
Exovaryn Haruke: Intercepted

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. {NARRATION} With the escape from Frostvale's dungeons, pursuit was belated, but inevitable. While those that fly are hard to track, there are times they must come down- And with Sebastian's urging, going to cut them off was inevitable. The speed at which the pairs of magi could move were equivalent, and if one was belated, the others had been weakened by imprisonment. The pursuit... Less so. With the Haruke, former Malpercian, and Yokai so close to their bastion, it would be unfortunate as they end up caught up when they descend- Magi ferretting out the trail of mana and following up to where the mages are forced to expend power. Sent on the trail are nothing less than the female siblings of the- With their power and speed, their following was intended to be the swiftest possible mustered by the West on short order. And such powerful and important figures- Would fortune be reversed? Would royal hostages or deaths manage to be taken by those fleeing Frostvale's prisons, or would they end up crushed by their pursuers? Matchups are: Exovaryn 'Voss' Haruke vs Sigrid Rosengard Plum Malpercius vs Demeter Rosengard Ruos vs Bastet Silvertongue.
  3. [19:36:06] This day was longed for.
  5. Plum and her assorted company thought themselves capable of escaping unnoticed by their captors. Events soon to transpire within the swamplands would prove that such was not the case. The royal family was hot on their trail, ready to beat them down much like before. There was reason they were in prison to begin with, after all.
  7. "Halt! You're real audacious thinking you could slip from underneath us that easily, Harukean. What do you have to say for yourself?"
  9. No weapon but her hands were brandished out into the open, deploying a steady field of electricity about her form. Skittering jolts ran into the murk below, frying it in an instant, soon to be followed by an explicitly rhetorical question.
  11. "Will you surrender, or not?"
  12. (Sigrid Rosengard)
  13. [19:45:29] Exovaryn's back was turned towards Sigrid, once intending to continue his pace across the land unbadgered, now pondered the worth of the human that attempted to apprehend him...
  14. Did he even have to turn around?
  15. Did he even have to face them?
  17. This wasn't Demeter, he knew her strength well-- And came close to it...
  18. This wasn't Bastet, whom had nigh killed him on one occasion- No...
  19. This was another, one he couldn't see the threat within... Perhaps, due to the lack of notoriety in their figure.
  21. "You're nothing but another one of their pawns." He responded, disrespecting her with the lack of attention, as though daring for her approach to his seemingly unsuspecting figure.
  22. " You enforce their xenophobia and attempt to perpetuate a cycle of Hatred... And as Lyperias demands of it, I'll see such endeavor broken." He stated, raising an arm up to prod at his chin in wonder.
  24. "The true decision is, to either consume of your circuit... Or utilize you as a bargaining chip. It could prove humoring and useful... All mortals abide to the laws of Equivalent Exchange in the end. Perhaps, that's how this bout shall carry out..." He began to ascend, slowly pivoting to face Sigrid directly, narrowing blackened eyes upon her to illuminate the tangerine halos about his blank scelera.
  26. The mauve pyre of materialized malice manifested from the flesh, issuing the spawning of the Occultic powers to his volition.
  27. "If you came this far-- It was either to surrender yourself, or become a part of something greater... Of perfection..." He leaned forth with open arms. "- Of me..." He finished, expecting appropriate charge into battle.
  28. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  29. [19:48:03] {combat} Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke has been defeated by Sigrid Rosengard! They're unable to continue fighting.
  30. [20:07:40] The appropriate charge may have not been enough for Exovaryn. There was no hesistation on Sigrid's end to take the charge into battle herself, and it proved to be quite effective. She dashed forwards towards the Harukean at literal lightning speeds, bombarding the ground with a sunder bolt of golden lightning.
  32. "I am no pawn, monster. I am my own being. How can you preach against hatred when you wield the magic of literal hatred? Can you not see your folly?!"
  34. Supercharging nto the ground, fists of marble burst from beneath to grab a hold the man where he stood. They followed the woman's hands in perfect mimickry, as if they were projections. Fissures along their surface tittered with the electricity that powered them.
