
Ch 5: Part 2: Prisoners of Paradise: Session 83

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. [15:52] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:53] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [15:53] <Kilarra> -Session 83-
  4. [15:54] <Kilarra> After exchanging information with the Half-elf Quilindra, the party, at her behest, has made their move to escape from the Paradise Chamber. Although it was taxing, they managed to remove both of the Wasp Golems from their path, and all that remains in their way is either the door, or the teleportation blocking Dimensional Lock.
  5. [15:56] * Kilarra sees that the fight has ended and makes her way up to Kjell and Kahree, "Who's hurt?" She asks rhetorically, pulling out a wand
  6. [15:58] <@Aluthyra> Kahree has a small wound from the first wasp sting. She points to herself.
  7. [15:59] * Kilarra presses the wand to it, but can clearly see that KJell is more badly hurt
  8. [16:02] * Kilarra triggers the wand twice for Kahree, and six times of Kjell, who is a bit worse off. "That should do you for now," she notes, slipping it away
  9. [16:03] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods in thanks.
  10. [16:04] <Kilarra> Kjell does so as well, "That just leaves the door. I can only take three passengers for my teleport, even for short distances, and I'll not leave anyone behind.
  11. [16:05] <Kilarra> "
  12. [16:05] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "I can manage to escape on my own. I'm stealthy enough... so I think you'd be fine teleporting."
  13. [16:06] <Kilarra> Kjell gestures to the door, "I would prefer that be our fallback plan. Can you try the door?"
  14. [16:07] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, walking over. "Guess so. Just gimme a minute to check something..."
  15. [16:08] <Kilarra> Kjell observes.
  16. [16:08] <@Aluthyra> Kahree places her hands on the door, closing her eyes as she activates her gloves' magic.
  17. [16:08] * Kilarra heads back up to Aluthyra and Quilindra, "Neither of you got hurt right?"
  18. [16:08] * Aluthyra nods. "I am in good health, yes."
  19. [16:09] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "I'm fine, thank you."
  20. [16:09] <Kilarra> Kahree can see no guards in the immediate vicinity of the door, or in the chamber beyond
  21. [16:10] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, opening her eyes and stepping back. "No guards outside." She leans down, inspecting the door's lock.
  22. [16:10] <Kilarra> The door's lock is sturdy, and magically bolstered, but not beyond Kahree's skills
  23. [16:12] <@Aluthyra> Kahree activates her bracers' magic! As soon as she does, the bracers fall into her hands, transformed into a set of thieves’ tools, and she gets to work...
  24. [16:13] <Kilarra> Quilindra curiously approaches Kahree, watching her work. She seems impressed at her useful tools
  25. [16:15] <Kilarra> The lock is strong, but Kahree manages to get through it on the first attempt
  26. [16:15] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, standing up and opening the door. She bows, gesturing at the open entrance. "After you."
  27. [16:17] <Kilarra> Quilindra gives her a giggle and a smirk, "Most impressive." She peeks out the door to confirm Kahree's information, then beckons for the others.
  28. [16:17] * Kilarra follows them out
  29. [16:17] <Kilarra> Kjell does too
  30. [16:17] * Aluthyra follows Kilarra.
  31. [16:18] <@Aluthyra> Kahree walks through last, casting a lingering glace on the form of Quilindra.
  32. [16:19] <Kilarra> Quilindra is exceptionally attractive, both in form and demeanour. As well, she seems to carry a strong presence, as befitting one of the bardic profession.
  33. [16:20] <Kilarra> As the party exits the Paradise Chamber, it becomes evident that there are no guards in their immediate vicinity.
  34. [16:20] <Kilarra> Just like Kahree said
  35. [16:26] <Kilarra> Quilindra seems content to stay towards the rear, letting Kilarra and Kjell lead, ready to provide support if needed. However, it becomes increasing evident, as the party moves to leave the palace, that the guards seem to have been called away. From the chamber to the entrance hall, they do not encounter a single guard.
