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Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. Mizz Fortunee: why i dont ban ezreal
  4. Mizz Fortunee: oh god
  5. Mizz Fortunee: lose streak team
  6. In-Game
  7. Mizz Fortunee: go open
  8. Mizz Fortunee: veigar lvl 3
  9. Mizz Fortunee: plz
  10. Mizz Fortunee: afk
  11. Mizz Fortunee: 9x thresh
  12. Mizz Fortunee: dont pick ezreal next time
  13. Mizz Fortunee: bye
  14. Mizz Fortunee: 20 cs ezreal
  15. Mizz Fortunee: 6 lose in row veigar
  16. Mizz Fortunee: s8 diamond
  17. Mizz Fortunee: now ahrd stuck plat?
  18. Mizz Fortunee: rep ezreal
  19. Mizz Fortunee: pls
  20. Mizz Fortunee: for picking champ he cant play
  21. Mizz Fortunee: ?
  22. Mizz Fortunee: cuz he pic ezreal
  23. Mizz Fortunee: idc
  24. Mizz Fortunee: dont pick mid ever again
  25. Mizz Fortunee: wow
  26. Mizz Fortunee: wow
  27. Mizz Fortunee: wow
  28. Mizz Fortunee: wow
  29. Mizz Fortunee: LOOK AT HIM
  30. Mizz Fortunee: HAHAH
  31. Mizz Fortunee: better mid wins
  32. Mizz Fortunee: why is veigar and zoe not in my t eam?
  33. Mizz Fortunee: why i have 3 ppl with 5+ lose streak?
  34. Mizz Fortunee: gj kaisa u won vs first tim ezreal
  35. Mizz Fortunee: happy now?
  36. Mizz Fortunee: thanks
  37. Mizz Fortunee: lets rep the best player in the team
  38. Mizz Fortunee: 0/5 says i troll
  39. Mizz Fortunee: epic flash from veigar
  40. Mizz Fortunee: XD
  41. Mizz Fortunee: u2
  42. Mizz Fortunee: ur plat 4 fiddle
  43. Mizz Fortunee: why u even talk
  44. Mizz Fortunee: and?
  45. Mizz Fortunee: when i know its lose with this ezreal and veigar
  46. Mizz Fortunee: first time champs
  47. Mizz Fortunee: r u
  48. Mizz Fortunee: feel better now?
  49. Mizz Fortunee: u int now?
  50. Mizz Fortunee: nice fiddle inting
  51. Mizz Fortunee: will rep u
  52. Mizz Fortunee: reset
  53. Mizz Fortunee: clap clap kaisa
  54. Mizz Fortunee: gg nasus
  55. Mizz Fortunee: split more
  56. Mizz Fortunee: ezreal xDDDDDD
  57. Mizz Fortunee: dont adc
  58. Mizz Fortunee: plz
  59. Mizz Fortunee: just dont
  60. Mizz Fortunee: vs first time ezreal
  61. Mizz Fortunee: gj
  62. Mizz Fortunee: 9x ezreal
  63. Post-Game
  64. Mizz Fortunee: my bad
  65. Mizz Fortunee: didnt ban ezreal
  66. Game 2
  67. In-Game
  68. Mizz Fortunee: why u trolling?
  69. Mizz Fortunee: diana trolling
  70. Mizz Fortunee: im afk
  71. Mizz Fortunee: i pinged him 10 times
  72. Mizz Fortunee: he ignored me
  73. Mizz Fortunee: and he gives free kill
  74. Mizz Fortunee: i didnt gank
  75. Mizz Fortunee: u do yeah
  76. Mizz Fortunee: 4 min left np
  77. Mizz Fortunee: classic mid laner
  78. Mizz Fortunee: LOSE BOT LANE AS CAIT
  79. Mizz Fortunee: TO VAYNE
  80. Mizz Fortunee: TELL ME
  81. Mizz Fortunee: HOW
  82. Mizz Fortunee: 5th game in row my bot lane lose
  83. Mizz Fortunee: no matterwhat
  84. Mizz Fortunee: nice match history
  85. Mizz Fortunee: diana
  86. Mizz Fortunee: and rank
  87. Mizz Fortunee: UR PREMADE
  88. Mizz Fortunee: AAAHAHAHHA
  89. Mizz Fortunee: 6.3/6.1 kda caitlyn
  90. Mizz Fortunee: as adc main
  91. Mizz Fortunee: XD
  92. Mizz Fortunee: gj rengar win after lose streak
  93. Mizz Fortunee: yesterday i rekt u
  94. Mizz Fortunee: sona they flame u
  95. Mizz Fortunee: diana cait toxic duo
  96. Mizz Fortunee: flame so hard
  97. Mizz Fortunee: better mid wins
  98. Mizz Fortunee: gg
  99. Post-Game
  100. Mizz Fortunee: lol u went afk
  101. Mizz Fortunee: for 5 min
  102. Game 3
  103. Pre-Game
  104. Mizz Fortunee: go tank
  105. Mizz Fortunee: omg
  106. In-Game
  107. Mizz Fortunee: ward
  108. Mizz Fortunee: ..
  109. Mizz Fortunee: u tilt me
  110. Mizz Fortunee: pick more champ u cant play
  111. Mizz Fortunee: so u pink
  112. Mizz Fortunee: and dont clwear ward?
  113. Mizz Fortunee: nice
  114. Mizz Fortunee: mechanics
  115. Mizz Fortunee: kata
  116. Mizz Fortunee: rekt by gold 3
  117. Mizz Fortunee: its lost
  118. Mizz Fortunee: knew to dodge this
  119. Mizz Fortunee: when i see kata profile
  120. Mizz Fortunee: int more
  121. Mizz Fortunee: die 1 more time and i just leave
  122. Mizz Fortunee: gjk zed
  123. Mizz Fortunee: rekting plat 1
  124. Mizz Fortunee: being gold 3
  125. Mizz Fortunee: U PLAY VS GOLD 3
  126. Mizz Fortunee: AND U ARE PLAT 1
  127. Mizz Fortunee: NICE MATCH HISTORY M8
  128. Mizz Fortunee: feed in 90% games
  129. Mizz Fortunee: 0/10, 2/11
  130. Mizz Fortunee: 0/5
  131. Mizz Fortunee: 3/11
  132. Mizz Fortunee: im out
  133. Mizz Fortunee: hf
  134. Mizz Fortunee: ill win next game, ull lose more
  135. Mizz Fortunee: well ur inting
  136. Mizz Fortunee: not gonna waste my time
  137. Mizz Fortunee: plat 1
  138. Mizz Fortunee: lmao
  139. Post-Game
  140. Mizz Fortunee:
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