  36. Tendrils of darkness struggled fiercely against the prowess of her magic, holding a formidable fight of their own; but in the end, they never stood against the might of earth itself.
  38. A stray tendril managed to shoot across and inflict a promising cut along the Rosengard's cheek, but it was nothing alike the fist of marble that erupted from the ground connecting to the man's chest. Upon its devastating impact, the sound of several broken bones could be heard amid the man's soaring body that was soon to meet the ground with a similar force.
  40. "Will you give in now, or shall we continue?"
  41. (Sigrid Rosengard)
  42. [20:30:43] The Harukean was seemingly no match for the Rosengard, forced to plop across the marshy soils, staring up at the skies. From the sound of it, he had manage to break several ribs, and went limp. Perhaps, he was reconsidering the entire endeavor-- He had fallen victim to impact that a typical man nor magi could recover from with explicit ease.
  44. It'd bring upon strain and excessive pain...
  45. He'd be forced to submit as she suggested, or suffer more of the magical oppression.
  46. A wheeze eased from his parting lips, clearly pained with nigh teary eyes. "Th-... That.... Actually.... Hurt..." He managed to force out, trembling violently as he rose his head up to gaze upon Sigrid, resting a hand upon the site of damaged ribs.
  48. "I.... Can't take you lightly... Apparently..."
  49. Vermillion streaks of static gattled upon one's abdomen as he forced himself upright, oddly enough ignoring what once left his writhing in agony. The bone beneath the muscle and skin began to mend back to whence it came, omitted of its shattered stature and returned to normal: Regenerated.
  51. " Though, it'd be unfair to exercise the fullest extent of my power." He continued, speaking nigh casually about the matter. He was still... Underestimating the human!
  52. Why?
  53. Was he that confident? Or did the years of imprisonment leave his mentality further deteriorated than he originally fathomed.
  55. " But what does it matter, it's likely a once in a lifetime ordeal... Perhaps, you'll never live to see another day like this. It's unlikely you'll live beyond today... Though, at least you'll bare the honor in mising a gander upon a portion of my true power..." He admitted, hovering for the skies above, raising his arms for his sides.
  57. Upon his chestal plate, illuminated alien runic insignias; sigils glimmered a distinct tangerine, soon casting forth a bubble of this mysterious radiance, reaching out for even Sigrid's circuit in an attempt to pry at it. It was a weak albeit enabling pull, but one nonetheless-- Easily resisted. Though, it was clear to see, that not all entities on the distant battlefield ignored this prying call.
  59. A stream of mana fed at his circuit, empowering him upon the ethernal domain, physically straining muscularity. It was the prologue to a pained exclaimation, person hunkered over to emit a valiant wail!
  60. First, the energy pulled from Ruo's form... And then Plum's...
  61. He twitched... Cringed.... Expanded...
  62. Inch by inch, and soon nigh feet...
  63. Flickers of vermillion static attempting to regenerate slight tears in muscle tissue trickled over his vessel.
  65. A chortle from his gullet reigned supreme throughout the land, and soon after... A single shockwave to portray a proper climax. An explosion of power rocketed for the heavens above, scarring the clouds with their ferocity, bubbling Vanus from the very flesh of its conjurer...
  67. "This.... This is.... A portion of what full power is.... It should be more than enough." He said unto Sigrid with a sickened grin mised upon his visage.
  68. No longer was Sigrid fighting merely Exovaryn, but the combined powers of his likely fallen comrades merged through the power of Lyperion Utovex and the Oracle's Mark...
  70. " I'll have some fun for now... Before I show you what full power is..."
  71. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  72. [20:31:34] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (-taking off a nerf-)
  73. [20:31:34] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (... so close to 100% ... I can feel it)
  74. [20:34:59] {combat} Sigrid Rosengard has been defeated by Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke! They're unable to continue fighting.
  75. [20:34:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (Hrmmm...)
