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a guest
Nov 19th, 2018
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text 75.76 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Dumping to file: [DEBUG LOG]Solid Project--2018-11-19--22-54-26.txt
  2. SOP V.11
  3. SOP loaded at index (hex): 12 or (dec): 18
  4. NVSE Version: 5.1.4
  5. GameDaysPassed: 6.2961
  6. Player sex is Male
  7. Player Movement is NOT disabled
  8. Player PipBoy control is NOT disabled
  9. Player Fight controls is NOT disabled
  10. Player POV control is NOT disabled
  11. Player Camera control is NOT disabled
  12. Player RollOver text is NOT disabled
  13. Player Sneak control is NOT disabled
  14. Player is NOT sneaking
  15. Key#42 which is L-Shift is disabled.
  16. Key#258 which is Wheel is disabled.
  17. Player is in 06024512
  18. Number of loaded mods: 36
  19. 4GB supported
  20. Master file count 0
  21. Load Order:
  22. 00 (0): FalloutNV.esm
  23. 01 (1): DeadMoney.esm
  24. 02 (2): HonestHearts.esm
  25. 03 (3): OldWorldBlues.esm
  26. 04 (4): LonesomeRoad.esm
  27. 05 (5): GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  28. 06 (6): Fallout3.esm
  29. 07 (7): Anchorage.esm
  30. 08 (8): ThePitt.esm
  31. 09 (9): BrokenSteel.esm
  32. 0A (10): PointLookout.esm
  33. 0B (11): Zeta.esm
  34. 0C (12): CaravanPack.esm
  35. 0D (13): ClassicPack.esm
  36. 0E (14): MercenaryPack.esm
  37. 0F (15): TribalPack.esm
  38. 10 (16): TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm
  39. 11 (17): YUPTTW.esm
  40. 12 (18): SolidProject.esm
  41. 13 (19): TTW Quick Start.esp
  42. 14 (20): The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
  43. 15 (21): CASM with MCM.esp
  44. 16 (22): JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
  45. 17 (23): JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
  46. 18 (24): Better Pickup Prompt.esp
  47. 19 (25): The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
  48. 1A (26): The Karma Police - Balanced.esp
  49. 1B (27): Diagonal movement.esp
  50. 1C (28): B42Inertia.esp
  51. 1D (29): sawyerbatty.esp
  52. 1E (30): BLEED.esp
  53. 1F (31): CombatEnhancer.esp
  54. 20 (32): PMT - Responsive Kill Reactions.esp
  55. 21 (33): XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp
  56. 22 (34): XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp
  57. 23 (35): TTW Realistic Wasteland Lighting.esp
  58. * End Load Order *
  59. TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm is loaded
  60. *******************************
  61. *******************************
  62. *******************************
  63. * Player's inventory*
  64. Grognak the Barbarian
  65. Grognak the Barbarian's base form is <<00034040>>
  66. Bobby Pin
  67. Bobby Pin's base form is <<0000000A>>
  68. Bottle Cap
  69. Bottle Cap's base form is <<0000000F>>
  70. Stimpak
  71. Stimpak's base form is <<00015169>>
  72. Doctor's Bag
  73. Doctor's Bag's base form is <<000CB05C>>
  74. Purified Water
  75. Purified Water's base form is <<000151A3>>
  76. BB
  77. BB's base form is <<0002935B>>
  78. 10mm Round
  79. 10mm Round's base form is <<00004241>>
  80. Mentats
  81. Mentats's base form is <<00015165>>
  82. Med-X
  83. Med-X's base form is <<00050F8F>>
  84. Vodka
  85. Vodka's base form is <<00032C74>>
  86. Antivenom
  87. Antivenom's base form is <<000E2C6F>>
  88. Egg Timer
  89. Egg Timer's base form is <<0013B2B3>>
  90. Paint Gun
  91. Paint Gun's base form is <<0002210E>>
  92. Duct Tape
  93. Duct Tape's base form is <<0013B2B2>>
  94. Tweezers
  95. Tweezers's base form is <<000250A6>>
  96. Empty Syringe
  97. Empty Syringe's base form is <<000250A8>>
  98. Bonesaw
  99. Bonesaw's base form is <<000250A3>>
  100. Forceps
  101. Forceps's base form is <<000250A7>>
  102. Wrench
  103. Wrench's base form is <<0005B6D0>>
  104. Scrap Electronics
  105. Scrap Electronics's base form is <<0013B2B1>>
  106. Conductor
  107. Conductor's base form is <<00022102>>
  108. Tunnel Snake Outfit
  109. Tunnel Snake Outfit's base form is <<0002042E>>
  110. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  111. Vault 101 Jumpsuit's base form is <<0000431E>>
  112. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  113. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  114. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  115. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  116. Vault 101 Jumpsuit
  117. Pip-Boy 3000
  118. Pip-Boy 3000's base form is <<00015038>>
  119. Pip-Boy 3000 IS EQUIPPED
  120. Pip-Boy Glove
  121. Pip-Boy Glove's base form is <<00025B83>>
  122. Pip-Boy Glove IS EQUIPPED
  123. Pre-War Baseball Cap
  124. Pre-War Baseball Cap's base form is <<00028FF9>>
  125. BB Gun
  126. BB Gun's base form is <<00004323>>
  127. Baseball Bat
  128. Baseball Bat's base form is <<0000421C>>
  129. 10mm Pistol
  130. 10mm Pistol's base form is <<0000434F>>
  131. Police Baton
  132. Police Baton's base form is <<00004345>>
  133. Vault Lab Uniform
  134. Vault Lab Uniform's base form is <<0001CBDC>>
  135. Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit
  136. Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit's base form is <<000425BA>>
  137. Vault 101 Security Armor
  138. Vault 101 Security Armor's base form is <<0601CBDD>>
  139. Vault 101 Security Helmet
  140. Vault 101 Security Helmet's base form is <<0603411C>>
  141. Eyeglasses
  142. Eyeglasses's base form is <<000340FD>>
  143. * End of inventory list *
  144. *******************************
  145. *******************************
  146. *******************************
  147. * Start of Quests *
  148. *******************************
  149. *******************************
  150. *******************************
  151. CELLS
  152. Quest: aquestRTE
  153. 12000B3E->iInit = 1
  154. 12000B3E->iShowDescription = 1
  155. 12000B3E->iShowName = 1
  156. 12000B3E->fDefaultButtonTimerThreeshold = 0.2000
  157. 12000B3E->iConsoleSpam = 0
  158. 12000B3E->iShowIcon = 1
  159. 12000B3E->iShow3DModel = 1
  160. 12000B3E->iTutorialSeen = 0
  161. 12000B3E->iTutorialOutFitSeen = 0
  162. 12000B3E->iTutorialWheelSeen = 0
  163. 12000B3E->iDefaultColor = 6
  164. 12000B3E->iDefaultColorR = 255
  165. 12000B3E->iDefaultColorG = 255
  166. 12000B3E->iDefaultColorB = 255
  167. 12000B3E->iHighColor = 3
  168. 12000B3E->iHighColorR = 255
  169. 12000B3E->iHighColorG = 0
  170. 12000B3E->iHighColorB = 0
  171. 12000B3E->iTitleColor = 6
  172. 12000B3E->iTitleColorR = 255
  173. 12000B3E->iTitleColorG = 255
  174. 12000B3E->iTitleColorB = 255
  175. 12000B3E->iDescrColor = 6
  176. 12000B3E->iDescrColorR = 255
  177. 12000B3E->iDescrColorG = 255
  178. 12000B3E->iDescrColorB = 255
  179. 12000B3E->iFontName = 4
  180. 12000B3E->iFontCat = 4
  181. 12000B3E->iFontDescr = 4
  182. 12000B3E->iFontEntry = 1
  183. 12000B3E->ar_ToShow = 0.0000
  184. 12000B3E->ar_Uniforms = 0.0000
  185. 12000B3E->ResX = 1706.0000
  186. 12000B3E->ResY = 960.0000
  187. 12000B3E->iStage = 0
  188. 12000B3E->timer = 0.0000
  189. 12000B3E->iCurrentCategory = 1
  190. 12000B3E->iPreviousCategory = 0
  191. 12000B3E->iFirstPerson = 0
  192. 12000B3E->PlayerAngleZ = 0.0000
  193. 12000B3E->iWasinMenumode = 0
  194. 12000B3E->iCountBefore = 0
  195. 12000B3E->iCountAfter = 0
  196. 12000B3E->fAngleXChange = 0.0000
  197. 12000B3E->iFrame = 0
  198. 12000B3E->iNoItems = 0
  199. 12000B3E->iPosMax = 0
  200. 12000B3E->iPosCurrent = 0
  201. 12000B3E->iEntryMax = 0
  202. 12000B3E->iEntryCurrent = 0
  203. 12000B3E->iPosShowMin = 0
  204. 12000B3E->iPosShowMax = 0
  205. 12000B3E->iUpdateBGDoOnce = 0
  206. 12000B3E->iUpdateHighLightDoOnce = 0
  207. 12000B3E->iUpdateBG = 0
  208. 12000B3E->iUpdateHighLight = 0
  209. 12000B3E->iUpdateItems = 0
  210. 12000B3E->iCheckForlastItem = 0
  211. 12000B3E->iRebuilding = 0
  212. 12000B3E->iCountDifference = 0
  213. 12000B3E->iEquip = 0
  214. 12000B3E->iUnequip = 0
  215. 12000B3E->ItemToDo = (00000000)
  216. 12000B3E->iCountToRemove = 0
  217. 12000B3E->PlayerControlGoodToGo = 0
  218. 12000B3E->PlayerControlMovement = 0
  219. 12000B3E->PlayerControlPipBoy = 0
  220. 12000B3E->PlayerControlFight = 0
  221. 12000B3E->PlayerControlPOV = 0
  222. 12000B3E->PlayerControlLook = 0
  223. 12000B3E->PlayerControlText = 0
  224. 12000B3E->PlayerControlSneak = 0
  225. 12000B3E->CurrentItemRef = (00000000)
  226. 12000B3E->iMessageTime = 0
  227. 12000B3E->UMCurrentRequest = 0
  228. 12000B3E->sv_message = 0
  229. 12000B3E->sv_Add = 0
  230. 12000B3E->UMLastKey = 0
  231. 12000B3E->UMMesTimer = 0.0000
  232. 12000B3E->iFailsafeCount = 0
  233. 12000B3E->ModWeaponRef = (00000000)
  234. 12000B3E->iUseVanillaPipboy = 0
  235. 12000B3E->iPositioningMode = 0
  236. 12000B3E->iCurrentUI = 0
  237. 12000B3E->fPosButtonTimer = 0.0000
  238. 12000B3E->fReloadButtonTimer = 0.0000
  239. 12000B3E->iModelShowDelay = 0
  240. 12000B3E->iInstantTransition = 0
  241. 12000B3E->iMouseWheelDisabled = 0
  242. 12000B3E->iFPControlsDisabled = 0
  243. 12000B3E->AngleX = 0.0000
  244. 12000B3E->AngleZ = 0.0000
  245. 12000B3E->fTemp = 0.0000
  246. 12000B3E->BorderLeft = 0.0000
  247. 12000B3E->BorderRight = 0.0000
  248. 12000B3E->BorderUp = 0.0000
  249. 12000B3E->BorderDown = 0.0000
  250. 12000B3E->fResult = 0.0000
  251. 12000B3E->RotateAngle = 0.0000
  252. 12000B3E->fTempAngleZCurrent = 0.0000
  253. 12000B3E->StoredPosZ = 0.0000
  254. 12000B3E->StoredPosX = 0.0000
  255. 12000B3E->iCurrentPosZ = 0.0000
  256. 12000B3E->iCurrentPosX = 0.0000
  257. 12000B3E->fDiff = 0.0000
  258. 12000B3E->fDeltaResult = 0.0000
  259. 12000B3E->fBGPosXMin = 0.0000
  260. 12000B3E->fBGPosXMax = 0.0000
  261. 12000B3E->fBGPosYMin = 0.0000
  262. 12000B3E->fBGPosYMax = 0.0000
  263. 12000B3E->iCurrentCursorAction = 0
  264. 12000B3E->iCurrentCursorPos = 0
  265. 12000B3E->ar_coordinates = 0.0000
  266. 12000B3E->ar_coordinatesEntries = 0.0000
  267. 12000B3E->ar_EmpthyEntries = 0.0000
  268. 12000B3E->iUseCursor = 1
  269. 12000B3E->iUseCursorTemp = 0
  270. 12000B3E->iCountMenuTime = 0
  271. 12000B3E->iCountMenuCursorTime = 0
  272. 12000B3E->iCountMenuCurrentCount = 0
  273. 12000B3E->iCountMenuOldCount = 0
  274. 12000B3E->iCountMenuMaxCount = 0
  275. 12000B3E->fCountMenuMeterWidth = 0.0000
  276. 12000B3E->fCountMenuMeterX = 0.0000
  277. 12000B3E->fCountMenuPosXMin = 0.0000
  278. 12000B3E->fCountMenuPosXMax = 0.0000
  279. 12000B3E->fCountMenuPosYMin = 0.0000
  280. 12000B3E->fCountMenuPosYMax = 0.0000
  281. 12000B3E->ItemRef = (00000000)
  282. 12000B3E->NothingRef = (00000000)
  283. 12000B3E->iControlUP = 0
  284. 12000B3E->iControlDown = 0
  285. 12000B3E->iControlLeft = 0
  286. 12000B3E->iControlRight = 0
  287. 12000B3E->iAllowMove = 0
  288. 12000B3E->iAllowMoveCurrent = 0
  289. 12000B3E->fAllowMoveCurrentAngleZ = 0.0000
  290. 12000B3E->fMouseStoredPosZ = 0.0000
  291. 12000B3E->fMouseStoredPosX = 0.0000
  292. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  293. Running? No
  294. Current stage: 0
  295. Priority: 0
  296. * * * * *
  297. * * * * *
  298. Quest: <no name>
  299. 12000940->stage = 0
  300. 12000940->fStartX = 0.0000
  301. 12000940->fCurrentX = 0.0000
  302. 12000940->fAngleChange = 0.0000
  303. 12000940->fPlayerZStart = 2822.8840
  304. 12000940->fPlayerZEnd = 0.0000
  305. 12000940->iTimes = 0
  306. 12000940->timer = 0.0000
  307. 12000940->iAllowFrom3rdperson = 0
  308. 12000940->iReturnType = 2
  309. 12000940->iWorkInCombat = 1
  310. 12000940->fDesiredFallTime = 1.0000
  311. 12000940->iHeightFallMatter = 1
  312. 12000940->fHeighFallThreshold = 300.0000
  313. 12000940->iCurrentReturnToFP = 0
  314. 12000940->PlayerReference = (00000000)
  315. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  316. Running? Yes
  317. Current stage: 0
  318. Priority: 0
  319. * * * * *
  320. * * * * *
  321. Quest: <no name>
  322. 12000B7E->fTransitionSpeed = 1.0000
  323. 12000B7E->iWorkOnlyOnVanilla = 0
  324. 12000B7E->stage = 0
  325. 12000B7E->sv_name = 0
