

Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ((goodevening is there a roleplay going on , closed rp or open roleplay? is this a bad time to come in ?))
  2. DiannaDemon: {Welcome to the Empire of Eternia Throne Room. Please, post a 3-4 line minimum / 9-10 line maximum entrance post and remove all weapons before approaching the thrones. The setting is mid to late Middle Ages in a world where swords just kept getting cooler and cooler. The castle lies in the middle of the thick forest, only accessable via a dirt trail. Halfway to the castle from the main road, the trail splits off and leads to the tavern.It is afternoon, and rain has begun to fall softly on the land.}
  3. Eromyna: ((I'm heading out guys. Parents want to celebrate me passing my exam. I'll be on later. ))
  4. NamelessIndecision: ((Ciao.))
  5. DiannaDemon: (Laters)
  6. DiannaDemon: brb
  7. Guest_VengefulSin: :tilts her head left then right blinking: Milady Claire where is Milady Julie today?
  8. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ((is there a sea nearby ?))
  9. GemAlPendragon: o.o
  10. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((About 4 hours SE of Eternia is the Aquatic Ocean))
  11. CaptainGabrieleStoro: thank you ))
  12. Guest_VengefulSin: (se? huh?)
  13. DSKXavierBloodStorm: HOLD THE FUCK UP
  14. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Which one of you here is relaying messages to the SE that I just accepted Gem back in my EMpire????
  15. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Nevermind I know who it is.
  16. DSKXavierBloodStorm: It is not one of you
  17. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Sorry
  18. NamelessIndecision: ((I'd rather see Bala flayed before he's burnt on a pike. Headless.))
  19. RileyIlinna: ((shall we filet him? we shall have Bilet for dinner. :D ))
  20. QueenSkylar187: ((i agree with Nameless i just got out of that hell hole))
  21. NamelessIndecision: ((I suggest the Forrest of Corpses as a basic sutiable punishment.))
  22. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((No Im going to have my General trace everyone's IP address. If anyone comes up being someone they are not you will be executed on the spot with a Oboron Disrupter Katana))
  23. NamelessIndecision: ((Cool. Hadn't had a real fight since I was Vein.))
  24. GemAlPendragon: Why not just caste a spell... -.- Nameless...)
  25. Guest_VengefulSin: (sorry i was just asking about your se of eternia i thought they were your enemy is that what you mean?)
  26. NamelessIndecision: ((Magic doesn't work like that with me x3))
  27. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((Yes the SE is my Enemy but a Ocean called the Aquatic See's are SouthEast...SE of Eternia by 4 hours))
  28. NamelessIndecision: ((^))
  29. GemAlPendragon: (I'm sure... it doesn't. ))
  30. GemAlPendragon: call me if you need a vanquishing.)
  31. Guest_VengefulSin: (ooo i see sorry my mistake thankyou for explaining that)
  32. NamelessIndecision: ((It doesn't madam. Try not to pick a fight with me. And I shall do the same.))
  33. CaptainGabrieleStoro: After only five days in Urupa, my companions and I left there and went further on our journey by ship and landed near a wooden area. It was, oddly enough, probably the most different we had came to.I sent a few scouts out to find any life that may have been there. Some days went by and I wondered had they died because it had been 3 days. I took the rest of my team and started in. After my already travel experience walking felt wonderful. Many people don't know this but being on water for so very long makes you feel off balance. I keep waiting for the ground to shift. I startled myself stepping on a stone that moved and grabbed a hold of one of my men. He held me until i came to full realization it was only a stone. Finally we found the men we had sent in. They were heading back to us. "Your highness there is nothing here perhaps we should all turn back?" I raised an eyebrow," No I don't believe i will do that, David said there was a something here...something about a dirt trail that splits off. You know how he rambles on and on about things. Though his wife said he hadn't been right since, so he must have seen something." My first mate gave a nod and said no more. Another days journey and we finally arrived to a place. It was huge, the door was visible enough. I walked up to it and knocked and waited -
