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Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. <DMT_Entity|34686> im really confusesd
  2. <DMT_Entity|34686> im crying
  3. <pegane> <3
  4. <DMT_Entity|34686> i love you ]
  5. <DMT_Entity|34686> all
  6. <DMT_Entity|34686> soo much
  7. <pegane> love you too:)
  8. <DMT_Entity|34686> im feelingng tingngly
  9. <PJosephonem> I'm happy you are happy entities. Express your feelings. Be true to yourself
  10. <PJosephonem> Share love and mitigate suffering
  11. <DMT_Entity|34686> i ccasnt understadn you
  12. <PJosephonem> Together we will achieve great things
  13. <PJosephonem> I just cuddles then
  14. * PJosephonem cuddles dmt-entity
  15. <PJosephonem> Get well soon brother
  16. <DMT_Entity|34686> how many days
  17. <DMT_Entity|34686> has it been
  18. <PJosephonem> Got shit to do
  19. <PJosephonem> Months
  20. <PJosephonem> Since when?
  21. <PJosephonem> You've only been screaming about hell for an hour or two
  22. <DMT_Entity|34686> im sorry
  23. <PJosephonem> You've been off the wagon for months
  24. <DMT_Entity|34686> i cant
  25. <PJosephonem> Don't be sorry, love yourself
  26. <DMT_Entity|34686> nothingihnigis real
  27. <PJosephonem> It is definitely real
  28. <PJosephonem> I can assure you thay
  29. <cocoanatta> how would you know
  30. <cocoanatta> no one knows if thats true
  31. <PJosephonem> And even if it's not real? So what? Aim for the high score bro
  32. <cocoanatta> hahaaha
  33. <DMT_Entity|34686> AleksTK:i want to to join your comunn
  34. <PJosephonem> We know that this is not a simulation because of irrational numbers
  35. <DMT_Entity|34686> is this real]
  36. <cocoanatta>
  37. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Roy: A Life Well Lived | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim - length 2m 41s - 4,290 likes, 27 dislikes (99.4%) - 330,866 views - Adult Swim on 2015.08.03
  38. <PJosephonem> Which would terminate in a simulated environment with limited computing power
  39. <cocoanatta> this is what our life is
  40. <DMT_Entity|34686> ami ami sconezozy
  41. <PJosephonem> Sconezykins you'll be the first invited to my communal effort
  42. <PJosephonem> Since you're closest lol
  43. <cocoanatta> how about all the people in the uk
  44. <PJosephonem> Josie et al of course are welcome too
  45. <PJosephonem> And anyone else who wants to migrate
  46. <PJosephonem> But look to the future brother, suffering is temporary. Peace an
  47. <PJosephonem> Will come sooner than we might kmagine
  48. * DMT_Entity|34686 has quit (Quit: User closed KiwiIRC)
  49. * DMT_Entity|25204 ( has joined
  50. * DMT_Entity|25204 has quit (Quit: User closed KiwiIRC)
  51. <pegane> yum yum yum
  52. * DMT_Entity|15510 ( has joined
  53. <DMT_Entity|15510> HWAT
  54. <DMT_Entity|15510> HWAT
  55. <DMT_Entity|15510> isanyoneone here
  56. <DMT_Entity|15510> isanyoneone here
  57. <DMT_Entity|15510> plese
  58. <DMT_Entity|15510> hrlooo
  59. <DMT_Entity|15510> hrlooo
  60. <DMT_Entity|15510> +coco
  61. <DMT_Entity|15510> jisie
  62. <DMT_Entity|15510> kaylrw
  63. <DMT_Entity|15510> ami i reaal
  64. <DMT_Entity|15510> thid
  65. <DMT_Entity|15510> this is the end of the
  66. <DMT_Entity|15510> world
  67. <DMT_Entity|15510> someone
  68. <DMT_Entity|15510> pleaseese
  69. <DMT_Entity|15510> helmpme
  70. * Notify: xanny is offline (Snoonet)
  71. <DMT_Entity|15510> is anyonre there
  72. <DMT_Entity|15510> please
  73. <Viscid> hey sconze
  74. <Viscid> Was just on my exercise bike
  75. <Viscid> and am very sweaty
  76. <Viscid> and can assure you that you're still real
  77. <DMT_Entity|15510> im scared
  78. <DMT_Entity|15510> viscid
  79. <Viscid> It's okay to be scared
  80. <pegane> yes we still are here DMT_Entity|15510 :)
  81. <DMT_Entity|15510> is this a dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
  82. <pegane> no
  83. <pegane> also don't worry the world will be fine
  84. <DMT_Entity|15510> im terffified
  85. <pegane> thx for your concern though
  86. <pegane> it's okay brother you are tripping absolute balls
  87. <Viscid> I think sconzey is in a loop
  88. <DMT_Entity|15510> im sorry
  89. <pegane> DMT_Entity|15510: you're just orbiting around the sun
  90. <DMT_Entity|15510> gof
  91. <Viscid> The memory suppression is probably what makes him feel the world isn't real
  92. <DMT_Entity|15510> GOF
  93. <DMT_Entity|15510> GOD
  94. <pegane> :D
  95. <Viscid> Whenever I was in a loop it felt like the world wasn't real
  96. <DMT_Entity|15510> PEGANEE
  97. <DMT_Entity|15510> are you real
  98. <pegane> I am as real as you are
  99. * DMT_Entity|50638 ( has joined
  100. <DMT_Entity|15510> im so sroorryy
  101. <Viscid> sconzey, do you remember when you took the LSD?