  326. 12000B7E->DoorRef = (00000000)
  327. 12000B7E->SkipActivationDoorRef = (00000000)
  328. 12000B7E->StoredPosX = 0.0000
  329. 12000B7E->StoredPosY = 0.0000
  330. 12000B7E->StoredPosZ = 0.0000
  331. 12000B7E->HeadingAngle = 0.0000
  332. 12000B7E->OriginalPosX = 0.0000
  333. 12000B7E->OriginalPosY = 0.0000
  334. 12000B7E->OriginalPosZ = 0.0000
  335. 12000B7E->OriginalAngleZ = 0.0000
  336. 12000B7E->DoorPos = 0.0000
  337. 12000B7E->CurrentPosZ = 0.0000
  338. 12000B7E->iFrame = 0
  339. 12000B7E->fAngleXChange = 0.0000
  340. 12000B7E->iSoundTime = 0
  341. 12000B7E->SoundTimer = 0.0000
  342. 12000B7E->fDiff = 0.0000
  343. 12000B7E->fDoorThreeshold = 0.0000
  344. 12000B7E->iTutShown = 0
  345. 12000B7E->StaminaTimer = 0.0000
  346. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  347. Running? No
  348. Current stage: 0
  349. Priority: 0
  350. * * * * *
  351. * * * * *
  352. Quest: aquestAI
  353. 120008E0->StimpakRef = (00000000)
  354. 120008E0->MedXRef = (00000000)
  355. 120008E0->JetRef = (00000000)
  356. 120008E0->Ultrajet = (00000000)
  357. 120008E0->DixonJet = (00000000)
  358. 120008E0->RocketJet = (00000000)
  359. 120008E0->Tourniquet = (00000000)
  360. 120008E0->iWorkFor3rdPerson = 0
  361. 120008E0->iWorkInCombat = 0
  362. 120008E0->iAllowFromPipboy = 1
  363. 120008E0->iAllowFromGamemode = 1
  364. 120008E0->iAllowFromRTE = 0
  365. 120008E0->iWorkOnStimpak = 1
  366. 120008E0->iWorkOnMedX = 1
  367. 120008E0->iWorkOnJet = 1
  368. 120008E0->iWorkOnTourniquet = 1
  369. 120008E0->stage = 0
  370. 120008E0->timer = 0.0000
  371. 120008E0->iCurrentAnim = 0
  372. 120008E0->CurrentWeapon = (00000000)
  373. 120008E0->sTimer = 0.0000
  374. 120008E0->iWasInMenumode = 0
  375. 120008E0->iWorkOnVodka = 1
  376. 120008E0->iWorkOnWhiskey = 1
  377. 120008E0->iLastEnterTPMode = 0
  378. 120008E0->CurrentWeaponToEquip = (00000000)
  379. 120008E0->NothingRef = (00000000)
  380. 120008E0->CurrentAnimPlaying = (00000000)
  381. 120008E0->iWasWeaponIn = 0
  382. 120008E0->iAnimActionStage = 0
  383. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  384. Running? No
  385. Current stage: 0
  386. Priority: 0
  387. * * * * *
  388. * * * * *
  389. Quest: aquestTO
  390. 120008D5->iEmulateTake = 1
  391. 120008D5->iAllowFrom3rdPerson = 0
  392. 120008D5->iDisableForLootMods = 0
  393. 120008D5->TempRef = (00000000)
  394. 120008D5->stage = 0
  395. 120008D5->timer = 0.0000
  396. 120008D5->NeededTimer = 0.0000
  397. 120008D5->iSkipActivation = 0
  398. 120008D5->CrossBanList = (00000000)
  399. 120008D5->CurrentActivatorRef = (00000000)
  400. 120008D5->iCurrentAnimRequest = 0
  401. 120008D5->sv_name = 0
  402. 120008D5->iReturnToTP = 0
  403. 120008D5->iWorkOnInventoryItems = 1
  404. 120008D5->iWorkOnRadios = 1
  405. 120008D5->iWorkOnPlants = 1
  406. 120008D5->iWorkOnDoors = 1
  407. 120008D5->iWorkOnNonVanilla = 0
  408. 120008D5->iPreventDoorAct = 0
  409. 120008D5->iWorkInCombat = 1
  410. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  411. Running? No
  412. Current stage: 0
  413. Priority: 0
  414. * * * * *
  415. * * * * *
  416. Quest: aquestItemPrevRotateQuest
  417. 12000B5A->ItemRef = (00000000)
  418. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  419. Running? No
  420. Current stage: 0
  421. Priority: 0
  422. * * * * *
  423. * * * * *
  424. Quest: aquestSprintTempPNWarning
  425. 120008AF->iDoOnce = 0
  426. 120008AF->sv_temp = 0
  427. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  428. Running? No
  429. Current stage: 0
  430. Priority: 0
  431. * * * * *
  432. * * * * *
  433. Quest: aquestAPMain
  434. 12000893->iInit = 0
  435. 12000893->iTKEnabled = 1
  436. 12000893->iSprintEnabled = 1
  437. 12000893->iRollEnabled = 1
  438. 12000893->iTOEnabled = 1
  439. 12000893->iAIEnabled = 1
  440. 12000893->InitDone = (FF001DA2)
  441. 12000893->iAFEnabled = 1
  442. 12000893->iMeleeEnabled = 1
  443. 12000893->iWLEnabled = 1
  444. 12000893->iPUEnabled = 1
  445. 12000893->iBarEnabled = 0
  446. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  447. Running? No
  448. Current stage: 0
  449. Priority: 0
  450. * * * * *
  451. * * * * *
  452. Quest: aquestAPMCM
  453. 1200088B->sv_UIenable = 0
  454. 1200088B->sv_UIstring = 0
  455. 1200088B->sv_UItitle = 0
  456. 1200088B->iSubMenuMain = 1
  457. 1200088B->iTKSubMenuOpt = 2
  458. 1200088B->iTKSubMenuMain = 3
  459. 1200088B->iTKSubMenuNPC = 4
  460. 1200088B->iSprintSubMenuMain = 5
  461. 1200088B->iAISubMenu = 6
  462. 1200088B->iAInterSubMenu = 7
  463. 1200088B->iMeleeSubMenu = 8
  464. 1200088B->iWLSubMenu = 9
  465. 1200088B->iPUSubMenu = 10
  466. 1200088B->iMainForOptVersion = 1
  467. 1200088B->iMainForOptText = 3
  468. 1200088B->iMainForOptDebugMode = 6
  469. 1200088B->iMainForOptCredits = 5
  470. 1200088B->iMainForOptTutorial = 11
  471. 1200088B->iMainForOptDebugLog = 12
  472. 1200088B->iMainForOptUseTranslation = 7
  473. 1200088B->iMainForOptLanguage = 8
  474. 1200088B->iMainForTutEnabled = 9
  475. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsText = 21
  476. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsModEnabled = 23
  477. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsUseAP = 25
  478. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsUseAPMult = 26
  479. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsGhostState = 24
  480. 1200088B->iMainForCombatRollsCheckForContact = 27
  481. 1200088B->iDMForModEnabled = 0
  482. 1200088B->iTKForOptTextOptions = 0
  483. 1200088B->iTKForOptModEnabled = 0
  484. 1200088B->iTKForOptGhostStateAllowed = 0
  485. 1200088B->iTKForOptVanillaLines = 0
  486. 1200088B->iTKForOptPowerArmorRule = 0
  487. 1200088B->iTKForOpTextAnimManagement = 0
  488. 1200088B->iTKForOptChooseAnim = 0
  489. 1200088B->iTKForOptAddAnimToBanList = 0
  490. 1200088B->iTKForOptCleanBanList = 0
  491. 1200088B->iTKForOptShowBanList = 0
  492. 1200088B->iTKForOptShowPlayingAnimation = 0
  493. 1200088B->iTKForMainTextMain = 0
  494. 1200088B->iTKForMainPCvsNPC = 0
  495. 1200088B->iTKForMainHotkey = 0
  496. 1200088B->iTKForMainUsePerk = 0
  497. 1200088B->iTKForMainAlternateChanceCheckType = 0
  498. 1200088B->iTKForMainCrimeCheck = 0
  499. 1200088B->iTKForMainAllowExperience = 0
  500. 1200088B->iTKForMainTakedownTypeAllowed = 0
  501. 1200088B->iTKForMainTextOptions = 0
  502. 1200088B->iTKForMainPCvsNPCThr = 0
  503. 1200088B->iTKForMainPCvsNPCChance = 0
  504. 1200088B->iTKForMainAllowLooting = 0
  505. 1200088B->iTKForMainAllowKilling = 0
  506. 1200088B->iTKForMainIgnoreRulesForStealth = 0
  507. 1200088B->iTKForMainiChangeCamera = 0
  508. 1200088B->iTKForMainPushForce = 0
  509. 1200088B->iTKForMainPushForceForStealth = 0
  510. 1200088B->iTKForMainRestoreFirstPerson = 0
  511. 1200088B->iTKForMainUseAP = 0
  512. 1200088B->iTKForMainUseAPMult = 0
  513. 1200088B->iTKForMainUseParalyze = 0
  514. 1200088B->iTKForMainWorkOnCompanions = 0
  515. 1200088B->iTKForMainTextCreatures = 0
  516. 1200088B->iTKForMainCreaturesAllowed = 0
  517. 1200088B->iTKForMainCreaturesPushForce = 0
  518. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPC = 0
  519. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPCThr = 0
  520. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPCChance = 0
  521. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPCMinDistance = 0
  522. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPCCompanionAttackerAllowed = 0
  523. 1200088B->iTKForNPCvsNPCCompanionVictimAllowed = 0
  524. 1200088B->iSprintForTextMain = 1
  525. 1200088B->iSprintForMainModEnabled = 3
  526. 1200088B->iSprintForMainHotkey = 4
  527. 1200088B->iSprintForMainNeedHoldUpKey = 5
  528. 1200088B->iSprintForMainNoNeedHoldKeyDuring = 6
  529. 1200088B->iSprintForTextOptions = 7
  530. 1200088B->iSprintForMainConsumeAP = 9
  531. 1200088B->iSprintForMainConsumeAPSpeed = 10
  532. 1200088B->iSprintForMainRestrictTurning = 12
  533. 1200088B->iSprintForMainDisableWalkControls = 11
  534. 1200088B->iSprintForRegulateDesiredFPSpeed = 13
  535. 1200088B->iSprintForUseSounds = 15
  536. 1200088B->iSprintForUseSoundsDelay = 16
  537. 1200088B->iSprintForNoHeadBlob = 14
  538. 1200088B->iSprintForTwoHandleFix = 0
  539. 1200088B->iSprintForAlternateUpdateSpeed = 0
  540. 1200088B->iSprintForNoFPUnarmedHands = 19
  541. 1200088B->iSprintForAllowObstacleReaction = 20
  542. 1200088B->iSprintForNoVanillaAnims = 0
  543. 1200088B->iSprintForiDisableSprintPush = 17
  544. 1200088B->iSprintForiUseAPForPush = 18
  545. 1200088B->iAIForTextMain = 0
  546. 1200088B->iAIForTextOptions = 0
  547. 1200088B->iAIForModEnabled = 0
  548. 1200088B->iAIForWorkFor3rdPerson = 0
  549. 1200088B->iAIForWorkinCombat = 0
  550. 1200088B->iAIForAllowFromPipboy = 0
  551. 1200088B->iAIForAllowFromGameMode = 0
  552. 1200088B->iAIForAllowFromRTE = 0
  553. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnStimpak = 0
  554. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnMedX = 0
  555. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnTourniquet = 0
  556. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnJet = 0
  557. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnVodka = 0
  558. 1200088B->iAIForWorkOnWhiskey = 0
  559. 1200088B->iForTOTextMain = 0
  560. 1200088B->iForTOModEnabled = 0
  561. 1200088B->iForTOAllowFrom3rdPerson = 0
  562. 1200088B->iForTOEmulateTake = 0
  563. 1200088B->iForTOWorkOnInventoryItems = 0
  564. 1200088B->iForTOWorkOnRadios = 0
  565. 1200088B->iForTOWorkOnPlants = 0
  566. 1200088B->iForTOWorkInCombat = 0
  567. 1200088B->iForTOWorkOnDoors = 0
  568. 1200088B->iForAFTextMain = 0
  569. 1200088B->iForAFModEnabled = 0
  570. 1200088B->iForAFAllowFrom3rdPerson = 0
  571. 1200088B->iForAFReturnType = 0
  572. 1200088B->iForAFWorkInCombat = 0
  573. 1200088B->iForAFDesiredFallTime = 0
  574. 1200088B->iForAFHeigthMatters = 0
  575. 1200088B->iForAFHeighFallThreshold = 0
  576. 1200088B->iForMeleeTextMain = 0
  577. 1200088B->iForMeleeModEnabled = 0
  578. 1200088B->iForMeleeHotkey = 0
  579. 1200088B->iForMeleeCrimeCheck = 0
  580. 1200088B->iForMeleeUseHitMarker = 0
  581. 1200088B->iForWLTextMain = 0
  582. 1200088B->iForWLModEnabled = 0
  583. 1200088B->iForWLWorkOnNPC = 0
  584. 1200088B->iForWLWorkOnWalls = 0
  585. 1200088B->iForPUTextMain = 0
  586. 1200088B->iForPUModEnabled = 0
  587. 1200088B->iForPUClimbSpeed = 0
  588. 1200088B->iForPUInteriorsAllowed = 0
  589. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  590. Running? No
  591. Current stage: 0
  592. Priority: 0
  593. * * * * *
  594. * * * * *
  595. Quest: aquestSprint
  596. 12000870->iPNWarning = 0
  597. 12000870->stage = 0
  598. 12000870->iForceDelay = 0
  599. 12000870->fDelayTimer = 1.0000
  600. 12000870->timer = 0.1000
  601. 12000870->SafeTimer = -0.0000
  602. 12000870->DamageValue = 1.4000
  603. 12000870->iHoldKeyStage = 0
  604. 12000870->CurrentAngleZ = 0.0000
  605. 12000870->iCurrentAnim = 1
  606. 12000870->iCurrentReturnToFP = 0
  607. 12000870->iCurrentFP = 1
  608. 12000870->iCurrentSpeedMultValueAdd = 90
  609. 12000870->iCurrentReenableControl = 0
  610. 12000870->CurrentWeaponRef = (00000000)
  611. 12000870->iHotkey = 42
  612. 12000870->iConsumeAP = 1
  613. 12000870->fConsumeAPSpeed = 1.0000
  614. 12000870->iNeedHoldUpKey = 0
  615. 12000870->iNoNeedHoldKeyDuring = 0
  616. 12000870->iDisableWalkControls = 1
  617. 12000870->iReturnToFP = 0
  618. 12000870->fDesiredSpeedMult = 190.0000
  619. 12000870->iPlaySounds = 1
  620. 12000870->fPlaySoundsDelay = 0.6000
  621. 12000870->iRollEnabled = 0
  622. 12000870->iRollGhostState = 1
  623. 12000870->iRollUseAP = 0
  624. 12000870->fRollUseAPMult = 1.0000
  625. 12000870->fRollUseAPCurrent = 15.0000
  626. 12000870->iRollCheckForContact = 1
  627. 12000870->iRollCurrentGhost = 0
  628. 12000870->iRollCurrentAction = 0
  629. 12000870->fHoldTimer = 0.3000
  630. 12000870->iChangeCameraMode = 0
  631. 12000870->fSoundTimer = 0.5180
