
Anonymous equestrians part 14

Jun 21st, 2012
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  1. >twilight almost immediately left for her tree house to call for assistance from canterlot
  2. >fluttershy and pinkie went off somewhere
  3. >something about getting ready or something
  4. >applejack ran upstairs crying
  5. >you ran after her and met her inside her room
  6. >she was crying into her pillow
  7. "hey applejack, do you, uh... wanna talk about this?"
  8. >brain: smooth talker eh?
  9. >fuck off brain
  10. >applejack:"its...just...that ah..."
  11. >she was barely able to talk in between sobs
  12. >you both sit there for a few minutes before she calms down a bit
  13. "so, there was something you wanted to say?"
  14. >applejack:"its just that *sniff* ah never thought ah'd meet mah special somepony. and when ah finally do..."
  15. >she fades back into crying into her pillow
  16. >>you move your hand onto her back and slowly stroke her mane
  17. >that seemed to calm her a bit
  18. "so are you ready to tell me?"
  19. >applejack nods then lifts her head up, "ah never thought ah'd meet someone ah cared so much for. And when ah was finally ready to give yah mah'self, that changeling came along"
  20. >a wave of guilt washed over you
  21. >if you hadnt turned her away none of this would've happened
  22. >its all your fault
  23. "im sorry for what i did applejack"
  24. >applejack:"what'dya mean sugarcube, none of this is your fault"
  25. "actually it is. if i hadnt sent you away, then that changeling wouldnt have... done that to you"
  26. >your suddenly tackled to you bed by applejack
  27. >she was embracing you in a strong hug and crying into your shoulder
  28. >applejack:"its okay anon, ah've already forgiven you"
  29. >you reach your arms around her and pull her closer to you
  30. >its gonna be a long day
  31. >
  32. >
  33. >
  34. >after an hour of lying in bed with applejack, you get up and head downstairs to an empty house
  35. >brain, whats our objectives for today
  36. >brain:pick up jacket, visit twilight, visit rainbow dash, find unknown
  37. >wait, what was the second to the last one?
  38. >brain:activate gyroscope?
  39. >fuck off brain, im gonna go check up on rainbow
  40. >you make your way to rainbows house until your directly underneath it
  41. >oh yeah, clouds are a solid object in this world
  42. >fucking physics breaking ponies
  43. "hey rainbow dash!" you yell up towards the sky
  44. >nothin
  45. "hey rainbow!"
  46. >still nothing
  47. "rainbow!"
  48. >your suddenly tackled to the ground by a freight train
  49. >you turn over onto your back
  50. >its rainbow
  51. >she pins your arms to the ground
  52. >dash:"oh its YOU. what do you want?"
  53. >yup, she still mad
  54. "relax rainbow, i just wanted to, uh, talk to you"
  55. >brain: you're just the smoothest talker in the world arent you
  56. >fuck off
  57. >dash:"oh, well then i know a place near here where no one can bother us"
  58. >she blushes and forms a sly smile
  59. >what was wrong with right here?
  60. >there was no one around here since everyone was still panicking about the changelings
  61. "uh, sure. where did you have in mind"
  62. >fast forward 30 seconds
  63. >she dragged you half a mile by your left foot flying at 50 mph 10 feet above the ground into the forest
  64. >it probably didnt help that you were screaming like a girl the entire way there
  65. >but rainbow seemed to think it was funny and sped up everytime you screamed
  66. >she finally stopped and dropped you on your ass with a thud
  67. >this only made her laugh harder
  68. "yeah, yeah, yeah. im a pussy, i get it. now why'd you want to come all the way out here?"
  69. >dash:"i just wanted to see how you were doing..."
  70. >she was slowly walking over to you
  71. >brain: proximity alert
  72. >no shit
  73. "i've been good..."
  74. >she was still walking up to you and giving you the most seductive eyes she could
  75. >not good
  76. >you're backed up into a tree and really didn't want to run from dash
  77. >that would end badly
  78. >then again, so will this
  79. >dash:"but i think i know what you really came here for..."
