
"Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp"

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 1)
  4. By Elsp
  6. Brief Observations.....................................2
  7. Darkenwood and Shadow Realm, a Comparative Study.......3
  8. Sources of Power.........................3
  9. State of the Forests.....................4
  10. Conclusion...............................4
  11. The Darkenwood's Link to Northreach....................5
  12. Discussion.............................................6
  13. The Arachnoi...........................................7
  14. Twilight and Nature, Brief History.....................8
  15. The Spirits of the Forest..............................9
  16. (+12 Mana)
  17. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  18. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 2)
  21. The following observations are some of those which lead us to believe
  22. that the Darkenwood is indeed ill. After the areas were studied.. these
  23. were found to be the most conclusive points. There are a great many more
  24. dying trees and withering plants than is listed here, but death is a
  25. part of Nature, and similar scenes can be seen in a number of forests.
  26. These notes below however, are not of mere death but of an unbalancing
  27. force which is affecting the entire forest, a force which according to
  28. these notes seems to be resulting in a death of a kind which resembles
  29. nothing natural.
  31. You wonder what foreign blight could imbalance the great forest so.
  33. Many trees have lost their leaves, bare trunks and branches dying
  34. slowly, and although more light comes through the diminished canopy
  35. above, the forest feels darkened and reduced.
  37. A great sadness descends upon you as you walk You realise that some
  38. magic has altered this place permanently beyond nature's balance.
  40. The ferns and nettles that rise through the odorous depths of the ground
  41. appear smitten by some sickness
  43. writhing boughs that climb out from the poisoned ground in a vain
  44. attempt to grasp at sunlight from above.
  46. No plant-like or living flora can be seen despite your eyes becoming
  47. accustomed to the darkness of the world beneath the forest canopy. The
  48. smells of decay and rotting wood are prevalent
  50. the trunks of the diseased trees are all that is to be seen
  52. It is rare to hear something in this diseased wood other than an
  53. occasional dull thud as a sickly branch drops down on to the ground
  54. the sad remains of what must once have been a great and noble forest.
  56. Nothing stirs within these accursed eaves.
  58. Your heart is filled with the sensation of death and gloom, the trees
  59. around you either grey and lifeless or distorted and twisted by some
  60. foul malice.
  62. through the dying wood to the west the wood referred to is the entire
  63. Darkenwood, in our opinion.
  64. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  65. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 3)
  68. Sources of Power
  69. ----------------
  70. DARKENWOOD - Imbued with Twilight's essence. It is claimed that the life
  71. their survives only because of this essence. The Darkenwood was created
  72. by the accumulation of Lord Twilight's essence which was released during
  73. the time of the ritual in which Xandor and Orina played a part. The
  74. essence first imbued all forests, but was later channelled into a
  75. particular area due to a second ritual taking place. However, the
  76. essence itself did not form the forest, it merely changed that which was
  77. present already, thus creating the Darkenwood.
  79. From Shade's history of the Darkenwood, public post 9850 -
  80. "...and the Dark essence rested there, _creating_ the Darkenwood."
  82. Shade makes no mention that there was already forest present in that
  83. location, but that is a simple fact. Not debatable - many observations
  84. noted about the forest have been made based on the presence of this
  85. previous forest. The most significant perhaps, "...the sad remains of
  86. what must once have been a great and noble forest." An observation made
  87. Among the Darkened Trees.
  89. The Darkwalkers claim that Twilight's essence is what allows the forest
  90. to survive in its current state. Whether this essence, this source of
  91. power, is having a beneficial or detrimental effect is still being
  92. researched. There is a main theory about the presence of the essence;
  94. It is possible that it is residue from the original ritual. Gaia
  95. mentioned during the Darkenwood's beginnings that the gathering of
  96. essence over that area would turn the forest into the Darkenwood, but
  97. that over time the essence would fade away and the forest would return
  98. to its previous state. No observations have pointed to the Darkenwood
  99. slipping back to a more usual state, and it is possible that an outside
  100. source is preventing it from doing so. An unnatural blight, or some form
  101. of magic. Or perhaps Gaia's permanent absence has had an effect on the
  102. course the forest was meant to take. It has also been suggested that the
  103. Obsidian Plinth in Twilight's grove may also be linked to this - however
  104. no facts have been discovered on that front, and as plinths tend to act
  105. as receivers for energy rather than sources. It is possible the plinth
  106. is drawing on the energy from the forest around it, weakening it as it
  107. does so.
  109. 'No more than 2 feet tall, this small plinth is crafted of dark
  110. obsidian. Upon it, there is a miniature likeness of the Lord of
  111. Darkness, with His arms raised heavenward. Occasionally, streaks of
  112. darkfire leap from the plinth and suffuses the Grove with power. You are
  113. not certain, but perhaps this small plinth is the true source of power
  114. for the trees in this forest which has scant access to sunlight.'