  632. 12000870->SoundDuring = (12000919)
  633. 12000870->SoundAfter = (1200091A)
  634. 12000870->iTPReset = 0
  635. 12000870->fOldAngleZ = 0.0000
  636. 12000870->fOldAngleX = 0.0000
  637. 12000870->CurrentWeaponRef = (00000000)
  638. 12000870->iCurrentWeaponAnimType = 0
  639. 12000870->iNoHeadBlob = 0
  640. 12000870->iNoVanilla = 0
  641. 12000870->fSoundWalkTimer = 0.1020
  642. 12000870->fSoundWalkTimerDelay = 0.3158
  643. 12000870->iWasInMenumode = 0
  644. 12000870->iAlternateUpdateSpeed = 0
  645. 12000870->iCurrentAlternateUpdateSpeed = 0
  646. 12000870->iNoFPUnarmedHands = 0
  647. 12000870->iCurrentSwimming = 0
  648. 12000870->iCurrentSpeedMultAffected = 1
  649. 12000870->iCurrentZStage = 0
  650. 12000870->CurrentZPos = 0.0000
  651. 12000870->iCurrentStop = 0
  652. 12000870->CrosshairRef = (06024720)
  653. 12000870->iRollActionMiniStage = 0
  654. 12000870->iAllowObstacleReaction = 1
  655. 12000870->iCurrentSpecialAction = 0
  656. 12000870->CurrentSpecialActionRef = (00000000)
  657. 12000870->iRestrictTurning = 0
  658. 12000870->fPushAwayTimer = 0.0000
  659. 12000870->iCurrentReenableAutoMove = 0
  660. 12000870->PNSprintGlobalVarRef = (00000000)
  661. 12000870->iFPJumpStage = 0
  662. 12000870->iTempHasContact = 0
  663. 12000870->rContact = (00000000)
  664. 12000870->ar_contacts = 0.0000
  665. 12000870->Entry = 0.0000
  666. 12000870->fPushAwayValue = 0.0000
  667. 12000870->iControlHeld = 0
  668. 12000870->iNoWarningMessages = 0
  669. 12000870->iDisableSprintPush = 0
  670. 12000870->iUseApForPush = 0
  671. 12000870->iCurrentNoAnimForPlayer = 0
  672. 12000870->FootStepsToPlaySoundRef = (12000932)
  673. 12000870->DialogueCheckTimer = 0.0860
  674. 12000870->iHideHands = 0
  675. 12000870->iHideHandsStage = 0
  676. 12000870->NothingRef = (00000000)
  677. 12000870->iCurrentReturnToFP = 0
  678. 12000870->iDontCheckForIdleOnSprintEnd = 0
  679. 12000870->iAAECDoONce = 0
  680. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  681. Running? Yes
  682. Current stage: 0
  683. Priority: 0
  684. * * * * *
  685. * * * * *
  686. Quest: aquestItemPrev
  687. 12000B2C->ItemRef = (00000000)
  688. 12000B2C->iItemType = 0
  689. 12000B2C->iStage = 0
  690. 12000B2C->iTaken = 0
  691. 12000B2C->iActivated = 0
  692. 12000B2C->iStolen = 0
  693. 12000B2C->sv_name = 0
  694. 12000B2C->sv_model = 0
  695. 12000B2C->sv_temp = 0
  696. 12000B2C->sv_text = 0
  697. 12000B2C->PlayerFaction = (0001B2A4)
  698. 12000B2C->iKeyPressStage = 0
  699. 12000B2C->iArrowPosition = 0
  700. 12000B2C->iInit = 1
  701. 12000B2C->iLunetteWarning = 0
  702. 12000B2C->fCameraSpeed = 1.0000
  703. 12000B2C->iConsoleSpam = 0
  704. 12000B2C->iFakeExplosion = 1
  705. 12000B2C->iWeaponPermission = 2
  706. 12000B2C->iArmorPermission = 2
  707. 12000B2C->iAmmoPermission = 0
  708. 12000B2C->iFoodPermission = 0
  709. 12000B2C->iMiscPermission = 0
  710. 12000B2C->iKeyPermission = 0
  711. 12000B2C->iBookPermission = 1
  712. 12000B2C->iNotePermission = 0
  713. 12000B2C->iScriptedItemsPermission = 0
  714. 12000B2C->iForceWeaponOff = 1
  715. 12000B2C->iControlType = 0
  716. 12000B2C->iMotionLess = 0
  717. 12000B2C->SkipItemRef = (00000000)
  718. 12000B2C->iSkipActivate = 0
  719. 12000B2C->iRotateType = 0
  720. 12000B2C->fStartAngleX = 0.0000
  721. 12000B2C->StoredPosX = 0.0000
  722. 12000B2C->StoredPosY = 0.0000
  723. 12000B2C->StoredPosZ = 0.0000
  724. 12000B2C->StoredAngleX = 0.0000
  725. 12000B2C->StoredAngleY = 0.0000
  726. 12000B2C->StoredAngleZ = 0.0000
  727. 12000B2C->OriginalPosX = 0.0000
  728. 12000B2C->OriginalPosY = 0.0000
  729. 12000B2C->OriginalPosZ = 0.0000
  730. 12000B2C->OriginalAngleX = 0.0000
  731. 12000B2C->OriginalAngleY = 0.0000
  732. 12000B2C->OriginalAngleZ = 0.0000
  733. 12000B2C->PlayerPosX = 0.0000
  734. 12000B2C->PlayerPosY = 0.0000
  735. 12000B2C->iUpdate3DOnce = 0
  736. 12000B2C->CurrentAngle = 0.0000
  737. 12000B2C->ResX = 1706.0000
  738. 12000B2C->ResY = 960.0000
  739. 12000B2C->iMoveStage = 0
  740. 12000B2C->iFrame = 0
  741. 12000B2C->fAngleXChange = 0.0000
  742. 12000B2C->fItemAngleChangeX = 0.0000
  743. 12000B2C->fItemAngleChangeY = 0.0000
  744. 12000B2C->fItemAngleChangeZ = 0.0000
  745. 12000B2C->fEndPosX = 0.0000
  746. 12000B2C->fEndPosY = 0.0000
  747. 12000B2C->fEndPosZ = 0.0000
  748. 12000B2C->timer = 0.0000
  749. 12000B2C->OriginalActivationLenght = 0.0000
  750. 12000B2C->iChangedActivationLenght = 0
  751. 12000B2C->iCount = 0
  752. 12000B2C->PlayerControlGoodToGo = 0
  753. 12000B2C->PlayerControlMovement = 0
  754. 12000B2C->PlayerControlPipBoy = 0
  755. 12000B2C->PlayerControlFight = 0
  756. 12000B2C->PlayerControlPOV = 0
  757. 12000B2C->PlayerControlLook = 0
  758. 12000B2C->PlayerControlText = 0
  759. 12000B2C->PlayerControlSneak = 0
  760. 12000B2C->iSetSize = 0
  761. 12000B2C->fWidth = 0.0000
  762. 12000B2C->fHeight = 0.0000
  763. 12000B2C->iControlPress = 0
  764. 12000B2C->iNameChange = 0
  765. 12000B2C->iSneakControl = 0
  766. 12000B2C->iPOVControl = 0
  767. 12000B2C->iPOVControlStage = 0
  768. 12000B2C->iPOVControlUiDisabled = 0
  769. 12000B2C->iWeaponReEquip = 0
  770. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  771. Running? No
  772. Current stage: 0
  773. Priority: 0
  774. * * * * *
  775. * * * * *
  776. Quest: aquestSOPNVSECheck
  777. 12000CC9->timer = 2.0130
  778. 12000CC9->iCheck = 1
  779. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  780. Running? No
  781. Current stage: 0
  782. Priority: 0
  783. * * * * *
  784. * * * * *
  785. Quest: aquestGD
  786. 12000AFE->iSkipDropItemsFunction = 0
  787. 12000AFE->stage = 0
  788. 12000AFE->timer = 0.0000
  789. 12000AFE->iChoice = 0
  790. 12000AFE->iEndScene = 0
  791. 12000AFE->iMaxChoices = 0
  792. 12000AFE->iResultType = 0
  793. 12000AFE->iLastKey = 0
  794. 12000AFE->KeyBlock = 0
  795. 12000AFE->ActorRef = (00000000)
  796. 12000AFE->sv_name = 0
  797. 12000AFE->iControlsEnabled = 0
  798. 12000AFE->ar_Dial = 0.0000
  799. 12000AFE->ar_CurrentChoices = 0.0000
  800. 12000AFE->iFirstPerson = 0
  801. 12000AFE->iPersonChanged = 0
  802. 12000AFE->iFoundCrosshair = 0
  803. 12000AFE->ChangeFOVtimer = 0.0000
  804. 12000AFE->iActivatePermission = 0
  805. 12000AFE->PlayerACDifFirst = 0.0000
  806. 12000AFE->PlayerACDiffCurrent = 0.0000
  807. 12000AFE->sv_Choicemessage = 0
  808. 12000AFE->sv_CurrentPicture = 0
  809. 12000AFE->AlphaStage = 0
  810. 12000AFE->CurrentAlpha = 0.0000
  811. 12000AFE->AlphaChange = 0.0000
  812. 12000AFE->AlphaChoiceStage = 0
  813. 12000AFE->AlphaChoiceCurrentAlpha = 0.0000
  814. 12000AFE->iAlphaDoOnce = 0
  815. 12000AFE->iSettingChanged = 0
  816. 12000AFE->iSettingValue = 0
  817. 12000AFE->IDForTalk = 0
  818. 12000AFE->IDForTrade = 0
  819. 12000AFE->IDForPackage = 0
  820. 12000AFE->IDForStimpak = 0
  821. 12000AFE->IDForPassiveAgressive = 0
  822. 12000AFE->IDForCombatStyle = 0
  823. 12000AFE->IDForDistance = 0
  824. 12000AFE->IDForExit = 0
  825. 12000AFE->LeftXOld = 0.0000
  826. 12000AFE->LeftYOld = 0.0000
  827. 12000AFE->iLastGamepadKey = 0
  828. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  829. Running? No
  830. Current stage: 0
  831. Priority: 0
  832. * * * * *
  833. * * * * *
  834. Quest: aquestSOPJiPMessage
  835. 12000CC7->iMessageShown = 0
  836. 12000CC7->fJiPVersion = 0.0000
  837. 12000CC7->fVer = 0.0000
  838. 12000CC7->sv_message = 0
  839. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  840. Running? No
  841. Current stage: 0
  842. Priority: 0
  843. * * * * *
  844. * * * * *
  845. Quest: aquestMCM
  846. 12000813->DistanceToShow = 0.0000
  847. 12000813->iSubMenuMain = 0
  848. 12000813->iSubMenuVats = 0
  849. 12000813->iSubMenuGD = 0
  850. 12000813->iSubMenuMarker = 0
  851. 12000813->iSubMenuIndicator = 0
  852. 12000813->iSubMenuRTE = 0
  853. 12000813->iSubMenuItemPrev = 0
  854. 12000813->iSubMenuVO = 0
  855. 12000813->iSubMenuWW = 0
  856. 12000813->iSubMenuCross = 0
  857. 12000813->iForMainTextSettings = 0
  858. 12000813->iForMainHotkey = 0
  859. 12000813->iForMainConsoleSpam = 0
  860. 12000813->iForMainCredits = 0
  861. 12000813->iForMainDebugLog = 0
  862. 12000813->iForMainTutEnabled = 0
  863. 12000813->iForMainNoController = 0
  864. 12000813->iForMainTextLutana = 0
  865. 12000813->iForMainTextJiP = 0
  866. 12000813->iForMainTextJiPDisable = 0
  867. 12000813->iForMainTextLadder = 0
  868. 12000813->iForMainLadderEnabled = 0
  869. 12000813->iForMainLadderSpeed = 0
  870. 12000813->iForMainLadderForVanilla = 0
  871. 12000813->iForMainTextRads = 0
  872. 12000813->iForMainRadsEnabled = 0
  873. 12000813->iForMainRadsAffectVanilla = 0
  874. 12000813->iForMainRadsPosType = 0
  875. 12000813->iForMainRadsPosXMult = 0
  876. 12000813->iForMainRadsPosYMult = 0
  877. 12000813->iForMainRadsDarnLoaded = 0
  878. 12000813->iForMainRadsDarnLoadedText = 0
  879. 12000813->iForMainRadsUseJiP = 0
  880. 12000813->iForMainResetMouseSens = 0
  881. 12000813->iForWWTextSettings = 0
  882. 12000813->iForWWNoWheel = 0
  883. 12000813->iForWWTextWheel = 0
  884. 12000813->iForWWWheelControlType = 0
  885. 12000813->iForWWWheelInvokeType = 0
  886. 12000813->iForWWWheelType = 0
  887. 12000813->iForWWWheelSlowMo = 0
  888. 12000813->iForWWWheelSlowMoOnlyCombat = 0
  889. 12000813->iForWWWheelSlowMoMult = 0
  890. 12000813->iForWWWheelSlowMoDefault = 0
  891. 12000813->iForWWWheelQuestDelay = 0
  892. 12000813->iForWWTextCustomization = 0
  893. 12000813->iForWWColorFrame = 0
  894. 12000813->iForWWColorFrameValue = 0
  895. 12000813->iForWWColorIcon = 0
  896. 12000813->iForWWColorIconValue = 0
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  898. 12000813->iForWWColorArrowValue = 0
  899. 12000813->iForWWColorText = 0
  900. 12000813->iForWWColorTextValue = 0
  901. 12000813->iForWWColorTextAmmo = 0
  902. 12000813->iForWWColorTextAmmoValue = 0
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  904. 12000813->iForWWTextAmmoThreshold = 0
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  906. 12000813->iForWWTextFontAmmo = 0
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  908. 12000813->iForWWPosX = 0
  909. 12000813->iForWWPosY = 0
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  911. 12000813->iForWWGamepadControlTypeSetting = 0
  912. 12000813->iForWWUseCursor = 0
  913. 12000813->iForWWUnequipItems = 0
  914. 12000813->iMarkerAutoAdjust = 1
  915. 12000813->iForMarkerTextSettings = 0
  916. 12000813->iForMarkerTextCustomization = 0
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  918. 12000813->iForMarkerHideSpeed = 0
  919. 12000813->iForMarkerWorkOnDead = 0
  920. 12000813->iForMarkerWorkMelee = 0
  921. 12000813->iForMarkerWorkRanged = 0
  922. 12000813->iForMarkerSound = 0
  923. 12000813->iForMarkerSizeX = 0
  924. 12000813->iForMarkerSizeY = 0
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  926. 12000813->iForMarkerColor = 0
  927. 12000813->iForMarkerColorValue = 0
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  929. 12000813->iForMarkerPosY = 0
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  933. 12000813->iForHITextCustomization = 0
  934. 12000813->iForHIModEnabled = 0
  935. 12000813->iForHIHideSpeed = 0
  936. 12000813->iForHIMaxMarkers = 0
  937. 12000813->iForHIShape = 0
  938. 12000813->iForHIColor = 0
  939. 12000813->iForHINoMelee = 0
  940. 12000813->iForItemPrevModEnabled = 0
  941. 12000813->iForItemPrevCameraSpeed = 0
  942. 12000813->iForItemPrevFakeExplosion = 0
  943. 12000813->iForItemPrevWeapon = 0
  944. 12000813->iForItemPrevArmor = 0
  945. 12000813->iForItemPrevAmmo = 0
  946. 12000813->iForItemPrevFood = 0
  947. 12000813->iForItemPrevMisc = 0
  948. 12000813->iForItemPrevKeys = 0
  949. 12000813->iForItemPrevBooks = 0
  950. 12000813->iForItemPrevNotes = 0
  951. 12000813->iForItemPrevScriptedItems = 0
  952. 12000813->iForItemPrevForceWeaponOff = 0
  953. 12000813->iForItemPrevControlType = 0
  954. 12000813->iForItemPrevMotionless = 0