  80. >she walked up to you and hopped up onto her back legs and braced her front hooves onto your shoulders
  81. >she placed her lipps onto yours and forced her tongue into your mouth
  82. >penis: do not want
  83. >she broke away and shoved you to the ground
  84. >you try and crawl away but were abruptly stopped by a hoof slamming into your chest, knocking the breath out of you
  85. "dash, please dont do this"
  86. >dash:"just consider it payback for everything you put me through"
  87. >she slams her lips onto yours one more time before moving down to your pants
  88. nope.jpg
  89. >you move your leg under her and send her flying back into a tree
  90. >she hits it with enough force to break bones, but knowing dash, it probably just pissed her off
  91. >you turn around and make a break for it, weaving through the trees in the hopes that she wouldnt be so nimble
  92. >brain: oh you poor, poor, fool
  93. >she tackles you to the ground and flips you onto your back
  94. >she slams a hoof into your face
  95. >dash:"if you try to run away again, it'll just get worse"
  96. >you lay there stunned
  97. >she moves back down to your pants and unbuckles them with kenyan speed
  98. >your pants go flying 15 feet away
  99. >not good
  100. >she positions herself over you flaccid penis and looks at it with confusion, then she looks at you with anger
  101. >dash:"make it work!"
  102. >she slams her hoof into your face again then looks down at your still soft penis
  103. >dash:"fine! i'll just make it hard myself!"
  104. >she begins to rub her marehood onto your penis
  105. >the smell of skittles is filling the air
  106. >after a few moments she looks back down
  107. >its still soft
  108. >she looks at you even more pissed than last time
  109. >dash:"I. SAID. MAKE. IT. WORK"
  110. >each word is met with a hoof to the face
  111. >abuse isnt your thing
  112. >its still soft
  113. >she looks at you with nothing but rage
  114. >she flips her shit
  115. >she punchs you in the face and knocks you out
  116. >
  117. >
  118. >
  119. >oh god my head
  120. >dash can really punch
  121. >you try to sit up but are restricted to lying down by metal chains
  122. >please not rainbow's sex dungeon, please not rainbow's sex dungeon, please not rainbow's sex dungeon
  123. >you open your eyes
  124. >oh thank god, your just chained to the wall and surrounded by an army of changelings
  125. >wait wut
  126. >you take in your surroundings
  127. >the ground was some kind of mushy black stuff
  128. >they all had cheese legs
  129. >brain: hehe, cheese legs
  130. >hehe, cheese le-
  132. >you feel something warm next to you
  133. >please not sex crazed dash, please not sex crazed dash, please not sex crazed dash
  134. >oh thank god, its just unknown
  135. >wait wut
  136. >oh wait i mean YAY
  137. >you nudge his shoulder
  138. "hey dipshit, wake up"
  139. >he groans and moves around a bit
  140. >you elbow his spine
  141. >that got him
  142. >"i told you, i dont know anything."
  143. "hey dipshit, i said wake up"
  144. >he looks over at you
  145. >"holy shit anon, how'd you get here?"
  146. >uhhhhh
  147. "i got knocked out while i was in the forest"
  148. >"dont worry, i already know about dash. she walked in with you on her back and started bragging about blah blah blah sex and stuff and then changed back"
  149. >dam changelings
  150. "dam changelings"
  151. >suddenly theres a giant changeling alicorn in front of you
  152. >shes taller than the other changelings and has cheese legs just like them
  153. >she had bug wings, a crooked horn, and horrible looking hair
  154. dat_weave.png
  155. >unknown curls back with each step she takes towards you
  156. >this cant be good
  157. >chrysalis:"is that any way to treat your future queen?"
  158. "your no queen, your just some crazy bitch who kidnaps people"
  159. >unknown giggles a little
  160. >chrysalis:"its understandable that you're angry" she gets the biggest grin on her face "especially after what happened to that whorse of a marefriend you have"
  161. >OH
  162. >IT
  163. >IS
  164. >ON
  165. >you practically strangle your self against your chains
  167. >she slams her hoof in your direction
  168. >unknown flinches back
  169. >chrysalis:"thats enough of your insolence you little whelp"
  170. >her horn lights up and she fires and bolt of light at you
  171. >it strikes your chest
  172. >there goes consciousness
  173. >the lights go out and all you can hear is ringing in your ears
  174. >before you pass out your thoughts drift to applejack
  175. >i hope shes happy
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