  102. <pegane> it's okay buddy
  103. <DMT_Entity|15510> wow
  104. <DisketteKitten> I_I
  105. <pegane> you're doing just fine at the moment
  106. <DMT_Entity|15510> IM SHAKING
  107. <DMT_Entity|15510> soz capz
  108. <Viscid> DMT_Entity|15510: High dose LSD causes ataxia
  109. <Viscid> motor discoordination
  110. <DMT_Entity|15510> how much time has passed
  111. * pegane huggles DMT_Entity|
  112. <pegane> well do you remember when it dit start? or maybe you wrote that down?
  113. <Viscid> DMT_Entity|15510: Since I came in here, 2 and a half hours.
  114. <Viscid> I don't know how much before that you took the LSD
  115. <DMT_Entity|15510> was coco talking.
  116. <Viscid> .seen cocoanatta
  117. <gonzobot> (Viscid) cocoanatta was last seen 32 minutes and 48 seconds ago saying: how about all the people in the uk
  118. <Viscid> gotta shower, brb
  119. <DMT_Entity|15510> GOF
  120. <DMT_Entity|15510> whwhat have i done
  121. <DMT_Entity|15510> im so rorry
  122. * DMT_Entity|50638 has quit (Quit: User closed KiwiIRC)
  123. <DMT_Entity|15510> +thiis
  124. <DMT_Entity|15510> is
  125. <DMT_Entity|15510> reaaalywerd
  126. <pegane> :)
  127. <DMT_Entity|15510> does coco want to beat me up
  128. <DMT_Entity|15510> ami i sconezy
  129. <pegane> you're sconezy
  130. * DisketteKitten has quit (Connection closed)
  131. <DMT_Entity|15510> +fuck
  132. <DMT_Entity|15510> gof
  133. <DMT_Entity|15510> god
  134. <DMT_Entity|15510> im im so scared
  135. <pegane> hold on
  136. <pegane> sit straight and let the balls trip through you
  137. <Viscid> DMT_Entity|15510: Another hour or two and you'll start coming down
  138. <DMT_Entity|15510> what am i on
  139. <pegane> LSD
  140. <Viscid> ACI
  141. <DMT_Entity|15510> didi offend coco
  142. * PJosephonem has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  143. <Viscid> coco still loves you
  144. <DMT_Entity|15510> i dont konw what day it it is
  145. <Viscid> And you've been having the same thought loop for a good long time. 1) Coco wants to beat me up and he hates me. 2) The world isn't real. 3) I am going to die. 4) I am scared. 5) I love everyone.
  146. <pegane> it's Thursday here
  147. <DMT_Entity|15510> fuck
  148. <DMT_Entity|15510> what have i done
  149. <DMT_Entity|15510> i altereredered realty
  150. <Kaytwo> You only alerted how you see it.
  151. <Kaytwo> Can confirm.
  152. <DMT_Entity|15510> im do confused
  153. <DMT_Entity|15510> am i in a statte of psychcosis?