  116. SHADOW REALM - The Shadow Realm is powered by the Divine Will of
  117. Twilight Himself. By His Darkness and essence. However, these natural
  118. areas differ from the Darkenwood as they were not based on natural areas
  119. already present, but created in full by Twilight. Within Twilight's
  120. Shadow Grove is the Tree of Shadows, and it is this which appears to
  121. conduct Twilight's power throughout the forest there.
  123. "This huge mahogany tree glows with a dark, ethereal luminence. It seems
  124. that this tree is the source of the energy that gives life to the flora
  125. of this darkened grove. As you gaze at the tree, you notice a pair of
  126. gleaming red eyes peering back at you."
  127. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  128. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 4)
  129. The state of the forests
  130. ------------------------
  131. DARKENWOOD - The Darkenwood, based only on our observations of the life
  132. and lack thereof within the forest, is believed to be in an unhealthy
  133. state. It seems as though the original patch of forest has been altered
  134. significantly, in an extremely detrimental way. This alteration is not
  135. natural, and no form of evolution allowing the forest to progress
  136. healthily has been noted. The forest is lacking in both flora and fauna,
  137. the few species present are sickly or diseased, dying because of the
  138. blight with which the wood has been afflicted.
  140. SHADOW REALM - The Shadow Realm, sacred to the Twilighters for the same
  141. reason as the Darkenwood, because of it's affiliation with the essence
  142. of Twilight, is an extremely different case to the Darkenwood. Here
  143. Twilight's essence is a power which has created life, and allowed it to
  144. thrive, albeit in a different manner to that which we are used to, but
  145. it is most definitely alive and healthy. Species are much more abundant,
  146. a far greater diversity is present of both flora and fauna than that
  147. which we see in the Darkenwood. Here species have evolved to cope with
  148. there irregular environment. A perversion of the kinds of life we are
  149. used to seeing, but most definitely thriving.
  151. Conclusion
  152. ----------
  153. While the Shadow Realm benefits from the essence of Twilight, the
  154. Darkenwood, due to its differing beginning, is suffering only
  155. detrimental effects. While life in the Shadow Realm is based on
  156. Darkness, and thus occurs naturally, life in the Darkenwood is tainted
  157. by the Darkness, the great forest of the past which the Darkenwood began
  158. as is unable to evolve and cope with the changes that the Darkness has
  159. brought.
  160. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  161. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 5)
  163. -----------------------------------
  164. Northreach and the area now known as the Darkenwood were once the same
  165. forest. Before the Darkenwood was altered by unnatural magics, it had
  166. the same climate, precipitation, elevation and temperature as the rest
  167. of the forest. The flora and fauna were also of equal diversity,
  168. richness and abundance as that which we see in the Northreach now. In
  169. effect, the Darkenwood was simply a part of the Northreach forest. The
  170. separation of the two areas took place only after the accumulation of
  171. Twilight's essence within part of the great Northreach.
  172. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  173. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 6)
  175. ----------
  176. The state of the Darkenwood has been compared to very small locations in
  177. other forests, locations which have dying flora, or signs of decay,
  178. mentions of withering plants and so on. The presence of these locations
  179. in other forests has been used to argue that the present state of the
  180. Darkenwood is merely a natural occurence, that death occurs in all
  181. forests and that withering plants mean nothing.
  183. Death is a part of nature, but there must be balance. What is happening
  184. in the Darkenwood is neither natural nor balanced in any way. It is not
  185. a patch of dead trees, or a spot of withering brush which is a problem,
  186. all forests have areas in which the old growth is dying off and new life
  187. sprouts to fill its place. The Darkenwood is a case in which the entire
  188. forest is dying - not isolated spots. And the death which is visible is
  189. not nature taking its course. The Darkenwood is a natural forest which
  190. has been altered to an unnatural state and thus the death which we are
  191. currently witnessing is not a progression of its life as it should be.
  192. The great forest still remains underneath the blight with which is has
  193. been cursed, it's form and state is simply reduced.