  76. [20:45:13] A fist launched for one's abdomen, sinking in to bring rise to their figure, threatening to puncture armor and flesh alike. All with a solemn and cold demeanor mised behind them. " Why don't you just leave us alone..." He stated, ripping his fist from her gullet to allow her to breathe, though it'd only be granted another fist mised across the face. He aimed to hurdle her across the general scene, where a single tendril of Lyperion Utovex would swiftly halt her horizontal repulsion, tightly ensnaring a leg up to the knee-line to violently jerk her back to his person, splayed upon the ground.
  78. " Had your race learned to evolve beyond its common hatred, perhaps... We could've co-existed as many others do. However, your ilk will never accept us... And will always oppress us...
  79. Enslave us...
  80. Genocide us...
  81. And for that, we will never forgive. I will not succumb to your contorted desires, for even the light has those blinded of the Truth. It is of your ilk that are villains to the new society destined to rise from the ashes of the old. Though, should you not feel well placed within such, I will do well enough to erase you." He stated, narrowing his optics. He lowered himself down to her level, preparing for a finishing blow... Leaving himself open...
  83. Thus, warranting himself to a bolt of aurelean fulmination to rupture through his flesh, penetrating through his abdomen, albeit missing most vital organs. A scream let out for the horizon, meshed with a screech akin to Yokai kindred of lesser stature, resonating through the nigh telepathic channels of magus near and far.
  85. He fell for the grounds upon his feet, tightly clutching at his new wound, teeth grit towards his advarsary.
  86. " Why haven't you rolled over and perished yet..." He grimaced, reverting to his previous levitating stature for another advance...
  87. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  88. [20:53:45] He was holding back as she'd previously imagined. Because she'd undersestimated, she faltered heavily. Several plates of her armor were in shambles, and mostly just dented all around. Playing with her target unfortunately never did her any favors.
  90. It was only with great exertion that she could lumber herself back on to her feet, rapidly shrugging away any residual pain she might have sustained. That was the effect of battle taking place, filling her with much needed thrill. It had been long since she'd fought this much; it was a nice change of pace.
  92. "You wish to live in harmony, Harukean? Then why is that you devour the likes of your own, of others. Is the true meaning of peace that skewed to you? There is always an opportunity to look back on your ways."
  94. Her hand flourished anew, ready to strike at her post-haste alacrity. She wasn't expecting him to actually give a sound response, but it was always worth a try.
  96. "So what will it be?"
  97. (Sigrid Rosengard)
  99. Unlike Exovaryn, Sigrid could not mend her wounds so effectively, but she held the upper hand when it came to raw skill. That wasn't to say the Harukean didn't put up a good fight - far far from it. It was probably one of the closest fights Sigrid's ever come to experience.
  101. The heat of battle was portended through several lacerations and cuts sustained throughout her entire body. It was brutal display that showed just how fierce their altercation had been. The constant lashing of tendrils coupled with the crushing forces of gravity did quite a number on Sigrid, but she rolled with the punches and preservered.
  103. "This is not what it means to be human, Harukean! This is why you will never be welcome!"
  105. A sudden battle cry was followed by percussion of golden lightning, tearing through whatever garb the man wore on his figure. It penetrated all boundaries presented and into his body, wherein it forcibly coursed through his occult circuitry. The fluctuation was held for as long as it could be maintained, but alas, the cosmos could only bestow Sigrid so much.
  107. She fell to one knee, almost falling into unconsciousness herself. She could feel herself feeding into the exhaustion with each passing second.
  111. Two fists of marble spurt from the ground before any physical retalitation could take place, grabbing a hold of his ankles firmly - therein, what followed was immediate and unseen. Sigrid clenched her hand into the tightest fist she could muster as nails dug deep into the palm. The hands of marble that mirrored it reproduced that same force, amplifying it with much more behind it than the Rosengard's underwhelming muscle.