  36. [16:28] <@Aluthyra> Kahree purses her lips as she follows. "Odd that there're no guards. Good for us, I guess..."
  37. [16:28] * Kilarra smirks, "I think perhaps Queen Telandia is giving us what aid she can."
  38. [16:29] <Kilarra> Quilindra looks surprised, "I thought the Queen was the one who had you imprisoned in the first place."
  39. [16:31] * Aluthyra nods. "We believe that is due to her being under duress from the Winter Council."
  40. [16:31] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Oh... perhaps she wanted you to find me. Such a clever monarch."
  41. [16:34] * Aluthyra nods. "Indeed. So we should move quickly while she has the attention of the council, and guards."
  42. [16:34] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "So we have witnessed. Still, Aluthyra is right."
  43. [16:35] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, picking up her pace a little.
  44. [16:35] <Kilarra> Quilindra, "I suggest then, that we move for the closest Aiudara."
  45. [16:38] <Kilarra> Kjell poses a question, "Should we take time to recover first? Perhaps replenish our magic."
  46. [16:39] <Kilarra> Quilindra looks a little disappointed. "If you must, but we should not do so here in Iadara."
  47. [16:40] * Aluthyra nods. "Let us find a safe place to camp for the night, and then we shall continue to the gate."
  48. [16:42] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Alright, but that would be easier to do by passing through the first gate. It will take us away from the city, to where word of our escape will not have time to spread before we arrive there."
  49. [16:48] <Kilarra> Quilindra notes, "The Lotusgate is within the city limits. It should not even take an hour to reach on foot. We can reach it before most elves begin their day."
  50. [16:50] * Aluthyra nods, conceding, "Then that will do, considering how close it is."
  51. [16:51] * Kilarra nods, "Sounds good. Between the attack on us in the late hours and our discussion and escape with you, we did not get our proper rest."
  52. [16:53] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Understandable."
  53. [16:54] <Kilarra> Quilindra begins leading them through the city towards the gate she referred to as 'Lotusgate'. As she walks, she talks in an eager but quiet voice. "“We must move quickly now. Even if you feel that the elven nation as a whole can be trusted, the Winter Council cannot. They are not the nation. They are their own society, and as you’ve already experienced, they’ll stop at nothing to maintain their status quo. We need to be out of
  54. [16:54] <Kilarra> "
  55. [16:58] <Kilarra> We need to be out of Iadara quickly. If we can keep moving along the auidara paths, I think we can stay ahead of our pursuers and should be able to reach Thorn’s End before the Winter Council realizes it."
  56. [16:59] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "As long as we get some sleep in between."
  57. [17:00] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods. “While there’s not an auidara that leads directly to Thorn’s End, several of them did lead into southern Kyonin at a time. Most of these have been deactivated or destroyed—we don’t want Treerazer’s demons using them to invade Golarion. But some of them still exist, and I know of one that’s only a few hours away from our goal."
  58. [17:08] * Aluthyra nods, continuing to follow close by to Kilarra. She is still suspicious of Quilindra, but... perhaps she is not quite as ill-intented as the queen would have them believe.
  59. [17:10] <Kilarra> Quilindra continues her exposition; "There are two types of auidara. Some are simply two-way portals that link distant locations, but many are hubs that connect to two or more sites. For the simple portals, you just activate them and step through. The hubs are a bit more complex; you need a portal key to indicate which of the multiple destinations you wish to travel to."
  60. [17:10] <@Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "And you have the keys we need?"
  61. [17:15] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks and gestures to her various pieces of jewellery, most of which had one form of gemstone or another embedded. "I’ve got all of the portal keys we’ll need to navigate our route—from Iadara to a site in Galt, and thence to a site in northern Irrisen, and from there to an abandoned elven fortress in Ustalav. It is from this abandoned fortress, a place called Mirianath, that we make our final journey into Tanglebriar.
  62. [17:16] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smiles, looking approvingly over the jewelry. "Nice. Lucky we found you, then." She chuckles and winks.