  154. <Kaytwo> You're on mind altering drugs
  155. <cocoanatta> .yt state of confusion kinks
  156. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) The Kinks - State of Confusion (1983) - length 1h 37s - 74 likes, 2 dislikes (97.4%) - 13,776 views - Arthur Channel on 2014.12.12 -
  157. <DMT_Entity|15510> how any adays
  158. <DMT_Entity|15510> have paseed
  159. <pegane> 0
  160. * semyon|off is now known as semyon
  161. <DMT_Entity|15510> someone help me
  162. <pegane> stay sit and you'll be A-fine
  163. <pegane> stay sat*
  164. <pegane> put on some music
  165. <DMT_Entity|15510> did i kill my mom
  166. <pegane> I don't think so
  167. <Viscid> Nope
  168. <Viscid> Your mom is fine and she forgave you
  169. <DMT_Entity|15510> i
  170. <DMT_Entity|15510> i just
  171. <DMT_Entity|15510> cstn
  172. <DMT_Entity|15510> g[
  173. <DMT_Entity|15510> ]gof
  174. * pegane handles DMT_Entity|15510 a waffle
  175. <DMT_Entity|15510> i need to die
  176. <AleksTK> No.
  177. <AleksTK> Don't die.
  178. <AleksTK> I love you.
  179. <pegane> like PJ-master would say: meditate!
  180. <DMT_Entity|15510> ehwhatwhat day is it
  181. <DMT_Entity|15510> what day is it
  182. <Viscid> .date
  183. <Viscid> .time
  184. <Viscid> .time Dublin, Ireland
  185. <gonzobot> (Viscid) 05:08 PM, Thursday, September 03, 2015 - Dublin, Ireland (Irish Standard Time)
  186. <DMT_Entity|15510> this is terrible
  187. <pegane> the time is terrible?
  188. <pegane> or you don't like thursdays?
  189. <Kaytwo> XD
  190. <cocoanatta> thursdays are cool
  191. <cocoanatta> thurrrrrrrs daaaaaaaaay
  192. <pegane> I love me some thursdays
  193. <cocoanatta> its like
  194. <DMT_Entity|15510> coco
  195. * pegane gives sconezy a thursday
  196. <cocoanatta> the precursor to friday
  197. <DMT_Entity|15510> please help me
  198. * cocoanatta does one whole thursday
  199. <cocoanatta> with what
  200. <pegane> wowowow
  201. <cocoanatta> you need to help yourself dude
  202. <cocoanatta> I can't do anything that isn't in your power
  203. <cocoanatta> .yt help yourself devil makes three
  204. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) The Devil Makes Three - Help yourself - length 3m 58s - 394 likes, 7 dislikes (98.3%) - 62,731 views - Aaron Mulhall on 2011.05.21 -
  205. <DMT_Entity|15510> i broke my computer?
  206. <cocoanatta> yes
  207. <cocoanatta> you smashed it on benzos
  208. <pegane> :'(
  209. <pegane> poor gentle computer
  210. <pegane> probably to show yourself how little you cared about things, you took care to destroy it
  211. <cocoanatta> he said he destroyed it so he would never come back on this irc
  212. <cocoanatta> obviously that didnt work
  213. <pegane> indeed
  214. <DMT_Entity|15510> do you hate me
  215. <cocoanatta> nope i just hate how you've been behaving
  216. <cocoanatta> and I hate that you keep taking benzos
  217. <cocoanatta> \
  218. <cocoanatta> what did this image look like sconezy
  219. <DMT_Entity|15510> hoe many days has it been
  220. <cocoanatta> since what
  221. <cocoanatta> you keep saying that with no reference point
  222. <cocoanatta> since you started going crazy on benzos?
  223. <cocoanatta> about a month
  224. <DMT_Entity|15510> i am psychotic
  225. <cocoanatta> you certaintly are on benzos
  226. <Kaytwo> Nope just on drugs
  227. <DMT_Entity|15510> realiity it ike
  228. <DMT_Entity|15510> falling
  229. <DMT_Entity|15510> apppart
  230. <DMT_Entity|15510> right
  231. <DMT_Entity|15510> now
  232. <cocoanatta> dude your tripping
  233. <cocoanatta>
  234. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) moe. - Same Old Story - length 4m 25s - 26 likes, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 5,037 views - Steve Ferris on 2014.06.23
  235. <DMT_Entity|15510> my attery is going low
  236. <DMT_Entity|15510> did i take acid?
  237. <cocoanatta> lol yes
  238. <cocoanatta> and benzos
  239. <cocoanatta> .lyrics same old story moe
  240. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Same Old Story -- While they dance How she holds him Pulls him close And loves him so While he dreams of another And counts the days Until he lets her go ...
  241. <cocoanatta> ummm i hate this fucntion
  242. <cocoanatta> lies thats n ot the lyrics
  243. <cocoanatta>
  244. <DMT_Entity|15510> fuck
  245. <pegane> my whooooolllle liiiife is a mysteryyyyy
  246. <DMT_Entity|15510> im so confused
  247. <cocoanatta> life is like a box of choco-lits
  248. * DMT_Entity|15510 has quit (Quit: User closed KiwiIRC)
  249. <pegane> .urban choco-lits
  250. <gonzobot> (pegane) Not found.