  113. They squeezed.
  115. The sheer, overwhelming pressure was enough to split the man's ankles and seperate them from his feet and send him plummeting towards the ground with no leverage. Left footless, he'd have no other option but to retreat while the opportunity presented itself. Sigrid was ennervated beyond measure, giving him the just the right amount of time to make a daring escape.
  117. They weren't parts of his body he couldn't restore, anyway; though perhaps it was his pride that wouldn't be so easily remedied.
  118. (Sigrid Rosengard)
  120. He could feel it...
  121. So close and yet, so far! There was a threshold he was coming to break of this human being, though he was not necessarily far from his own limitations either. The reach of his telekinetic grasp had limitations, and same to the length of drawn tendrils.
  123. Though, it would obviously not sustain an advantage for very long...
  124. The sound of thunder boomed overhead, and the storm would strike down with a vengence! Down from the skies, bolt after bolt they'd streak down, petrifying their target in preparation for magi's follow-up.
  126. It was a relentless combo that kept him further beaten, withering with every blow further to a single knee. A grimace singed across his visage dared to spike up for the perpetrator albeit would find itself crying for the heavens in anguish of animated fulmination forcibly tickling his internal organs with a certain burning intensity.
  128. "No. You gave us all a chance to see a world plagued by your frivilous fallacies. A chance to serve as your servants, and fall victimized to your means of purge. For we had naught to do with your kindred, until they started killing fi-"
  129. Hands of marble launched from the grounds, catching hold of both ankles prior to a remote manipulation taking suit.
  131. He could attempt to ascend but the weight of stone under the manipulation of another magi seemed to complicate one's attempted means to outmanuever or shed their hold. The force tightened, biting down on flesh, on bone...
  132. With each passing second, it'd sizzle the bone under raw force; fissures tore along the lining of one's skeletal structure and facial expression contort in reverence.
  134. Agony and Anguish could not begin to describe one's discontent, sharpened nails dug into his palms as his knees trembled to rise. Frantically, he strived to pry away at the ankle-bound conjurations, though there wasn't anything in his power to his volition. The churning sound of ground bone finally climaxed with the pop of stressed flesh, exsanguinizing the general members across the stone below, serated where the stone coffin's grip began.
  136. Vocalization split betwixt man and beast, echoing across the horizon for miles to come
  138. He was reduced to naught but stubs, unable to walk should he be forced to the ground once more... Thus, there was only one more choice for him. To live, to fight another day...
  139. It was likely that they'd learn of his regenerative qualities soon enough... Though, would it result in further pursuit?
  140. Perhaps, it was time to rendevous with the others in Alteros, assuming they too weren't hunted down by these: Whitecloaks of the North.
  141. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  143. Depravity. After a nutrious lunch for those whom he called his children, the Malpercian would have begun to do rounds around the village in boredom. The violet hues glanced around as the Vindicator remained silent, having actually only a little amount to do. In the shade of trees undead could be heard, creeking and such but such was typical for the man to have around Alteros.
  145. They were guards. Watchers. And it would be just as Spike had finished a second loop around the village tht one of the revived would get into his path. A suprized blink occured, before they would begin to dierct the Vindicator towards a certain spot. Violet eyes glanced over the surroundings before following, curious to find what the undead had discovered..
  147. It must have been important.. but whatever it was would be located at the mouth of Alteros. The hooded Vindicator nearly grinned, picturing what it might have been and expecting the worst.
  148. (Spike Malpercius)
  150. A long streak of blood that stretch hundreds of feet beyond the Alterosi Landbridge extended from the maimed legs of an unfortunate Harukean. Wheezing from a damaged lung, pierced by exorcist fulmination, one was damned to eventual fatigue faltering to it apparent hours ago.
  151. Not once since his halt had he budged, preferring to simply lay there, likely unconscious over a given time period.
  153. The occasional breeze would toil at his alabaster mane but would never wake him, soothing even to fall further into this temptatious slumber. He fought against the ensnaring darkness he once manned to his full volition, now attempting to consume him. The voices of those former screaming through his weaknening mentality, tormenting him with their suffering...