  63. [17:17] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks at Kahree's own jewellery, then adds: "But before we reach Mirianath, we should prepare. At Galt and Irrisen, we’ll need only to keep level heads to talk our way by the guards, but in Ustalav we may have trouble."
  64. [17:18] * Aluthyra frowns. "Oh? Trouble of what kind?"
  65. [17:19] <Kilarra> "Rumor holds that the elves who once held Mirianath fell to temptation and became banshees. I can protect us somewhat with my singing, but more protection against their dirge would be wise.”
  66. [17:19] * Kilarra blinks. She had never encountered a Banshee before. She tries to think of what she's heard about them...
  67. [17:21] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "I'm not all that familiar with banshees. What all do we need to know about them?"
  68. [17:23] * Kilarra frowns, "Nothing pleasant. Their screaming wail can kill or weaken anyone who hears it, and they can magically inflict fear, among other abilities. They're also incorporeal, again making them hard to get rid of."
  69. [17:24] <@Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes and huffs. "Fun. Any way we can prepare for them?"
  70. [17:25] * Kilarra nods, "On the plus side, so long as we have time, I can prepare warding for us. Aluthyra, you might not need it, given how resilient you are, but Kahree almost certainly will. I will prepare what I can."
  71. [17:30] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, walking onward. "Good enough."
  72. [17:33] <Kilarra> Quilindra notes to Kahree, "And as I said, my singing can provide some additional protection." She looks to Kilarra, "Though I am glad to have a priestess with us, as your protection will be much more adequate."
  73. [17:34] * Kilarra smirks, looking to Aluthyra, "Calistria is one of the few elves among Golarion's pantheon, so she might venerate her as well."
  74. [17:37] <Kilarra> Quilindra winks
  75. [17:38] * Aluthyra nods. "I see." She chuckles, one of her wings nudging Kilarra's side. "And it is indeed goods that we have such a priestess." She winks at Kilarra; an attempt at flirting!
  76. [17:38] * Kilarra snickers at Aluthyra's attempt, enjoying the wingstroke, but continuing to move rather than taking time to return the flirting.
  77. [17:39] * Aluthyra continues alongside Kilarra.
  78. [17:39] <@Aluthyra> Kahree simply smiles and grins, keeping that possibility to herself for later use.
  79. [17:40] <Kilarra> Known locally as Lotusgate, this delicate arch of stone sits at the center of a series of ring-shaped gardens filled with a riot of lotus flowers. As the party approaches, Quilindra grows nervous, looking around for any guards on the site.
  80. [17:41] * Aluthyra looks around as well, her sharp eyes surveying the site.
  81. [17:41] <Kilarra> Aluthyra spies no one in the vicinity of the gate.
  82. [17:42] <Kilarra> Quilindra frowns, "Odd. I expected to have to do a bit of fast-talking to pass through here."
  83. [17:42] * Aluthyra nods to her companions and continues forward, moving to the gate's edge.
  84. [17:42] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs, following after Aluthyra. "Works for me."
  85. [17:46] <Kilarra> Quilindra steps up as well, observing the gate. "This one doesn't need a key, so I just need to..." She begins activating it
  86. [17:49] <Kilarra> The elfgate shimmers to life, allowing the party access.
  87. [17:50] <Kilarra> Quilindra steps through first, motioning for the rest to follow.
  88. [17:51] * Kilarra notes to Aluthyra, "Almost too easy. Probably Queen Telandia doing us one more favour before we slip beyond her immediate influence."
  89. [17:52] * Aluthyra smiles. "We will have to thank her for it later."
  90. [17:52] <@Aluthyra> Kahree steps through, right after Quilindra.
  91. [17:53] * Aluthyra nods, stepping through the gate.
  92. [17:53] <Kilarra> Galtgate itself is located in the central, cathedral like cavern beneath the border of Galt. A large, 200-foot diameter chamber filled with softly humming crystals, floating motes of multicolored light, and a dozen stone bunkers.
