
Cave of Ordeals 100% Enemy list

Jul 27th, 2018
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  1. [E: Clawshot / Bomb Arrows]
  2. 1F:
  3. 1. Bokoblin
  4. 2. Keese + Rats
  5. 3. Red Babas (BACKUP HEART)
  6. 4. Spiders
  7. 5. Bublin Archers
  8. 6. Torchslugs + Keese
  9. 7. Fire Keese + Dodongos (BACKUP 3 HEARTS)
  10. 8. Tektites
  11. 9. Lizalfos + Archers
  12. 10. Fairy
  14. 2F:
  15. 11. Rats + Helmasaurs
  16. 12. Big Chu
  17. 13. Bubble Worms
  18. 14. Bubble Heads (100 RUPEE)
  19. 15. Bublins
  20. 16. Keese + Rats
  21. 17. Stalhounds + POE
  22. 18. Leevers (BACKUP HEART)
  23. 19. Chus
  24. - [E: Bottle / Ball & Chain]
  25. 20. Fairy
  27. 3F:
  28. 21. Ice Keese + Bokoblins
  29. 22. Keese + Rats + Ghost Rats (BACKUP 3 HEARTS)
  30. 23. Stalkids
  31. 24. Redeads
  32. 25. Tower Archers + Bublins
  33. - [E: Dominion Rod / Bomb Arrows]
  34. 26. Stalfos
  35. 27. Bubbles + Spiders (BACKUP HEART)
  36. 28. Lizalfos + Bokoblins
  37. 29. Bubbles + Stalkids + Stalfos
  38. 30. Fairy
  40. 4F:
  41. 31. Beamos + Keese
  42. - [E: Clawshot / Bomb Arrows]
  43. 32. Dodongos + Fire Keese + Fire Bubbles + Torchslugs
  44. 33. Redeads + POE
  45. 34. Ghost rats + Chus (BACKUP HEART)
  46. 35. Ice Keese + Freezard
  47. - [E: Ball & Chain / Bomb Arrows]
  48. 36. Chillfos
  49. 37. Ice bubbles + Leevers
  50. 38. Chilfos + Freezards + Ice Keese
  51. 39. Darknuts (200 RUPEE)
  52. 40. Fairy
  54. 5F:
  55. 41. Armos
  56. - [E: Clawshot / Arrows]
  57. 42. Bokoblins + Red Babas
  58. 43. Archers + Lizalfos
  59. 44. Dynalfos + POE
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