  155. That of battle still rung through his mind. The flashes of an Exorcist, of the Whitecloaks that pursued the escapees without remorse plagued his mind...
  156. Memories of Ruos, facing against Bastet...
  157. Of Demeter against Plum... And then, Sigrid...
  158. Finally, there would be emptiness... Silence...
  159. Only the whispers of his mind to calm him from the hell he had embraced.
  161. Years of starvation and forced use of a nigh full powered Lyperion Utovex had left the Mortis (Harukean Symbiote) within his vessel to further degenerate what specimen remained before an advancing party...
  162. Naught more than a groan signified what life still clung to his form.
  163. There were no feet to his person, literally pulled from his legs at a gander...
  165. A gaping hole in his abdomen, worthy of lethality to any common man was clear shot through his physique and finally a strangely contorted left hand...
  166. With all the blood that eased from one's person, it was easy to mistake one for dead. Extensive pauses could startle one with the rare occurence of vermillion static dancing across his figure, cackling in its brief endeavors to regenerate what was scathed to no avail...
  168. Though, it was clear...
  169. Despite endeavors of Frostvale to contain him, and Whitecloaks to erase him: The Seer of Fate had survived.
  170. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  172. Oh, it was just a dead body.
  174. The Malpercian would glance towards the undead that had escorted him further, wondering why a dead body had been the reason they wanted to get his attention.. But then there would be a slight reconition as to whom it was. The Vindicator's steps would be quiet, the swish of grass heard underfoot as it was tramble, the man stepping forth somewhat slowly with arms folded behind his back.
  176. At the end of the approach, the Malpercian would peer down. A glance would be made, observing the majority of the body, condition for potential to be used in necromancy.. A blink at the relvation that the man was still alive but heavily damaged. But reguardless of such, Spike began to realize that a large crowd had gathered, intent on watching or looking at the dead body. A gaze would be glanced towards them all in silence.
  178. ".. None of you all seen a dead body before?"
  180. That was all that would be said before the Vindicator sighed, hand extending across the cloak that Voss barred on his back. Within an instant, the Malpercian pulled it over the head, much like one did with dead bodies and hiding their faces beforel ooking towards the undead that had followed him to a body. The violet gaze would be made towards each of their eyes, before a geasture was made towards the heavily damaged Harukean.
  182. "Pick it up. We're going to the morgue. I wonder what kind of secrets of the body this guy has."
  184. The Malpercian would say, pressing a hand against Voss' back. To anyone else it may have seemed like Spike were checking for a pulse.. But perhaps Exovaryn could tell it was a reassuring pat on the back.
  186. Unless further interuptions were made, the Malpercian would begin to escort Exovaryn towards the inside of the northern tower..
  187. (Spike Malpercius)
  189. Struggled breathing, croaking... Though, quiet; There wasn't much movement he could condone to in this state, eyes could peer through their slits, sifting back and fro to percieve blurred silhuoettes... Until a wall of black would shroud his visage.
  191. The cape? An aged Seers of Darkness one, with the Xsperitan Oracle's Mark written over it-- Likely to portray a force, or faction of sorts. Though, what would it matter to one presumed dead. He noted the voice, recognizing its source immediately...
  192. A touch upon his attire however, provided the feeble gleam of tangerine from the Oracle's Mark upon his abdomen, activated in the presence of nearby mana signatures and utilizing the Vanus that traced throughout his vessel to siphon lightly at his circuit. Whether he'd notice it, was entirely on himself...
  193. Though, it was far from threatening in his current state.
  195. Thoughts began to trail about, pondering about the course of events...
  196. What he saw...
  197. What he experienced...
  199. But as of now, it was clear that he had made it.
  200. Was he the only one? The final survivor of it all?
  201. He didn't hear Ruos nor Plum... Did they perish?
  202. At the very least, his forced venture to Alteros was not in vain...
  204. Through the carriage party that wielded him, he'd feed himself with subtle manner... Until relinquished of their touch.
