Toraji was vulnerable to the cult's influence, but his natural caution – cowardice even – kept him from joining their ranks. Seeing some worth in him, I took him on as an extra student. Time will tell.
  147. Entry #37
  149. With the pair of candidates settling on a speech – first to win round the people, then to win over Lapis himself – I let them focus on the details and returned to the temple. Howa had a few interesting revelations about Holm's family, while Holm himself was able to fill in the rest of the details. Those that he knew, at least. It was then that I began to suspect that there was something more going on in the Dragon's Head, cultists gathering for their usual destructive purposes. Only, that wasn't quite right – their motives were their own, their group having split off from the Seer's own forces. Worse, they might not be the only ones...
  151. Entry #38
  153. With Manabu's schemes uncovered and resolved – even if I had to improvise a little – my business was just about finished at the Dragon's Head. Learning the true nature of Lapis' trial, Toraji and Sunao became full members of the priesthood, and I gained a new power from the Azure Dragon himself. It was a power that I would not get the chance to use, however, as the road to Voile uncovered a new danger. Some mind-numbing sound that foiled any attempt to use magic. Could that sound be linked with the strange behaviours expressed by the local people? Perhaps the answer lies with the local legend, the Murmuring Goat...
  155. Entry #39
  157. The Murmuring Goat, that fearsome legend that is said to stalk the forests of Voile turned out to be... a mentally deficient girl in a home made costume. I wish I was making this up. Yet, not all was as it seemed – the costume itself was made under instructions from a being named “Murmur”, perhaps the same being that creates the awful noise that covers the area. At least, it's noise to me – to the young, it seems to be something else entirely. The clues are falling into place, now I just need to resolve this incident before someone dies or loses their mind. Easier said than done.
  159. Entry #40
  161. Argas is an unstable mess, swinging between mania and melancholy in turn, and that makes him dangerous. Perhaps I won't need to deal with him for much longer, though, as Fawn was able to call up her “friend”, Murmur. A god, broken and shackled by sorcery, he was forced to store vast amounts of knowledge and to share it – willingly or unwillingly – whenever the library needed to be restored. Following the trail of his long dead master, I travelled to the Stone of the North-West, currently in the throes of a festival. Sneaking into the treasury, I recovered Baphomet's sigil, and what might be the key to releasing Murmur from his bondage once and for all. Assuming it works, of course.
  163. Entry #41
  165. Bearing the sigil of Baphomet, it's design taken from the old villain's preserved corpse, and the sorcerer's great secret we returned to Voile. Setting about translating the secret, we were able to break Murmur's shackles and restore the god to his true form – a more benevolent form, his mind his own once again. Leaving Voile behind, we returned to the Nameless Temple, only to receive news from Soma. In a way, it was old news – the Seer's cult has splintered, the various factions going their own way. She did tell me of a man known only as the Ascetic, however, the leader of the most militant cultists – and possibly the Seer's apprentice, a new sorcerer.
  167. Entry #42
  169. Duty is important, but so is taking some personal time. Allowing myself some time to rest at the Nameless Temple, I was woken by the arrival of Aya's father, and the makings of a new printing press. Urging Aya to take up the pen once more, I made a few last visits before setting off on the road to Garuna. After paying my respects to Selene – the goddess being strangely silent – I met up with Murasa and set off north on the Hijiri. After some heated discussion, we decided on our first destination – Dumas. When we found land, however, it wasn't the island we had been expecting.
  171. Entry #44
  173. Coming face to face with Nodens came as a surprise. For all his inhuman appearance, and his sullen temperament, he was surprisingly helpful. On the promise that I would return and slay an abomination feeding on him, he would guide me to the northern shrine. Travelling there, I met with Maia, the shrine maiden – and, in a strange way, the hero her shrine was worshipping. A complicated tale, that. Having impressed her, we returned to Nodens' city, and I got to work hunting down the abomination – the twisted form of Nodens' former high priestess, Rosaria.
  175. Entry #44
  177. Along with a new spell, I was able to drag a little information out of Nodens. Makai, that blasted wasteland, was something he – along with Selene and Titanos – could have prevented. They let that land die. He also spoke of the Emperor's prophecy - “You will die young, as the last of your line”. No wonder that Sho is so desperate to prove himself above the gods, if that's what he's been hearing since he was young. With heavy hearts and new knowledge, we left Nodens' city behind. Out on the open ocean, in the bloodied hold of a ghost ship, I gained a vision – my first glance of the Ascetic, my new enemy. He might not be at Black Rock any more, but there might still be a lead, a hint as to his next move, upon that lonesome island.