  195. There are claims that the forestal defenders and guardians cannot look
  196. past the visions of forests which they are used to, and accept that the
  197. Darkenwood is not sick, merely different. These claims were one of the
  198. primary reasons for this study to have been undertaken. A forest being
  199. of different character to that which we have seen in the past is not a
  200. concern. However, when the difference of the forest is not in character,
  201. but the state of the life within, there is a problem. Gnarled branches
  202. and twisted, seemingly misshapen trees are not a sign of death, neither
  203. are contorted leaves or blackened tree trunks. The aesthetic qualities
  204. of the Darkenwood have not been confused with their health. These
  205. aesthetics are unique, there is no doubt as to that, but it is not the
  206. reason the health of the Darkenwood was brought into question and not
  207. the reason it is believed to be dying. Aesthetics are not a way in which
  208. any forest can have its health diagnosed, if that was so, it would be a
  209. diagnosis based on the individual's appreciation of beauty and good
  210. taste - a highly subjective and unsuitable way to come to any factual
  211. conclusion. The aesthetic qualities of the Darkenwood forest have been
  212. disregarded in the appraisal of its health.
  214. Since the passing of Lady Gaia, each of the large forests now has a
  215. Spirit of Nature within it. These Spirits, formerly a part of Gaia, are
  216. guardians of a kind, bound to their forest. Their influence can be seen
  217. and felt in each most noticeably as a warm breeze. Their efforts to keep
  218. the forest alive and healthy can be seen as the breeze blows past you
  219. and the forest seems to vibrate with life. It has been noted that seeing
  220. 'A warm breeze flows through the forest and the Darkenwood vibrates with
  221. life.' leads many to believe that the Darkenwood is not in any danger.
  222. However, the forest vibrating with life is not simply because the forest
  223. is in a healthy state - but because of the efforts of the spirits. This
  224. warm breeze has only been an occurrence since the forests were healed of
  225. the plague of decay, after the passing of Gaia, and after the Spirit's
  226. cries of pain and torment because of that plague had ceased.
  228. The harvestable plants within the Darkenwood are surviving quite well.
  229. This does not, however, mean that the Darkenwood is in a healthy state
  230. rather than a detrimental one. These species of plants are particularly
  231. hardy, as is proven by their constant regrowth despite continual
  232. harvesting, in locations all over the continent. The evidence towards
  233. the Darkenwood's true state of health encompasses all varieties of flora
  234. and fauna within the forest, or lack thereof, not merely those plants
  235. which we use most often. If the forest's health continues to progress
  236. detrimentally we may very well see an effect on these hardier strains of
  237. plant.
  239. It is argued that the forest should be left untouched no matter what is
  240. happening to it, because it is natural and Nature is not to be
  241. interfered with. The Darkenwood is not, however, natural - at least not
  242. in its current state. What was previously a natural area of forest has
  243. been altered unnaturally by the accumulation of Twilight's essence.
  244. Furthermore, it was mortals which caused this alteration through the
  245. ritual of the Soul-fire and Darkness. It is the result of unnatural
  246. action and thus, should be resolved by the same means. It was the wisdom
  247. of Esos, one of the old spirits, that is best remembered bringing this
  248. point forth.
  250. 'Suddenly a birds nest falls from one of the tall trees. It hits the
  251. ground with nary a sound to herald its arrival save the injured cry of
  252. the young sparrows within. The golden-haired boy looks upon the nest
  253. sadly and then up to you.
  255. Orina picks up the wounded sparrow.
  257. Esos says, "Druids must neither sing the praises of light, nor fear the
  258. night stealing the soul of the day. A Druid does not interfere with
  259. nature."
  261. Esos says, "You didn't knock it down, don't pick it up."'
  263. And thus, Nature is not to be interfered with. It is to follow its path.
  264. When Nature has been interfered with, that path must be restored.
  266. Surveys were taken and it has been found that it is possible to forage
  267. for a sizeable cluster of nuts and berries within the Darkenwood.
  268. However the diversity of that which is collected and healthiness of the
  269. individual nuts and berries is a reflection of the the forest in which
  270. they are found. The blight on the Wood seems to be affecting almost all
  271. species, foraged varieties included.
  272. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  273. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 7)
  275. ------------
  276. The Arachnoi are part of the reason the Darkenwood was brought into
  277. existence, and thus, many are unsure if they could cope with a change of
  278. environment. The Arachnoi are children of Nature and Darkness. They
  279. cannot survive in areas which have been tainted by construction or which
  280. are light.
  282. However if the Darkenwood lost its state of Darkness there are still
  283. possibilities for the Arachnoi's survival, two of which follow.
  285. The first noted is the Shadow Realm, if they took up residence in
  286. Twilight's Shadow Grove. Now, the Shadow Grove is actually a much
  287. healthier environment than the Darkenwood is at present, and quite free
  288. of light - as well as quite withdrawn from buildings. They should have
  289. suitable supplies of food, hunting there should be quite successful,
  290. considering the variety of creatures which inhabit the Darkness.
  291. Although there are constructions in the Shadow Realm, there are also
  292. similar constructions in the Darkenwood and the Arachnoi cope well
  293. enough there. They simply have to stay out of contact with the tainted
  294. locations.
