

Jun 5th, 2023
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  1. Config = {}
  2. Config.Zone = {}
  4. Config.EventPrefix = 'QBCore' -- Core event prefix
  5. Config.QBCoreFolderName = 'qb-core' -- Core folder name
  7. Config.TargetFolderName = 'qb-target' -- name of the target folder
  9. Config.MenuEventPrefix = 'qb-menu' -- event prefix of menu
  10. Config.MenuFolderName = 'qb-menu' -- menu folder name
  12. Config.Inventory = 'qb' -- qb or ox
  14. Config.DeveloperMod = false -- When server acvite and you not gonna restart the script, developermod off else it will cause issues
  15. Config.SPRAY_PROGRESSBAR_DURATION = 30 -- How long will it take to create the spray (in sec)
  16. Config.SPRAY_REMOVE_DURATION = 60 -- How long will it take to remove the spray (in sec)
  17. Config.EnableContest = true -- true -> will remove the scrath method and spray will be removed after 15 minutse and be replaced with the other gang spray
  18. Config.ContestTime = 15 -- Contest time in minutes
  19. Config.MinPlayersForScratch = 6 -- How many gang member needed to be online so player can scratch a graffiti
  20. Config.MinPlayersForContest = 6 -- How many gang member needed to be online so player can contest a graffiti
  21. Config.MinGangForRob = 3 -- How many gang member needed to be online so player can rob their NPC
  22. Config.Radius = 80.0 -- Turf radius
  23. Config.NPCRadius = 150.0 -- Radius that NPC will spawn
  24. Config.oneGraffitiInRadius = true -- Can create only one graffiti inside a radius
  25. Config.mustBeInsideCircle = false -- When creating a spray it must be in their own gang turf Config.oneGraffitiInRadius must be false to work
  26. Config.CircleRange = 60 -- the range that spray must be inside the turf to work Config.CircleRange - Config.Radius (60 - 80)
  27. Config.SellTime = 60 -- every X sec, it will sell an item
  28. Config.SellOneItem = true -- Sell one item at the time (if item amount > 1)
  29. Config.TimeForNPCRob = 5 -- Time to rob npc (in sec)
  30. Config.EnableNPC = true -- Enable NPC to spawn
  31. Config.AmountOfNPCInRadius = 4 -- Amount of NPC in a radius (not suggested more then 5, might cause crashes)
  32. Config.NotInGameGang = 'none' -- Just check in your qb shared gangs see what is the default gang
  33. Config.PlayerSQLTable = 'players' -- Players SQL in DataBase
  34. Config.RadiusForRandomCoords = 30.0 -- Random coods that will be generate within the radius
  35. Config.RadiusForNPCRobBlip = 500.0 -- Radius for the blip itself
  36. Config.RobTimeBlip = 10 -- How long the rob blip will be exist in sec
  37. Config.BlipOpacity = 85 -- the opacity of the blip (0-100)
  38. Config.BlipSprite = 9 -- Blip itself Suggested 9 (can be found here
  40. Config.UseItemBox = 'inventory:client:ItemBox' -- If using the event, change it as you want it, to disable set false
  41. Config.AllowSellToAllPlayers = true -- Allowing random players (none gang or from other gangs to sell items at the npc)
  42. Config.NPCSellItemsSlots = 3 -- How many slots each npc will have in his sell items
  43. Config.NPCSellItemsWeight = 50 -- How much weight each npc will have in his sell items
  44. Config.NPCInvItemsSlots = 20 -- How many slots each npc will have in his inventory
  45. Config.NPCInvItemsweight = 200 -- How much weight each npc will have in his inventory
  46. Config.PrecentForGang = 20 -- How much % the npc of the gang will get to disable set 0
  47. Config.EnableNPCTarget = true -- enable the target on the npc, false means you will not able to use target on them
  49. Config.ScratchRemoveMoney = false -- true scratching will make price decrease.
  50. Config.AmountSprayCanBuy = 2 -- Amount of sprays that can be bought in a restart. Set false to disable
  52. Config.SprayItemName = 'spray' -- SPRAY item name
  53. Config.GangMenuItem = 'laptop' -- turf menu Item Name
  54. Config.SprayRemover = 'sprayremover' -- spray remover, to disable set to false
  56. Config.ShopCurrency = '$' -- shop currency
  59. Config.Text = {
  60. SPRAY_ERRORS = {
  61. NOT_FLAT = 'This surface is not flat enough',
  62. TOO_FAR = 'The surface is too far',
  63. INVALID_SURFACE = 'It cannot be sprayed on this surface',
  64. AIM = 'Aim the spray at a flat wall',
  65. },
  67. SPRAYING = "Spraying...",
  68. SCRATCHING = "Scratching Graffiti",
  69. ROBBING_NPC = "Robbing NPC...",
  70. },
  71. NPC_TEXT = {
  72. PEDHASNOTHING = "This ped has nothing",
  73. NPCGETROB = "Someone is robbing your npc, location set in GPS",
  74. NOMONEY = "This npc has no money!",
  75. NOENOUGHGANG = 'Not enough gang members online!',
  76. SHOP_HEAD_TEXT = "Graffiti Shop",
  77. SHOP_FAILED_NO_MONEY = 'You don\'t have enough money',