  179. Entry #45
  181. Upon arriving at Black Rock, some gunshots led me to Marlo, a deserter from the Stone of the South-West. He talked about the Ascetic, and his dozen chosen warriors – I cannot, in good faith, call them men. Sneaking through the forests, and past the village, I made it to the Ascetic's layer. His plan, if it can be called that, is simple – he plans to kill the Emperor, and plunge the land into disarray. Such chaos would only benefit Kala, the bloodstained goddess of war. We spoke, her and I, about matters of past and future. Then, the time came for her to make an offer...
  183. Entry #46
  185. When I returned to the capital, I found it in a state of uncertainty. The Emperor was heading out on his “travels” - a journey east across Tenngaru – and the city has been left in Takino's hands. Hirohito, seeking to interfere with the Emperor's plans, found himself consigned to the south. Leaving the chaos behind us, we set out towards the Dragon's Head. Along the way, the Ascetic made his move – first smothering the Emperor's rifles, and then sending in a wave of brutal assassins. As I turned his men against him, the hunter became the hunted.
  187. Entry #47
  189. With dark thoughts of conspiracy dwelling on my mind, I entered the Dragon's Head for the third time. It was a town under attack, and living under the fear of a new assault. With the dark mood weighing upon us all, I set about organising the defences. With the knowledge that the Ascetic would try to divide us, to force us into making sacrifices that I could not accept, I ordered the townspeople into the safety and shelter of the temple. Meanwhile, following the whims of instinct, I delved deep underground, chasing after my enemy. Only one of us was going to emerge from those bleak tunnels, and the victor would decide Tenngaru's future.
  191. Entry #48
  193. In the aftermath of the Ascetic's attack on the Dragon's Head, I was left with a rather unique opportunity – to extract the answers I sought from his corrupt skull. What I learned was not good – General Takino was the traitor, leaking information to the Ascetic so that the Emperor might die, leaving the capital in his hands. The man's ambition will be his undoing, one day. The attack might have had one advantage, however – it seems to have taught the Emperor some humility, and finally educated him on the responsibilities of leadership. With his newfound wisdom, the time came for him to meet with Lapis, the Azure Dragon, and to decide the future of his railroad project.
  195. Entry #49
  197. Wounded, bloodied but not yet broken, we limped from the Dragon's Head to the Nameless Temple, and the respite it offered. Seeing the place again did my heart good. Howa was as welcoming as ever, but she got me thinking about retirement. Will I ever really get a chance to settle down and build a life for myself? The chance won't come for a while yet – with Takino, Selene and the Seer himself to deal with, I've got no shortage of things to take care of. Still, there might come a time when I can sit back and relax. Maybe one day.
  199. Entry #50
  201. In the blackest part of the night, I spoke with the Mentor about matters just as dark – the Seer's eventual fate among them. It was a conversation we needed to have, even if we did not care for it. Then, come morning, it was north to Garuna, and the catacombs that slumber beneath the city. With Miura's tale – an old fable of a wicked sorceress and divine retribution – still ringing in our ears, Ishida and I descended into the tunnels beneath the city. There, at the guidance of a pale shade, we came across Selene herself... and whatever answers she had to offer.
  203. Entry #51
  205. With little appetite to humour Ishida, or her hopeless desire for a duel, I fought her in the lowest, worst way possible. While I don't think I've burned every last bridge with her, neither should I really count on her to be a friend in future. Still, after a mercifully brief festival, it was back on the road – back to the Nameless Temple. I knew that I might not return there for some time, with the situations in the capital and Makai both fighting for my attention, so I spent as long as I needed to say my goodbyes. When the time to leave came around, Tawn joined the convoy. The capital city awaits...
  207. Entry #52
  209. Upon arriving at the capital, I was tasked with new orders – sniff out any trouble, or anything that might be used to prove Takino's schemes. Needless to say, trouble almost immediately found me, in the form of a discrete meeting. Grahn, an old acquaintance, had information that would point to Takino's involvement – and a fresh plot against the Emperor's life. Agitators, preparing to rouse a protesting crowd into a riot, and an assassin waiting within the palace. Taking steps to neutralise these various threats and risks, all that was left was to see if Takino was prepared to surrender himself without a fight.
  211. Entry #53
  213. With Takino in custody, and the Seer fleeing all the way to Makai's darkest corners, I knew that the time to finish this was drawing near. Yet, even as I chased the old sorcerer to his lair, I could sense that something was wrong. Some new threat – or perhaps a very old enemy – was lurking in the shadows. Either way, it doesn't matter – none of this matters now.
  215. One way or another, everything is going to end soon enough.
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