  34. Guest_VengefulSin: (did i just hear you right your tracing my IP Xavier?)
  35. NamelessIndecision: ((Don't feel bad. I'll get mine traced too.))
  36. RileyIlinna: ((everyone's will.))
  37. Guest_VengefulSin: (you cant trace peoples RP im here to RP)
  38. Guest_VengefulSin: {ip}
  39. Guest_VengefulSin: (is that even possible here?)
  40. NamelessIndecision: ((IP = Internet Protocol))
  41. Guest_VengefulSin: (yeah i know what it means)
  42. NamelessIndecision: ((Digital Fingerprint. x3 You can trace any IP tbh.))
  43. RileyIlinna: ((he's just checking them to see if any match up with a known SE members IP. if you're not SE you have nothing to worry about. ^^))
  44. Guest_VengefulSin: (but not from IMVU chat surely)
  45. NamelessIndecision: ((I know people woh've traced me through My Space lol))
  46. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((Vengeful, We can trace your IP address to see if your IP matches any of the SE members))
  47. NamelessIndecision: ((Trace mine first :D))
  48. NamelessIndecision: ((Let's debunk or prove Dalmasca's accusal of me being Balamaz. Lol))
  49. Guest_VengefulSin: (yeah, but what im saying is how are you getting all these IP addresses from people that you RP with and why would you?)
  50. NamelessIndecision: ((To find their alts, lol.))
  51. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((To find their alts. and it is a program that my General has.))
  52. CaptainGabrieleStoro: should i come back at another time ? ))
  53. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((No Gabriele your fine))
  54. CaptainGabrieleStoro: it seems alot if going on right now ))
  55. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((Im posting to you now. Did you knock on the Castle Doors???))
  56. CaptainGabrieleStoro: is* ))
  57. CaptainGabrieleStoro: yes i did ))
  58. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((Ok posting))
  59. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ~The Emperor Xavier would hear a knock surprisingly with all the commotion going on today. A traitor...why had he not listened to his instinct's and killed the man right there on the spot and booted him., Oh well he thought the man had been found out and he and his General had taken care of it like always. The Emperor would walk to the door as he was distracted for usually he would just wave his hand and open the door but today he wanted to walk, he wanted to clear his mind and he knew a good way of doing it was walking trying to weave through the crowds that were in his Castle. He got to the door and grabbing the handle pulled easily enough and the Castle door would open. The Guard's would look at the Emperor curiously and then take defense standing as they saw a figure standing there. The Emperor would smile at the male and nod sticking out his hand to his guards motioning them to be at ease the Guard's would stand down and the Emperor would smile at the newcomer ande open his mouth to speak slowly to the male while taking out a Smoke and lighting it~ Hello I am Emperor Xavier of the Empire of Eternia. How may I help. I see you have brought company with you here....what do I owe this pleasure???
  60. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ((im a woman <..< ))
  61. CaptainGabrieleStoro: _chuckles ))
  62. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ((Sorry just void the word male and insert female))
  63. GemAlPendragon: *Gem stood, thankful for the graces of the compassionate Emperor. She closed her eyes, her face showing her complete dismay, betrayal, heartache, confusion and sorrow... everything she had experienced during her time of being within the Shadow Empire... living life as a megagog... and now, dead to their kind. Risen from the ashes and molded back together to her original. She opened her eyes looking to Xavier, walking to him in a daring move. She hugged him tightly, not caring whose eyes were on her or what they thought, hoping he would return her hug.*
  64. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ok posting))
  65. DiannaDemon: ~sad cause she lost a Squish~
  66. RileyIlinna: -she shifts to her wolf form, padding over to where Lady Claire sat, putting her head in her lap and looking up at her with those blue eyes-
  67. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ~He would accept the hug from Valmara and would smile at her~ Did you really think I didnt know you would be back???