  251. <cocoanatta> chocolates
  252. <cocoanatta> but forest gump says choco-lits
  253. <pegane> oh
  254. <pegane> all I want to believe is that I am better
  255. <cocoanatta>
  256. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Pretty Lights - Finally Moving - length 4m 39s - 75,789 likes, 1,452 dislikes (98.1%) - 17,307,647 views - AAA FM on 2009.08.06
  257. <pegane> Beach House is chill
  258. * dconezy ( has joined
  259. * dconezy is now known as sconzy
  260. <Viscid> wb
  261. <cocoanatta> its dee conezy mon
  262. <cocoanatta> weldcome brudduh
  263. <sconzy> how long have i i been sitting here for
  264. <cocoanatta> 18 years
  265. <Viscid> ish
  266. <pegane> you're now a wise old man
  267. <sconzy> well then
  268. <sconzy> what now
  269. <pegane> nothing, just enjoy what's happening
  270. <cocoanatta> hahaha
  271. <Skyshale> hahaha
  272. <sconzy> what did i do
  273. <pegane> you travelled forth in time
  274. <cocoanatta> you became a transdimensional hyperspacce being
  275. <cocoanatta> you are not a dmt entity
  276. <cocoanatta> congrats
  277. <cocoanatta> now*
  278. <Viscid> off to work, ta
  279. <cocoanatta> seeya viscy
  280. <sconzy> you are confusing me
  281. <cocoanatta> life is confusing
  282. <pegane> sconzy: people can now smoke dmt and meet you in their trips
  283. <cocoanatta> hell yea!
  284. <pegane> in fact I'll just do that. Give me a minute!
  285. <sconzy> howw long have i been sitting here in a time loop]
  286. <cocoanatta> idunno you were in it when i woke up at like 11pm
  287. <cocoanatta> so atleast 2 hours
  288. <sconzy> wheeeeere is my mmom
  289. <cocoanatta> can you suggest me a good beach house song pegane
  290. <sconzy> you guys are not real
  291. <pegane> well I'm listening to "Master of None"  at the moment, it's good
  292. <pegane> everything is pretty good in that album
  293. <semyon> gila is really nice
  294. <cocoanatta> your right we are other dmt entities, we're a part of collective subconcious
  295. <sconzy> fuck
  296. <Kaytwo> Yay,I'm not real. That actually saves a lot of existential dread
  297. <cocoanatta> right?!
  298. <cocoanatta> such a weight off my shoulder
  299. <sconzy> i have completeley fuckedup my entire life
  300. <sconzy> good job sconezy
  301. <sconzy> and how did pj find me on facebook
  302. <cocoanatta> oh its not too bad, just stop while your ahead and you'll be good
  303. <Kaytwo> Nope the fact that we're having this conversation on irc over the Internet means it's not too bad
  304. <cocoanatta> yea lol
  305. <cocoanatta> your in a 1st world country
  306. <cocoanatta> with a home
  307. <cocoanatta> and food
  308. <cocoanatta> and clothes
  309. <sconzy> can somone explain to me what i have just done
  310. <sconzy> bc i dont know
  311. <cocoanatta> took tons of benzos and half a tab of lsd
  312. <pegane> sconzy: wanna read some book?
  313. * sconzy has quit (Quit: User closed KiwiIRC)
  314. <cocoanatta>
  315. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Woody Guthrie - "Red River Valley" - length 2m 57s - 978 likes, 26 dislikes (97.4%) - 347,383 views - Smithsonian Folkways on 2009.02.23
  316. <cocoanatta>
  317. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Howlin' Wolf - Back Door Man - length 2m 53s - 70 likes, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 13,572 views - MrJohnnyNumbers on 2014.01.15
  318. <semyon>
  319. <gonzobot> (semyon) Eddie Hazel - I Want You(She's So Heavy) - length 9m 27s - 1,047 likes, 10 dislikes (99.1%) - 142,031 views - ozzyserbia on 2011.02.01
  320. <cocoanatta> hahaha that song brings back alot of memories
  321. <semyon> hehe
  322. <cocoanatta> thats a george harrison song
  323. <semyon> yeah it's that type of song
  324. <semyon> if that makes sense
  325. <cocoanatta> yea i know what you mean
  326. <cocoanatta> the these are some nice shreds
  327. <cocoanatta>
  328. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Mac DeMarco - Lonely Shredder - length 3m 7s - 887 likes, 7 dislikes (99.2%) - 82,740 views - Japahuep on 2013.07.09
  329. <semyon> hmm didn't know about this album
  330. <semyon> i saw him last year in germany, dude's so chill
  331. <cocoanatta>
  332. <cocoanatta> its a demo album
  333. <cocoanatta> theres lots of good songs on it though
  334. <cocoanatta> like
  335. <cocoanatta> ken the wolf boy
  336. <cocoanatta>
  337. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) Mac Demarco ~ Ken The Wolf Boy - length 2m 56s - 206 likes, 1 dislike (99.5%) - 19,282 views - andrew ochoa on 2014.07.24
  338. <semyon> cool, i did listen to that live thing he did, that one is really nice too
  339. <cocoanatta> yea
  340. <cocoanatta> the new album?