  955. 12000813->iForRTETextSettings = 0
  956. 12000813->iForRTETextCustomization = 0
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  961. 12000813->iForRTEShowName = 0
  962. 12000813->iForRTETimerThreeshold = 0
  963. 12000813->iForRTEModelShowDelay = 0
  964. 12000813->iForRTEDefaultColor = 0
  965. 12000813->iForRTEDefaultColorValue = 0
  966. 12000813->iForRTEHighColor = 0
  967. 12000813->iForRTEHighColorValue = 0
  968. 12000813->iForRTETitleColor = 0
  969. 12000813->iForRTETitleColorValue = 0
  970. 12000813->iForRTEDescrColor = 0
  971. 12000813->iForRTEDescrColorValue = 0
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  973. 12000813->iForRTEMultCatY = 0
  974. 12000813->iForRTEMultDescrX = 0
  975. 12000813->iForRTEMultDescrY = 0
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  977. 12000813->iForRTEMultEntryY = 0
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  979. 12000813->iForRTEMultNameY = 0
  980. 12000813->iForRTEFontName = 0
  981. 12000813->iForRTEFontCat = 0
  982. 12000813->iForRTEFontDescr = 0
  983. 12000813->iForRTEFontEntry = 0
  984. 12000813->iForRTEInstantTransition = 0
  985. 12000813->iForRTEUseCursor = 0
  986. 12000813->iForRTEAllowMove = 0
  987. 12000813->iForVATSTextSettings = 0
  988. 12000813->iForVATSModEnabled = 0
  989. 12000813->iForVATSDefaultMeterAdd = 0
  990. 12000813->iForVATSDefaultHealthThreeshold = 0
  991. 12000813->iForVATSSoundOnPush = 0
  992. 12000813->iForVATSSoundOnHit = 0
  993. 12000813->iForGDModEnabled = 0
  994. 12000813->iForGDTradeAllowed = 0
  995. 12000813->iForGDPackageAllowed = 0
  996. 12000813->iForGDStimpakAllowed = 0
  997. 12000813->iForGDPassiveAgressiveAllowed = 0
  998. 12000813->iForGDCombatStyleAllowed = 0
  999. 12000813->iForGDDistanceAllowed = 0
  1000. 12000813->iForVOType = 0
  1001. 12000813->iForVOSettings = 0
  1002. 12000813->iForVOEnabled = 0
  1003. 12000813->iForVOMaxMarkers = 0
  1004. 12000813->iForVOColor = 0
  1005. 12000813->iForVOWorkOnDead = 0
  1006. 12000813->iForVOWorkOnKilledByPlayer = 0
  1007. 12000813->iForVOScaleSmall = 0
  1008. 12000813->iForVOScaleMedium = 0
  1009. 12000813->iForVOScaleBig = 0
  1010. 12000813->iForVOScaleVeryBig = 0
  1011. 12000813->iForVOWorkOnDoors = 0
  1012. 12000813->iForVOMGSShowInCombat = 0
  1013. 12000813->iForVOMGSShowInCutscenes = 0
  1014. 12000813->iForVOMGSShowWhenAiming = 0
  1015. 12000813->iForVOMGSForMeasure = 0
  1016. 12000813->iForVOMGSForBorderless = 0
  1017. 12000813->iForVOMGSForHideNearTarget = 0
  1018. 12000813->iForVOMGSForHideFarFromTarget = 0
  1019. 12000813->iForVOMGSForHideNearTargetValue = 0
  1020. 12000813->iForVOMGSForHideFarFromTargetValue = 0
  1021. 12000813->iForVOMGSForHideWhenCrosshairOn = 0
  1022. 12000813->iForVOMGSForFont = 0
  1023. 12000813->iForVOMGSForCustomFont = 0
  1024. 12000813->iForCrossTextSettings = 0
  1025. 12000813->iForCrossEnabled = 0
  1026. 12000813->iForCrossAffectCrosshair = 0
  1027. 12000813->iForCrossDynamicTransition = 0
  1028. 12000813->iForCrossDynamicFluctuation = 0
  1029. 12000813->iForCrossLootModsCompatible = 0
  1030. 12000813->iForCrossDarnLoaded = 0
  1031. 12000813->iForCrossDarnLoadedText = 0
  1032. 12000813->iForCrossFrameSize = 0
  1033. 12000813->iForCrossDotSize = 0
  1034. 12000813->iForCrossControllerButton = 0
  1035. 12000813->iForCrossTextCustomization = 0
  1036. 12000813->iForCrossDefaultColor = 0
  1037. 12000813->iForCrossDefaultColorValue = 0
  1038. 12000813->iForCrossCustomColor = 0
  1039. 12000813->iForCrossCustomColorValue = 0
  1040. 12000813->iForCrossFont = 0
  1041. 12000813->iForCrossTransitionSpeed = 0
  1042. 12000813->iForCrossFlunctuationSpeed = 0
  1043. 12000813->iForCrossOnlyReticle = 0
  1044. 12000813->iForCrossForceHideVanillaText = 0
  1045. 12000813->iForCrossUseJiP = 0
  1046. 12000813->iForCrossShowAdditionalInfo = 0
  1047. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1048. Running? No
  1049. Current stage: 0
  1050. Priority: 0
  1051. * * * * *
  1052. * * * * *
  1053. Quest: aquestTK
  1054. 12000801->PlayerFaction = (0001B2A4)
  1055. 12000801->AttackTopic = (000000E6)
  1056. 12000801->HitTopic = (000000DD)
  1057. 12000801->KOTopic = (0015BCB7)
  1058. 12000801->iLunetteLoaded = 0
  1059. 12000801->iLunetteIndex = 0
  1060. 12000801->LunetteRef = (00000000)
  1061. 12000801->iGhostStateAllowed = 1
  1062. 12000801->iVanillaLinesAllowed = 1
  1063. 12000801->iPCvsNPC = 1
  1064. 12000801->iHotkey = 38
  1065. 12000801->fPCvsNPCHealthThr = 1.0000
  1066. 12000801->fPCvsNPCChance = 100.0000
  1067. 12000801->iCrimeCheck = 1
  1068. 12000801->iAllowLooting = 1
  1069. 12000801->iIgnoreRulesForStealth = 1
  1070. 12000801->iChangeCamera = 1
  1071. 12000801->fPushForce = 2.0000
  1072. 12000801->fPushForceForStealth = 3.0000
  1073. 12000801->iRestoreFirstPerson = 0
  1074. 12000801->iTakedownsTypeAllowed = 0
  1075. 12000801->iPowerArmorRule = 1
  1076. 12000801->iUseAP = 0
  1077. 12000801->fUseAPMult = 1.0000
  1078. 12000801->iUseParalyze = 1
  1079. 12000801->iCreaturesAllowed = 1
  1080. 12000801->fPushForceForCreatures = 2.0000
  1081. 12000801->fCurrentAPValue = 20.0000
  1082. 12000801->iNPCvsNPC = 0
  1083. 12000801->fNPCvsNPCHealthThr = 0.3000
  1084. 12000801->fNPCvsNPCChance = 40.0000
  1085. 12000801->fNPCvsNPCNeededDistance = 200
  1086. 12000801->fNPCvsNPCCompanionAttackerAllowed = 1
  1087. 12000801->fNPCvsNPCCompanionVictimAllowed = 0
  1088. 12000801->stage = 0
  1089. 12000801->iPlayerCheck = 0
  1090. 12000801->DelayTimer = 0.0000
  1091. 12000801->ControlsDelayTimer = 0.0000
  1092. 12000801->iCurrentAnim = 1
  1093. 12000801->PlayerAnimRef = (00000000)
  1094. 12000801->iCurrentSceneStealth = 0
  1095. 12000801->sv_anim = 0
  1096. 12000801->iLastCombatAnim = 0
  1097. 12000801->iLastStealthAnim = 0
  1098. 12000801->iFirstTimeAnim = 0
  1099. 12000801->iWasInFirstPerson = 0
  1100. 12000801->iCurrentCreature = 0
  1101. 12000801->iCurrentCreatureType = 0
  1102. 12000801->CurrentCheckRefAttacker = (00000000)
  1103. 12000801->CurrentCheckRefVictim = (00000000)
  1104. 12000801->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1105. 12000801->ar_scenes = 17.0000
  1106. 12000801->ar_Delete = 0.0000
  1107. 12000801->ar_BannedAnims = 27.0000
  1108. 12000801->Entry = 0.0000
  1109. 12000801->iPosition = 0
  1110. 12000801->iTempStage = 0
  1111. 12000801->fTempTimer = 0.0000
  1112. 12000801->TempAt = (00000000)
  1113. 12000801->TempVt = (00000000)
  1114. 12000801->TempMarker = (00000000)
  1115. 12000801->iTempAction = 0
  1116. 12000801->iTempAnim = 0
  1117. 12000801->fTempTimerNeeded = 0.0000
  1118. 12000801->iActive = 0
  1119. 12000801->iDeadCheck = 0
  1120. 12000801->DeadCheckActorARef = (00000000)
  1121. 12000801->DeadCheckActorBRef = (00000000)
  1122. 12000801->iRoll = 0
  1123. 12000801->AtRef = (00000000)
  1124. 12000801->VtRef = (00000000)
  1125. 12000801->iStatusTemp = 0
  1126. 12000801->StoredCameraZ = 0.0000
  1127. 12000801->CurrentCameraZ = 0.0000
  1128. 12000801->ar_StoredNPC = 26.0000
  1129. 12000801->iAllowKilling = 0
  1130. 12000801->iAllowExperience = 1
  1131. 12000801->iWasSneaking = 0
  1132. 12000801->iPerkNeeded = 1
  1133. 12000801->iPerkNeeded = 1
  1134. 12000801->iAlternateChanceCheck = 3
  1135. 12000801->fHoldTimer = 0.0000
  1136. 12000801->fSprintHoldTimer = 0.0000
  1137. 12000801->iCurrentSceneKill = 0
  1138. 12000801->iCurrentSceneKillUnarmed = 0
  1139. 12000801->iWorkOnCompanions = 0
  1140. 12000801->iCurrentSceneForcedKill = 0
  1141. 12000801->iCurrentSceneRestoreControls = 0
  1142. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1143. Running? Yes
  1144. Current stage: 0
  1145. Priority: 0
  1146. * * * * *
  1147. * * * * *
  1148. Quest: aquestSOPOOnGameRestartCrosshairDetect
  1149. 12000CC4->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1150. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1151. Running? No
  1152. Current stage: 0
  1153. Priority: 0
  1154. * * * * *
  1155. * * * * *
  1156. Quest: <no name>
  1157. 12000CBD->stage = 0
  1158. 12000CBD->Alpha = 0
  1159. 12000CBD->CurrentPercentage = 0.0000
  1160. 12000CBD->timer = 0.0000
  1161. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1162. Running? No
  1163. Current stage: 0
  1164. Priority: 0
  1165. * * * * *
  1166. * * * * *
  1167. Quest: aquestDE
  1168. 12000CB1->ar_temp = 0.0000
  1169. 12000CB1->Entry = 0.0000
  1170. 12000CB1->stage = 0
  1171. 12000CB1->ActorRef = (00000000)
  1172. 12000CB1->iCount = 0
  1173. 12000CB1->iLength = 0
  1174. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1175. Running? No
  1176. Current stage: 0
  1177. Priority: 0
  1178. * * * * *
  1179. * * * * *
  1180. Quest: <no name>
  1181. 12000CA9->stage = 0
  1182. 12000CA9->DimZ = 0.0000
  1183. 12000CA9->PosZUp = 0.0000
  1184. 12000CA9->CrosshairRef = (06024720)
  1185. 12000CA9->fTemp = 0.0000
  1186. 12000CA9->COSinus = 0.0000
  1187. 12000CA9->SINus = 0.0000
  1188. 12000CA9->HeadingAngle = 0.0000
  1189. 12000CA9->CurrentPosZ = 0.0000
  1190. 12000CA9->EndPosX = 0.0000
  1191. 12000CA9->EndPosY = 0.0000
  1192. 12000CA9->fHeightDifference = 0.0000
  1193. 12000CA9->iTimes = 0
  1194. 12000CA9->ObjectUnderFeet = (00000000)
  1195. 12000CA9->bHasContact = 0
  1196. 12000CA9->iAnimPlay = 0
  1197. 12000CA9->fSpeed = 50.0000
  1198. 12000CA9->StoredCrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1199. 12000CA9->PlayerPosCaptured = 0
  1200. 12000CA9->fPlayerPosMiddle = 0.0000
  1201. 12000CA9->fPosDifference = 0.0000
  1202. 12000CA9->iInteriorsAllowed = 0
  1203. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1204. Running? Yes
  1205. Current stage: 0
  1206. Priority: 0
  1207. * * * * *
  1208. * * * * *
  1209. Quest: <no name>
  1210. 12000CA1->iIndex = 0
  1211. 12000CA1->FireSpell = (00000000)
  1212. 12000CA1->GrabbedRef = (00000000)
  1213. 12000CA1->stage = 0
  1214. 12000CA1->iMinistage = 0
  1215. 12000CA1->weaponRef = (00000000)
  1216. 12000CA1->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1217. 12000CA1->iReenabled = 0
  1218. 12000CA1->timer = 0.0000
  1219. 12000CA1->fForce = 0.0000
  1220. 12000CA1->NPCArray = 0.0000
  1221. 12000CA1->Entry = 0.0000
  1222. 12000CA1->NPCREf = (00000000)
  1223. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1224. Running? No
  1225. Current stage: 0
  1226. Priority: 0
  1227. * * * * *
  1228. * * * * *
  1229. Quest: <no name>
  1230. 12000C90->iWorkOnWalls = 1
  1231. 12000C90->iWorkOnNPC = 1
  1232. 12000C90->stage = 0
  1233. 12000C90->WeaponRef = (00000000)
  1234. 12000C90->iStop = 0
  1235. 12000C90->CrosshairRef = (06024720)
  1236. 12000C90->StoredCrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1237. 12000C90->EmptyRef = (00000000)
  1238. 12000C90->DelayTimer = 0.0000
  1239. 12000C90->iCurrentAnim = 0
  1240. 12000C90->iCurrentWeaponType = 0
  1241. 12000C90->iControlDisabled = 0
  1242. 12000C90->iGO = 0
  1243. 12000C90->iCrossStart = 0
  1244. 12000C90->iRestrain = 0
  1245. 12000C90->iTapControl = 0
  1246. 12000C90->iAnimAction = 0
  1247. 12000C90->iPressE = 0
  1248. 12000C90->TOFakeObjectRef = (00000000)
  1249. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1250. Running? Yes
  1251. Current stage: 0
  1252. Priority: 0
  1253. * * * * *
  1254. * * * * *
  1255. Quest: <no name>
  1256. 12000C7E->iHotkey = 24
  1257. 12000C7E->stage = 0
  1258. 12000C7E->timer = 0.0000
  1259. 12000C7E->SwingTimer = 0.0000
  1260. 12000C7E->SwingTimerNeeded = 0.0000
  1261. 12000C7E->iSwingPlayed = 0
  1262. 12000C7E->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1263. 12000C7E->WeaponRef = (00000000)
  1264. 12000C7E->iCurrentAnim = 0
  1265. 12000C7E->iCurrentWeaponType = 0
  1266. 12000C7E->CurrentAnimRef = (00000000)
  1267. 12000C7E->iCrimeCheck = 1
  1268. 12000C7E->iTempDetected = 0
  1269. 12000C7E->iAnimAction = 0
  1270. 12000C7E->iUseHitMarker = 0
  1271. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1272. Running? Yes