  205. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  207. It was not a quick journey. The Malpercian Vindicator would quickly have his undead lumber after him as the group made their way into the northern Alteros building. The draining of Spike's mana was aknowleged, a slight narrowing of the man's eyes though the Vindicator did not move their hand away. Instead more occultic glove would be placed onto Exovaryn's skin, as if encouraging the man to drink the mana.
  209. Followed by his two kids and by Aranea, the Malpercian was quick to head to the mourge.. Or so it would seem to most people. The man made a change, instead going the the infimary and having the Harukean placed upon a bed there. A glance was made to Astrid and Bambi. "Astrid, mind taking your sister and playing around in the office south of here or something?.. I don't want you two wandering around Alteros alone but Da-da needs to take care of something real quick."
  211. Horrid. Using that child language in public made the Malpercian feel near ill, but the man would say it reguardless. His lavender hues changed focus, falling upon Voss and on the marking that covered his skin. An occultic glove ran across the Oracle tattoo, tracing it almost as if he had seen it before.. knew about it..
  213. Understood it.
  215. The cape would be removed from the man, though some rags would placed over his face, obscuring it for the time being. There were thoughts, and glances, looking towards any open wounds that might had been on Voss.. If there were, a capsule, or rather three would be produced, taking blood samples, and if not hte undead would set straight to work on repairs of his body.
  217. A glance would be made towards Aranea, violet eyes blinking towards the Harukean female with a slight hum. "Voss... I asume then my daughter's attempt to break you out of jail was some sort of success.. Good job to her.. Where is she? And I hope you don't mind if I take a bit of blood for testing."
  218. (Spike Malpercius)
  220. The steps into the Alterosi building... He had never heard such before during his childhood living in said place. He was prodded by a hand aligned to the transmundanic affinity, though it did not truly alter the rate nor tenacity behind his siphoning. The sounds of kids garnered his attention, as did various entities of his surroundings, but what truly had his attention was that of Savant. He was sure by now, that he was not mistakened for dead...
  222. The odd jargon he used about Exovaryn's presence was absolutely disregarded, there were far too many things plaguing his mind as of yet... Savant's voice did little work to digress him from such. The very reference to his daughter... To Plum, irked him physically. The name held some weight, burdening him... Scarring him...
  223. He was a father likely innocently awaiting his daughter's return... One that'd take an eternity as of now...
  225. He couldn't find less reason to bare qualms over blood tampering, the previous query was beginning to taunt him. He could remember the ambush...
  226. Ruos and Plum ripped from his perception of vision...
  227. Though he could feel their circuits vaguely as he siphoned from them, he could never truly confirm the persistence of their lifeforce.
  229. . . . They wouldn't have abandoned him on their rendenvous for Alteros before taking their rest... He knew such well. They went through too much trouble to free him...
  231. " . . . Everyone . . . Else. . . " He mustered the strength to say, eyes beginning to gleam with once restrained tears.
  232. " . . . They killed. . . . Everyone . . . " He repeated. He strained himself to pivot his head off to the side of his resting place, facing Savant directly...
  233. " They killed her. . . And I couldn't save her. . . " He spoke softly... Painfully... saddened...
  235. " . . . Those Valmasians.... Frostvallens.... In the Marshes, they caught us offguard, caught up... I couldn't find the others... "
  236. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  238. The three capsules containing the Harukean's blood would be carried away from the scene by one of the undead, to be preserved within the Malpercian's storage as the man took a seat. The violet hues would focus themselves upon the entity that was Voss, before extending a hand. Placed upon the runes, the man seemed to be allowing some siphoning of his mana, though not too much to cause him distress.
  240. The inquistive eyes would focus, taking in and examining the damages. such would likely be fatal and final to most, making it truely interesting that Voss had managed to survive so much.. If such was inflicted upon Ruos or his daughter he wondered if they would have faded from the world.. Of course the man wouldn't have to ask, hearing the words come from the Harukean's lips.