  93. [17:55] <Kilarra> Quilindra notes to Kahree on the other side as the others begin to pass through, "This gate is busy, and many non-elves pass through, so keep a low profile and we should be able to rest here as you desired."
  94. [17:57] * Kilarra arrives on the far side of the Galt-gate and looks around. Elven architecture. Impressive as always."
  95. [17:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, examining the cavern. "Right. Thanks."
  96. [17:57] * Aluthyra nods, stepping out beside Kilarra. "It is indeed. Unfortunate that we do not have long to stay."
  97. [17:58] <Kilarra> Kjell arrives shortly after the other two.
  98. [17:58] <Kilarra> After the party emerges, a pair of elven soldiers approach them.
  99. [17:58] <Kilarra> they do not have their weapons drawn, and one of them holds a tray with some fruit and a few glasses of wine on it. "Hail travellers, and welcome."
  100. [17:59] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods to Kahree, and steps forward. "Hail, guardians of Galtgate."
  101. [17:59] <Kilarra> The elf that spoke nods, "Now, where are you coming from, and what is your destination?"
  102. [18:01] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "We come from Iadara, and are simply passing through on our journey. We were told that taking the aiudara could save us some time on our travels, as opposed to going over land. If possible though, we are tired, and could use a place to rest for a few hours."
  103. [18:02] * Kilarra takes a glass of wine offered and passes Aluthyra a piece of fruit.
  104. [18:03] * Aluthyra smiles, taking a few bites of the fruit.
  105. [18:03] * Kilarra sips the glass of wine, letting the one ally they had who might have some diplomatic skill do the talking.
  106. [18:04] <Kilarra> Kjell helps himself to a piece of fruit as well
  107. [18:05] <Kilarra> The guard nods and jots a few things down with a quill. "Alright. We can provide temporary accomodations. Just need a few hours to rest I take it?"
  108. [18:05] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods.
  109. [18:07] <Kilarra> The guard nods, "Alright, for five of you, that will be fifty gold pieces please. We will also provide you with a meal before you depart."
  110. [18:08] <@Aluthyra> Kahree quickly hands over five platinum pieces, eager to sleep.
  111. [18:09] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks at Kahree, glad of her generosity. The guard takes the payment, then leads the party to one of the stone barracks that appears empty.
  112. [18:11] <@Aluthyra> Kahree looks around the stone dwelling, inspecting how spacious and comfortable it may or many not be.
  113. [18:12] <Kilarra> The barracks are simple, given that Elves didn't tend to sleep, but they are outfitted with cots for travellers, and there's enough room for each to have their own.
  114. [18:12] * Kilarra nods, "It'll do, but once we're done all of this," she flicks Aluthyra with her tail, "We'll have to go back and make -ample- use of my bed at the Veil."
  115. [18:14] <Kilarra> Aluthyra would likely remember that Kilarra's bed is quite ample. She's fit five people on it once
  116. [18:14] * Aluthyra blushes and clears her throat, preparing for -sleep-.
  117. [18:15] <@Aluthyra> Kahree snickers. "Just no waking us up with your 'prep time', Kilarra."
  118. [18:15] * Kilarra smirks at the reaction, then undresses and slips into a cot.
  119. [18:15] <Kilarra> Kjell takes off his armour and weapons and slips into another
  120. [18:16] <Kilarra> Quilindra raises an eyebrow, looking to Kahree, "What do you mean by that exactly?"
  121. [18:18] <@Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "A priestess of Calistria, when asking for their spells, tend to... do 'Calistrian' things."
  122. [18:18] <Kilarra> Quilindra blinks, then snickers. "I see. Well, she certainly has an attractive partner. I can hardly blame her." She then slips out of her chain shirt, rapier, and jewellery, but leaves the rest of her clothes on
  123. [18:21] <@Aluthyra> Kahree chuckles, slipping out of her own, and into the cot. "Either way...g'night, Quilindra."
  124. [18:22] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Good night, to all of my rescuers." She slips into her cot, smiling.
  125. [18:23] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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