  1273. Current stage: 0
  1274. Priority: 0
  1275. * * * * *
  1276. * * * * *
  1277. Quest: aquestSOPTechMenuModeExit
  1278. No script variables on quest aquestSOPTechMenuModeExit
  1279. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1280. Running? Yes
  1281. Current stage: 0
  1282. Priority: 0
  1283. * * * * *
  1284. * * * * *
  1285. Quest: <no name>
  1286. 12000C35->iWheelTip = 0
  1287. 12000C35->iLadderTip = 0
  1288. 12000C35->iSprintTip = 2
  1289. 12000C35->iVATSTip = 0
  1290. 12000C35->iIPTip = 0
  1291. 12000C35->stage = 0
  1292. 12000C35->timer = 0.0000
  1293. 12000C35->sv_message = 0
  1294. 12000C35->iWasinMenumode = 0
  1295. 12000C35->Alpha = -132.2000
  1296. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1297. Running? No
  1298. Current stage: 0
  1299. Priority: 0
  1300. * * * * *
  1301. * * * * *
  1302. Quest: aquestSOPInit
  1303. 12000C2B->stage = 11
  1304. 12000C2B->iCurrentPage = 100
  1305. 12000C2B->iTimeToShow = 0
  1306. 12000C2B->sv_Message = 0
  1307. 12000C2B->iWWEnabled = 1
  1308. 12000C2B->iFO4CrosshairEnabled = 1
  1309. 12000C2B->iHitMarkerEnabled = 1
  1310. 12000C2B->iHitIndicatorEnabled = 1
  1311. 12000C2B->iRTEEnabled = 1
  1312. 12000C2B->iVOENabled = 1
  1313. 12000C2B->iVATSENabled = 1
  1314. 12000C2B->iLadderEnabled = 1
  1315. 12000C2B->iGDENabled = 0
  1316. 12000C2B->iFO4RadEnabled = 1
  1317. 12000C2B->iIPEnabled = 1
  1318. 12000C2B->iTKEnabled = 1
  1319. 12000C2B->iCREnabled = 1
  1320. 12000C2B->iASENabled = 1
  1321. 12000C2B->iAIEnabled = 1
  1322. 12000C2B->iTOEnabled = 1
  1323. 12000C2B->iAFEnabled = 1
  1324. 12000C2B->iTutEnabled = 1
  1325. 12000C2B->iLanguage = 0
  1326. 12000C2B->iMLD = 0
  1327. 12000C2B->iCheck = 1
  1328. 12000C2B->timer = 0.1100
  1329. 12000C2B->iMeleeEnabled = 1
  1330. 12000C2B->iMaxPages = 0
  1331. 12000C2B->iWlEnabled = 1
  1332. 12000C2B->iPUEnabled = 1
  1333. 12000C2B->NCStartQuestRef = (00000000)
  1334. 12000C2B->iIndex = 0
  1335. 12000C2B->iNCStartQuestVarStage = 0
  1336. 12000C2B->iCaliforniaLoaded = 0
  1337. 12000C2B->CaliforniaBackupTimer = 0.0000
  1338. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1339. Running? No
  1340. Current stage: 0
  1341. Priority: 0
  1342. * * * * *
  1343. * * * * *
  1344. Quest: aquestSOPRestoreActSoundQuest
  1345. 12000C29->ActSoundRef = (00000000)
  1346. 12000C29->iRestoreSound = 0
  1347. 12000C29->sv_RestoreSoundPath = 0
  1348. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1349. Running? No
  1350. Current stage: 0
  1351. Priority: 0
  1352. * * * * *
  1353. * * * * *
  1354. Quest: <no name>
  1355. 12000C23->iMaster = 0
  1356. 12000C23->iMouseover = 12
  1357. 12000C23->iOption = 12
  1358. 12000C23->iTemp = 0
  1359. 12000C23->fTemp = 0.0000
  1360. 12000C23->fValue = 1.0000
  1361. 12000C23->rList = (00000000)
  1362. 12000C23->iCurrentlyChosenAnim = 1
  1363. 12000C23->iSubMenu = 1
  1364. 12000C23->sv_UIenable = 0
  1365. 12000C23->sv_UIstring = 0
  1366. 12000C23->sv_UItitle = 0
  1367. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1368. Running? Yes
  1369. Current stage: 0
  1370. Priority: 0
  1371. * * * * *
  1372. * * * * *
  1373. Quest: <no name>
  1374. 12000C1F->ar_Check = 1.0000
  1375. 12000C1F->ar_ExtItems = 2.0000
  1376. 12000C1F->sv_temp = 0
  1377. 12000C1F->iConsoleSpam = 1
  1378. 12000C1F->iUseTranslation = 0
  1379. 12000C1F->iCurrentTranslation = 0
  1380. 12000C1F->iLunetteLoaded = 0
  1381. 12000C1F->LunetteFunctionExt = (00000000)
  1382. 12000C1F->LunetteFunctionCMCrosshairValid = (00000000)
  1383. 12000C1F->LunetteCMQuest = (00000000)
  1384. 12000C1F->iLootMenuLoaded = 0
  1385. 12000C1F->iLootMenuNotCall = 0
  1386. 12000C1F->LootMenuCrosshairValid = (00000000)
  1387. 12000C1F->iStaminaLoaded = 0
  1388. 12000C1F->StaminaGetValue = (00000000)
  1389. 12000C1F->StaminaChangeValue = (00000000)
  1390. 12000C1F->iSexoutLoaded = 0
  1391. 12000C1F->SexoutInUseCheck = (00000000)
  1392. 12000C1F->ActSoundRef = (0007DB66)
  1393. 12000C1F->iInitV1 = 1
  1394. 12000C1F->iInitV2 = 0
  1395. 12000C1F->iInitV3 = 1
  1396. 12000C1F->iInitV4 = 1
  1397. 12000C1F->iInitV5 = 0
  1398. 12000C1F->iInitV6 = 0
  1399. 12000C1F->iInitV7 = 1
  1400. 12000C1F->iInitV8 = 0
  1401. 12000C1F->iInitV9 = 0
  1402. 12000C1F->iInitV10 = 0
  1403. 12000C1F->iCheckStage = 0
  1404. 12000C1F->iRand = 392
  1405. 12000C1F->fVersion = 54.7000
  1406. 12000C1F->fCheckStageTimer = 0.0000
  1407. 12000C1F->fTempCheck = 392.0000
  1408. 12000C1F->fTempCheckIni = 0.0000
  1409. 12000C1F->iMLD = 0
  1410. 12000C1F->iMessageShown = 0
  1411. 12000C1F->iEnter = 1
  1412. 12000C1F->fKeyHoldTimer = 0.0000
  1413. 12000C1F->iFontSuccess = 1
  1414. 12000C1F->sv_message = 0
  1415. 12000C1F->fJiPVersion = 0.0000
  1416. 12000C1F->aaaU = 0.0000
  1417. 12000C1F->fTimerCCheck = 0.0000
  1418. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1419. Running? Yes
  1420. Current stage: 0
  1421. Priority: 0
  1422. * * * * *
  1423. * * * * *
  1424. Quest: aquestMarkerDummyMarker
  1425. No script variables on quest aquestMarkerDummyMarker
  1426. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1427. Running? No
  1428. Current stage: 0
  1429. Priority: 0
  1430. * * * * *
  1431. * * * * *
  1432. Quest: aquestGDSettings
  1433. 12000B65->iInit = 0
  1434. 12000B65->iTradeAllowed = 1
  1435. 12000B65->iPackageAllowed = 1
  1436. 12000B65->iStimpakAllowed = 1
  1437. 12000B65->iPassiveAgressiveAllowed = 0
  1438. 12000B65->iCombatStyleAllowed = 1
  1439. 12000B65->iDistanceAllowed = 1
  1440. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1441. Running? No
  1442. Current stage: 0
  1443. Priority: 0
  1444. * * * * *
  1445. * * * * *
  1446. Quest: LP main.
  1447. 12000AFC->iInit = 0
  1448. 12000AFC->iDebugBlocked = 0
  1449. 12000AFC->ar_CompanionsBanned = 7.0000
  1450. 12000AFC->ResX = 1706
  1451. 12000AFC->ResY = 960
  1452. 12000AFC->iLutanaLoaded = 1
  1453. 12000AFC->iNoController = 0
  1454. 12000AFC->iNoWheel = 0
  1455. 12000AFC->iVATSEnabled = 1
  1456. 12000AFC->iMarkerEnabled = 1
  1457. 12000AFC->iHIEnabled = 1
  1458. 12000AFC->iGDEnabled = 0
  1459. 12000AFC->iIPEnabled = 1
  1460. 12000AFC->iRTEEnabled = 1
  1461. 12000AFC->iLadderEnabled = 1
  1462. 12000AFC->iVOEnabled = 1
  1463. 12000AFC->ResXHalf = 853
  1464. 12000AFC->ResYHalf = 480
  1465. 12000AFC->iCrossEnabled = 1
  1466. 12000AFC->iHudColorMain = 1
  1467. 12000AFC->iHudColorNoSystem = 0
  1468. 12000AFC->iRadsEnabled = 1
  1469. 12000AFC->fStoredMouseSens = 0.0000
  1470. 12000AFC->iAnimationProjectLoaded = 1
  1471. 12000AFC->AnimationProjectFunctionRef = (00000000)
  1472. 12000AFC->fVersion = 0.0000
  1473. 12000AFC->aItems = 0.0000
  1474. 12000AFC->iCheckStage = 0
  1475. 12000AFC->fCheckStageTimer = 0.0000
  1476. 12000AFC->fTempCheck = 0.0000
  1477. 12000AFC->fTempCheckIni = 0.0000
  1478. 12000AFC->iRand = 0
  1479. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1480. Running? Yes
  1481. Current stage: 0
  1482. Priority: 0
  1483. * * * * *
  1484. * * * * *
  1485. Quest: aquestVats
  1486. 12000BCC->stage = 0
  1487. 12000BCC->iWasinMenuMode = 0
  1488. 12000BCC->CurrentPercentage = 0.0000
  1489. 12000BCC->ActorRef = (00000000)
  1490. 12000BCC->IconTime = 0
  1491. 12000BCC->IconStage = 0
  1492. 12000BCC->IconCount = 0
  1493. 12000BCC->iWeaponType = 0
  1494. 12000BCC->WeaponRef = (00000000)
  1495. 12000BCC->fDelay = 0.0000
  1496. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1497. Running? Yes
  1498. Current stage: 0
  1499. Priority: 0
  1500. * * * * *
  1501. * * * * *
  1502. Quest: Hit indicator main
  1503. 12000B1F->ar_main = 31.0000
  1504. 12000B1F->iPosition = 0
  1505. 12000B1F->fAlphaTemp = 0.0000
  1506. 12000B1F->ActorTempRef = (00000000)
  1507. 12000B1F->iInit = 1
  1508. 12000B1F->AlphaChange = 5.0000
  1509. 12000B1F->AlphaChangeMult = 1.0000
  1510. 12000B1F->AlphaChangeOriginal = 5.0000
  1511. 12000B1F->iShape = 0
  1512. 12000B1F->iColorR = 255
  1513. 12000B1F->iColorG = 0
  1514. 12000B1F->iColorB = 0
  1515. 12000B1F->ResX = 1706.0000
  1516. 12000B1F->ResY = 960.0000
  1517. 12000B1F->stage = 0
  1518. 12000B1F->iWasinMenuMode = 1
  1519. 12000B1F->Alpha = 0.0000
  1520. 12000B1F->fAngle = 0.0000
  1521. 12000B1F->fResult = 0.0000
  1522. 12000B1F->sv_Alpha = 0
  1523. 12000B1F->sv_Angle = 0
  1524. 12000B1F->iNoMelee = 0
  1525. 12000B1F->iPos = 0
  1526. 12000B1F->sv_Vis = 0
  1527. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1528. Running? Yes
  1529. Current stage: 0
  1530. Priority: 0
  1531. * * * * *
  1532. * * * * *
  1533. Quest: <no name>
  1534. 12000B92->StoredCell = (00000000)
  1535. 12000B92->timer = 0.0000
  1536. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1537. Running? No
  1538. Current stage: 0
  1539. Priority: 0
  1540. * * * * *
  1541. * * * * *
  1542. Quest: aquestMarker
  1543. 12000B0E->iLoadOrder = 0
  1544. 12000B0E->stage = 0
  1545. 12000B0E->iInit = 1
  1546. 12000B0E->ResX = 1706.0000
  1547. 12000B0E->ResY = 960.0000
  1548. 12000B0E->Alpha = 0.0000
  1549. 12000B0E->AlphaChange = 10.5000
  1550. 12000B0E->AlphaChangeOriginal = 7.0000
  1551. 12000B0E->AlphaChangeMult = 1.5000
  1552. 12000B0E->SizeX = 50.0000
  1553. 12000B0E->SizeY = 50.0000
  1554. 12000B0E->PosXOriginal = 853.0000
  1555. 12000B0E->PosYOriginal = 480.0000
  1556. 12000B0E->PosX = 0.0000
  1557. 12000B0E->PosY = 0.0000
  1558. 12000B0E->PosMultX = 0.5000
  1559. 12000B0E->PosMultY = 0.5000
  1560. 12000B0E->iColor = 3
  1561. 12000B0E->iColorR = 204
  1562. 12000B0E->iColorG = 0
  1563. 12000B0E->iColorB = 0
  1564. 12000B0E->iShape = 7
  1565. 12000B0E->iWorkOnDead = 1
  1566. 12000B0E->iWorkMelee = 1
  1567. 12000B0E->iWorkRanged = 1
  1568. 12000B0E->iSoundType = 0
  1569. 12000B0E->iRotateX = 0.0000
  1570. 12000B0E->iAnimated = 1
  1571. 12000B0E->iSizeStartX = 25.0000
  1572. 12000B0E->iSizeStartY = 25.0000
  1573. 12000B0E->iSizeChangeX = 6.2500
  1574. 12000B0E->iSizeChangeY = 6.2500
  1575. 12000B0E->iCurrentSizeX = 0.0000
  1576. 12000B0E->iCurrentSizeY = 0.0000
  1577. 12000B0E->iTemp = 0
  1578. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1579. Running? Yes
  1580. Current stage: 0
  1581. Priority: 0
  1582. * * * * *
  1583. * * * * *
  1584. Quest: aquestHotkey
  1585. 12000B08->stage = 0
  1586. 12000B08->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1587. 12000B08->sv_message = 0
  1588. 12000B08->iPos = 0
  1589. 12000B08->iPressed = 0
  1590. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1591. Running? Yes
  1592. Current stage: 0
  1593. Priority: 0
  1594. * * * * *
  1595. * * * * *
  1596. Quest: <no name>
  1597. 12000BB7->iHaveDarn = 0
  1598. 12000BB7->iDarnDetection = 0
  1599. 12000BB7->iAffectVanilla = 1
  1600. 12000BB7->iPosType = 0
  1601. 12000BB7->fPosXMult = 0.9500
  1602. 12000BB7->fPosYMult = 0.0500
  1603. 12000BB7->iUseJiP = 1
  1604. 12000BB7->istage = 0
  1605. 12000BB7->Alpha = 0.0000
  1606. 12000BB7->ftemp = 0.0000
  1607. 12000BB7->Width = 0.0000
  1608. 12000BB7->Height = 0.0000
  1609. 12000BB7->sv_temp = 0
  1610. 12000BB7->iCurrentRads = 0.0000
  1611. 12000BB7->iStoredRads = 0.0000
  1612. 12000BB7->fDifference = 0
  1613. 12000BB7->iDifference = 0
  1614. 12000BB7->timer = 0.0000
  1615. 12000BB7->iMenumode = 1
  1616. 12000BB7->iBlock = 0
  1617. 12000BB7->iSkipStoredRads = 1
  1618. 12000BB7->fRadsValue = 0.0000
  1619. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1620. Running? Yes
  1621. Current stage: 0
  1622. Priority: 0
  1623. * * * * *
  1624. * * * * *
  1625. Quest: aquestWW
  1626. 12000B6C->iStage = 0
  1627. 12000B6C->iInit = 1
  1628. 12000B6C->iControlType = 0
  1629. 12000B6C->iInvokeType = 1
  1630. 12000B6C->iWheelType = 1
  1631. 12000B6C->iSlowMo = 1
  1632. 12000B6C->iSlowMoOnlyCombat = 1
  1633. 12000B6C->fSlowMoMult = 0.3000
  1634. 12000B6C->fSlowMoDefault = 1.0000
  1635. 12000B6C->iHotkey = 258
  1636. 12000B6C->ar_items = 11.0000
