
Spelling Bee Ans

Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. confusion: kuhn-fyoo-zhuhn
  2. paradise: par-uh-dahys
  3. sexuality: sek-shoo-al-i-tee
  4. rhythm: rith-uhm
  5. present: prez-uhnt
  6. qualify: kwol-uh-fahy
  7. surprise: ser-prahyz
  8. electric: ih-lek-trik
  9. language: lang-gwi
  10. technical: tek-ni-kuh l
  11. science: sahy-uhns
  12. knowledge: nol-ij
  13. innocent: in-uh-suhnt
  14. function: fuhngk-shuh n
  15. collection: kuh-lek-shuhn
  16. various: vair-ee-uhs
  17. distinct: dih-stingkt
  18. dissimilar: dih-sim-uh-ler
  19. divergent: dih-vur-juh nt
  20. diverse: dih-vurs
  21. iceberg: ahys-burg
  22. emotional: ih-moh-shuh-nl
  23. creative: kree-ey-tiv
  24. rightness: rahyt-nis
  25. integrity: in-teg-ri-tee
  26. imagination: ih-maj-uh-ney-shuh n
  27. creation: kree-ey-shuhn
  28. universe: yoo-nuh-vurs
  29. phenomena: fi-nom-uh-nuh
  30. paranormal: par-uh-nawr-muh l
  31. supernatural: soo-per-nach-er-uh l
  32. sympathy: sim-puh-thee
  33. naturally: nach-er-uh-lee
  34. commonly: kom-uhn-lee
  35. frequently: free-kwuhnt-lee
  36. recurrent: ri-kur-uhnt
  37. regularly: reg-yuh-ler-lee
  38. faithful: feyth-fuh
  39. performance: per-fawr-muh ns
  40. unusual: uhn-yoo-zhoo-uhl
  41. reputation: rep-yuh-tey-shuhn
  42. generally: jen-er-uh-lee
  43. action: ak-shuhn
  44. habitual: huh-bich-oo-uhl
  45. observe: uhb-zurv
  46. embarrassment: em-bar-uhs-muhnt
  47. inspiration: in-spuh-rey-shuhn
  48. activity: ak-tiv-i-tee
  49. animation: an-uh-mey-shuhn
  50. instance: in-stuh ns
  51. memory: mem-uh-ree
  52. placement: pleys-muh nt
  53. establish: ih-stab-lish
  54. effective: ih-fek-tiv
  55. example: ig-zam-puh l
  56. biology: bahy-ol-uh-jee
  57. reference: ref-er-uhns
  58. provide: pruh-vahyd
  59. sexuality: sek-shoo-al-i-tee
  60. advertisement: ad-ver-tahyz-muh nt
  61. agency: ey-juhn-see
  62. organize: awr-guh-nahyz
  63. surrounding: suh-roun-ding
  64. musical: myoo-zi-kuhl
  65. absent: ab-suhnt
  66. nonexistent: non-ig-zis-tuh ns
  67. vacant: vey-kuh nt
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