  78. SHOP_GRAFFITI = 'Graffiti Buy',
  79. SHOP_TURFOPTIONS = 'Bought Laptop',
  80. SHOP_REMOVERBOUGHT = 'Bought Spray Remover',
  81. NOITEMSTOSELL = 'You got no items to sell',
  82. NOTENOUGHTITEMS = "You don't have enough items",
  83. BOUGHTENOUGH = "You can buy only " .. Config.AmountSprayCanBuy .. ' sprays per a day'
  84. },
  85. GRAFFITI = {
  86. GRAF_ACTIVE = 'Activated Turfs!',
  87. NO_GRAFFITI = 'You haven\'t discover any graffiti',
  88. GRAF_DISABLE = 'Removed Turfs!',
  89. GRAFFITIERROR = 'You can not spray inside an existing turf',
  90. TOOFAR = 'You are too far from the circle',
  91. NOTFAR = 'You are not far enough from the middle to use the spray',
  92. CREATE_GRAFFITI = 'Press ~r~ [E]~s~ to spray',
  93. ALREADY_DISCOVER = 'You already discovered this graffiti',
  94. NEW_DISCOVER = "You have discoverd new graffiti",
  95. GRAFFITI_SCRATCH = "Someone is scratching your graffiti, location set in GPS",
  96. MISSING_REMOVER = "You can not remove the spray you are missing and item",
  97. CONTEST_WIN_1 = 'Congrates you have killed the leader and the contest is disabled!',
  98. CONTEST_LOSE_1 = 'You have failed to protect your leader therefore you will not get the spray',
  99. CONTEST_WIN_2 = 'Congrates you have won the contests and you got new spray!',
  100. CONTEST_LOSE_2 = 'You have failed to kill thier leader therefore you will lose the spray',
  101. START_CONTEST_1 = 'A contest on a spray has begun!',
  102. START_CONTEST_2 = 'A contest on your spray has begun! location set to GPS',
  103. },
  105. DISCOVER = 'Discover',
  106. DIS_ICON = 'fas fa-search',
  107. SCRATCH = 'Scratch',
  108. SCRA_ICON = 'fas fa-tools',
  109. CONTEST = 'Contest',
  110. CONTEST_ICON = 'fas fa-crosshairs',
  111. NPC_SHOP_TEXT = 'Open Shop',
  112. NPC_SHOP_ICON = 'fas fa-shopping-basket',
  113. ROB_NPC = 'Rob Gang NPC',
  114. ROB_NPC_ICON = 'fas fa-bullseye',
  115. TAKE_NPC_MONEY = 'Take Money',
  116. TAKE_NPC_MONEY_ICON = 'fas fa-coins',
  117. OPEN_INV_NPC = 'Open Inventory',
  118. OPEN_INV_NPC_ICON = 'fas fa-shopping-bag',
  119. SELL_ITEMS_NPC = 'Sell Items',
  120. SELL_ITEMS_NPC_ICON = 'fas fa-money-bill-alt',
  122. }
  123. }
  125. Config.Gangs = {
  126. ['ballas'] = { -- Gang Name
  127. spray = 'sprays_ballas', -- spray name (ydr)
  128. blipcolor = 27, -- blip color on map (can be found here:
  129. ped = 'g_m_y_ballaorig_01', -- ped you want to spawn in your turf (can be found here:
  130. -- PAY ATTENTION adding a ped here will make him not spawn anywhere else expect the in the turfs
  131. graffitiRGB = {r = 148, g = 0, b = 211}, -- particals color for the spray itself
  132. },
  133. ['vagos'] = {
  134. spray = 'sprays_vagos',
  135. blipcolor = 5,
  136. ped = 'u_m_y_mani',
  137. graffitiRGB = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0},
  138. },
  139. ['lostmc'] = {
  140. spray = 'sprays_lostmc',
  141. blipcolor = 22,
  142. ped = 'g_m_y_lost_01',
  143. graffitiRGB = {r = 105, g = 105, b = 105},
  144. },
  145. ['gsf'] = {
  146. spray = 'sprays_gsf',
  147. blipcolor = 43,
  148. ped = 'g_m_y_famca_01',
  149. graffitiRGB = {r = 0, g = 100, b = 0},
  150. },
  151. ['marabunta'] = {
  152. spray = 'sprays_marabunta',
  153. blipcolor = 27,
  154. ped = 'g_m_y_salvagoon_01',
  155. graffitiRGB = {r = 148, g = 0, b = 211},
  156. },
  157. }
  159. Config.ShopInfo = {
  160. [1] = { -- There can be multiple shops
  161. NPCSeller = 'a_m_m_og_boss_01', -- what ped will sell the spray
  162. NPCLocation = vector4(141.5036, -842.3974, 30.95848, 242.5168), -- Pay attention it vector4
  163. SprayPrice = 500, -- original spray price, price will be price * priceMulti ^ lvl
  164. SprayRemoverPrice = 500, -- Spray remover price
  165. TurfOtionsPrice = 2000, -- Price for the turf data
  166. SprayPriceMulti = 2, -- how much times will you pay more for each lvl, lvl 20 * 2.0 * 1000 = 30k for lvl 20
  167. ShowBlip = true, -- if you want blip to be shown
  168. Scale = 0.8, -- blip scale
  169. ShopBlip = 72, -- can be found here or set false to disable
  170. ShopBlipColor = 1, -- can be found here
  171. Title = "Spray Shop", -- the title of the blip
  172. DistanceSpawn = 50.0, -- if distance between npc and you > ... npc will dispawn
  173. },
  174. }
  176. Config.ItemsForSale = { -- Items that only gangs can sell to their npc
  177. ["band"] = {money = 1500, ganglvl = 5},
  178. ["cashstack"] = {money = 500, ganglvl = 5},
  179. ["headphones"] = {money = 100, ganglvl = 5},
  180. }
  182. Config.SellItems = { -- Items that every player can sell
  183. ["cashstack"] = {money = 500, ganglvl = 5},
  184. }
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