  1637. 12000B6C->StartX = 0.0000
  1638. 12000B6C->StartZ = 0.0000
  1639. 12000B6C->AngleX = 0.0000
  1640. 12000B6C->AngleZ = 0.0000
  1641. 12000B6C->fTemp = 0.0000
  1642. 12000B6C->BorderLeft = 0.0000
  1643. 12000B6C->BorderRight = 0.0000
  1644. 12000B6C->BorderUp = 0.0000
  1645. 12000B6C->BorderDown = 0.0000
  1646. 12000B6C->fResult = 0.0000
  1647. 12000B6C->RotateAngle = 0.0000
  1648. 12000B6C->fTempAngleZCurrent = 0.0000
  1649. 12000B6C->iBehindBorders = 0
  1650. 12000B6C->iCurrentChoice = 0
  1651. 12000B6C->PosX = 1014.8000
  1652. 12000B6C->PosY = 130.0000
  1653. 12000B6C->iChooseItemMode = 0
  1654. 12000B6C->iChooseItemSection = 0
  1655. 12000B6C->DisabledRolloverText = 0
  1656. 12000B6C->RightTopA = 26.0000
  1657. 12000B6C->RightMiddleTopA = 57.0000
  1658. 12000B6C->RightMiddleDownA = 86.0000
  1659. 12000B6C->RightDownA = 115.0000
  1660. 12000B6C->DownA = 146.0000
  1661. 12000B6C->LeftDownA = 208.0000
  1662. 12000B6C->LeftMiddleDownA = 240.0000
  1663. 12000B6C->LeftMiddleTopA = 271.0000
  1664. 12000B6C->LeftTopA = 303.0000
  1665. 12000B6C->UPA = 334.0000
  1666. 12000B6C->fSize = 700.0000
  1667. 12000B6C->fMultX = 0.8000
  1668. 12000B6C->fMultY = 0.5000
  1669. 12000B6C->iFrameColor = 6
  1670. 12000B6C->iFrameColorR = 255
  1671. 12000B6C->iFrameColorG = 255
  1672. 12000B6C->iFrameColorB = 255
  1673. 12000B6C->iIconColor = 6
  1674. 12000B6C->iIconColorR = 255
  1675. 12000B6C->iIconColorG = 255
  1676. 12000B6C->iIconColorB = 255
  1677. 12000B6C->iArrowColor = 6
  1678. 12000B6C->iArrowColorR = 255
  1679. 12000B6C->iArrowColorG = 255
  1680. 12000B6C->iArrowColorB = 255
  1681. 12000B6C->iTextColor = 6
  1682. 12000B6C->iTextColorR = 255
  1683. 12000B6C->iTextColorG = 255
  1684. 12000B6C->iTextColorB = 255
  1685. 12000B6C->iTextAmmoColor = 6
  1686. 12000B6C->iTextAmmoColorR = 255
  1687. 12000B6C->iTextAmmoColorG = 255
  1688. 12000B6C->iTextAmmoColorB = 255
  1689. 12000B6C->iAmmoTextEnable = 1
  1690. 12000B6C->fAmmoTextThreshold = 999.0000
  1691. 12000B6C->iFontTextCenter = 1
  1692. 12000B6C->iFontTextAmmo = 1
  1693. 12000B6C->fWorkingScriptDelay = 0.0140
  1694. 12000B6C->fLeftKeyPressTimer = 0.0000
  1695. 12000B6C->iNoEquip = 0
  1696. 12000B6C->StickX = 0.0000
  1697. 12000B6C->StickY = 0.0000
  1698. 12000B6C->iGamepadControlType = 0
  1699. 12000B6C->iGamepadDisableMovement = 1
  1700. 12000B6C->iGamepadDisableCamera = 1
  1701. 12000B6C->iUnrestrain = 0
  1702. 12000B6C->iEnableCameraControl = 0
  1703. 12000B6C->DisabledForThirdPerson = 0
  1704. 12000B6C->fStored = 0.0000
  1705. 12000B6C->iUseCursor = 1
  1706. 12000B6C->iNOMouseRestore = 0
  1707. 12000B6C->ItemToEquipRef = (00000000)
  1708. 12000B6C->ItemTempRef = (00000000)
  1709. 12000B6C->iUnequipWeapons = 1
  1710. 12000B6C->HolsterFailsafeTimer = 0.0000
  1711. 12000B6C->iMenuMode = 1
  1712. 12000B6C->iMouseInverted = 0
  1713. 12000B6C->fInvertedMult = 0.0000
  1714. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1715. Running? Yes
  1716. Current stage: 0
  1717. Priority: 0
  1718. * * * * *
  1719. * * * * *
  1720. Quest: aquestVatsSettings
  1721. 12000B5D->iInit = 1
  1722. 12000B5D->DefaultMeterAdd = 6.0000
  1723. 12000B5D->DefaultHealthThreeshold = 0.3000
  1724. 12000B5D->iSoundOnPush = 1
  1725. 12000B5D->iSoundOnHit = 1
  1726. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1727. Running? No
  1728. Current stage: 0
  1729. Priority: 0
  1730. * * * * *
  1731. * * * * *
  1732. Quest: <no name>
  1733. 12000911->iInit = 0
  1734. 12000911->iMaxMarkers = 10
  1735. 12000911->iColorForQuest = 0
  1736. 12000911->iWorkOnDead = 1
  1737. 12000911->iWorkOnKilledByPlayer = 0
  1738. 12000911->fScaleSmall = 2.0000
  1739. 12000911->fScaleMedium = 3.0000
  1740. 12000911->fScaleBig = 4.0000
  1741. 12000911->fScaleVeryBig = 6.0000
  1742. 12000911->stage = 0
  1743. 12000911->iWasInMenumode = 1
  1744. 12000911->CrosshairRef = (00000000)
  1745. 12000911->timer = 0.0180
  1746. 12000911->ar_main = 34.0000
  1747. 12000911->Entry = 0.0000
  1748. 12000911->iPos = 0
  1749. 12000911->ArrowRef = (00000000)
  1750. 12000911->ObjectRef = (00000000)
  1751. 12000911->PosX = 0.0000
  1752. 12000911->PosY = 0.0000
  1753. 12000911->PosZ = 0.0000
  1754. 12000911->RCurrent = 0.0000
  1755. 12000911->ZCurrent = 0.0000
  1756. 12000911->iToggle = 0
  1757. 12000911->fAddPerm = 0.0000
  1758. 12000911->iWorkOnDoors = 1
  1759. 12000911->iUsualMarkers = 0
  1760. 12000911->iBorderless = 0
  1761. 12000911->iCalculateFeets = 0
  1762. 12000911->iOffForCombat = 0
  1763. 12000911->iOffForCutscenes = 1
  1764. 12000911->iOffWhenAiming = 1
  1765. 12000911->iOffWhenCrosshairON = 1
  1766. 12000911->iHideNearTarget = 1
  1767. 12000911->fHideNearTargetValue = 300.0000
  1768. 12000911->iHideFarFromTarget = 0
  1769. 12000911->fHideFarFromTargetValue = 50000.0000
  1770. 12000911->iTextSmallerFontForSmallMarkers = 0
  1771. 12000911->SolidMGSMarkersDefaultSmallerFont = 0
  1772. 12000911->iTextFontDefault = 3
  1773. 12000911->fResolutionXOriginal = 0.0000
  1774. 12000911->fResolutionYOriginal = 0.0000
  1775. 12000911->BorderXLeft = 833.0000
  1776. 12000911->BorderXRight = 873.0000
  1777. 12000911->BorderYUP = 460.0000
  1778. 12000911->BorderYDown = 500.0000
  1779. 12000911->fPlayerAngle = 2.1236
  1780. 12000911->fPlayerAngleY = 8.5715
  1781. 12000911->fPlayerHeight = 2865.1160
  1782. 12000911->iTempCalculateDistance = 0
  1783. 12000911->UpdateVisual = 2
  1784. 12000911->fDistanceDifference = 0.0000
  1785. 12000911->fAngleDifference = 0.0000
  1786. 12000911->fFinalX = 0.0000
  1787. 12000911->Distance = 0
  1788. 12000911->MultX = 16.0000
  1789. 12000911->MultY = 16.0000
  1790. 12000911->fResolutionX = 853.0000
  1791. 12000911->fResolutionY = 480.0000
  1792. 12000911->fMaxX = 1603.6400
  1793. 12000911->fMaxY = 902.4000
  1794. 12000911->fSinus = 0.0000
  1795. 12000911->fFinalY = 0.0000
  1796. 12000911->MarkerVisible = 0
  1797. 12000911->MarkerX = 0
  1798. 12000911->MarkerY = 0
  1799. 12000911->MarkerTextVisible = 0
  1800. 12000911->MarkerTextValue = 0
  1801. 12000911->MarkerTexture = 0
  1802. 12000911->MarkerTexturePath = 0
  1803. 12000911->MarkerColor = 0
  1804. 12000911->MarkerColorR = 0
  1805. 12000911->MarkerColorG = 0
  1806. 12000911->MarkerColorB = 0
  1807. 12000911->TextColor = 0
  1808. 12000911->TextColorR = 0
  1809. 12000911->TextColorG = 0
  1810. 12000911->TextColorB = 0
  1811. 12000911->TextFont = 0
  1812. 12000911->sv_distance = 0
  1813. 12000911->sv_name = 0
  1814. 12000911->sv_TempName = 0
  1815. 12000911->iDefaultShape = 0
  1816. 12000911->iDefaultColor = 0
  1817. 12000911->iDefaultColorR = 0
  1818. 12000911->iDefaultColorG = 0
  1819. 12000911->iDefaultColorB = 0
  1820. 12000911->iTextColor = 0
  1821. 12000911->iTextColorR = 0
  1822. 12000911->iTextColorG = 0
  1823. 12000911->iTextColorB = 0
  1824. 12000911->iTextTypeDefault = 0
  1825. 12000911->iTempCurrentMarkerSmall = 0
  1826. 12000911->iTempType = 0
  1827. 12000911->iCurrentInfoShow = 0
  1828. 12000911->CurrentInfoRef = (00000000)
  1829. 12000911->TempRef = (00000000)
  1830. 12000911->iTemp = 0
  1831. 12000911->iTempType = 0
  1832. 12000911->iHideAll = 4
  1833. 12000911->iFontSuccess = 0
  1834. 12000911->iSneakStage = 0
  1835. 12000911->fSneakAddValue = 0.0000
  1836. 12000911->iSneakStartCountValue = 0
  1837. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1838. Running? Yes
  1839. Current stage: 0
  1840. Priority: 0
  1841. * * * * *
  1842. * * * * *
  1843. Quest: <no name>
  1844. 12000B9B->iAffectCrosshair = 1
  1845. 12000B9B->iDynamicTransition = 1
  1846. 12000B9B->iDynamicFluctuation = 1
  1847. 12000B9B->iLootModsCompatible = 1
  1848. 12000B9B->iConrollerButton = 0
  1849. 12000B9B->iForceHideVanillaText = 0
  1850. 12000B9B->iShowAdditionalInfo = 1
  1851. 12000B9B->iUseJiP = 1
  1852. 12000B9B->fFrameSize = 50.0000
  1853. 12000B9B->fFrameSizeTopBorder = 60.0000
  1854. 12000B9B->fFrameSizeEnlargementFromDot = 1.8000
  1855. 12000B9B->fFrameSizeEnlargementForFrame = 0.5000
  1856. 12000B9B->fDotSize = 5.0000
  1857. 12000B9B->stage = 1
  1858. 12000B9B->iStageShape = 3
  1859. 12000B9B->CrosshairRef = (06024720)
  1860. 12000B9B->StoredCrosshairRef = (06024720)
  1861. 12000B9B->iDynamicStage = 0
  1862. 12000B9B->timer = -0.0160
  1863. 12000B9B->iCurrentSize = 51.8000
  1864. 12000B9B->iMenuMode = 1
  1865. 12000B9B->sv_Name = 0
  1866. 12000B9B->sv_Prompt = 0
  1867. 12000B9B->sv_temp = 0
  1868. 12000B9B->ftemp = 0.0000
  1869. 12000B9B->OHudWarning = 0
  1870. 12000B9B->iHaveDarn = 0
  1871. 12000B9B->iDarnDetection = 0
  1872. 12000B9B->iFont = 1
  1873. 12000B9B->iDefaultColor = 0
  1874. 12000B9B->iDefaultColorR = 0
  1875. 12000B9B->iDefaultColorG = 0
  1876. 12000B9B->iDefaultColorB = 0
  1877. 12000B9B->iCustomColor = 0
  1878. 12000B9B->iCustomColorR = 0
  1879. 12000B9B->iCustomColorG = 0
  1880. 12000B9B->iCustomColorB = 0
  1881. 12000B9B->iIndex = 0
  1882. 12000B9B->QuestRef = (00000000)
  1883. 12000B9B->fTransitionSpeed = 1.0000
  1884. 12000B9B->fFlunctuationSpeed = 1.0000
  1885. 12000B9B->fFrameSizeEnlargementFromDotTransition = 1.8000
  1886. 12000B9B->fFrameSizeEnlargementForFrameTransition = 0.5000
  1887. 12000B9B->iOnlyReticleMode = 0
  1888. 12000B9B->iHide = 0
  1889. 12000B9B->iWasSneaking = 0
  1890. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1891. Running? Yes
  1892. Current stage: 0
  1893. Priority: 0
  1894. * * * * *
  1895. * * * * *
  1896. Quest: <no name>
  1897. 12000B86->ar_ToChange = 0.0000
  1898. 12000B86->Entry = 0.0000
  1899. 12000B86->iPosition = 0
  1900. 12000B86->ArrowRef = (00000000)
  1901. 12000B86->ObjectRef = (00000000)
  1902. 12000B86->iCount = 0
  1903. 12000B86->fChange = 0.0000
  1904. 12000B86->CurrentScale = 0.0000
  1905. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1906. Running? No
  1907. Current stage: 0
  1908. Priority: 0
  1909. * * * * *
  1910. * * * * *
  1911. Quest: aquestRTETechModel
  1912. 12000B57->StoredPosX = 0.0000
  1913. 12000B57->StoredPosY = 0.0000
  1914. 12000B57->StoredPosZ = 0.0000
  1915. 12000B57->StoredAngleX = 0.0000
  1916. 12000B57->StoredAngleY = 0.0000
  1917. 12000B57->StoredAngleZ = 0.0000
  1918. 12000B57->iRotateType = 0
  1919. 12000B57->CurrentAngle = 0
  1920. 12000B57->iModelUpdateDoOnce = 0
  1921. 12000B57->ModelDisplay = 0
  1922. 12000B57->iModelReset = 0
  1923. 12000B57->ModelRef = (00000000)
  1924. 12000B57->sv_model = 0
  1925. 12000B57->sv_modelOld = 0
  1926. 12000B57->StoredRef = (00000000)
  1927. 12000B57->CurrentZ = 0.0000
  1928. 12000B57->DelayTimer = 0.0000
  1929. 12000B57->iDelayReq = 0
  1930. 12000B57->iMoved = 0
  1931. 12000B57->fTemp = 0.0000
  1932. 12000B57->fPLXOld = 0.0000
  1933. 12000B57->fPLYOld = 0.0000
  1934. 12000B57->fPLZOld = 0.0000
  1935. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1936. Running? No
  1937. Current stage: 0
  1938. Priority: 0
  1939. * * * * *
  1940. * * * * *
  1941. Quest: <no name>
  1942. 12000BCF->sv_temp = 0
  1943. --- Quest state -----------------------------
  1944. Running? No
  1945. Current stage: 0
  1946. Priority: 0
  1947. * * * * *
  1948. * * * * *
  1949. *******************************
  1950. *******************************
  1951. *******************************
  1952. * Start of Global vars *
  1953. --- Global Variables -----------------------------
  1954. RKRDebug = 0
  1955. RKRDetectTime = 15
  1956. RKRDetectlevel = -15.0000
  1957. RKRDetectInterval = 2
  1958. RKRdetectdist = 1500.0000
  1959. RKRTokenCountTimer = 30.0000
  1960. RKRMaxTokenCount = 5
  1961. WMMAllVis = 1
  1962. WMMKey = 0
  1963. bJIPIRMController = 0
  1964. bJIPIRMReset = 0
  1965. bJIPCCCManageGear = 0
  1966. iJIPCCCVersion = 260
  1967. bJIPCCCDrawWithPlayer = 0
  1968. iJIPCCCPassiveMode = 0
  1969. bJIPCCCInfiniteAmmo = 0
  1970. bJIPCCCNoRecovery = 0
  1971. bJIPCCCControllerEnabled = 0
  1972. iJIPCCCControllerMain = 4096
  1973. bJIPCCCUseController = 1