  242. There would be no sound coming from Spike's lips, no scream or laugh at the reveal of his daughter's fate. No there was only a blink, an understanding of such a thing. One less tie to the world then there were moments before.. So much death had taken to the ones he cared about, to his family and friends..
  244. Why was he even on this planet anymore?
  246. "This is distressing news somewhat.. But somewhat expected.. I did mention that any attempt to do things against Frostvale would likely lead to her death and the death of those who attempted.. You survived on the otherhand, which is good but..
  248. It is never good to lose a daughter.." A slight breath inwards, the Malpercian thinking and considering things. "The world likely thinks you're dead currently. I would reccomend using that to your advantage. Work in the dark so to speak and build up your power.."
  250. And once again the man fell silent, in a deep thought.
  251. (Spike Malpercius)
  253. " Perhaps they do..." He started... " But I won't stray from bringing her back..." He started, glaring back at Savant..
  254. "You're a necromancer... You can bring her back... " He claimed, prodding at him. " Please..." He was practically pleading with the man. " You're her father... Shouldn't you do everything within your power to get her back? Even in her current state? Please..." He was trembling...
  256. " I can fix her... I can turn her back, retrieve her from her curse bestowed by the humans abroad. I can give her back her lost arm... " He claimed...
  257. "I can make her perfect again... I just need her back..." It was clear. Somehow, throughout her endeavors, she had managed to forge a connection with Exovaryn.
  259. Voss couldn't tell what the father was thinking...
  260. He couldn't control him in the slightest...
  261. but at the very least, he could try to sway his decision-making.
  263. " Maybe even Ruos, you can save him... Right? For the sake... Of Mormegil... For our people... Let this not be a victory for those vermin dubbed Humanity."
  264. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  265. [16:49:16] Now this was odd. The Harukean seemed oddly enamored with the thought of the revival of his daughter, an enthusasim that Spike had seemed to lack. But then again with the mask covering his face all emotions were hidden, not even the sound of his voice suggesting anything but a bitter monotone towards the world. The violet eyes narrowed, a curious perhaps or an anger.
  267. "Why are you so insistant on bringing back the dead.. You do know that they come back differnt do you not? They will be undead, not truely alive, and their bodies will slowly turn to skeletal mush. Thus is the fate for anyone revived by such a method.. I have learned this over the course of years.
  269. As such, she could never be perfect again.. Even if you could bring back her arm, even if I were to revive her soul she would be changed.. even more, she broke her deal with me for your retrival.. But perhaps we can arrange for something instead, a barter if you will.
  271. I have a dangerous thing I need done. I need to travel into a shrine of Mordred and retrieve a few things. Perhaps you can be employed there.. If you assist me wtih the obtaining of the items that I need I will see about her revival.. Is this a fair arrangement for you?"
  272. (Spike Malpercius)
  274. No...
  275. He did not know she would return differently, though with the appearances of the former undead weilded by Savant, he could envision why...
  276. But, couldn't he change that? He hadn't any power over Necromancy, albeit he felt so willing to leap at the opportunity to attempt acting on it.
  278. Thoughts rushed through his head...
  279. Perhaps, he could apply Occultic Theoretics!
  280. If Occultism could heal through siphoning and Lyperion Utovex enhanced such capability to outright obtain regenerative capabilities...
  281. Couldn't a third party allow for one to pry mana and lifeforce from one and feed his person, whilst simultaneously prying away at himself to regenerate another?
  283. It would be streneous... But perhaps it ensure her return... And sustain her, despite Spike's mention. Though, there was a catch... There always was...
  284. It was as though all abided to his religious belief; Equivalent Exchange prevailed over all.
  286. He didn't dare challenge his claims, but rather... Obliged to his request. " . . . Yes." He spoke. "I will do it. . . If it means her return. "
  287. If so many would put their lives on the line, it was only fair for him to at least, provide equal treatment...
  288. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
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