  296. The other, and perhaps more suitable possibility is to remain where they
  297. are. It is quite likely, based on the geology of the area and existing
  298. caves, that a larger cave networks exists, but is undiscovered. If this
  299. proves true, the Arachnoi can survive in the caves by day and within the
  300. forest by night, hunting and so on only when the light fades into
  301. darkness of night. It is not harmful for the Arachnoi to travel at underthe cloak of night, we are aware from their struggles before
  302. the
  303. Darkenwood came into existance. It was daytime which posed a problem for
  304. them, daytime and breaks in the forest canopy allowing light to trickle
  305. in.
  306. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  307. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 8)
  309. -------------------------------------
  310. 198 AF:
  311. Twilight, God of Darkness, emerges from the shadows to once again
  312. participate in the intrigues He so loves.
  314. 209 AF:
  315. Gaia, gone half-mad, infected by a demon of chaos, slays Twilight, God
  316. of Darkness, breaking an aeons-old oath not to directly harm another
  317. God. Twilight, with the assistance of Eris, Aurora, and Oneiros, bind
  318. Gaia, and imprison her in the Gaian Tree as punishment.
  320. 212 AF:
  321. Eris gives Her support to Twilight, who brings darkness to the forests
  322. of Achaea. His revenge over Gaia, now called Oathbreaker, is complete.
  324. Aurora, discovering that Gaia had been corrupted by a seed of insanity,
  325. informs the mortals that she, Hermes, and Oneiros will assist them in
  326. releasing Gaia. After much work by Gaia's loyal followers, she is freed.
  328. 221 AF:
  329. Hashan begins to grow, as it begins accepting new citizens.
  331. 227 AF:
  332. Gaia, Goddess of nature forms The Council of Oakstone to combat the city
  333. of Hashan. She calls for all citizens of Hashan to quit Hashan, claiming
  334. that they are being duped by Twilight, God of Darkness. Plans for the
  335. expansion of Hashan into a city on par with Ashtan and Shallam begin.
  337. 230 AF:
  338. Workmen of Hashan begin to cut trees down in the Ithmia to make room for
  339. its expansion.
  341. Gaia, outraged at the betrayal of the forests by Firefox and other Druid
  342. or Sentinel members of Hashan's government, declares Firefox an enemy of
  343. the forests. She calls on Lupus, wild God of the Beasts for aid, and he
  344. unleashes a plague of werewolves to terrorize Hashan. Twilight and
  345. Hashan quickly pacify Lupus and the expansion goes on as planned.
  347. 240 AF :
  348. Dead sparrows and robins are found littering the land, their hearts
  349. burst from their bodies. An insane old man is found roaming the land,
  350. raving about 'Death's Heart' and a prophecy that begins with the death
  351. of the children of air.
  353. Dead geese and swans are found, their hearts similarly burst from their
  354. chests.
  356. All orphans in the land disappear. The old man claims that the
  357. disappearance of the lost children is the second part of the Death's
  358. Heart prophecy.
  360. Meetings are called among the various factions of the land, and it is
  361. decided that the threat the old man speaks of is the return of the
  362. Tsol'teth. They are wrong.
  364. Strange chantings are heard, carried on the wind, from the Shamtota
  365. hills, and a bright white light, and an image of a temple projected onto
  366. the clouds, is seen far to the north.
  368. Pryla'ka, a Tsol'dasi priestess of Life appears in a Temple to the
  369. north. She is the first Tsol'dasi to reveal itself since the dawn of
  370. mankind. She claims that someone called the Quisalar is gathering death
  371. energy for an unknown purpose, and that in order to stop him, the
  372. corpses of the dead sparrows, robins, swans, and geese must be brought,
  373. so that she may utilize the latent death energies in them to combat the
  374. Quisalar and his Quisalis cultists. The Quisalar makes similar demands,
  375. and when Maran, Sultan of Shallam tells him they will not assist the
  376. Quisalar in his plan to bring back Thoth, the Quisalar attacks, saying
  377. that either all will join him, or they will serve him in their deaths.
  379. Unable to discover the location of the Temple, the Great Mhunna, leader
  380. of Moghedu, and a famous campaigner as a young Mhun, volunteers to
  381. assist, and an expedition consisting of the Mhunna, Warmaster, Cooper,
  382. Aringar, Fuu, Perseon, Thorgon, Armelia, Thalen, and Jem set out to
  383. discover it, and succeed.