  1974. bJIPCCCLight = 0
  1975. iJIPCCCAWFlags = 0
  1976. bJIPCCCUnlimitedComps = 1
  1977. fJIPCCCAASPDefault = 0.0000
  1978. bJIPCCCTutorial = 1
  1979. bJIPCCCHighlight = 1
  1980. bJIPCCCAntiOverlap = 1
  1981. bJIPCCCDisableWheel = 1
  1982. iJIPCCCSlowMo = 0
  1983. iJIPCCCCmdBarScale = 100
  1984. iJIPCCCCmdBarX = 380
  1985. iJIPCCCCompBarScale = 100
  1986. iJIPCCCHUDLayout = 0
  1987. iJIPCCCAvatars = 6
  1988. iJIPCCCVisibility = 0
  1989. iJIPCCCForceRecruit = 0
  1990. iJIPCCCAux2Cmd = 4
  1991. iJIPCCCAux1Cmd = 1
  1992. iJIPCCCAux2Key = 0
  1993. iJIPCCCAux1Key = 0
  1994. iJIPCCCScrollDown = 265
  1995. iJIPCCCScrollUp = 264
  1996. iJIPCCCTimeAdjust = 10
  1997. iJIPCCCXPMeterX = 1286
  1998. iJIPCCCInfoY = 820
  1999. iJIPCCCQuestReminderX = 45
  2000. iJIPCCCEnemyHealthY = 843
  2001. iJIPCCCSneakMeterY = 30
  2002. iJIPCCCModIndex = 22
  2003. iJIPCCCModeSwitch = 257
  2004. iJIPCCCSelection = 258
  2005. bJIPCCCToggle = 0
  2006. iJIPCCCHotkey = 46
  2007. bJIPCCCActivated = 0
  2008. fJIPCCCWOMDefault = 0.0000
  2009. fJIPCCCWIMDefault = 0.0000
  2010. iJIPCCCStartup = 20
  2011. fJIPCCCAAMDDefault = 0.0000
  2012. CASMDebug = 0
  2013. CASMNVSEVersion = 5
  2014. CASMGameRestarted = 0
  2015. CASMJIPVersion = 54
  2016. CASMSaveSleep = 1
  2017. CASMSaveWait = 1
  2018. CASMSaveFastTravel = 1
  2019. CASMSaveEnterExit = 1
  2020. CASMSavePocketPick = 1
  2021. CASMSaveTerminalHack = 1
  2022. CASMSaveLockPick = 1
  2023. CASMSaveFrequency = 10
  2024. CASMSaveDelay = 4
  2025. CASMIncrementalSaveCount = 20
  2026. CASMSaveInCombat = 0
  2027. CASMSaveCraftItem = 1
  2028. CASMSaveCompleteChallenge = 1
  2029. CASMSaveLevelUp = 1
  2030. CASMSaveLeavingCombat = 1
  2031. CASMSaveLocationsDiscovered = 1
  2032. CASMSaveQuestCompleted = 1
  2033. CASMHotkey = 62
  2034. CASMSaveLocationsReached = 1
  2035. CASMDateFormat = 1
  2036. CASMMinHealthPercent = 20
  2037. CASMSaveWithWeaponOut = 1
  2038. CASMSaveWhileSneaking = 1
  2039. CASMShowMessages = 1
  2040. CASMAutosaveCount = 3
  2041. MCMTutorial = 1
  2042. MCMTime = 0.0000
  2043. MCMVersion = 1.5000
  2044. MCMListWidthMax = 350
  2045. MCMListWidth = 0
  2046. MCMMessage6 = 0
  2047. MCMRotateAngle = -0.1163
  2048. MCMRotate = 0
  2049. MCMMessage5 = 0
  2050. MCMMessage4 = 0
  2051. MCMMessage3 = 0
  2052. MCMMessage2 = 0
  2053. MCMMessage1 = 1
  2054. MCMSubShift = 0
  2055. MCMDelay = -0.0000
  2056. MCMScroll = 0
  2057. MCMModSkip = 0
  2058. MCMClick = 0
  2059. MCMInstalled = 1
  2060. aquestSOPTODroppedItemsPickUpNOT = 0
  2061. RealTimeEquipPosMultIconY = 0.4000
  2062. RealTimeEquipPosMultDescrY = 0.6000
  2063. RealTimeEquipPosMultDescrX = 0.5000
  2064. RealTimeEquipPosMultCatY = 0.1500
  2065. RealTimeEquipPosMultCatX = 0.5000
  2066. RealTimeEquipPosMultNameX = 0.5000
  2067. RealTimeEquipPosMultEntryX = 0.1000
  2068. aquestProjectLazarusIPaqY = 100
  2069. aquestProjectLazarusIPaqX = 100
  2070. aquestProjectLazarusHiMaxMarkers = 7
  2071. aquestSprintNoJumpInTP = 0
  2072. aquestSprintNoAimBlock = 0
  2073. aquestAFEventNoSend = 0
  2074. NoNaklon = 0
  2075. TakedownsModAllowFP = 0
  2076. RealTimeEquipPosMultIconX = 0.5000
  2077. aquestRollEventNoSend = 0
  2078. TakedownsModSprintHotkeyDelay = 0.3000
  2079. RealTimeEquipPosMultNameY = 0.1000
  2080. RealTimeEquipPosMultEntryY = 0.3000
  2081. aquestProjectLazarusIPaqZ = 100
  2082. aquestSprintEventNoSend = 0
  2083. TakedownsModKillHotkeyDelay = 0.3000
  2084. TakedownsModRequiredUnarmedForPerk = 30
  2085. TakedownsModDisableLookControl = 1
  2086. TakedownsModMaxArrayCount = 20
  2087. TakedownsModEventNoSend = 0
  2088. TakedownsModHotkeyDelay = 3.0000
  2089. aquestProjectLazarusHotkey = 37
  2090. JacknDianeRocket = 100
  2091. JacknDianePartyMentats = 100
  2092. JacknDianeSlasher = 100
  2093. JacknDianeHydra = 100
  2094. JacknDianeSuperStimpacks = 100
  2095. JacknDianeStimpacks = 100
  2096. HVTorresInventory = 100
  2097. TTWArmorModOn = 100
  2098. TTWArmorModOff = 0
  2099. TTWPCMiscStatPeopleMezzed = 0
  2100. TTWPCMiscStatContractsCompleted = 0
  2101. TTWPCMiscStatCaptivesRescued = 0
  2102. TTWPCMiscStatBobbleheadsFound = 0
  2103. TTWWorldLocation = 0
  2104. TTWGameRestarted = 1
  2105. TTWNVSEVersionMinor = 1
  2106. TTWNVSEVersionMajor = 5
  2107. TTWHasNVSE = 0
  2108. bInNVWasteland = 0
  2109. TTWVersion = 3.2000
  2110. TTWStartQuest = 2097144
  2111. TTWNVSEVersionBeta = 4
  2112. TTWJIPLNVersion = 54.7000
  2113. countCryolatorBonus = 0.7500
  2114. countCryolator = 0
  2115. TTWMegatonSignExteriorSwapped = 0
  2116. TTWfHitTimer = -0.1930
  2117. TTWfModifiedHour = 0.0000
  2118. TTWfDesiredHour = 0.0000
  2119. TTWPCMiscStatJusticeServed = 0
  2120. bInDCWasteland = 1
  2121. DLC05Wake = 0
  2122. DLC05Safe = 0
  2123. DLC05RobotActive = 0
  2124. DLC05PaulsonDead = 0
  2125. DLC05SomahDead = 0
  2126. DLC05TercorienDead = 0
  2127. DLC05HealingArchCooldown = 15.0000
  2128. DLC05RechargeStationCoolDownTime = 30
  2129. DLC05SomahRepairGo = 0
  2130. DLC03Sensor = 0
  2131. DLC03Cams = 0
  2132. DLC03Landed = 0
  2133. DLC03AdamsAirForceBasePEACE = 0
  2134. DLC03AdamsAirForceBaseCOMBAT = 100
  2135. DLC03WQXPAward = 100
  2136. DLC03PilotGreet = 0
  2137. DLC03BloodSampleChance = 100
  2138. DLC03PlatformBoom = 0
  2139. DLC03CitadelBoom = 0
  2140. DLC03TermLock = 0
  2141. DLC03CitadelDestroyedWeatherChance = 0
  2142. DLC03CitadelNormalWeatherChance = 100
  2143. DLC03WaterBeggarKarmaPenalty = -50
  2144. DLC03FEVAquaPuraChance = 0
  2145. DLC03AquaPuraChance = 100
  2146. DLC01FF008MedicineSkillNeeded = 50
  2147. DLC01SlavesAreRebelling = 0
  2148. DLC01ammoMetalIngotValue = 100
  2149. DLC01ammoScrapMetalValue = 20
  2150. DLC01ammoMissileValue = 25
  2151. DLC01ammoShotgunShellValue = 10
  2152. DLC01ammo556mmValue = 3
  2153. DLC01ammo308caliberValue = 15
  2154. DLC01ammo44magnumValue = 15
  2155. DLC01ammo32caliberValue = 5
  2156. DLC01ammo5mmValue = 1
  2157. DLC01ammo10mmValue = 2
  2158. DLC01ammoTempCount = 0
  2159. DLC01ammoMaterial = 0
  2160. DLC01SlavesAreAngry = 0
  2161. DLC01FF004RestAfterHowManyGameDaysPassed = 0.0100
  2162. DLC01FF004RestOkayAt = 6.2606
  2163. DLC01FF004ChanceShoot = 85
  2164. DLC01FF004WorkerRestChance = 35
  2165. DLC02Demerits = 0
  2166. DLC02Points = 5
  2167. DLC02Unit02 = 0
  2168. DLC02Unit01 = 0
  2169. DLC02Unit03 = 0
  2170. DLC02CostInfantry = 1
  2171. DLC02CostGrenadier = 1
  2172. DLC02CostMissile = 2
  2173. DLC02CostSniper = 2
  2174. DLC02CostGutsy = 3
  2175. DLC02CostSentry = 4
  2176. DLC02RezFlickerTime = 4.0000
  2177. DLC02RezShaderPlayTime = 2.0000
  2178. DLC02RezDisableTime = 2.6000
  2179. DLC02IntelFound = 0
  2180. DLC02IntelTotal = 10
  2181. DLC02RezInShaderPlayTime = 2.0000
  2182. DLC02ChaseTalk = 0
  2183. DLC02FFCaptiveXPReward = 25
  2184. DLC02MS16Check = 0
  2185. DLC02Max10mm = 120
  2186. DLC02Max556mm = 240
  2187. DLC02MaxFuel = 120
  2188. DLC02Max5mm = 480
  2189. DLC02Max308Caliber = 24
  2190. DLC02MaxShells = 36
  2191. PerkContractKarmaReward = 10
  2192. NVDLC04Act1XP = 0
  2193. NVDLC04Act1XPPercentage = 0.4000
  2194. NVDLC04Act2XP = 0
  2195. NVDLC04Act2XPPercentage = 0.3000
  2196. NVDLC04Act3XP = 0
  2197. NVDLC04Act3XPPercentage = 0.3000
  2198. NVDLC04SecondaryQuestXP = 0
  2199. NVDLC03Act1XP = 0
  2200. NVDLC03Act2XP = 0
  2201. NVDLC03Act3XP = 0
  2202. NVDLC03Act1XPPercentage = 0.2000
  2203. NVDLC03Act2XPPercentage = 0.2000
  2204. NVDLC03Act3XPPercentage = 0.2000
  2205. NVDLC03MinLevel = 15
  2206. NVDLC03SecondaryQuestXP = 0
  2207. NVDLC02Act1XP = 0
  2208. NVDLC02Act2XP = 0
  2209. NVDLC02Act3XP = 0
  2210. NVDLC02Act1XPPercentage = 0.2000
  2211. NVDLC02Act2XPPercentage = 0.4000
  2212. NVDLC02Act3XPPercentage = 0.4000
  2213. NVDLC02SecondaryQuestXP = 0
  2214. IsLightRaining = 0
  2215. NVDLC02RainAmbIntSFX = 0
  2216. NVDLC02zRain = 0
  2217. NVDLC01RadiusTimer = 10.0000
  2218. NVDLC01DeathTimer = 10.0000
  2219. NVDLC01DeathInterval = 1.0000
  2220. NVDLC01RadiusCoe = 0.9000
  2221. NVDLC01Collars = 1
  2222. NVDLC01DeanToxicCloudModifier = 0.7500
  2223. NVDLC01Act3XP = 0
  2224. NVDLC01Act2XPPercentage = 0.3000
  2225. NVDLC01Act3XPPercentage = 0.5000
  2226. NVDLC01Act1XP = 0
  2227. NVDLC01Act2XP = 0
  2228. NVDLC01Act1XPPercentage = 0.2000
  2229. SpeechFailureMod = -10
  2230. PersuasionFailureMod = -10
  2231. MegatonDestroyed = 0
  2232. MS09FamilyHates = 0
  2233. FFEUniqueAMax = 21
  2234. FFEncounterChance = 100
  2235. FFERepeatAMax = 27
  2236. FFERepeatChance = 50
  2237. FFERepeatBMax = 30
  2238. CG03TestValue = 0
  2239. CustomWeaponConditionMult = 0.0100
  2240. FreeSlaveKarma = 100
  2241. TurnInSlaveKarma = -10
  2242. FFER57SlaveCount = 0
  2243. FFER57SlaveDead = 0
  2244. FFEUniqueBMax = 8
  2245. FFEUniqueBCount = 0
  2246. FFEUniqueACount = 0
  2247. FFERepeatACount = 0
  2248. FFERepeatBCount = 0
  2249. KarmaEvil = -250
  2250. KarmaGood = 250
  2251. TPConversationDistance = 500
  2252. RCConvDist = 512
  2253. GenericCrimeKarmaDialogueChance = 25
  2254. RCHelloChance = 40
  2255. GenericFriendlyDisposition = 30
  2256. SpeechSpecialLow = 5
  2257. SpeechSpecialMedium = 6
  2258. SpeechSpecialHigh = 7
  2259. SpeechSkillLow = 30
  2260. SpeechSkillMedium = 50
  2261. SpeechSkillHigh = 70
  2262. FortuneFinderOdds = 100
  2263. ScroungerOdds = 100
  2264. FortuneFinderChangeOdds = 100
  2265. CG04SpawnMax = 5
  2266. FFPFProntoUpgrade1 = 0
  2267. CaravanJunk0 = 0
  2268. CaravanJunk1 = 100
  2269. CaravanJunk2 = 100
  2270. CaravanApparelBasic0 = 0
  2271. CaravanWeaponsBasic0 = 0
  2272. CaravanApparelBasic1 = 100
  2273. CaravanApparelBasic2 = 100
  2274. CaravanWeaponsBasic1 = 100
  2275. CaravanWeaponsBasic2 = 100
  2276. CaravanChemsBasic0 = 0
  2277. CaravanChemsBasic1 = 100
  2278. CaravanChemsBasic2 = 100
  2279. KarmaVeryGood = 750
  2280. KarmaVeryEvil = -750
  2281. FreeformMegatonSparePartsReward = 10
  2282. FreeformCitadelHolotagReward = 100
  2283. FreeformDCLibrarianReward = 100
  2284. PerkContractKillerRewardMultNormal = 20
  2285. PerkLawbringerRewardMultBonus = 20
  2286. PerkContractKillerRewardMultBonus = 30
  2287. PerkLawbringerRewardMultNormal = 10
  2288. CG04BroadcastTimer = 60
  2289. FreeformDCLibrarianXPReward = 10
  2290. FreeformMegatonSparePartsXPReward = 5
  2291. FreeformCitadelHolotagXPReward = 25
  2292. FreeformUnderworldSparePartsXPReward = 5
  2293. CG02FailsafeTimer = 60
  2294. FreeformMegatonSparePartsKarmaReward = 10
  2295. GNRDishDone = 0
  2296. CG04WeaponCount = 0
  2297. WashMonumentGate = 0
  2298. PortableTurretDamage = 1.0000
  2299. MS13SlaveCount = 0
  2300. CG04SpawnMaxTotal = 30
  2301. CG04SpawnCount = 0
  2302. countBottlecap = 0
  2303. countDartgun = 0
  2304. countDeathclaw = 0
  2305. countNuka = 0
  2306. countRailway = 0
  2307. countRockit = 0
  2308. countShishkebab = 0
  2309. CGCrippleTimer = 300.0000
  2310. GoGECK = 0
  2311. AhzrukhalChemChanceNone = 100
  2312. MS13CapReward = 250
  2313. BigTownMaxDead = 6
  2314. MS01TeachTime = 4
  2315. MS10Future = 0
  2316. MS09ArefuHates = 0
  2317. MS09IanHates = 0
  2318. BehemothsMax = 5
  2319. BehemothsKilled = 0
  2320. MS18RangersHate = 0
  2321. FollowerWaitTime = 1000.0000
  2322. countWeapAchievement = 0
  2323. countBottlecapBonus = 0.7500
  2324. countDartgunBonus = 0.7500
  2325. countDeathclawBonus = 0.7500
  2326. countNukaBonus = 0.7500
  2327. countRailwayBonus = 0.7500
  2328. countRockitBonus = 0.7500
  2329. countShishkebabBonus = 0.7500
  2330. MS09Story = 0
  2331. FreeformParadiseFallsProntoGunsChanceNone = 100
  2332. FreeformParadiseFallsProntoJunkChanceNone = 0
  2333. HDHealth = 0
  2334. HDLab = 0
  2335. HDNuka = 0
  2336. HDWorkbench = 0
  2337. HDJuke = 0
  2338. MQ02Terminal = 0
  2339. MQ02NumberLock01 = 0
  2340. MQ02NumberLock02 = 0
  2341. MQ02NumberLock03 = 0
  2342. MQ01Meet = 0
  2343. MS04LugGo = 0
  2344. MS05Check = 0
  2345. TenpennyBoutiqueWeaponsArmorChanceNone = 0
  2346. MS09VanceSpeechProg = 0
