
Canter U: Day 44 Tuesday [A Rare Kiss]

Sep 4th, 2013
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  1. Welcome to Canterlot University: Social Experiment Edition.
  2. [spoiler]I’ll be writing for a little bit, and I’m letting my friend, and experienced writer, Kinkajou wrap it up.
  3. KJ wrote for our high school newspaper, and he’s a psych major at Boulder, CO.[/spoiler]
  4. [spoiler]So he’s better than me.[/spoiler]
  6. The story so far:
  10. >Augh… what day is it?
  11. >And why is your alarm clock on?
  12. >You don’t have a final today, right?
  13. >You sit in your bed, clutching your sheets as you run through your mental calendar.
  14. >Today’s… Tuesday?
  15. >Day 44.
  16. >Um… well… you know you have a test later on this week.
  17. >Tomorrow?
  18. >Thursday?
  19. >Fuckit, OP says Thursday, regardless of continuity errors.
  20. >But… there’s something missing in the lines.
  21. >Your mental calendar only has 3 finals in it!
  22. >Egh… you’ll figure out later.
  23. >Not like missing a final will kill your grade too hard, will it?
  24. [spoiler]Quest Added: Figure out what final is missing.[/spoiler]
  25. >You debate getting out of bed.
  26. >It’s only 9 AM.
  27. >Spike’s not even awake yet.
  29. A. breakfast
  30. B. study/work
  31. C. shower
  33. >Let’s get showered.
  34. >You take your shirt off and replace it with a towel sash.
  35. >Actually, forget the sash. Let’s go with a towel cape!
  36. >You tie it around your neck like that one time Femanon showed her new boyfriend(s) to you in high school.
  37. >You were an hero.
  38. >[spoiler]... yeah, a bit of a stretch there too.[/spoiler]
  39. >So… what’s the game plan?
  40. >Yeah, towel cape.
  41. >You look at your topless self in the mirror.
  42. >Flourishing your cape, and pretending to fly.
  43. >Who says you can’t be a kid now and then?
  44. >You take a closer look at yourself in the mirror.
  45. >You… don’t look that much different.
  46. >Maybe a little more scruff on the chin, but…
  47. >You’re still not a muscular, sexy boss man.
  48. >You’re the same person you were when you first came here.
  49. >You shake your head. That’s enough existential character development.
  50. >Time to shower.
  51. >You head out into the hall… and you see topless Shining Armor, towel wrapped over his shoulder.
  52. “Nice cape, brah.”
  53. >No homo, but Twilight’s totally not weird for liking him.
  54. >He looks nice… and dat hair doe.
  55. >Does he condition?
  57. A. run to the shower door.
  58. B. Let him shower first.
  59. C. Suggest to shower together.
  61. >He might condition…
  62. >But you bet he doesn’t do sprints.
  63. >You sprint to the door and open it, and lock yourself inside.
  64. >You hear the muffled voice outside.
  65. “Damn, brah… if you wanted to go first, ya just had to tell me.”
  66. >Time to shower.
  67. >You turn on the hot water to keep you warm.
  68. >Damn, this feels nice.
  69. >What to think about?
  70. >Rainbow Dash? Sure, why not?
  71. >She’s cute.
  72. >She plays soccer…
  73. >Do you want her as your waifu?
  74. >lol no other choice?
  75. >You rinse the soap that’s all over you… and you get out and dry up.
  76. >Whew… good shower.
  77. >You wrap yourself up and head out.
  78. >Shining Armor’s leaning outside the door, and takes your place in the shower room.
  79. >You go into your room and get dressed.
  81. A. breakfast
  82. B. work/study
  83. C. vidya
  85. >Wakey wakey, eggs n’ bakey.
  86. >Too bad you’re the only one who cooks around here.
  87. >Eggs OP.
  88. >You really need to tell these bitches to get in the kitchen.
  89. >General misogyny turns me on.
  90. >Really though, it’d be nice if someone cooked you a meal.
  91. >The Apple farm weekend was a pretty nice weekend, despite you having helped cook.
  92. >You head out into the commons.
  93. >And… no one’s out here.
  94. >Well damn, looks like you’re making your own breakfast.
  95. >But how cute would it be if Rainbow made you something.
  96. >Bento bokusu desu kawaii da ne~?
  97. >No.
  98. >What if Rainbow sucks at cooking?
  99. >Meh, at least you know how…
  100. >Despite not being in lab for weeks on end.
  101. >Time to make your signature omlette du fromage.
  102. >Dexter has a lab, and he made those all the time.
  103. >TL;DR it’s fucking great.
  104. >Fluttershy heads out into the lobby.
  105. “Oh… good morning!”
  106. >Don’t mind the fact that you’re eating baby chickens.
  107. “What are you planning to do today?”
  109. A. hit on Fluttershy
  110. B. girls hall
  111. C. study
  113. Phone:
  116. >Eh, feelin’ like chilling today.
  117. “Aren’t you anxious?”
  118. >For what?
  119. “Finals?”
  120. >Nahbitchnah.