  385. People supporting Pryla'ka or the Quisalar begin working hard to collect
  386. the dead birds, laden with lingering death magic, and bring them to the
  387. Priestess of Life or the Quisalar.
  389. 241 AF :
  390. Achaea is largely polarized over Death's Heart. On one side is Shallam
  391. and some of the more nature-loving Druids and Sentinels. The other side
  392. is led by Twilight and His Order, with support made up of various
  393. citizens of Ashtan and Hashan.
  395. Though the Shallamese and the others opposing the Quisalar make a strong
  396. effort, those backing the Quisalar manage to bring him enough death
  397. energy to complete the construction of Death's Heart. Twilight and His
  398. Order have manipulated most into believing that the purpose of Death's
  399. Heart is to awaken Thoth from His slumber, though this is not the case.
  400. Immediately upon the construction of the Heart, a battle of epic
  401. proportions takes place, with Maran, Sultan of Shallam, leading the
  402. attack against Twilight's Order. Death abounds on both sides.
  404. Soon after near-total war breaks out over the Heart, another issue
  405. nearly disrupts the alliances formed over the Heart. A rogue
  406. Serpentlord, Nuitari, gets very heavy pressure from Twilight and the
  407. Serpentlords to come back to the fold, as they wish to ensure that the
  408. two serpent guilds can effectively control the distribution of the
  409. so-called "illegal" venoms. Nuitari balks and is persecuted, greatly
  410. upsetting his patron, Aegis, God of War.
  412. In order to strike back at Twilight's order, Aegis allies his with the
  413. Order of Light, but soon Twilight makes a deal with Aegis. Under the
  414. terms of the deal, Dalamar, Nuitari, and Cooper have to make restitution
  415. to the Infernals, whose influence Twilight was courting, for robbing
  416. their store, and Dalamar has to make resitution to Elentari's Hashan.
  417. Partially due to Twilight's influence, Sinistar, guildmaster of the
  418. Infernals, soon chooses Aegis, God of War, as Patron, displacing the
  419. apparently uncaring Sartan, Lord of Evil.
  421. The fight over Death's Heart waxes and wanes, but hostility is high.
  422. Many are unsure of the motives of the Quisalar, and those of Pryla'ka.
  423. Initially out-numbered, the Shallamese organize under the leadership of
  424. Maran, Echo, and the Archprelate of the Church, Isildur. They gain the
  425. upper hand initially but soon the discipline and power of those in the
  426. Order of Darkness such as Napoloen, the Grand Shadow, Overseer of
  427. Ashtan, overwhelm them and the Heart grows.
  429. 242 AF :
  430. However, soon, Sinistar converses with the Quisalar, and, discovering
  431. that he opposes undeath, the powers of which the Infernals use, decides
  432. to withdraw his support, and this, along with increased intervention by
  433. Druids and Sentinels like Galdrion Longshanks, tips the balance in
  434. favour of Shallam and its allies. Despite a massive last-ditch attack
  435. led by Napoloen, the Shallamese manage to nearly destroy the Heart.
  437. Deucalion announces that it is over, that the impending doom that would
  438. have been caused by the Quisalar's victory has been averted. It is
  439. revealed that the Quisalar was working for Twilight the full time. Their
  440. plan was to dupe people who wouldn't normally support Twilight into
  441. unwittingly supporting him. The Heart would be caused to grow, and
  442. finally explode, releasing massive quantities of death. This would cause
  443. a chain reaction, as each dying being added to the total quantity of
  444. energy. Using the remains of the Heart, Twilight hoped to focus this
  445. astronomical amount of energy at the slumbering Thoth, slay him, and add
  446. Thoth's essence to His own, greatly increasing His power. In the process
  447. though, all life on Sapience would have perished.
  449. Sensing victory, Pryla'ka travelled to the Heart, and challenged the
  450. Quisalar. The Quisalar, no longer powerful enough to have a hope of
  451. defeating a Tsol'dasi Priestess of Life, made a last desperate rush at
  452. Pryla'ka, but failed. She banished him to eternal sleep.
  454. Pryla'ka begins attempting to safely dismantle what is left of Death's
  455. Heart, essentially a powerful bomb of death energy now. She fails,
  456. becoming overloaded with energy, and screaming that she cannot hold it.