  2347. MS10Fire = 0
  2348. MS15SM = 0
  2349. MQ01ThreeDogTellInfo = 0
  2350. MS09MurphyPoints = 0
  2351. TrapXPRewardVeryEasy = 2
  2352. TrapXPRewardEasy = 5
  2353. TrapXPRewardAverage = 10
  2354. TrapXPRewardHard = 15
  2355. TrapXPRewardVeryHard = 20
  2356. CGVATSTimer = 30
  2357. CGHealTimer = 120
  2358. MS05FinCook = 0
  2359. MS05FinCookDone = 0
  2360. MS12GhoulsDead = 0
  2361. MS12GhoulsMovedIn = 0
  2362. MS09Meet = 0
  2363. CGMatchFace = 50
  2364. VendorRemoveAmmoPercent = 0.9000
  2365. VendorRemoveStimpakPercent = 0.7500
  2366. FollowerChatterPercentage = 75
  2367. MS09IFoundIan = 0
  2368. MegatonDestroyedWeatherChance = 0
  2369. MegatonNormalWeatherChance = 100
  2370. FFEScavengerDogChance = 70
  2371. FFWaterBeggarKarmaReward = 50
  2372. MQ02WeaponsPromise = 0
  2373. MQ02ChatterGo = 0
  2374. DemoVatsCameraGlobal = 0
  2375. FreeformChurchKarmaRewardMult = 1
  2376. MS10Kill = 0
  2377. VStoryState = 0
  2378. VStoryEventBennyKilledCasino = 0
  2379. VStoryEventKnowsKhansInvolved = 0
  2380. VStoryEventKnowsBennyLocation = 0
  2381. VStoryEventVisitsLucky38 = 0
  2382. VStoryEventBennySeen = 0
  2383. VStoryEventSpokeWithBenny = 0
  2384. VStoryEventBennyFled = 0
  2385. VStoryChipOwner = 0
  2386. VStoryEventSurvivedTrap = 0
  2387. VStoryEventAssaultTheTops = 0
  2388. VStoryEventBennyKilledFort = 0
  2389. VStoryEventChipTurnedIn = 0
  2390. VStoryEventSecuritronsUpgraded = 0
  2391. VStoryEventCaesarMeetsPlayer = 0
  2392. VStoryEventCaesarCured = 0
  2393. VStoryEventCaesarKilled = 0
  2394. VStoryEventKimballAssassination = 0
  2395. VStoryEventMonorailDestroyed = 0
  2396. VStoryEventLucky38Relit = 0
  2397. VStoryEventNelson = 0
  2398. VStoryEventBoS = 0
  2399. VStoryEventKhans = 0
  2400. VStoryEventBoomers = 0
  2401. VStoryEventHanlon = 0
  2402. VStoryEventRemnants = 0
  2403. VStoryEventLegionHowitzer = 0
  2404. VStoryEventSecuritronsFort = 0
  2405. VStoryEventRacket = 0
  2406. VStoryEventFiends = 0
  2407. VStoryEventReconNelson = 0
  2408. VStoryEventCampGolf = 0
  2409. VStoryEventMrHouseNeutralized = 0
  2410. VStoryEventBitterSpringsAttacked = 0
  2411. VStoryEventKings = 0
  2412. VStoryEventMcCarranSilasFreed = 0
  2413. VStoryEventBoulderCityKhans = 0
  2414. VStoryEventPrimm = 0
  2415. VStoryEventLegionDogsKilled = 0
  2416. VBooneCLRepInitial = 0
  2417. VBooneCLRepWarn1 = 0
  2418. VBooneRepNCRWarn1 = 0
  2419. vStoryEventRangerStationsDestroyed = 0
  2420. VRotfaceRumorPrice = 1
  2421. VStoryEventMrHousePissed = 0
  2422. VStoryEventFollowersSupport = 0
  2423. vStoryEventVulpesDead = 0
  2424. VStoryEventPrimmSheriff = 0
  2425. VStoryNCRState = 0
  2426. VStoryLegionState = 0
  2427. VStoryHouseState = 0
  2428. VStoryIndependentState = 0
  2429. VStoryEventHooverDamBattleStarted = 0
  2430. VFactionArmorTutorial = 0
  2431. VStoryEventBennyFinalFate = 0
  2432. VVeronicaBosRepInitial = 0
  2433. VVeronicaBoSRepWarn1 = 0
  2434. VUsedMonorailToStrip = 0
  2435. VStoryEventVictorMet = 0
  2436. VStoryEventVictorKilled = 0
  2437. VCottonwoodCoveRads = 0
  2438. VNight = 0
  2439. EuclidRange = 10000
  2440. EuclidPointerRange = 12000
  2441. PlayCredits = 0
  2442. TimeScale = 30
  2443. GameDaysPassed = 6.2961
  2444. GameHour = 7
  2445. GameDay = 18
  2446. GameMonth = 7
  2447. GameYear = 2277
  2448. * End of Global vars *
  2449. *******************************
  2450. *******************************
  2451. *******************************
  2452. * Arrays start *
  2453. *******************************
  2454. *******************************
  2455. Ar_scenes start
  2456. ** Dumping Array #17 **
  2457. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2458. [ 0.000000 ] : (Array ID #18)
  2459. [ 1.000000 ] : (Array ID #19)
  2460. [ 2.000000 ] : (Array ID #20)
  2461. [ 3.000000 ] : (Array ID #21)
  2462. [ 4.000000 ] : (Array ID #22)
  2463. [ 5.000000 ] : (Array ID #23)
  2464. [ 6.000000 ] : (Array ID #24)
  2465. [ 7.000000 ] : (Array ID #25)
  2466. ** Dumping Array #18 **
  2467. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2468. ** Dumping Array #19 **
  2469. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2470. ** Dumping Array #20 **
  2471. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2472. ** Dumping Array #21 **
  2473. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2474. ** Dumping Array #22 **
  2475. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2476. ** Dumping Array #23 **
  2477. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2478. ** Dumping Array #24 **
  2479. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2480. ** Dumping Array #25 **
  2481. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2482. Ar_scenes end
  2483. *******************************
  2484. *******************************
  2485. *******************************
  2486. *******************************
  2487. ar_BannedAnims start
  2488. ** Dumping Array #17 **
  2489. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2490. [ 0.000000 ] : (Array ID #18)
  2491. [ 1.000000 ] : (Array ID #19)
  2492. [ 2.000000 ] : (Array ID #20)
  2493. [ 3.000000 ] : (Array ID #21)
  2494. [ 4.000000 ] : (Array ID #22)
  2495. [ 5.000000 ] : (Array ID #23)
  2496. [ 6.000000 ] : (Array ID #24)
  2497. [ 7.000000 ] : (Array ID #25)
  2498. Ar_scenes end
  2499. *******************************
  2500. *******************************
  2501. aquest.ar_CompanionsBanned START
  2502. * * * * *
  2503. ** Dumping Array #7 **
  2504. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2505. * * * * *
  2506. aquest.ar_CompanionsBanned END
  2507. * * * * *
  2508. aquestGD.ar_Dial - NOT built
  2509. * * * * *
  2510. * * * * *
  2511. aquestGD.ar_CurrentChoices - NOT built
  2512. * * * * *
  2513. aquestHI.ar_main START
  2514. * * * * *
  2515. ** Dumping Array #32 **
  2516. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2517. ** Dumping Array #33 **
  2518. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2519. * * * * *
  2520. aquestHI.ar_main END
  2521. * * * * *
  2522. aquestRTE.ar_ToShow - NOT built
  2523. * * * * *
  2524. * * * * *
  2525. aquestRTE.ar_Uniforms - NOT built
  2526. * * * * *
  2527. aquestVO.ar_main START
  2528. * * * * *
  2529. ** Dumping Array #35 **
  2530. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2531. ** Dumping Array #36 **
  2532. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2533. ** Dumping Array #37 **
  2534. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2535. ** Dumping Array #38 **
  2536. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2537. * * * * *
  2538. aquestVO.ar_main END
  2539. * * * * *
  2540. aquestVOArrowSizeChange.ar_ToChange - NOT built
  2541. * * * * *
  2542. aquestWW.ar_items START
  2543. * * * * *
  2544. ** Dumping Array #11 **
  2545. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2546. [ 0.000000 ] : BB Gun (00004323)
  2547. [ 1.000000 ] : Baseball Bat (0000421C)
  2548. [ 2.000000 ] : 10mm Pistol (0000434F)
  2549. [ 3.000000 ] : Police Baton (00004345)
  2550. [ 4.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2551. [ 5.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2552. [ 6.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2553. [ 7.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2554. [ 8.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2555. [ 9.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2556. [ 10.000000 ] : DummyItem (12000BDB)
  2557. * * * * *
  2558. aquestWW.ar_items END
  2559. ModLocalData START
  2560. * * * * *
  2561. ** Dumping Array #15 **
  2562. Refs: 1 Owner 12: SolidProject.esm
  2563. [ AFFECTCROSSHAIR ] : 1.000000
  2564. [ AFFECTCROSSHAIRGAMEMODE ] : 1.000000
  2565. [ AFFECTRADMETER ] : 1.000000
  2566. [ AFFECTRETICLE ] : 64.000000
  2567. [ CURRENTTRANSLATION ] : 0.000000
  2568. [ DISKWRITECHECKVALUE ] : 392.000000
  2569. [ FONT31SUCCESS ] : 1.000000
  2570. [ GAMERESTARTED ] : 1.000000
  2571. [ HIUISET ] : 1.000000
  2572. [ IPUISET ] : 1.000000
  2573. [ JIPREQUIREMENT ] : 54.650000
  2574. [ LPVOMGSFOVVALUE ] : 75.000000
  2575. [ MAXCOMBATTAKEDOWNS ] : 11.000000
  2577. [ MAXMARKERS ] : 10.000000
  2578. [ MAXSTEALTHTAKEDOWNS ] : 4.000000
  2581. [ MIDDLEMOUSEDISABLED ] : 1.000000
  2582. [ SOPVERSION ] : 11.000000
  2583. [ SPELLEFFECTSADDED ] : 1.000000
  2584. [ SPREQUIREMENTSMET ] : 1.000000
  2585. [ UINAMETEMPOLD ] : StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Option12
  2586. [ VANILLAINFOFORCEHIDDEN ] : 1.000000
  2587. [ VATSUISET ] : 1.000000
  2588. [ WALKCONTROLSDISABLED ] : 1.000000
  2589. * * * * *
  2590. ModLocalData END
  2591. * Arrays end *
  2592. *******************************
  2593. *******************************
  2594. *******************************
  2595. * INI start *
  2596. [Init/WWEnabled] is 1
  2597. [Init/FO4CrosshairEnabled] is 1
  2598. [Init/HitMarkerEnabled] is 1
  2599. [Init/HitIndicatorEnabled] is 1
  2600. [Init/RTEEnabled] is 1
  2601. [Init/VOENabled] is 1
  2602. [Init/VATSENabled] is 1
  2603. [Init/LadderEnabled] is 1
  2604. [Init/GDENabled] is 0
  2605. [Init/FO4RadEnabled] is 1
  2606. [Init/IPEnabled] is 1
  2607. [Init/TKEnabled] is 1
  2608. [Init/CREnabled] is 1
  2609. [Init/ASENabled] is 1
  2610. [Init/AIEnabled] is 1
  2611. [Init/TOEnabled] is 1
  2612. [Init/AFEnabled] is 1
  2613. [Init/Melee] is 1
  2614. [Init/Language] is 0
  2615. [Init/InitDoneOnce] is 1
  2616. [Init/InitDoneOnceV3] is 1
  2617. [Init/InitDoneOnceV4] is 1
  2618. * INI end *
  2619. * Read INI directly start *
  2620. [Tech]
  2621. DiskWriteCheckValue=392
  2622. [Mouse]
  2623. AffectMouseSensFirstTimeStored=1
  2624. AffectMouseSensValue=0.002
  2625. [Init]
  2626. InitDoneOnceV3=1
  2627. InitDoneOnce=1
  2628. InitDoneOnceV4=1
  2629. WWEnabled=1
  2630. FO4CrosshairEnabled=1
  2631. HitMarkerEnabled=1
  2632. HitIndicatorEnabled=1
  2633. RTEEnabled=1
  2634. VOENabled=1
  2635. VATSENabled=1
  2636. LadderEnabled=1
  2637. GDENabled=0
  2638. FO4RadEnabled=1
  2639. IPEnabled=1
  2640. TKEnabled=1
  2641. CREnabled=1
  2642. ASENabled=1
  2643. AIEnabled=1
  2644. TOEnabled=1
  2645. AFEnabled=1
  2646. TutEnabled=1
  2647. MeleeEnabled=1
  2648. WLEnabled=1
  2649. PUEnabled=1
  2650. Language=0
  2652. * Read INI directly end *
  2653. *******************************
  2654. *******************************
  2655. *******************************
  2656. *** All done! ***
  2657. AP::AI:: Last enter is FP
  2658. AP::AI:: Last enter is FP
  2660. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Options_Scroll
  2661. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Option12
  2662. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Options_Scroll
  2663. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Option6
  2664. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Options_Scroll
  2665. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Option12
  2666. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Options_Scroll
  2667. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_ModList/ModList_Scroll
  2668. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_ModList/Mod3
  2669. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_ModList/ModList_Scroll
  2670. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_ModList/Mod4
  2671. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_ModList/ModList_Scroll
  2672. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/MCM/MCM_Options/Options_Scroll
  2674. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/main_container/lb_item_hotrect
  2676. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/main_container/lb_item_hotrect
  2677. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/main_container
  2679. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/main_container
  2681. LP::NEW MOUSEOVER::StartMenu/NOGLOW_BRANCH/confirm_container/Exit Game
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