  121. >You’re never anxious.
  122. >Ever.
  123. “B-because I was planning to study.”
  124. >Did you hear something?
  125. >Sounded like nobody was talking.
  126. >You ask Fluttershy for her ID.
  127. >She easily obliges and hands you her card.
  128. >What a doormat.
  129. >Except… you can’t have sex with your doormat.
  130. [spoiler]Wait… you can?[/spoiler]
  132. A. Rainbow
  133. B. Rarity/Twilight
  134. C. Pinkie
  136. >You knock on Rarity’s door.
  137. >And… wait for a minute.
  138. “Coming!”
  139. >That’s Twilight.
  140. >She opens the door.
  141. “Hey there, Anon! What are you doing here?”
  142. >A better question is, why are you always spending your time in the girls hall?
  143. >People gonna think you’re thirsty.
  144. >Twilight has her backpack slung on her.
  145. “I’m gonna go study with Fluttershy at the library… I’ll see you two later!”
  146. >You peek your head further in the room.
  147. >Please be hot, please be hot.
  148. >Her hair’s down.
  149. >Not that that’s a bad thing. It looks sultry...
  150. “Oh, hello darling.”
  151. >Rarity turns around from her desk.
  152. >No make up.
  154. A. small talk.
  155. B. business talk
  156. C. “business” talk
  158. >You sit on Twilight’s bed.
  159. >Maybe you can bring back some memories?
  160. >Does Rarity even remember?
  161. >You pat the bed, and ask.
  162. “Remember what, darling?”
  163. >This bed.
  164. “Anonymous! I thought we agreed to not talk about that ever again.”
  165. >Not talk about what?
  166. “Exactly.”
  167. >Fuck, that wasn’t what you had in mind.
  168. >Wasn’t it fun though?
  169. “Anon… you’re testing my patience…”
  170. >She just needs to admi-
  171. “I shared something with you that I thought you were special enough to appreciate.”
  172. >She lashes out at you.
  173. “I opened up to you. Let you inside.”
  174. >You resist the urge to snicker at that last bit.
  175. “Showed you the real me! Someone that I thought you were supposed to appreciate!”
  176. >Now that she’s up in your face, you notice how different Rarity looks today.
  177. >Not because she’s angry, of course… but because she doesn’t have a cake on her face.
  179. A. Apologize
  180. B. Stay silent
  181. C. Leave
  183. >Wait… it’s not the lack of makeup that’s making her look different.
  184. >She’s legitimately angry.
  185. >You wait until she settles down a bit.
  186. >Before preparing your long winded speech.
  187. >Like you noticed earlier… you haven’t changed in the least bit since you’ve started coming here.
  188. >Or… you haven’t changed at all since high school.
  189. >In reality… you still feel like a kid.
  190. >Now, earlier… and that fateful day with Rarity.
  191. >Back then… you weren’t ready for… commitment.
  192. >Hell, you’re still not sure if you are now.
  193. >[spoiler]implying commitment with Rarity[/spoiler]
  194. >And… you know that Rarity’s looking for someone who can see past the colored pigments and nanoparticles.
  195. >Past the threads and stitches.
  196. [spoiler]no, not at her bootylicious booty[/spoiler]
  197. >But… at who she is on the inside.
  198. >A plain girl, who loves art.
  199. >Someone willing to offer anything to someone who cares about her.
  200. >Generous. Keen. Intelligent…
  201. >Beautiful.
  202. “Y-you really think that’s who I am, Anon?”
  203. >You nod once.
  204. >She breaks into tears and hugs you softly because [spoiler]melodrama[/spoiler]
  205. “Darling… why do you do this to me?”
  206. >She plants a kiss on your cheek.
  207. [spoiler]Eugh bitch step off ur ugly[/spoiler]
  209. A. escalate.
  210. B. leave and study.
  211. C. leave and relax.
  213. >You smile after Rarity’s uncolored lips take off from your cheek.
  214. >Is… that all she has to offer?
  215. >You got something better.
  216. >Lips?
  217. >Meet lips.
  218. >You lean in and Rarity closes her eyes, opening her mouth slightly.
  219. >You make contact, and the warmth you share increases.
  220. >Her breath feels so good against yours.
  221. >Oddly enough, just the breath and kiss alone was enough to pop you.
  222. >You close your eyes and press up against her, kissing each other in sheer bliss.
  223. >Lips envelop each other, taking their turns in winning the fight.
  224. >She moans.
  225. >Vibrations send forth through your lips, further inebriating you beyond anything you’ve experienced.
  226. >That’s all you can feel, is the mind numbing supple flesh against yours.
  227. >What you can hear?
  228. “Mmnnh…”
  229. >The soft sounds of puckering and movement…
  230. >The sounds of clothes and bodies brushing against each other.
  231. >A door slamming.
  232. >The kiss breaks immediately.
  233. “What was that?”
  235. A. go investigate.
  236. B. shrug it off
  237. C. leave
  239. >You fix your everything, as you pull off of Rarity.
  240. >She fixes herself too.
  241. >Not like there was much to fix to begin with.