  457. Some mortals, among them Khaseem and Cynne, refuse to leave the scene,
  458. and die upon the explosion of the Heart. So powerful is the explosion
  459. that life for a hundred miles around looks likely to perish in a flash,
  460. until, with unexpected, total sacrifice, Deucalion, God of
  461. Righteousness, attempts to contain the blast. So powerful is it, even in
  462. its much-weakened state, that he cannot contain the energy, and his
  463. essence is dispersed across Creation. In a final gesture of compassion,
  464. he manages to grant all mortalkind the ability to reincarnate and wipe
  465. clean their moral slate. Sarapis permits their souls to choose from five
  466. new races: Grook, Xoran, Rajamala, Horkval, and Atavian. Choruses of
  467. cheers erupt from around the land, as total disaster is averted. Shallam
  468. and its Druidic and Sentinel allies receive formal congratulations from
  469. representatives of many of the leaders of the land, such as the Great
  470. Mhunna and the mayor of Thera.
  472. In a gesture of peace, Shallam and the Church offer formal pardons for
  473. any crimes committed during Death's Heart. Darkness and its allies
  474. brood, but begin hatching new plans immediately. Peace will not last
  475. long.
  477. 243 AF:
  478. The Sentinels Guild, citing philosophical differences with the Divine
  479. Patron of Hashan, sue for permission to leave the city and are granted
  480. such leave, although many of the guilds members remain citizens.
  482. 279 AF:
  483. The Forest and the dwellers therein rejoice at the reawakening of Gaia,
  484. Goddess of Nature. A number of Druids and other devotees of the ancient
  485. Goddess meet to perform a Rite of Prayer in honour of the nature Deity.
  486. Although they do so with scant hope, their hopes and prayers are
  487. answered as Gaia once more walks among the millenia old trees of
  488. Sapience.
  490. Sartan, God of Evil, performs an act of extermination within the sacred
  491. confines of the Temple of Gaia. In retaliation He is enemied to the
  492. Forest. His minions, The Order of Evil, begin to decimate and burn the
  493. forests of Sapience. The Sentinels and Druids react by banning the sale
  494. or gift of all herbs, ointments, and elixirs to all Sapience. The
  495. Sorcerers Guild bans all enchantments using kola in a gesture of support
  496. for the forest folk and their cause.
  498. Orina, Guildmistress of the Druids, joins with Xandor Sheolan, Grand
  499. Shadow of the Order of Twilight, in the performance of a rite known as
  500. the Darkenwood Ritual. For the second time in history the forests of
  501. Sapience are shrouded in shadow. This time, however, the intent is
  502. ostensibly to merge the essences of Gaia and Twilight in a shield
  503. against the minions of Evil. Orina is roundly castigated by many for
  504. what is perceived as her treachery. Some, recalling the Deaths Heart
  505. episode, believe that in her desperation to save the forests, she has
  506. been duped by the machinations of the Order of Darkness.
  508. Gaia refuses to intervene although many beseech Her for aid and succor.
  509. Many of the traditional allies of Nature refuse to be tainted by
  510. Darkness and refuse their aid as well. What is worse, for all Xandors
  511. words, it seems that the Children of Darkness have no true intent of
  512. helping the Forest. Orina changes her mind and seeks to undo that which
  513. she has done. The Children of Nature and their faithful perform a rite
  514. to rid the forests of Darkness, and the Darkenwood Rite is never
  515. completed. They succeed for the most part, but Gaia remains withdrawn
  516. and impatient and it is obvious that something abhorrent to Nature yet
  517. troubles the lands beneath the trees.
  519. The Children of Nature resort to oracles for assistance, but do not see
  520. that an imbalance has been created that they must right, preferring to
  521. place blame outside themselves rather than heed the words of wisdom
  522. given to them.
  524. Strange creatures appear in the forests, harmed by sunlight and the
  525. places inhabited by the known races and their works. Calling themselves
  526. Arachnoi, and appearing in the form of humanoid spiders, they claim that
  527. Xandor and Orina are their grandparents and that they have been sent by
  528. their mother to plead with their grandparents to complete the Darkenwood
  529. Ritual by which their mother had been created. They are creatures with
  530. no natural habitat within the existing mansions of Nature, and they are
  531. dying as a result.
  533. The rite is completed but Istishia, mother of the Arachnoi, is killed by
  534. a Shallamese contingent.
  536. The Arachnoi now reside in the newly created Darkenwood. Having little
  537. reason to trust the Children of Sarapis, they are rarely seen by mortals
  538. and prefer that that state of affairs remain. Balance has been returned
  539. to the forests for now, and all seems well.
  541. 282 AF:
  542. The war between the Order of Evil and the Forests continues. Eventually
  543. Sartan presents His terms for peace to the Forest entities. Gaia and the
  544. Oakstone Council reject his offer. Subsequently, Gaia presents Her own
  545. terms and both sides declare victory, bringing an uneasy peace to the
  546. forest, which yet require great healing.
  548. 296 AF:
  549. Massive conflagrations break out in the Wilderness areas of the
  550. Northreach and Darkenwood Forests. In a credit to their ability to come
  551. together for the common good, people of ordinarily antithetical and
  552. inimical backgrounds and paths join in common cause to fight the
  553. inferno.
