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Feb 25th, 2018
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  1. juice: Griffin had been, to say the least, pretty torn up about the situation with the camper. Of coruse, Griffin was a bit of a kid still, he'd be scared shitless of any sort of advance. Justin took it upon himself to go through Andrew's friends and try to... clear things up. Clean up the issue, make sure no funny business was going on. "Oh, hey, Jamie!" he smiled up from his desk, welcoming him into the small office, "Do you mind taking a quick seat? Close the door behind you."
  2. jamie: "Uh, yeah!" Jamie turned quickly to push the door closed before taking a seat in front of Justin's desk. "What's up?"
  3. juice: Justin straightened a few things on the desk, glancing up at Jamie, "Did you hear we've got a, uh, a situation?" he tried for a weak smile, "just some campers having a hard time keeping up with the rules. Did you hear about that?"
  4. jamie: "No? I mean, nothing outside of, like, someone getting pushed into the pool or something."
  5. juice: "Right, good." Justin sighed, resting his elbows on the desk, "We had, uh, we had some campers making... inappropriate advances to some of our staff. Jamie, were you aware of this?"
  6. jamie: "Oh, uh." Jamie flushed up, suddenly, at the thought. "No? That sounds bad, though."
  7. juice: Justin chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah. I, uh, I had reason to believe you might be in on it." he ran his hands through his hair, "Jamie, we want to make this a good experience for everyone. We just can't have that if we've got campers, uh... prepositioning the youth pastors."
  8. jamie: Jamie simply nodded, his fingers twiddling nervously in his lap. "I don't know where you, uh, came up with that?"
  9. juice: "Jamie, hey, it's okay." Justin smiled, "An issue came to light when, uhh... Well, Jamie, one of your friends got into a bit of trouble with Pastor Griffin, and when we started poking around, we began to worry that you could've been involved."
  10. jamie: "I mean, I never thought it would actually get this far? It was all talk until, like, last week."
  11. juice: Justin blinked, "Huh? You mind, uh." he ran a hand through his hairj
  12. juice: \],\
  13. juice: fuck cat on key
  14. juice: boasr......d\
  15. juice: Justin blinked, "Huh? You mind, uh." he ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, Jamie, do you mind clearing that up for me?"
  16. jamie: "Me and Andy, uh, talked about it? Like you know how it is. I never expected him to do anything..."
  17. juice: "Oh, gosh." Justin pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, "Jamie, you understand that's... immoral?"
  18. jamie: "Yeah? I don't really, uh, believe in a lot of it in the first place, so..." He shifted in his spot, the feeling of anxiety growing bigger. "But I get it! I totally get it."
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