  242. “You’re leaving, darling?”
  243. >Just going to take a look outside…
  244. >You peek your head outside.
  245. >Nobody lingering in the halls… and from the look of the lobby, nobody out there either.
  246. >The only thing that accompanies you is an indiscriminate noise coming from… somewhere.
  247. >Voices, sighing, grumbling.
  248. >A loud thud.
  249. >Now… if only you could pinpoint where that sound is…
  251. A. Pinkie’s room
  252. B. Rainbow/Flutter room.
  253. C. Shower room.
  255. >You move towards the door.
  256. >Yup… it’s coming from inside…
  257. >And the door’s open.
  258. >You peek your head inside.
  259. >And… all you see is a head of Rainbow hair face down on her bed.
  260. >You can hear ragged and choppy breaths, her back rising up and down in odd staccato.
  261. >What the hell’s going on in here?
  262. >Rainbow never cries.
  263. >And… the one time you saw her sad?
  264. >After her away game?
  265. >Damn near broke your heart.
  266. >You couldn’t stand to see her like that.
  267. >Broken. Defeated. Worthless.
  268. >And here you are. Standing… seeing her like this.
  269. >Crushed. Betrayed. Lost.
  270. >She still hasn’t seen you yet.
  272. A. comfort her
  273. B. apologize
  274. C. leave
  276. >Rainbro needs you.
  277. >You’re willing to give up a fucksession with the hall’s hottest girl to comfort her.
  278. >If it’s Rainbow, she takes priority, right?
  279. >She’s been there for you… so you need to return the favor.
  280. >You knock softly on the door.
  281. >Is she okay?
  282. >Rainbow doesn’t need to turn around to throw a pillow at you.
  283. “Get your ass out of here!”
  284. >What’s wrong?
  285. >She passive-aggresively chuckles through her tears.
  286. “Oh, you know damn well what’s wrong.”
  287. >Shit… she must’ve seen you kissing Rarity.
  288. [spoiler]OP, why no issue with Pinkie?[/spoiler]
  289. >Not just kissing Rarity…
  290. >But practically fessing up to her like she was your waifu or something.
  291. >And then eating her face.
  292. >You do your best to comfort Rainbow Dash from afar.
  293. “I thought I said leave!”
  294. >You clutch the pillow Rainbow threw at you just earlier.
  296. A. apologize.
  297. B. go back to Rarity
  298. C. leave
  300. >Pillow in arms, you give it one last hug.
  301. >One last deep breath.
  302. >The scent of strawberries.
  303. >To remind you what you’re fighting for.
  304. >To remind you of how you are a genuine, caring person.
  305. >Although the strawberries show you a hint of Femanon in your brain, the lessons you’ve learned from futilely chasing after her resonate through your psyche.
  306. >You need to be there for the people you care about…
  307. >You need to be a good boyfriend, and make the most of your time with everybody.
  308. >You need to build that trust amongst your friends and loved ones.
  309. >And when that trust is broken?
  310. >You need to work like hell to build it back up.
  311. >Hopefully Rainbow’s as forgiving as Fem was.
  312. >The scent of strawberries vanish slowly.
  313. “Are you still in here?! Get out!”
  314. >You ask Rainbow Dash to listen to you.
  315. “I don’t have to listen to you.”
  316. >You’re sorry.
  317. “Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Anon! I can’t believe you could do this to me! I liked you! Hell, I might’ve even started to love you! And you knew that! And threw it all away!”
  318. >She’s right.
  319. >You’re struggling for words now. Dash whips around and shows you the tears streaming down her face.
  320. >Before she has the chance to hit you….
  321. >You tell her how you feel horrible. That what you did was entirely wrong. You regret everything that you’ve done…
  322. >Dash holds her fist back as your brain’s working overtime to think of what to say, careful not to fuck anything up.
  323. >Because… if you lost Dash…
  324. >No, mind… stay optimistic.
  325. >You’re not gonna lose Dash.
  326. >You don’t wanna lose her.
  327. >She means the world to you.
  328. >She supported you through your endeavors.
  329. >Filled your black and white days with sheer color.
  330. >Made you as happy as you are healthy.
  331. “G-get out… now.”
  333. [spoiler]End Day 44[/spoiler]
  335. >You exit the room, closing the door slowly behind you, and trudge back to your room.
  336. >Feeling dejected. Lost.
  337. >You screwed up.
  338. >Rainbow.
  339. >The girl who asked for nothing.
  340. >On the surface, brash and confident, but on the inside…
  341. >Someone who wanted to be cared for.
  342. >Someone who was looking for appreciation beyond her physical skills.
  343. >Someone who was looking for fun… but found something deeper…
  344. >But dove too deep.
  345. >But you’re not giving up hope.
  346. >Trust is going to take a while to build.
  347. >And you can only hope that her favor swings in your fortune.
  348. >You return to your room, crack open a book, and begin to study.
  350. Day 44 Summary
  351. Rarity Arc advanced
  352. Dash waifu arc advanced.
  353. Study efficiency: 40%
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