  555. 298 AF:
  556. [Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (94% shown)]
  557. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  558. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 9)
  560. --------------------------
  561. 1st of Scarlatan, 311 years after the fall of the Selucarian Empire.
  562. The phase of the moon is that of the Last Quarter.
  563. Saturday, the 20th of July, in the year 2002.
  565. The Spirits of the Forests were sought out today.. and what was
  566. discovered was rather disturbing. While all were rather brief in their
  567. discussion an extreme difference was noted in the reactions of the
  568. Darkenwood Spirit, Urania, compared to all others. All of the forest
  569. spirits were noted to be reasonably content with their current
  570. situations, apart from Urania, who appears distraught. Even Thalia, the
  571. forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia, who must deal with the pain of
  572. Hashan's presence within her forest was calm compared to Urania, smiling
  573. serenely as opposed to wailing despairingly at the current state of her
  574. forest. Perhaps they are merely flash-backs to the last great forestal
  575. crisis we faced, with the passing of Gaia and decay of the forest.. as
  576. she seems to be acting in the same way she was then, or perhaps it's
  577. something else.
  579. Esos has also been approached, but would not comment on the state of the
  580. Darkenwood.
  581. _____________________________________________________________
  582. Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood
  584. Urania floats here before you. Her eyes glow like old embers from within
  585. the shadowy shrouds with which she is wound about. Perpetual tears
  586. stream down her withered cheeks as she utters wrenching sighs amid her
  587. constant mumbling. A deep aura of profound sadness and unspeakable age
  588. surrounds her and her form seems to swallow what little light there is
  589. here. You smell the scent of the grave and leaf-mould emanating from her
  590. in waves. Bitter cold radiates from her ghostly form and silence,
  591. oppressive in its intensity, surrounds her.
  592. Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood looks weak and feeble.
  594. You greet Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood with a sincere smile.
  595. Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood says, "The forests must be saved! I
  596. know there's a way...we have to find it."
  598. You nod your head at Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood.
  599. Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood wails despairingly.
  601. Your curtsey respectfully before Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood.
  602. Urania, the Spirit of the Darkenwood exclaims, "The
  603. beautiful Darkenwood forest!"
  604. _____________________________________________________________
  605. Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach
  607. A dark, swirling cloud surrounds Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach. She
  608. constantly rakes her fingers across her pale cheeks, leaving white
  609. score-marks in the ghostly skin as she laughs darkly. The dichotomy of
  610. her birth shows through as she babbles quietly to herself in two
  611. different tones. Despite her unbalanced and intimidating appearance, she
  612. radiates an aura of security, as though to succumb to her embrace would
  613. make you safe forevermore.
  615. You greet Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach with a sincere smile.
  616. Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach says, "My forest, the Northreach, is
  617. one of the most ancient forests on Sapience."
  619. You greet Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach with a sincere smile.
  620. Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach says, "Hail the forest, friend Elsp,
  621. for they give life to all."
  622. Euterpe, spirit of the Northreach smiles serenely.
  623. _____________________________________________________________
  624. Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia
  626. A wraith-like figure swathed in a billowing mist, Erato, spirit of the
  627. Eastern Ithmia floats lightly here, a slight smile on her face. Her
  628. ghostly hair flows around her as though blown by a gentle forest breeze
  629. and her face is dappled as though struck by shafts of light shining
  630. through moving foliage.
  632. You greet Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia with a sincere smile.
  633. Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia says, "It's said by many that the
  634. Eastern Ithmia is the best of all the forests."
  635. Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia smiles serenely.
  637. You greet Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia with a sincere smile.
  638. Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia hugs a nearby tree.
  639. _____________________________________________________________
  640. Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest
  642. Terpsichore stands here with a shimmering reddish-golden light playing
  643. about her. Her skin is of the ruddy colour of the redwoods that she
  644. loves so much. She wears a crown of ferns, woven with tiny forest
  645. flowers, but she disdains clothing. Ferns wreathe her wrists, like
  646. delicate bracelets. Her long red hair is strewn with bits of herbs. She
  647. delights in dancing beneath the trees to the music of the birds, while
  648. the forest creatures gaze upon her in rapt awe.
  649. Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest looks weak and feeble.
  651. Conor greets Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest with a sincere
  652. smile.
  653. Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest exclaims, "The towering redwood
  654. is the grandest tree there is!"
  656. Conor greets Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest with a sincere
  657. smile.
  658. Terpsichore, Spirit of the Aalen Forest says, "Mountains to the east,
  659. ocean to the west. Is there anywhere better to be than the Aalen
  660. forest?"