  68. DiannaDemon: Gah, meh weakness... Blue eyes and furry things... ~pets her gently, scritching behind her ears~
  69. RileyIlinna: -wags her tail slowly, leaning into the scratches and pets-
  70. DiannaDemon: ~continues to pet and scratch~ I used to be a wolf at one time. Long time ago though.
  71. RileyIlinna: -she licked the inside of Lady Claire's arm, rubbing her head against her-
  72. DiannaDemon: ~smiles~ Wanna see?
  73. RileyIlinna: -she wags her tail, backing up and sitting, her head tilted-
  74. DiannaDemon: Alright, let's see here...
  75. Guest_VengefulSin: :sitting she fiddles with the hem of her skirt her feet shifting back and forth on the rug under her feet, feeling the key in her back begin to slow her eyes widen, she reaches around her back her fingers searching for hold of the edges but failing to grasp it, her shoulders sink as she saddens:
  76. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Being around men all my life, aside from my mother, was normal. Their ways at times were amusings. I gave a warm smile and stood, back erected, her hands were folded behind her more of a military stance. " Good evening Emperor, My name is Gabriele Storo, Princess Of Abalone, I have been tasked by my father to bring at least 5 nearby kings or queens to witness my crowning of Queen. During which time these 5 Kingdoms will be ask if they will forge an alliance with me. Is there some where perhaps we can talk that wouldnt involve me standing the whole time?" I would say as my men and i had been traveling to get there for a while.
  77. GemAlPendragon: *Feeling the return, she smiled softly, leaning in, still in the embrace. She planted a deep kiss of death against his lips.* "I did... Even I thought I wouldn't be back..."Her eyes opened looking at the crystal in her hand, closing her eyes back tightly shut, she squeezed the crystal with all her might, breaking it, a tear running down her face as she knew this was the last time she would ever see this man she once loved so much. She braced herself as the break of the crystal detinated the high compacity oborn explosive inside of it causing an explosion that would radiate out for 500 miles, destructing everything within reach including the Empire of Eternia and its leader.*
  78. DiannaDemon: ~barks softly~
  79. DiannaDemon: .................... (You fucking bitch.....)
  80. GemAlPendragon: *As the explsion goes off the 5 ships in orbit from the empire fires down with the oboron arays and source arays with an errupt teleport as the explosive goes off the two agents of the empire vanish leaving 1 behind /8
  81. RileyIlinna: ((.......i knew it.....))
  82. DiannaDemon: (Get out of my life, get out of my husbands life, don't ever call us, get off his skype, and don't you DARE EVER CONTACT US AGAIN)
  83. NamelessIndecision: ((Chill.))
  84. NamelessIndecision: ((I was very well aware she was here for a reason.))
  85. RileyIlinna: ((all i'm saying is, fuck her, i'm not restarting my RP. i did that bullshit once because of them, isnt happening again.))
  86. NamelessIndecision: ((MAdam, do tell Bala he needs more than radiation cyrstals to stop me from resurrecting this place.))
  87. Guest_VengefulSin: .......................┌∩┐(◣◢)┌∩┐................................... SE forever Bitches
  88. NamelessIndecision: ((Or she, whichever the case may be, oh, and tell him, the Black Court and the White Circle got eyes as far wide to your RL employers to your RP ORR fanatics.))
  89. Guest_VengefulSin: take your ooc bullshit this is a burner.. your IP mr Ragy just went viral
  90. Guest_VengefulSin: have a glorious day
  91. DSKXavierBloodStorm: ~ooc~
  92. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Valmara I will give you one chance to explain
  93. DSKXavierBloodStorm: You saw my mercy with Draven
  94. DSKXavierBloodStorm: I extend the same to you....explain
  95. NamelessIndecision: /me folds his arms and watches in earnest
  96. DSKXavierBloodStorm: YOu showed me Screen shots
  97. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Where you left the se
  98. DSKXavierBloodStorm: No one is to boot Valmara
  99. DSKXavierBloodStorm: I will give her a chance to explain
  100. DSKXavierBloodStorm: Maybe she can rectify this in RP
  101. NamelessIndecision: It's a radiation crystal.
  102. NamelessIndecision: Basically a hand held nuclear bomb.
  103. CaptainGabrieleStoro: perhaps ill return some other time please everyone take care ))
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