  341. <semyon> the commentary makes it so much better
  342. <semyon> no this one
  343. <gonzobot> (semyon) [HQ] Mac DeMarco - Live And Acoustic Vol. 1 (Full Cassette) - length 25m 12s - 248 likes, 4 dislikes (98.4%) - 22,611 views - Ian Ruhala on 2014.05.22
  344. <cocoanatta> oooh i havent heard this one
  345. * DisketteKitten (DisketteKit@Snoonet-mu4.tdu.95spm1.IP) has joined
  347. <cocoanatta> hahaha
  348. <cocoanatta> i love that herald
  349. <cocoanatta> .herald show
  350. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ┣▇▇▇▇▇▇═── ு ு Squirt! Squirt! ⊂(◉‿◉)つ
  351. <Skyshale> herald
  352. <semyon> you saw that mini documentary of him
  353. <cocoanatta> i havent seein it yet either
  354. <semyon> it's really good
  355. <gonzobot> (semyon) Mac DeMarco - Pepperoni Playboy (Documentary) - length 33m 56s - 13,166 likes, 159 dislikes (98.8%) - 936,611 views - Pitchfork on 2014.05.12
  356. <cocoanatta> yea ive seen it on youtube just havent watched it yet
  357. <semyon> cool
  358. <semyon> ken the wolf boy is chill
  359. <cocoanatta>
  360. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) The YouTube API is off in the Google Developers Console.
  361. <cocoanatta> damn you gonzo
  362. <cocoanatta> i saw these guys in concert a month ago
  363. <cocoanatta> best jam band evar
  364. <cocoanatta> besides the dead
  365. <semyon> nice, sounds like it would be fun to see live
  366. <cocoanatta> they are trippy as fuck
  367. <cocoanatta> and very eclectic
  368. <cocoanatta>
  369. <gonzobot> (cocoanatta) The YouTube API is off in the Google Developers Console.
  370. <cocoanatta> they played this song
  371. <cocoanatta> silver sun
  372. <cocoanatta> just as i started to peak
  373. <cocoanatta> and it blew my fucking skull wide open
  374. <cocoanatta> i love that guitar style
  375. <semyon> wow sounds good
  376. <semyon> yeah
  377. <cocoanatta> lyrics are amazing too
  378. <semyon> heh i had that happen when warpaint was playing
  379. <semyon> it was really good
  380. <semyon> well not mind-blowing but euphoric peaking
  381. <cocoanatta> the vocals remind me of pink floyd on this track
  382. <Kaytwo> On acid?
  383. <cocoanatta> 4 tabs of 175ug
  384. <Kaytwo> Beautiful
  385. <cocoanatta> it was fucking incredible
  386. <cocoanatta> i just collapsed with bliss
  387. <Kaytwo> My first lsd peak was to m83
  388. <cocoanatta> i like how they specifically start the vocals at 4:20 lol
  389. <Kaytwo> appropriatedoses of lsd are musically induced overwhelming bliss usually
  390. <cocoanatta> yea lsd is great for music appreciation
  391. <cocoanatta> there was alot of jambands there
  392. <cocoanatta> moe., lotus, sts9,
  393. <cocoanatta> umm dark star orchestra
  394. * sconezypuoppp ( has joined
  395. <sconezypuoppp> hi
  396. <sconezypuoppp> fuck
  397. <sconezypuoppp> i am
  398. <sconezypuoppp> exchausted
  399. <sconezypuoppp> so
  400. <sconezypuoppp> am i on acid right now
  401. <sconezypuoppp> and if so
  402. <sconezypuoppp> how much
  403. <Kaytwo> You said half a tab earlier
  404. <sconezypuoppp> ok
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