  661. _____________________________________________________________
  662. Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia
  664. The pale, transparent limbs of Clio seem at odds with her darker, tanned
  665. face that speaks of a love of sunshine. Her eyes are bright and
  666. sparkling, cast in the shade of a summer sky, while her long hair is the
  667. brown of an oak tree. An array of flowers adorn it, among them lobelia
  668. and other blossoms native to the Western Ithmia. Even her green shift is
  669. reminiscent of dryad garb, clearly marking this spirit's patron as that
  670. expansive forest.
  672. You greet Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia with a sincere smile.
  673. Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia says, "Be nice to the dryads please.
  674. They are here to serve the forest."
  675. Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia smiles serenely.
  677. You greet Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia with a sincere smile.
  678. Clio, spirit of the Western Ithmia exclaims, "Everyone knows that the
  679. Western Ithmia is the best forest. Just look at its beauty!"
  680. _____________________________________________________________
  681. Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia
  683. A transparent visage and ethereal form identify this feminine creature
  684. as a spirit. Her limbs are pale and translucent around the edges, yet
  685. her face and central form are more clearly defined. The more substantial
  686. areas of Thalia's skin seem to have a grey, ashen tint, complimented by
  687. the dark waves of hair that tumble around her face. Ebon eyes are deep
  688. and luminous, occasionally sparkling like twin chips of obsidian and
  689. infused with the same ancient, brooding essence of the Northern Ithmia
  690. itself. Broad leaves of a deep, dark green cover her form, and vines
  691. curl up her otherwise bare arms.
  692. Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia looks weak and feeble.
  694. You greet Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia with a
  695. sincere smile.
  696. Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia says, "Some say the
  697. Northern Ithmia is grim, but it's only because they don't know how to
  698. look."
  700. Your curtsey respectfully before Thalia, the forest spirit of the
  701. Northern Ithmia.
  702. Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia says, "Hashan is a
  703. blight on our forest."
  705. Thalia, the forest spirit of the Northern Ithmia smiles serenely.
  707. (continued)
  708. You read what is written on a jewelled silver journal:
  709. "Darkenwood Studies, by Elsp", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 10)
  711. ---------------------------------
  712. Fair Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana
  714. The edges of Calliope's ghost-like form are naturally translucent, but
  715. this paleness carries over even to her more existential parts, giving
  716. her a cool, fair-skinned look. Her hair is also of a lighter shade, with
  717. fine strands of gold falling down her back. Emerald eyes have a serious
  718. look, one of beauty and purity that seems to speak of the Aureliana
  719. forest. An aura of serenity surrounds her, so palpable even the deer do
  720. not shy from her touch.
  721. Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana looks weak and feeble.
  723. Your curtsey respectfully before Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana.
  724. Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana says, "Isn't the Aureliana just the
  725. most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"
  726. Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana smiles serenely.
  728. You nod your head at Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana.
  729. Calliope, spirit of the Aureliana says, "Please don't hurt the trees.
  730. They never did anything to you."
  731. _____________________________________________________________
  732. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest
  734. Melpomene stands here wreathed in a shadowy aura, shimmering with
  735. streaks of gold and silver light like sunlight through ancient trees.
  736. Her tall figure appears to be robed in boughs of pine and fir and she
  737. wears a crown of granite upon her head. Upon her breast is a medallion
  738. sporting the image of an owl's eye.
  739. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest looks weak and feeble.
  741. Your curtsey respectfully before Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest.
  742. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest laughs joyously.
  743. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest exclaims, "Remember, the boar is
  744. the symbol of the Logos Himself!"
  746. You give Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest a compassionate hug.
  747. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest says, "How I love my Black Forest.
  748. I think it's the most beautiful forest, don't you?"
  750. Melpomene, Spirit of the Black Forest smiles serenely.
  751. _____________________________________________________________
  752. Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest
  754. While the outer edges of Polyhymnia's body are of the transparent shade
  755. of the spirit, the rest of her is a swirl of vivid colors. Her garb is a
  756. gown of large blossoms and broad leaves, possessing vibrant hues of
  757. emerald, azure, and magenta. Her hair is dark and fluttering in some
  758. unseen wind, but her almond-shaped eyes are a lighter color, that of
  759. placid lavender. The exotic scent that wafts from her, that of
  760. wildflowers and fragrant grasses, makes it clear that she is the forest
  761. spirit of Ulangi's forests.
  762. Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest looks weak and feeble.
  764. You nod your head at Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest.
  765. Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest says, "Respect our island
  766. please."
  768. You nod your head at Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest.
  769. Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest says, "Ulangi's cloud forest is
  770. one of the most mystically beautiful places there is.
  772. Polyhymnia, spirit of the Ulangi forest smiles serenely.
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